v. poialiiT ' 1 SGL0N3 I C. BUSH n RSON BEFORE ASSEMBLY TO MESSAGE Volume Xr IN DETAIL OUR C&lb State Will Not Ratify. f On the eve of what promises to in many; respects, themost specta session of the" North Carolina g assembly in recent years, Bupf of the Siissan . Anthony ami'.; 5xpres3 the belief "that rati dpoxned in the house, bu,tv pass the senate. Even - doubtful. j-r ,' Governor Bicket' deal only witfrf ; Later, he will 'fV on woman . " ; Opportunity for the Fruit Grower, StocEtmaa and Trucker. DnvcDC'-trto! The Only Paper Published in Polk County A Live Clea Paper for the Home Pries 5 Ccats and othff: Tryon, N. C. , August. 20, 1920. ' 7 $2.00 a Year s Some Timely Talks to Polk County Farmers, and others, on Timely Sub jects, by County Agent, J. ft. Sams. XWO CLUB MEMBERS SHOW HOW TO DO IT. Total Profit in Poultry Club Work Last Year $546.79-Fourth Year In Club Work. How a brother and sister, work ing together for the fourth year in club work, have cashed in on . - . . . -. . the instruction given them by the Extension Service, is told in this letter to Ar G. Oliver, . Poultry Club Agent for N. C, in the Tar Heel Club News. "Here is what myself and hay brother Paul did on our back lot in 1919, with 60 hens, divided equ ally into three varieties 20 S. C. White Leghorns, 20 Barred Ply mouth Rocks, and 20 S, C. Rhode Island Reds.-We have mated pens of each and sold eggs for hatching to the amount of $125, also sold market eggs and chick ens, for $468.74 total of $593.74. Feed and other, expenses for the year were 279. 22; leaving a prof it of $296.52. Other children can do as we did if they have a good poultry house and some purebred poultry "Mr. Oliver, you have been so kind to give us the good advice along our poultry raising. We won 27 first prizes in 1919 "More yet. We wish to tell you about our pigeon and squab business.- We have about 100 pairs of Homing and White King they do not appreciate what they have, and a . few ' straglers like myself : who by s good fortune their duty calls them there, and why a county, having such an asset win continue to let it re main unknown and undeveloped j mi, ' ,i - . . geis my goat as tne. saying goes. Then why a , town like Saluda, that lives almost half the year from products grown down there, lay supinely dormant With such an asset undeveloped rigth in the back yard, or front yard as the case may be. . Polk county and Saluda should not rest dav nor night until that and Cooper Gap section have better road facilities, which in a short time ii j .11 i ii i wuuia aaa taxaDie values, many i times the cost of opening up bet ter road ways. It. is worth several times the cost of the trip down there, just to see those winding stairs going down and coming back, you make only 21 zig zag, wind about' s to get down, and just as many to get back out, and it is the only way out, - except to climb out, then another sight to behold is Mrs.Tom Pace' &ock 0f Rhode Island Reds you all know that she is the woman who has such a bad hen pecked husband She has him under such con troll that she really has a real modern hen house not a great sky scraper that would have broken Tom OVERBROOK ORCHARD. . - . . ,. ... An Example of the Profitableness of Fruit Growing in Polk County. In 1900 Dr. J. C. Bushnell who was out of health and a man of about 50 years but determined to live, after looking over different sections, located Overbrook Orch ard one mile from Saluda, where m this healthy climate with its fine "Lithia" waiter plenty of sunshine and fine air and water drainage he believed he could de- Velop a good orchard, i As Saluda lies between two deep valleys and the cold air seeks the lower lev els, while Saluda basks 'in the sun i mi ' ' 1 ' ' " ". ' smne. mis is gooa tor truit as Rev. Lkis Leaves. Rev. Roy : Lewis departed on Tuesday i;f or a visit with ... . ? i - . nomevtoiks.at pill Spring, N. C. He will resume his college work at Louisville, y.,' this, fall and will complete his course next June, when hintends to: retnrn to Adams andagam take up his work some whlrcfin this;western - . . country, During his two years stay here as pastor of the Baptist church he mace a host of friends who will be gild to welcome him kback. We arefsure that the moth er in that far :way state ean'feel justly proud ;bfher boy .'as we f R01 OUR FRIEWDS IM THE COUtJM -. , Items of Interest Gathered. From Varisus Sections xf Pc;k Ccusty by Czx Corps of Faithful Ccrresposdents. ' HHIcrest . . . . - ; Mrs. J. T. Camp and wife announce the marriage of