polk County is Land off Opportunity for the Fruit Grower, Stockman and TrucEtcr. Onvootigate! C. BUSH Publisher The Only Paper Published in Polk County A Live Clean Paper for the Home Price 5 Cents Volume XXV No. 48 Tryon, N. C, August 6, 1920. $2.00 a Year OUR COUNTY AGENT'S DEPARTMENT Some Timely Talks to Polk County Farmers, and others on Timely Sub jects by County Agent, J. R. Sams. Sow Cover Crops On Every Farm. you any of them? If so get after . xi. 7 "T them that week you need not cut Before the great war progress them down hintf but the had been made toward getting grubbing hoe win meet thdr some kind of cover crops sown needs they, must be grubbed, each fall on Southern .farms. they are the worst polk Count County agents and other ex- w w w tension workers stressed their from root stocks and seed. Please importance ana eacti year thou- -. va sanas oi aemonstrations gave - j, , , . . . . cu ciicmji. luu v wail U1XIXX proof of their value. Following that week, begin now and de the outbreak of ths war, how- stroy every one you can every ever, there was a great decrease dav. Then on that week mntp in the acerage sown to such crops a snPpifli pf w flnf1 fht wv This was due to labor shortage, ek following make it a point1 high priced-seed, unsettled con- tft iW ditions, and particularly to the shouid i00Se n0 opportunity at all stress of food production. t:mpa nf fht VP5ir fft nrnvo ty,fl We should now endeavor to re- soii and pastures, but every year train th ft lost, OTfilinrl anH nrrm'n i . . e" - we Snouia aevote at ieas4 a stress suitable cover crops as whole week in in August for part of the farm system for the this nurnose. Trv it for thrift South. Let us try to make the years and see what a difference early slogan of the Farmers' Co- it will make in the amiearance. operative Demonstration Work, and iooks of Polk County farms! mere are scores oi peauuiui a reality in every country in the farms in Polk County made un- boutn tnis year. sightly, by ditch banks and Winter cover crops has a special road sides being grown up in value on Southern Farms. They weeds and briars. Then so manv protect the land from washing, so called pastures all grown up prevent loss of plant food by in pines, bushes, briars, etc. un- leaching, turmsh grazing . for till poor milk cow can't get what livestock during the winter little sedge grass there may be months, and in the spring maybe f6r them. This is why I am mak- plowed under to the great bene- ins- this ulan for nasture clean- fit of the soil, or left for harvest for hay, grain or seeds. The small grains and the clovers are the most satisfactory crops - for this purpose. They are all adapted to Southern con ditions and soils. In most of the Southern states oats is the most important small grain. Not over 75 per cent of the amount needed for home consumption is now grown. The acreage in fall oats should be greatly increased. They can be produced cheaply, mature early, and can be foll owed in most of the States by corn and cow peas, cowpeas for hay, sweet potatoes, or other fall crops. Rye is better than fall sown oats in the northern tier of States of the southern group. Oats, rye, wheat, bur clover, crimson clover, and the vetches, sown with oats are all valuable as cover crops. The choice , will depend on your soil and location and the County Agent or the Agricultural College will advise you. - - Soil Consevation Campaign. mg ana son improvement, it takes clean rich land to make good pastures, just as it does to make good corn. But your, land if allowed to grow Japan "hop and white clover after years .will become rich enough to grow good blue grass and other val uable grasses. Now I know that the time is speedily coming that I must go from Polk County. It may be that this may be my last year, be it as it may, my heart is with Polk County. I want the farmers of this Country, the wives and children, to live more FIRST WEEK. J. F. Owens Jno. C. Fisher P. H.Ward P. W. Arlddge : A.tl. Ballard G. T. Gosnell J. H. Rhodes S. W. Kendall Jno McMurry. Robt Mclntire A. L. Hill D. H. Miller J. T. Waldrop U. G. Jones . T P. Womack J. E. CarsweU S. S. McMurray G. C. Turner W. H. Belcher Eugene Hill 0. L. Feagan Jno. W. Edwards J. 0. McKillip W. B. ArledgS W. F. Pack J. G. Corn R. E. Sellers L. B. Roach E. J. Bradley T. J. McDowell S. C. Lawter J. W. Gregg - A. A. Womack