70II1 County is the Land off Opportunity or Frait Grower, StocEutian and TrucEior. Investigate! C. BUSH Publisher The Only Paper Published in Pclk Ccanty A Live Clean Paper for the Home Price 5 Cents .Volume XXVI No. 9 Tryon, CV August 13, 1920. $2.00 a Year (TT)Tf F OUR COUNTY AGENT'S DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Interest .on -bonds.. Renorfc of the rfcremt nd dis- Dock Douglas labor.. .... Alex Beatson teaming..:... Some Timely Talks to Polk County Farmers, and others, on Timely Sub- for fiscal year ending May i 31st, MissiWine Pharmacy rent jects, bv County Agent, J. R. Sams. . -. 1920. - Carolina Hdw. Co. supplie receipts . Joe burley supplies At a meetinerof Columbus town-1 Twpnt.vflnpWnf nfciMrc ttal on hand .Tuna i 1Q1Q ,srk 9.8 ween Lumber Xo ship citizens held in my office raised last year at the central Collected from licences.. 404.50 won Electric Service Co. sometime ago. It -was decided plant an xact record kept of the Borrowed from banks.-....J 942.40 January, 1920 vv. a. wnson salary. :. 240 001 11 75 6 00 5 00! 8 54 2 64 12 30 46 83 mm OUR FRIENDS IN THE COUNTRY Items of Interest Gathered From Various Sections of Pck County by Cur v Corps of Faithful Correspondents. ' Cross Keys, All are, invited to attend these debates. sewer tax... Fairs 150.00 96.00 , " " all other ? ' sources , 83.15. Ballenger Morris trip to Tntal rpppmts K fi27 ftt XJolumbuS .. : . 2 to turn the matter of a Columbus feed eaten, its cost, and the Collected from taxes. ......::.35 30 .,.?4-r 4-V.Ir. -FnM nttna - I 1- J- i 1 1 1 1 1 . ' it J ' '- ' 1 f t tf comuiujubjr iau tmo xan uvcx cu- weigm oi tne cnicKs -at various tirely to the women, of the town- ages. . ship to see what the comparsion The average weight at the end would be with other comunity fair of eight weeks was .82of a pound in the County run by men. To It required an average weight this end Mrs. J. W. Newman, was of 3.2 pounds of grain and 3.2 elected President, Mrs. J. A. pounds of buttermilk to produce Feagan, Vice President, and Mrs. a pound of gain. At prevailing Mr. McFee, judge $ E. W. S. Cobb, Sec. & Treas. prices of feeds, the cost of the Muller Mfg. Co. supplies. Today July 20th these officers feed was 20 cents a pound which Sawer Motor Co. fitting. met and appointed the following represents about 50 per cent of Sou. Express Co. r 2. 15 commitees, viz. Finance" commit- the total cost of . raising chicks Tryon Elec. Service Co..; 45 .00 tee, Mrs. S. B. Edwards, Mrs. during 1919. Alex Beatson teaming..... 22 25 J. A. Milis salary M. G. Blake salary....... We are clad to crefe the News 85 00 once more, we appreciate - the u ieiaerana famuy mov 70 00 effort that the editor is putting ed to Melvin Hill recently and 30 00 fourth in the way of eettimr out m now comiortaDiy located m o a I vt. ... w . Tryon water works bor. . 150 00 a good paper, since the printing rnilip ilenaerson s residence. office was destroyed by fire. There is ah interesting and in- 50 Thft shower that wa a w Via v. structive Bible school going on at DISBURSEMENTS June, 1919 Tryon Electric Service Co... 47 08 ing are fine on the cropssome church here taught by C. B. Mil- Joe Alewaine teaming 2 00 r eoruary, lvrzu 4 v ;?J.?k sala,ry - -52 daughters, of Charlotte, are spen- 5 10 Mrs. Robert Barnette. and 8 50 R. G. Hamilton, Mrs. Robert Mc- Farlan, Miss Alice Tallant, and Mrs. J. J. Landis,. Leaders for different departments were ap pointed as follows, viz. farm and field crops, J. R. Sams, Horticul- What To Do Now. Will i King, labor.... W. A. Wilson. 12 25 55 00 Prepare and sow a good turnip J. A. Mill.. 40f00 Patch. ' , M: G. Blake . 30 00 W. A. Wilson- salary. .... 70 00 J. A. Mills, salary. 50 00 Tryon Elec. Service Co.. , 49 18 C. C. Raines, sand ........ ....... 4 30 Carolina Hdw.- Co. Sup.. 2 05 Clayton Constanfce teaming 94 20 ding some time W. M. Barnette. Mr. Rucker Blann and family of Henrietta are visiting the home of Mr. Henry Cantrell. Miss Etta Head of Henrietta is Locate your turnip patch where Bank of Tryon intrest....... 240 00 you expect to have a pasture, Calvin Houpe... : - 3 75 ture Department, John J. Smith then order some pasture mixture .July 1919 garden department Mr. and Mrs. and mix with your turnip seed, V: A.