.1. r 1 ?oli County is the Irruit roer, Stockman and Trucker. Investigate! "7 J l- .. , -;.. .. 4:-. .. . - . ...... - ' - . ' - - f . 'T - - ' -17 the Land ov Opportunity for C. BUSH Publisher 3 i The Only Paper Published in Polk County A Live Clean paper for the Home Volume XXVI No. 11 Tryon, N. C, August 27, 1,20. OUR COUNTY AGENT'S DEPARTMENT ome Timely Talks to Polk County Farmers, and others, on Timely Sub jects, by County Agent, J. R. Sams. The A Good Meeting. . writer attended a com munity meeting at Suluda, N. ?t on the evening of Aug. 13th, rhich was of extraordinary in- West. Several important topics ' licnncoorl nf trroofor rY loco reft Ulu.vu hvLvi-v. Vx iv-uo xteht. 1st. The educational question 1 U in rtraY T1VQCOT1 UTOP Ala 'ussed at length. The plucky ittle, town has at last caught the tision that money invested in heir children's brains and char acter is the best of all money, in Vestments, and to this end, they ire preparing to build a public in such a movement, or if my suggestion is hot a good one, some one suggest something bet ter, what I want, is to stimulate every township to have the best 0 Pries 5 Cents $2.00 a Year To The Directors Of The Polk County Hampshire ; Swip.e tVleeting and Com-! Fair munitvftair. mm OUR FRIENDS IN THE COUNTRY Gentlemen, and ladies, you may The next meetini of the Hhmp- not think so but, the success or shire Swine Breeders Interstate Items of Interest Gathered From Various Sections of Pcik Ccustv hi'thr failure of the Polk County fair Association, wilrbe in Missildine ,w f iLm. ' ' ' Mill Spring. is right in 'your hands, and on Hall on Tuesdap August, 31st at' your shoulders, so please get out 10:30 a m all numbers are here-1 of your "Rip Van Winkle Sleep' 7byi notified and the business men1 and make the things go, nothing of Tryon and Pcffk county are re- can run successiuuy wnnout on. specuuuy aesirrm to oe pres- Jlevival servjees closed at Beth lehem Sunday night. Rev. J. M. The premium lists "have been lent, also the farmers.', and busi- Barber, the former pastor helped fair possible, and to help make published and distributed and not ness men of Trj;0n township re- tne Present pastor, many souls the County Fair the greatest paid for yet. Please each one of gardless of, whether town or were saved and fourteen united show possible. Every citizen of you raise your quota and send it county, are requested and -urged wltn tne cnurch. As a whole the Polk County who will cooperate to F. B. Blanton, treas. of the to attend this $eeting, and be- mfetmS was one of the best ever, aiong tnis line piease arop me a r oik county i air association uo- iore tne aajqurnrment oi tne same 4" "" card stating the amount you will lumbus, N. C. so expense bills we want to determine whether or Mrs. C. M. Dicus and children, Yemen conducting Fairs in The entrance cards are how ready fair at Tryon. H ; C. every other C. Gibbs. in Polk County had better take for the printer, but the printer township is arrjinging for one. The play given at the school last Saturday night to hear the notice, the women of Columbus refuses to do the work untill paid Saluda on one side and the pro- house the 7th was quite a sue- divorce question discussed. We who are running the things in for, so please send in what cash gressive town opLandrum on the cess, owing to the unfavorable heard some good speaking. The tended church at Brooklynn S. C, Sunday. Misses Amamda and Etta Jones of Brooklyn, S. C. , attended Sunday school here Sunday. G. C. Feagan and wife made a business trip to Chesnee, Mon day. t- Dewey Laughter who got hurt with a base ball is. getting better now. There was quite a crowd out Columbus township, will run the you have collected and collect and other are bendtfig their efforts, weather $9.00 was realized as affirmative won the decision. chool building, second to none' Shoat over you if you don't n the county. And the beauty et on yu.r iob and keeP on it their movement is this; the tm tne airs are over- own is taking the unselfish stand hat I am my "My Brother's Cover Crops Their Importance. send in the balance at once, and mean to. shcvv the world and the, fees and presented to the The next debate will be resolved There must be some pens for themselves whgjt they, are doing, school. that the commercial fertilizers is pigs and other live i stock purposes Will Tryon -sit supinely and fail to James Edgerton, left Tuesday detrimental to the success of and it can not be done until you let the world krJow she is on the for Mars Hill school. . farmers in the southern states, men act. If the fair is a success map agriculturally? I callatten- , - , , . Sneakers are J. W. Starv W TK oeverai ui ivir. j. m. carDer s T ' , CnnC Kava aif loo Feagan, J. Burnett, G. C. Feagan . 