W.E.Cole J. R. Phillips E. W. Bradley SECOND WEEK B. E. Dimsdale C. M. Howes J. C. Metcalf ? G. A. Gash , Quency Powell E. W. Ballew J. C. Thompson W. C. Robertson John "Arledge ; W. G. Greenway : H. E. - Thompson . S. H. Slaughter James Lankford R. R. .Walker J. H. Holmes 0. D.j Gilbert G. 0. Womack ; E. C. Lynch SOME POLK COUNTY FIGURES Following are a few figures mm OUR FRIENDS IN THE COUNTRY giving the number of bushels. tons, bales, ete., of some of the Items of Interest Gathered From Various Sections of Pcjk County by Our products of Polk county farms. These figures do not include the grapes, apples, small fruits of all kinds, sweet patatoes, etc. T""V - w v ii uunng lyiy roiK county pro duced corn to the amount of 260, - f y i 11 iii i iuu ousneis wnicn naa an aver- 1 A Sft 1 1 1 - age value ot m.bd per Dushei. or a total of $481,182. Corps of Faithful Correspondents. Warrior Mountain. Polk More money has been reidized from early tomatoes from this section than ever before. r Doc Pace has been running his saw mill for some time, turning out some fine lumber. We "are glad to have the County News once more. Crops are exceptionally good in our section. Mr. J. Spurgeon Arledee is at w yjui nay ciup can, aau uugnu nuuic, iium uis worK m V irginia. - snakes SO far hut fftw havft ttta 1 W Z ' r T 1 i it m I ' w "icaacu gicttuj, uui wc miss jjura riawarQS oi iryon is been killed. raisftrl Inst vpa r on PnlW rnnntv r j opciiuiug cue wcc& wiui iciauvcs farms 673 acres grains cut green here. and 7 acres of clover, 650 acres Mr. Ned Anderson's sister has cow peas, 57 acres soy beans, returned to her home after an ex 300 acres crab and other hays tended visit. " 11 A 1 1 1 allot wnicn made an average yr Bonnie Rishon visited hia yield of 1.6 tons per acre. Also f ather at Horse Shoe Friday. Mr. Hoyt Thompson was the guest of his sister Mrs. W. B. Arledge last week. Misses Alice, Ada, and Pearl rays- Tallant, of Columbus motored up David Paty has just recovered a T4.4.i to their sister's, Mrs. Hosea Ar- from a severe case of miimps. one pound of cotton, yet little old , , t 7n !. i polk in 1919 marketed 665,000 ledge last Saturday. . Iuis, T. W. and Miss Flora pounds of that staple which sold Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Green of Bradley visited Dr.. Lmdsay at at an average price of 36 cents Silver Creek are visiting their Fmgerville, S, C. on last Wed per pound and put the neat little daughter Mrs. F. D. Arledge. nesday for medical treatment, sum of $239,400 Into the pockets Misses Mattie and Pearl Tallant The coveites were plentiful in of Polk county farmers. are in our burg for a brief visit. Saluda tSaturdy trading and ' 1 1 H 1 I mmm we ao not cut mucn oi a smne Tryon Route 1. when it conies to wheat, but we T7 57- roaenv ont 9 OQO Wfcoi . fW. We exceedingly glad to solH for S4 fl7S 50 - have the Polk County News en- better now Polk county fanners harvested ter our home again get busy all Migs M,e pace ha3 to oats to the value of only $665.38. ". auu; "a teach school at Buleah. i u.iMtt m ri-i.iirrifji nnm ith i m iriiiMi. C. C. Jones got a telegram re- weproducea z,euu tons ot corn J 1 . -1 " 1 1 ioaaer. uur nay crop naa an average value of $30 per ton and a total value oj $167,670. According to the U. S. cotton I reports Polk county does not raise Mrs. N. A. Price visited James Mills family Sunday. Joseph Price has returned from camps with an honorable dis charge. . Curtis Newman visited Posey Henderson Sunday. Jasper Henderaon is on a visit in Henderson county for a few swapping jokes. E. J. Bradley has been very sick for quite a while but is much correspondents, and let us make itIqo o von i rrt orl nwHirrQl o TMftot wn,iY. ma tn Urn o b.V " iCVU4UW wv little better as an agent to swell ThX best ient w! cently stating that his mother Mrs bank deposits... 