-'"' -Wilson..........!..: $ 55 :00 Eli Patty. Flowers, Mrs R. G. and you will start a good pasture j, a. Mill.. 40 00 Hamilton. Canned fruits and at no expense except the grass m. G Blake . . 30 00 Alex Beatson.. : Perry Bomar labor..! ...... March 1920. M. G. Blake Sal.:. W. H. Wilson Sal.. . Bud Mills Sal ...... Alex Beatson teaming.. Tryon Elec Serv Co... .... 50 20 visaing in this section. 12 30 30 00 35 00 25 00 23 50 49 18 vegetables, Mrs. H. H. Edwards seed. Just try it one time 'and Coke Bivings labor .2 50 Ed Mills' labor......;. , 4 50 Pantry supplies, Mrs. E. B. Cloud you wont quit at that. Alex Beatson teaming and Mrs. Logan McMurray. Live Make arrangements now for a Carolina Hdw. Co. supplies stock, Mr. C. J. Lynch, sewing cane mill to make your sorghum. Berry Mills labor and fancy work, Mrs. Carnegie If you have no mill and can't Tryon Elec. Service Co... .1 and Miss Alice Tallant. . rent one, buy one, and buy it Polk Co, Tel. Co The leaders of each department now. n Green Lumber Co. have all the men, women, boys, Now during these seasons is a P. G. Morris f ire dept and girls of the township to draw great time to sow grass, clover Jas. Lankford repairing upon for service, and the leader an(j alfalfa seed. - town hall who can coax, conscript, or in any farm", should have an Dick Douglas labor way get the most folks interested L,ial jy-, ft;wlEa Mills labor mur ColumbusCommumty fair next'August Prepare land well will betheone who deserves most rtT; Sow cover crops this fall on att lands in cultivated crops. Don't allow any fields to go bare this winter. The protracted meeting is in progress at Hickory Grove this week. , The baptising will beheld at Greens Creek next Sunday mor ning at 10 o'clock, August 15th. B. B. Flynn has been appointed mail carrier on Landrum route 4. Mr. Luther Collins leaves this credit for the great fair we will have next October I now and here serve notice that none, can try harder than myself, to make my department the best of the whole show. Calvin Hope labor 17' 50 Perry Bomar labor... 5 00 Jim McDowell labor ... 19 00 Jess McClure teaming..... 8 40 August, 1919 Calvin Houpe labor ....... .. 11 25 M. G. Blake salary 30 00 66 50 copies canK & Trust uo. auu uu 6 15 Geo. Zigler labor.: . 9 90 1 75 Ballenge Morris Fire dept 110 93 will begin three years work in 45 00 April 1920 the navy. He likes the navy so 105 W. A. Wilson,, salary 70 00 well that he had to go back. He 2 55 J. A Mills, salary 50 00 served in the navy during the 10 78 li. maKe, salary.: uu war. making some fifteen trips to Frank Jackson, taxes...:....:. 7 76 France. 25 00 Joe Aiewine, iaDor-- w that some lumber is 25 .iPff LeiZier ?or- jbeing hauled oa the ground for Carolinna Hdw. Co. sup. 13 95 Perry Bomar, labor. ... 2 10 Calvin Cheek,, labor..........:, 28 35 Tryon Elec. Service Co.... 49 78 ler of this place. All are invited to attend the'Bible school (no tui tion.) w ' i Mr. Simp Johnson has been quite poorly for sometime. Mrs.1 Laura Morris and child ren of Cliffside are visiting the v former's sister Miss Candace Cal-. vert this week. Miss Dora Bryant and her brother Earl of Mitchell county are attending the Bible school here. . MissLula Greenway of Ark-' wright visited her ' aunt Mrs. Callie Johnson last week-end. Miss Cole and Miss Huntley of Rutherford Co. visited their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Gurmane Our Poultry Protect Don't forget that pasture cam- iT H Mills salarv 40 00 paign. Cut bushes, briars and w A Wilson salary'. 55 00 ti dim lvicijuweu Trim up your, roadsides and Alex Beatson teaming ... weeds this month. Last week Mr. J. E. Iyey com pleted his third series of poultry ditch banks, and see how it will Dick Douglas labor....... ..... schools in Polk county. Six of improve the looks and the do of Carolina Hdw. Co. sup...... 34 80 these schools were conducted m your farm. Tryon Elec. Serv. Co ....... 