their daughter Priscila Calvert, to Mr Chism, at Sequin Texas, on the 28 of July, 1920.. Mrs. W. C. Kidd and Miss Louanna Kidd, and their niece Miss Ora Anderson, who have been visitine their brother and It n m nil IrnrkixriS Vi.Vvi f V r tic I ' t t- x n -rr i - Uxwxyv. ix xxi. uncie jR-ev. j. Hi. ividd were re- latter's sister Mrs. E. iW. : S. Gobb. - . Mrs. P. Burgess and -son of Asheville, N, C. are visiting Mrs. E. B. Cloud. . " Mrs. Annie Philips is in thehos pital at Rutherfordton. J"- ' Miss Adelina hitman bak re turned from a visit to her uncle Will Splawh of Landrum, S. C. Miss Annie Lois Mills is visit- folks and gives to both a lovely v0 years ?s3a broad mmded called to' their home in Fayet- mg relatives m Srrtanburg. colon r energetic booker for our town, ville, Tenn., on account of the There wilUbe a. meeting of the - Having purchased this piece of d aPablev mat wherever put, illness of Miss Anderson's sister-citizens of Columbus and Cblum heavily , wooded land we went aiT you can'W md ' aine but Ambrose Mills Camp", who has bus township next Friday p. m. at to work to clear the grou been working in "Akron, l Ohio, court house to organize a corn- began to set the orchard which ihere is aigplace m Adams for several months is at , home munity club' for community bet- Doultry house, which is 90 feet long for one pen of pigeons mak ing a flying pen outside for them to sun and be out in, and are .us ing part of the barn loft for one pen. "Pigeons are very profit able also when handled properly. They are not so much trouble as poultry. We ship, squabs almoJ: has now grown to 1600 trees. JiUu" vvTf J- 7 ? LU He chose his varities well plant- reLuriu "f115 eo' ul0De ing largely of Stark's Delicious, PRf iHRAIll c?-j- Tir: : j n -. v Beauty, also Grimes Golden, Sunday School Convention at Pea Oliver Reds; Jonathans, Winter H Ridge, August 29, 19Z0. Banana and a variety of good 10:00-Devotion4; Exercises 1 1 1 1 . n 11TL!1.1 eanv summer am es. cnerries. r.-.wmie for a while. . terment. Women as well as men Miss Fanny Dickerson, of Ruth are invited. . erfordton is visiting Miss I Mary Camp. Uehin IUIL Rev. E. peaches, plums and grapes, all 0f 1030Qualifictgm of Sunday School i . i 11 1 vr . : leacners. xh. j. jones. which grow well here, with finest 11:00sermon. lev. Roy Lewis. Of. color, flavor and greatest per- 12:Oo' Adjourn fr dinner. Served on fection. i)r. Bushnell thorolv erounds ' s! 1 cared for the orchard and brought :1:30-Irnportanof Organized Classes : in. is. frieage ana Ridings. 2:00 Sunday Sihpol as an Evangelical it to bearing apples which have I taken first premium at National, State Tri-State and various county apple shows. He deserves great j credit for giving to Polk County! the demonstration that it can pro duce such fine fruit. He has re ceived his financial reward, and w-rr 1 A ' 1 1LC1VCU inosiiiiaiiviai IVVVUIU. CtllVA pigeons no use one enuoi ouriraceup to .bmld-It is-juSt..ufspenr winter in Cal.rivitatioK eindci-to all t!. comi: cummun sense auairs; just iiKe fnY.;a u0 Airei fnlifnrnii iring mncn wita you Mrs. Pace is a common sense wo- and- its many attractions,- but man just sucn a nen nouse as any farmer in Polk, county that is worth killing could provide for his wife if he would half try. Then you just ought to see how well kept that hen house is not a. louse nor a mite in It Think every week. They are dressed how those beautiful red birds en- and packed in ice and shipped to j0y life as they sit on those com New York. In 1919 we sold 785 1 f brtable perches and . dream of squabs, which was not a 'very the cold winds, snows and. rains good amount on account of loosing that other farmers chickens must some young ones in January and endure that have no place', but February. The amount received the wagons, horse troughs, bug for these was $445.23 feed cost gies and etc. on which to roost $194.96, amount of profit, $250. 