11UIV liUlKVU null III VUW iOOb week. Keeper" and instead of building Now is the time to think and the directors will have most of the tion to this maer to Tryon busi- nthe center of the town, they prepare for winter cover crops. iai ure iiKewise tne ness men, ana i tney reiuse to have incorporated a large school Here are some of the most im- sname . oe - rs' SV iei.s aiMwuPeraie anu ?ci now, men 1 11 bouse district, covering a good portant, wheat, rye, oats, (win- lro Present UP Desr mnel! see wnat iynnym ao m tms re- rural pommimitv and will fprVhsrW bnr olnvr ana nerseu, ana see to it tnat spect. :iryon tne logical piace V'fe " ' ? vimwuu , . ... , , j i? m . mere wm ue no siiame lo oe uis- xor uie 1 ry on ;tcommuiiiiy iair. tribiuted, but that all connected build the school building outside clover, harry or winter vetch. pf the corporate-limits of Saluda. The grains are valuable either for with the fair- may have a good share of the glory when glory shall have been achieved. Our Fairs. North Carolina during the last seven years has moved up from This is ideal and shows a fine their grain and straw, or to plow spirit, and I doubt if there is an- under for their humas content, pther town in N. C., that can show the grain cover crops do not draw such a fine spirit toward the poor free, nitrogen from the air, but country children that must wade the grains may be sown in con- mud ankle deep at times m order nection with the legumes, and . i n' il ! . ii mi i " , to reacn even a smaii country wonung togetner .win supply oq amnno- tHp nf school so much to the everlasting nitrogen, humus and other valu- Union in agricultural values, to :reditot the town ot baiuaa, ana able elements necessary to .plant Uth - only three states ahdid. L am sure tnat m a snort time growtn, ana prevent ueacning, Norto Carolina also stands ahead the sort of community spirit will erosion, and keep land in fine 0f au other states in the amount result in a feeling of brotherly condition every way. Bur clover 0f fair work, and especially com Wdness between town folks in the cotton section is one of the munitv fair work this lanrelv ac- and country, that will be com. best if not the very best of all the counts for this rapid advance in pendable and 'beautiful, such soil , building legumes, and here agricultural products. Last year j should be the ambition of every is the way to get it all over your we conducted four successful com ommunity club. farm I. will f irsttelryou how not munitv fairs in thecountv. This At this meeting good roads, to do, now don't go and buy high vear we desire to have six, one play grounds for children, law priced seed and sow all over your jn ea:eh township five of the town- ana order regulations were ais- poor oia neias wnere tne . numus sipS are already organized, all (cussed. And if this community is all burned from growing cotton ut Tryon and we hope to have fkeeps on, Saluda will be one of and corn continuously by the aid Tryon to come accross in a few .the cleanest and best places to of "guano" that's the waste-fuel Javg 0f course Tryon township uive in all JNortn Carolina, ana way ana tne way to ianure, out that means in all the world. here is the way and the best and Respectfully- about the only way to succeed J. R. Sams County Agent, with bur clover, take a small lot of real rich land say 1-8, 1-4, 1-2 or one acre of such land and get The Polk County and ComT fresh bur seed right from the munity Fair Premium lists are field and sow at laying by of corn ... V MICKII2 SAYS: ft- '' ' CAP. CStid AUOVUSD OT GOT V4 AT V WES OQITZN WES VAaD UteE AOOV Am f Fair Work. out and in the hands of the fair or cotton applying about 12 lbs. secretorips Thic nrintincr was J ner oua'rter acre, which ouerht to i nw ' i x X r 1 - I i lit i uone at consid e r ab 1 e c o s t Urive a eooa stana tne tirst year and is