46 50 each town- 10 00 46 00 12 50 the county; one in ship. They were well attended, ex cept two that should have done better. I have somewhat to com plain of those who accepted free eggs from the state. . or one clause of the agreement was that they woulji attend these schools. But their reports show that most of them have made good prog- progress, and results, alter an, is what we are after. But un lessjvve can show by reports that something lis being done, the work will be discontinued. I have not yet received reports from many who received eggs from the state. Mr. Hershall McSwain, Landrum Route 1, has submitted the best reoort ud to date. Last year he received 30 eggs, hatched out 14 chicks, rais ed 8 pullets and 5 cockerels. He i sold and kept for breeding pur poses 435 eggs and 4 cockrels for breeding purposes, besides all the eggs his family used; and has on hand 45 pullets and cock erels and eight hens for future i use. Others who have not re ported may have done better than this. , All who received eggs I from the state and have not re ported, please do so at once. Just crive me the number or eercfS -re ceived, number broken if any, number ot chicks hatched, num ber raised, number eggs sold and i number now on hand. MICKIE SAYS: tt ti it to rrr mi. - mMAi. a nenry reatt lauor... xo to i ill- ihi in vv i it it i it ii. 1 1 rrt iclj. or,H it hnnl rivft more with Peoples Bank and trust in w nnVps k thpv are. . ' Company bond......., 5 00 'U'"UV1 " . " T ..T 1-1 3 1- J ?0 A A d.J. j-iyeny, oioou nuuiius o& September. 1919 Mrs. S. H. Olivers :. 42 24 Tryon Electric Service Co 45 00 Polk Co. Tel. Co... 2 55 John Orr & Co. supplies 85 Carolina Hdw. Co. supplie 10 80 W..A. Wilson . ....:..... ..... 30 00 J. A. Mills supplies. .25, 00 W interest on note. 7 60 Alex Beatson teaming. .. 28 00 Dick Douglas labor. 3 75 Harry Peak labor ... !.. . 8 75 October 1919 ueu -tvv PAPa ea-o wvvc& n GOOD PUJ&3 Of TUtWVS&UJCQU 3-UW& GOOD TOJUECS OX. EOT -cuewe good exvicsew,.TDOj Jim Paine, labor. Wilkins & 'Co. cement.....: May 1920. M. G. Blake Sal W. A. Wilson Sal.............. Bud Mills Sal Dick Douglas labor. 10 70 . 2 20 30 00 40 00 55" 00 25 50 Alex Beatson teaming 24 00 Jno Adams labor .......... T. W. Ballew Sup. . Green Lumber Co...... . Joe Aiewine. .labor.. . WATER WORKS DEPT. ' ; RECEIPTS Water refits collected .....$3210 56 Borrowed from banks....... 847 25 Bal. June 1,19, : -L;. 809 41 Total receipts.. $4867-22 . EXPENDITURES M. G. Blake, salary. .. .. .. $470 00 W. A. Wilson, salary.......... 150 00 week for Atlanta Ga. where he Huntley last week. There will be services at the church here next Sunday at 11 a. m. also at night at 7:30. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Mr. Clarence Steadman has ately purchased himself a Bris- i M Fosterf Headtls'Fuilding for himself a residence' on his es tate. " " ' " .. ' ' ' . Elders Branorn and Reed went to Rutherf ordton last Sunday for the purpose of ordaining two mininsters to the eldership. Mrs. Hester Peterson of Ches- nee attended church here Sun day. Mr. Nun Tipton of Spindale was up in these parts last week end. ? Mr. Wiley Harrell of Mitchell county is attending, the Bible school here.. We were glad to see our good News again, and hope for her greater success than ever. We are wishing to hear from all over the county too ; So correspond ents lets all get busy and help ' make the News interesting as possible. All good wishes to the Editor and staff. A . Fishtop. v the new Dormitory at Greens Creek, that is to be erected soon. Messrs. H. G. and B. B. Flynn made a business trip to Spartan burg last week. . - Miss Bernice Jackson of Tucka- pau, S. C. is visiting in this sec tion. 4 Mr. Laxton Bridges and wife, spent Saturday night at the home of Mr. D. P. Welborn. . Miss Grace Hines returned 1 00 home last week from, Durham. 1 82 N. C , where she has been attend- 6 05 ing summer school. 8 50 13 05 lt Lebanon. Every one seems to be so glad to have the Polk county news Carolina Hdw Qo. Sup...... Tryon Elec Serv Co, .:..: 48 93 Ballenge Morris gas and trip - 1 55 once more, Tnni HicWspmPTits $5 032.R4 -CroDS are very good in this .www .-. . ' -I . . - . - 1 1 Balance June 1, 1920..... ..: 60779 section, Dut would nave oeen mucn Detter naa tne season Deen W. A. Wilson salary.... ..... 70 00 Bud Mills,, salary. 25 00 more even. Mr. Ragan Thompson who has a position near Greensboro, N. C. with the Western Union tele graph Co. , is spending a couple of weeks, with parents Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thompson. i Born to Mr. and Mrs. Markie Constant a son. J. A. Mills salary 50 00 M.' fc. Blake salary : ' 70 00 Dick Douglas labor........ 