27 FWell: this is digressing some -Aileen Wagner and Paul Wag- what; but 'remember we are at ner, Newton, N. C. - writes thabfor-real enjoyment he prefers Saluda and its attractions The orchard is sprayed 5 to 7 times, examined for borers twice County Fair, ix be Jield oh Octo in each year, and pruned of all ber 10 and li, are requested to Misses Bertha Mathis and Dewey fourteen year old so n Daisy Jones, Hillcresf students, of S. S. laughter, got to dly hurt spent the week-end at home. at school last Thursday- while tut a a -t fu it playing base ball. . The ball Mr. Setzer and wife, of Ruther- V , v. "4.1.1. j i 1 . , j , struck him on the head knocking f6rdton brought their little daugh- him down and rendering him ters back Jo Hillcrest Sunday. most unable to get -home. . The Rev. Ambrose Mills spent last Dr. - was called who advised him week with his daughter, Mrs. to stav ;n bed and keeD auite for Clarence R;L..Canip. ' r a fftw davs ho wniild sfvri hA al- Mrs. Charlie Stockton of Va., right. - . . is visitingher parents, Mr. Ed Buster the littie six year old Walker and wife. y; son of Mr. and Mrs. Reed had the Mr. Albert Chism and wife misfortune of falling from a have returued to their home in board fence Friday, where a nail Seguin Texas, after a two weeks protruded which entered the flesh visit, to Mr.; andlrs. J. T. Camp, of his thigh and cut an ugly gash :&v. R K Hunter Mrsf Hick- which the Dr. closed up' by mak man, Miss Martha Hunter Hick- ing several stitches. , man, and Miss Ruth Rogers spent A number of persons from here All personslexpecting to exhibit feren ce near Gastonia, N. C. Creek church Sunday. live stock of' any kind at the ' . .' tv, i;fiQ wm nf. 'Miss Esther Gibbs. Agency. 2:30 General Mass Meeting. - Short Speechesfrorn S. S. Superinten- dents, Teachers and Workers. 3:00 Meeting fin charge of. singing ' K leaders a&d a varied, music pro- cram. k - - . To Live Stock Exhibitors. .- Columbus. Willard Rennett, has been quite sunsrintendent The revival services of the Bap- n 1 n . -r 1 1 1 - 1 i i " i it' 1 jiz -i ' . j " x i -j- I f io4-- Vi ii Hoxrii noon uiuicuvc. ucpoiuicuw,-"--- - ...... 1 Mr Rh.v nr.H wif a viaitH -wl. harrowing and disking one or least 30 daysef ore that date and ior an inaennite time on account more times a year. The orchard make arrangements for space, of the ram. . ' is now planted inredclover, tim- If you do ript do this it will be Miss Vinnie Templeton of Burl- , Th L ite W :fttendel othy, orchard, and meadow-oat impossible togproperly take care ington, N. C, has been visiting here baturday night. The neg Ji . . , , , - -.r T-i ttt m - . v i. j? . i. ativp. won the decision. The sub- o;rass. This is plowed under ot your exniDjts. v Mrs, m. w. uodd ior tne past every three years. Every five It is the desire of the fair man- week. years three tons of limestone per agement to make the stock Misses Evelyn and Margaret acre is put under the outside limbs exhibit one og the most interest- Rucker of Charlotte, N. C, are of trees. Apples are carefully ing at the fa?r, .so be sure" and visiting relatives here.- ative won the decision. The sub ject for dedate next Saturday night is resolved that the Divorce law should be abolished. Speakers on the affirmative are J. W. Stacy, W. B. Feagan, Green River Cove. 'rlrpd .hv.hand sorted into Fancv reserve snac& for vour poultry, n..4.: a nrA fiUr ' ' z ' . ' -j: . .P hosetithe de Voider orWgiir a- hogS sheep, lattie, horses, and n neart oi ureen mver vove. vv nen t?vi.o ranh 1 go aown next time, i 11 ten yuu . A hnr( hov pflPh annle For Offe Lone DIosscsn. Was von evpr in (Treen Kiver ti, "Donir v.o. CovP?ff rnt wWvWt von d-o? wrappea m paper . . If you are hi need of decorations and vt , " 11 i wny Q0 y" T I which he is bringing out of the Tfr has alwavs been the standard ftnd one $rie, short-stemmed rose -NOt SO much On account OI wnat . , . . , j . j v. on- your . buslfi-"do 'not despair. - Pick is there; and yet there is much ''kinks.'' - My plan is to bring 0f this orchard to produce quality theyfl0wer Wit.as iong a m as Po. there already worth seeing; but this section of Polkcounty to the notquanity, so apples are hmned sibie. .Then-ther tie orwire the oecause oi what ougnt to De nine ugm msuui a way as w t ' there. Green River -Cove is in have it connected to tlie rest of Pes- j Overbrook Orchard has never of stem. lumbus where they will make md Q c Feaganwe, anticipate their future home. some good speaking on the subject, Rev. Roy Lewis of Nebraska , The bible school closed here' is spending a few days in . the last Friday evening. Clty' Elders Branscom, tReed, and Miss Bertha Kelz who has been Mm started to district confer-" ml . m i 1 JiL ' spending the past montn witn ence some whe re i n Vinri nialast Polk county would not be Polk county without. But would be a much greater county, if " Green River Cove were developed, which cannot be done without better road facilities. Just think that one hour's drive in a buggy or horse back, will take you from the town of Saluda, down" into a gorge where there the fig, and Perhaps the orange would grow. If you never saw sure enough