6,070 bushels of fL ?Un- - A. C. Jones who resides at -Lynn this erain brotfcht $15,175.00. and ifcreiti&rir at-take-Junalua- v'.. Bradley wentto ka this week. LWhile our crops of tobacco, soy ' beans, etc were "so T"small " they were.included under the head of "all other, 6ur:crop of cow peas that was not . plowed under" gave us 5,292 bushels worth ii honest to goodness money $3.00 1 I per bushel. Mr. J. T. Waldrop recently en joyed the blue ridge breezes at the beautiful Lake Junaluska at tending the teacher's training the singing t - ML ; Lebanon cSun day. . Hurrah for the news and all of its readers and correspondents. Lynn. Rev. Dr. Pratt will preach here comfortable and easier than they entertamed 23 guests at a birth- ao toaosotnemustoearaa- day part;on Thursday last. school held there for Sunday We evidently had a sweet tooth school workers. last year for we produced a total Little Gwendolyn, daughter of next Sunday at 8 p. m. His many ot 40,850 gallons ot sorghum and Mr. S. B. Edwards who has re- fiends will be pleased to hear Birthday Party. it sold for an average of $1.10 cently undergone a serious, op him again. n . ; ;i,r - Little Miss Cordelia Williams i UUI1v . ' . puuu, i&tunB uii tcxj, Rev. Mr. Black made Uur production ot sweet pota- will return home this weeK. 4 .Why not set a week in which we will all work together for a whole week, at the same gen- ical . change. JNO country ever lived easy by an all cropping system of farming. The pasture and hay crops and the growing of live -i stock, must be en- couraged and built up. The soil lies at the bottom of all human happiness, and , contentment. The little folks had a most en joyable time playing games. Frances Ardell Harper won first prize in the peanut hunt and Bettie Selwyn the prize for pin ing the tail on the donkey. Dainty refreshments were served from a ; table decorated in pink and terns. Hiverv bodv hada Then why are we so reckless and wasteful with our soil. Why real g00b time. not spend tne wnoie oz weeKs in the vear instead of one in ? FINANCIAL Report a very intprpst.incr talk" to tha SnnHav put considerable, money into cir- Mrs Murphy Mull, : and little Unoo! folks last Simdav mincr culation,' just how much we do son 0f Cincinnati, Ohio, are not -know. Our Irish potatoes making an extended visit on Try- preach for them on the' fifth added to our wealth $9,970.50. on Route one amoner her many o11TQV The above does not include all friends and relatives. ' ,1 A c -a Of our products and some of the Mr Mr.: japk ouffv . 4iwt;e,letA ' . . ... j u . ' J - - 111 HIC VillillllOliCVi V1XU1V.11 UU1XU- items omitted sold for consider- spending a fortnight on Route, ine last Sunday night, temporary aoie sums. . i i fy Vo iQttcr'o I v i mi . j xvccpixxis nwucvi xVi v t-vvvi. w accommoaauons Deiug iurmsnea. The average prices ipaid for our c ther while she is away at Tho A, raM.im ; some very - valuable im- productswere Corn, $179; wheat th hospital with baby Gwendo- maVm? $2.45; oats, 1.03; rye, 2.50; Irish r ' making 7 $1.53; apples' fbbl) $7.60; ' Mr. Shaford Edwards, after jng nay ,. - :i .iA. spenuing a cuupxc ux. wee wim w informed that all the studying, working, and planning Tryon Graded School District for year per ton, $30; cotton, 36c; butter, Watson Ed- 1V 97p 1140 " " 19-20. ..$ 242.06 ...2643.16! to build un and better care for our soils? Try on your way 1 you will never build ud your farin ' J.T . U .nnn eral nnmose .Tnst think what sou,. except tuiuugii uwi could pppomnlishpH in one farm crop rotation, pastures, week, if every body would get ?7e'-f1f and intelligent use on the same iob and keep at it 11 weil noiioweu: xexunx axxu for a RnlM wppV von see a week lime. &0 JUSt let us open up uui only has six work days,, and how "Think Boxes' and bestow more fact tW off nrn wa arA mteiiegem, UimiVXIlS upuxx wui doin crnoH nnrpct f aithf nl work, farm - operations and old Polk Snnnnw wo cot ociHo tKo Will Diossom as wxe xuoc, uux xuiai oaiaxy lurnncipai. iisio.w ond week in Aimust. beffinnimr young men wm -.ue juyxui, . -uui xouu oaiary lu xeacners-.oioi.oo. o - " :i 1 l -rT- tj : Monday August 8th, to Saturday our young women wm u wCC, uS : a mi '.l..' ann rnnifim. a,iiu uiu mexx wxxx r vhm i ri tr nrr iirn itip us vp mm m i --- l-Illll XXWAV.k" . V RECEIPTS Balance June 30, 19. .. Local Tax From County State . funds..;:........ 2990.00; Sale Glass Ballenger Co 24.00 Total. ............. 51c; live chickens per lb, 27c; sorghum per gal. $1.10. Not so bad f er a small county like Polk the best place m the world to live. Tryon Methodist Church. teachers for our school have been wards and two brothers, , return- secured and that school will be- ed to his home m lexas. I QontoKor fit Born to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hoi- . w q .. f . p . . bert a son. , . i Av i cxictrge ui Liie wurxs. uie scxiuui News -was wafted,.