34 50 Tryon Electric ser- vice Co. ...:. :. .. : ..: r 46 50 Carolina Hdw. Co. supplies. 2 75 Green Lumber Co. .. .. .... 2 66 Harry Holbert teaming . ... 4 00 1 65 Carolina HdW. Co. sup...... 82.83 Int. on bond and note 3105 00 Luther Durham, labor.:..... 3 00 Will King, labor........ ... '11 00 Henry Peak, labor 10 00 G. W. Paine, labor S. L. Carson, labor..: Joe Gurley, supplies ..... Montgomery & Crawford supplies..:. Ti W. Bradley sang for the Mountain Grove church Sunday. There will be preaching there all of this week by Rav. Jackson. A horned snake has been re- Mrs. C. O. Gilbert and children fhf Kilnrivv incf wk. of Dade City, Fla., are spending A T , ; . , 4-u m'4x. Mrs. A. E. Jones was buned the summer with parents, Mr. , n. g woTO . r rtC,. A - jnr t. i bt: at the Gnmes graveyard beside and Mrs. Joel Sherfey. , , , , b , t . mi . her husband, on her own place Miss Mamie Thompson of Sunda She leaves three sons, 6 00 Tryon spent : baturday and bun- five daughters, grandchildren and 6 00 day with home folks. great grandchildren. She was 1 79 We are clad to know Mr. J. C. abniif R7 vpam nid ttq yten Newman is improving, after be- member of the Baptist church at 8 75 ing treated by Dr. Lindsay, of Silver Creek for fifty years,: : Joe Gurley supplies. T "I tut -C: J 4. 1 CQ n, AA n: 111 ' n r,u.murii lucueyu. ; pxamps - o.w r mgerviiie, o. u,. People are anxious to sell-out November, 1919 btal.e Lab. ot Hygiene, Mrs Curtis Garette, is visiting now since the dam has been buiit W. A. Wilson salary . u uu analysis... : . 7 ix w home folks here. : above us, but cannot sell for half J. A. Mills salary 50 00 Dick Douglas, labor .. 17 50 Revival services wiU berfn here what it is valued at as it not on- -nr i- t-i 1 OA AA T1 T A T,,-. 1 Ofk QKO Qt I . w I . ' 1V1. salary . . ov w oai. .uu u.ouu o uuc x, S,1T1 -dav Ancniat. 1 Kt.h lv rpptyiq Hnno-Awviia n na hnf. tei Dick uougias iaDor...: . .. 32 00 Total disbursements,....$4867 22 Cecil & Petty repairs.... Alex Beatson teaming. ....: Tryon Electric Service Co. Ballenger Morris repairs Carolina Hdw. Co Cost of Raising Chicks Results of studies on the cost of raisincr chicks made by N..C. "Hall, Columblal" "Hall, Columbia," was written by Joseph Hopkinson, April, 29, 1708, when the United States was threat ened with a war with France. It was nocH to the air of the "Presi- dent's March;' for a young actor and Ballenger Co. uniform singer In the Philadelphia theater, ana became at once highly popular. ,. One Goo Point. Jud Tunklns says one thing he ad- ls tnai wnen xue 4 80 51 00 46 50 3 60 37 90 M. G. Blak, Supt . , . n... mirPR about gasoline AgriCUltAirai Hixpenmeni Dtauuu -ce goes, op no one stops to worry aregiveii -in the annual report vou,with explanations' you can't am- Which savs. : derstand. for police.- : . December, 1919' W. A. Wilson :.: ..:... J. A. Mills .. M. G. Blake:...t...:;.. Bank of Tryon note 45 00 60 00 55 00 Many Accidental Drownings. Accidental - drowning caused 5,550 deaths, or 7.4 per 100,000, in this coun try last year. This rate Is considera bly less than that for any precemng vear since 1910, and is also aeciaeaiy below the average for the decade 1901 1910. . Melvin HiSL We are having -plenty of rain and the crops are looking fine. School , started here the 2nd. with Prof. Kreider and wife of Asheville, in charge. others also; and well it may. If another flood as In 1916 should come, and the dam burst, it would sweep this section to Kingdom Come. .-. When it cleared up a few days I back almost all were fearful that There was a debating society a SDeU was on hand and organized last Saturday evening much damage to crops' would be , wmcn is 10 meet at ane scnooi the result but now it seems that buildine every Saturday nicrht 1 oa aa ganlzed when its rhain object is to fit .--j-Ij ' 1, TKo c,W rtr. . " rf , 1 - 30 00 for college, it should benefit the many mdefimtely. The subject f or ag it rains almost every day. 500 00 rather than the few. Phillips. next debate is Woman buifrage. (continued on Daee 4) Object of Public School. , The public school is wrongly v