577c3 7A UN .La AND THE TETON BEE rot xT SO. 57. TRYON, FBmAY, jfbifis iC'Swfc $2X0 A "YE AB -.; - .-... ... ...... -j..,. ... r """"" ,-- r EBSOKA IS " MfsS Moa Tv 'ttm- . v. iicub r ienDye was Spartanburg Wednesday. . Mrs. Tue she j a Steelman visited rela . ZbL Asheville this week. , ue." Georgeanna LeCount left, day for NautIC onn., where .i ii soend the summer months. mm W. N. Cobb, of Rowlands N. uv g B- Bell and daughter, Miss : 1 returned home, Saturday , from (viVngton, D. C and Greensboro, The bOy Otuma " v-i w uuo- Tiipsdav in removine-the ilv enife'-" 1 " - , . . : hOOl nouse auu m b" i-ucjr a good job and deserve much ';;e One of the boys s cald t. that there were only 3,000,000 rocks to, be removed. Mr and Mrs. W. H. Marriott and Jn "Car roll, left Tuesday for Ohio, wliere they will spend thee summer Rev. and Mrs. B. J. Jones,.; Miss k'otherine Brown ana miss vaisy Mc fee attended Memorial services at Mill Spllllfi ouuu.a.j. v j; m?,;. .. Hev. H. N. liowne and family re turned from New York this week ubere they naa oeen 10 accompany the remains of Mrs. BowneB, cousin who died in iTyon last winter... ut Hon. T. T. Ballinger, ofAtianta-is spending some time in Tryon with re latives. 1 .. ' f - Messrs. B. L. Ballenger and 'W.. Wilkins were in Columbia, ;S (X, F6n business last week. ' i'xc. jy Mr. and Mrs. J. Foster Seiarlesieft Wednesday; for Osterville," Mass.; wliere they will spend the . summer, c Misses Mary . Lindsey s andr: Violet Bray spent Tuesday with friends - in Spartanburg, S. C-'-r-r- Mr. W. H. Ward left Wednesday for Chattanooga, Tenn., where he win open a branch 'office for the Southern Mercerizing Company. Mr. Ward's family will remain in Tryon - until their household effects reach Chatta nooga before leaving to join him. The people of Tryon are sorry ; to see them leave. . . v " . Mr. Gerald F. Stone twill leave on Saturday for Chattanooga, where he will be connected- with, the- Chatta nooga office of the Southern- Mercer izing Co. Mrs. Geo. B. Cobb returned home from a visit with relatives in Hender- onville, Tuesday. : - Miss Iva Eubank and Mrs. Lelia Norman were guests of Henderson- ville friends, Tuesday. , Miss "Margaret Lemort, of Hender- sonville, was the guest of friends in Tryon on Monday. Mrs. A. L. Hill left Monday after noon, for Mobile, Ala., from which place she will accompany her sister to New Orleans, where she will go for a surgical operation at one of the hospitals in that. city. As soon as hef sister is able to return to her home, Mrs. Hill will go to Corydon, la., where she and her son and daughter will spend the summer with Mrs. Hill's father and brother. Miss Pearl Keenan, who Is spend ing the summer in Spartanburg, spent Sunday with relatives in Tryon. Miss Irene Hudson, pastor's assis tant at the First Presbyterian church at Spartanburg, S. C, spent several days this week in Tryon, the guest of Mrs. Nelson Jackson. Hon. T. T. Ballinger, of Atlanta, is in Tryon for a visit of several, days He will remain until after the pri mary. . - Messrs. R. JR Ballinger and Julian Hester left Wednesday for Toledo, Ohio, to drive a couple Overland cars from that place to Tryon. The many friends of Miss Edith ihurston were glad to see her in Tryon again after spending the win ter in Havana, Cuba. Miss Edith says that her mother, who accompanied her, enjoyed excellent health while YQR SALE inj ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE 'Haying qualified as administrator J of .the estate of Henry Holbert, de ceased this is to "notify all who owe Modern, nearly new bungalowb residential part of Tryon, B-roomRi01? !ld 3?enry Holbert to make im- and bath, second floor ceiled with1 space for two nice rooms, screened porch, in rear, basement. flowering shrubs, nice lawn, with plenty flowers, , extra lot, firie views of mountains. Several fruit tma For full ..particulars write or phone James Leonard. mediate settlement and all persons haying claims against said Henry Holbert must resent same to me. within ' 12 months from this date or they-will be debarred Worn collecting same. This 4th" day of May, 1920. ; . , . r : C L. McFARLAND. it x Administrator NOTICE I Ono. June . first L sold my entire in-v terest InJ the Polk County Telephone Company f to Mr. Louis A. Avant. Tryon is . to be. congratulated in thus permanently locating Mr. Avant and also in having a Telephone expert in charge ptvthis; system : t v J. FOSTER SEARLES. PUMP FOR SALEDdnble-acting, deep well, Most-Foss &; Co., make. Thirty feet of 'pipe. Price $8.00. Apply at Crestwood . - 3t. IT is interestin g to note that among the ; earlier Buick Valve-in-Head motor cars manufactured there; are still hundreds of rthese Modeis iri active daily service. This wonderful ' endurance stamina consis tent; performance is.so-well established and maintained that the Buick car has become a definite standard of motor car value. Prospeitiye purchasers Buick owners- . and .the exacting public, find that these ' Buick assets are the basis for the enviable reputation of the Buick Valve-inrHead car today this unusual efficiency, quality and performance is found only in the Buick Vaive-in-Head motor car. J! PrictB f. o. b. Flint, Michigan Model K-45 Model K-4: $1595.00 Model K-47 $1595.00 Model K-49 $2235.00 Model K.-50 Frteee Rvi.d April 1. 1920 $2465.00 $1865.00 $2895.00 B41 When Better Automobiles are Built, Buick Will Build Them . JSV- ' A Trypnf N. C. gone and that they both enjoyed their winter in Cuba very much. 4