charged up to a single this will , produce seed forever individual. The directors in each afterward, to stock the entire township who are collecting farm, now. don't take my word funds to meet expenses of these for it just go along and try it out fairs, will please send in, to F. yourself, and be your own hero B. Blanton, Tres. Columbus what and if the f irst year should by funds you have on hand, and go any possible means fail just re ahead and get more. Peat the operation the next year. We want to make our next Now let every farmer get busy CountjJrFair truly a Polk County and sow some kind of cover crops Fair. We want the outside world get in the habit and keep it up to see what we can "do in Polk and see how your farm will im- Countv. and to thie nd wo want nrove from year to year. Rightin each Township to do it's best. this connection let me say, from It has been suggested that as now till Nov. 1 isihe time to sow all our Community, or Township winter vetch. It can be - sown airs, come off the week before over a longer period of time than the County Fair; that we .ask the any other legumes, and, by the officers of these Township Fairs, way, if you have not arranged to to have them each brought to Co- have aH the roughage for your hmbus to make up the County work stock , next summer, plant rair. Each township making vetch and oats or later; on rye t's own display. And. what and vetch -'to be made, into -.hay about a prize to the township early next spring. This will do taking the best' exhibit? A cash a double service, act as a cover Pze to be added to the school crop this winter, and make a good tund of the schools in the town- crop of hay next spring, but if ship that wins fh a -i nf vou have provided fully for the course such a prize would be little hay crop for the lands sake .tsow Irom the money stand point,' but cover crops. ouia mean much from the Agri cultural and educational stand Point. 1 will start the list W C11 n Prize at no j j i inc. This eliminates the possibility of tOrnUl 00 ed: enough fetog and savea e,t W of time can not afford to be the tail end of Polk County from the agricul- ural stand point Tryon can hold a splendid fair if she tries. We want every township to hold a community fair during the week preceeding the county fair which will be October 13 to 14th and then et these township fairs bring their best products to Columbus and have a great big round up county fair vand show what we cart do when we half try. You see it's this way our county com- Fop Curtain Rod. In inserting a rod in curtains If- a thimble is placed over the end of th,e rod it wiU run easily through the head 5 J. W. Walker, and W. H. Kreider. All fn rmPTM shnnlrl atfpnil f h Rev. Roy Lewis, is home for a debate M thev m;ffht hear aome. vacation. He is at Columbus this week helping Rev. E.J. Jones in the revival. They will begin wtossrcys. a series of meetiugs at the Bap- We hope the rain will hold up tist church here Sunday. Let' us for a few days so our roads will hope for a successful week and get so we can get over them with work to that end. out sticking up. Misses Eva and Mollie Edgerton Mr.. Z. B. Rodgers and a num visited - relatives near Rock, ber of others have gone to Vir- Spring last week-end. gmia to see if they will like that The singing school at the Bap- country well-enough to move tist churcli closed ,last Saturday. j;bei,-.-Cu. . . 1: Misses - Malissie and Mabel Barnett Blackwell of Spartan Pack, visited friends in Inman, burg is visiting his parents near last week. -. here. Mrs. R. L. Collins went to Asheville one day last week to have an operation performed on Messrs Roy and Claud Lewis, attended a family reunion near Rutherfordton, Sunday. Christain Endeavor at Beth- Pne of her eyes' lehem, next Sunday p. m. at 5 Miss Lela Barnett of Spartan- o'clock, leader Edward Barber, DurS 1S at n0me Wltn ner parents topic "seeking things worth for a few days, while" Lets attend these meet- A large crowd attended the B. ings aud realize some good from Y. P. U. at Greens Creek Sun them. day. P. M. . Don't forget about the comm- Earl Whiteside and wife spent unity and county fair, we want Sunday with T. A. Pendleton and to make them the best this vear. wife. Fishtop. Sandy Plains" FARMER AND B00D HIGHWAYS .