-that:. Mr. Ji)U:ijne nn i- 1 . j n J I ' 15111 racK was marnea ounaay. i TJ? . . . Mr. P. Morris, Superintendent perhaps we will learn who he T mvs i j i i. ltynn .$5899.22 DISBURSEMENTS 126.50 Fuel and Janitor.....:. : .. 218.30 and our old wo- Ljnsurance........ 1.. 42.50 676.32 .6.00 158.77 62.35 timo fnr umrL- Qnil nrrryar. grOW yonger vation. Why not use that week me willbecome the salt : of the Interest on bond. in cutting bushes, briars, weeds, eartn ecause ,Sa etc. and placing them in gullies tnai uie ;frT T X- " " jmd o i-.xr, '-rt for browse on the best pastures, the Other expenses M..v uoic uiawco un ituu ... .. i' j j l t- t i t - , nf TJIl, n,.x.,. rri- -ii x-W tuil milK pa" wxxi w gxovxvicxx ax. un xxanu uune ov...... xto.vo x vyuuxxty ixixs wxxx w 1, 1, o. r . right time of vear to clean up tneir neaxts, um, . Total t,Q noofn j rv men will become a young gin "" co-u.j.co O.XXU UU DUV.11 w Ui iv. . ,nl i -. i tit;i1 I p j i i and tneir cneeKs win xjiusxx wxwxx - . Begm now and plan to .give that ana te their hearts will - How seeds Are Distributed. weeK entirely, if p0SSlble;t0tnat iW - . , , Among the most curious methods of . kind of work. If you love no sing the melodies oi youm again, geed distribution are those seeds 1 1 . I - HI i I tr r . r a rc ri rrV ' 4-- - oil Yn cni iaa rT. ttai i ; ,i fOWYi -.r.xr hnmp win nnrsr wirn I " .-. -x..wfe . o.- JUUi XXXUl V 1UUCU acw., I 1XXU. C V J. jr w - - then you are fortunate. But what ;ov and delight. ; Respectfully : J. R. Sams County Agent. of Sunday School. Rev. J.. 0. ,Cox, Pastor. Service for August 8th as fol lows: 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. All who arc . not members of other schools are cordially invited to attend. census of the dogs in was taken just now- we would not doubt the fact that Protracted meetmg at. 4ie'M. tnis was sure enough dotr davs. Hi. cnucn at mui spring Degms married by next week. Sunday next. Fishtop. It is said that some' will gladly pay 35 or 40 cents for a drink of booze and kick on paying a dime for a good refreshing coca - cola. J. A. Steelman, Sec-Treas. about that pasture, is it clean of bushes, briars, and weeds?;What about those miserable yellow oioommg stick weeds ; that pro mise to take Polk County? Have The HEWS, $2 per year. wings, such as the; maple, which has two wings, and the catalpa, the elm, the ash and the pine. These seeds, do not flap . t-elr . wings like , birds, but depend altogether upon -the force of the wind . to carry . them along. . Other floating seeds are the irvUkweed, thi tie and dandelion. We seem to take new life since The inconsistency of man hath - Ll.T .-4- I -nr i;wIf 8-50 n Tn Prenchino- hv the ine lMews naa mauc iu aypvaicxxuc ixv xumt. " . . . .Ij.! . . noctnr- Snhipt- "What Shall again, we am nut www uwwici ine roiK uoumy iNews took a v.-. 4 4-T , . , I do with Jesus?" A cordial in- we realize now mucu tne long sleeping speu, the longest ,r;fof; i0ovtpnrlpHtnalltn rome News(the best paper ever, pub- m its lifetime. We are glad to QnH wnrhin - with us uished here j until aepnvea oi it. see it wake up and take on new Aiv " tr- . , ... LI... . . . ...... T?rror-tv, TmiP mPPts each iN ow lets an raiiy to its support Ufe. it is to jte hoped that its & t w 0wf; ' nj.'i j.1 i. Jl . . . -. ana snow tne rxiiwr mat. we uu luture may oe ongnter ana more sympathize with him in - his as profitable to itself and the people well as our great loss .we sus- it comes in contact with: tained. Once more we would ask, what ; Crops are not as good, as might has become of the money that have been hid the season, been was appropriated to repair the more even. (old macadam road? .T P. RraHlev nmhahlv has the I " UTtj A R Tamoa Ja voto ccc motives and .automobiles and tractors , . . , and motorcy cies can run alongside and best lot of corn, in the country. Her many f nends are very anx- cuDneti i luexi- u1"-? lu ? i . jyir J JK. oams please Visit I loua cuucennng ner. r;JrrSSrrL land us when going" around. Wednesday evening at 8:30. Air Power. An Italian inventor has produced a scheme by which vehicles or wheels -and carriages and springs are to be propelled by air. According to the accounts, the scheme is to have nuge tanks by the wayside holding vast quantities of , compressed air. , Loco- (Continued on page 4):

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