tomatoes, then go down. thre and see them, weighing one lb. each, and red all over, without a blemish. Then you will see peach trees bending with lusuious uit and fig trees growing under their loads of fruit. Talk of your Tryon thermal belt for fruit and vegetables. Why,; Green Kiyer Cove has that little thing skinned a mile and then some. This thermal belt is one of the greatest things in all the land and ought to be added to the wonders of the world. But Green River Cove is a greater wonder and no body knows any thing about it except a few who live there and MICKIE SAYS: the branch ofkthe plant,-or, in lieu of better, avail f on reel f of the hollow stem of an artificial rose. t1 had an entire failure of crop, there has always been more than 'enough, to pay expenses each year since it began bearing. The ap ples from Overbrook are shipped to the South Eastern states but t i 1 a . It !! 1 ": -t rr are largely marKetea witnm iuu t0 &sk a mnnByvhat miles of Saluda. As the demand vhite jnan dcs so through ijmoranc . kjw the liianv.'ill tt;im to a bystander and ior cnuiceayjjie&iaiiutcupyucuujr B.- t.a4 orchards of Western N. Carolina, to' a Jonger StPm nf nnnltor flnwdi in th!" WAV there is no wtiste on account of lack Miss Minnie Arledge, returned Tnpdav mominc ot. 11 3w unve uu uuici to ner nome in nauinwii vuw TVD,Afv,n04i,a v:- whose stems ?fcu can use, try a bit of m j . v . Jack Burnette has the biggest , . nog, ne.is, awout raunuia uiu Dr. H. H. Edwards has jusrre- and wiliiWeigh at least five hun turned from a business tnp to poun(jS4 Charlotte. v The Bible school closed here reaching bunaay mornmg last Friday and Mr.;Karxell and Fsar t.Tell Own Name. , Among .the JsiCayans, a tribe of - the Philippines. It'ds a breach of manners Columbus BantlSt ChUTCh. J b. J. v s- ntuno Is. If a T jH mo Kww.isfvv", , there is room for more orchards of this kind. A government hor ticulturist recently said of this section that it was the best unde- ; Jones, faster. Earl BrvanL returnedto their Miss Jocelyn Sykes of Monroe home in Mitchell county, last ask that thestranRer, who does not lV viftitincr her sister Mrs. i Fred GofiiTov - i know the cuioms. may be informed. . , I , if a. man teu his own name the evil vv. uianton. Prof. Kreider and wif e !xnade spirits will liiar-hm1 readily do lni .hnrm. and can more power sprsyer, cut-away disc Ratter's parents E. W. Dedmond veloped apple section of United harrow and jother up to date ma- ana wue. States and the markets of ; the chinery and s trying to use every ' ; W. H Hill of Rutherfordton whole south give the grower a up to datemethqd to produce spent last weeK with jus iamiiy. Arthur Ormand and wife, of L hnainW trin tn Snartflnhuri? Kings - Mountain are visiting the lagt gatur(iay - . .Fatal Timidity. Every day 8endB to the,riTa ob scure men who have remained in ob scurity only because their., timidity, their, lack of self -confidence. Drerented nearby outlet for his crop. The the finest off ruit; He is also in- ye are glad to know .that J. G; them from making a firet effort If, u d nTiVV. fprpcfprl iTvlrripkpn3 rios and tj ; aftr n Inner I they could have been induced to be- present, uwnci xxciixjr x . i wiu. wv. xiugnco 10 ,,,6 trusted in their own also is a middle aged man who gardening a well as every pro- spell of illnessj . : powers and dared to-forge abead tfcej came to Saluda six' years ago but gressive mfe to the good of the We are glad to -welcome Fred would, in all probability, bare scat withoutexperieuceas an orchard- community.:: W. Blanton and wife to their, new ?'Jr climate, fin water, ideal location .. R B; . cloud at ana laijas ;wiinm rea.cn ui ,uie st is another evidenc that a man is not down and out at .50 years of age Mr.HUorwith is working daily in the orchard and has put busines salesman to goodtlse of marketing of the fine apples he is producing. He has planted several hundred trees,' added to the buildings .use s man, or vfoman oi mod erate means N off l?rs opportunity - for fmit growi&g and stock raising that cannct be excelled in the United Stas. - Raleigh on business this week. Sheriff Jackson was in the city on business londajr.' Mr.and Mrs. Perryman of Winston-Salem are visiting- the ' U Largest Tunnel. -The longest raU way tunnel on- tba. American continent Is the Rogers pasi tunnel on the Kocky. mountain division of the Canadian Pacific line, which is five miles in length and runs under Mount McDonald,- la the Selkirk range. It .was constructed. at a cost of more than 10,000,000. 0' (1