-re ... We have some hopes of fair Mrs. rnce trom unisiae, IN. weather now. v- w visiting at nuDen car- nett s. ; Has Become HaiT Working and Vot ing Enthusiast or Improved Roads Because ofrjM any Benefits. The biggest bolster for good roads In the country toHlay Is the farmer. A Miss Avaree Jones spent a day or so in Asheville last week, hav ing her eyes tested. We have; just learned while Claud Gilbert was home on a f ur- Roscoe Hall and wife' spent Sunday evening at D. R. Wil liam's " Mr. Gold, Will Pianter and Zeb lough he and Miss Laura Case restarted for Virginia Sun- few years, ago KeVfeit that the portion daughter of Jess Case, were mar- 1 , r of his taxes ueed in the construction rA on the 9th. He has returned i5ersmre atea ou,uu of permanent highways represented a . v,orM ortj i,Qa orirnotvl;rity nvor Miss Fannie Dickson is Spehd- to be given as prizes tor excellent benefit only to motoring tourist ZTZ 1 ine af ew weeks -at J, T. Gamn's. missioners appropriated $25000 Vv-Kifc at fViA pnnntv fair This and the city aut?jnobile owner, writes iwu muie jfcaia aci vc jrcu thp-town h. w. siauson Leslie's. The farm- We saw Jess Case working on Mr- Maryann SrAalley spent " f - v " . I . 1 I M J I - J L I III AJ -- K. wl- Mil I1HT IIIIUII W M I lr . nr.Mi: x rirj". xt r -v t Vvtt rll muney was jjciiu uy an ic iumu- er arjnie ships, and the way for each town ship to get back its share of - this superstition aga tax money, is to oe on nana - at the county fair with your good farm products, stock and etc. was paying To Make Transparent Paper. " To make transparent - paper, .Vilurie one part of castor oil with two or three parts, of alcohol, dip the paper into it nd-hane It in the open air to ry. Secret of Leadership. v. The secret of the world's leadership Is right in our keeping. To under stand men we look at ourselves. To know what is without, we must study what Is within. To lead others we tnnst lead ourselves. Our power will Boon gcow. So will our Influence.? Exchange. the good roads unusual you may know roads are ATAXO' ouulc411' movement. . in aKd pnnrlitinn snrfi pnoncrh Rubin Collins SDent Saturday flrill lr when you see Case working them, night with Grady Flynn. ue: when the 'mjio-chandise for which We sure need that road J. R. Joe McDowell was a caller at he has teiephone(.in the morning can gams 0f week it will J. T. Camp's Sunday .evening. be delivered. by tion of, the same day; . ttt -n w-' v when the marked for his own produce open up Coopers Gap township W. E. Walker has gone on a is brought houra . nearer ; when the one of the best if not the best business trip to Shelby. winter ana s Rowing spring umw township m the COUnty and She yuaseas nu terras lur nixu uijd because of th4: improved highway which makes hisifarm only a suburb, as it were, of lyae nearest cuy ne naturally becomtjj'a hardworking and hard-voting enthjsiast for good roads. True Lotus and Neither: the nut . ..... m; aiiciem. Egypt nor the sacivd r.ms ,f the Ori ent racist be confused with ' the plant referred to in Tennyson's poem, which was the jujube, a pricklj shrub bear ing fruits resemblinga plum or dae, and much used as a dessert. Homer describes the wandf ring'Plysses as ar riving at the coast of Libya, where many of Us sailors partook of the ju jube fruits and immediately lost their desire to return to home and friends. i Journal of the New York Botanical GRAVEL GOOf FOR HIGHWAYS When Properly handled It Can Be Traveled OvfAlf Year Dirt - Road rs Different. While gravel, as a rule, does not make the best vpe of road, that Is not so much thfault of the gravel as of the way itls put on. It is usu ally not evehl spread or leveled down, nor are ims holes kept filled. If properly handle a gravel road can at least be trawled on any time of the year, which cannot be' said of a dirt road. The NEWSt$2 per year has five of them all good MeMn Hill. Henry Jackson was a visitor at A. E. Hall's Saturday. Marshall Chitwood went to Clifside Sunday evening. We are .jail glad to see the The school here is progressing niVfilv. under the management of , . Prof. Kreider who has charge of again. the advanced grade, and Mrs. common superstitioni. Kreider who has charge of the Most people are superstition, wit primary. Another large black- " jh. broking of jjJhUi board has been installed and the cock featners were formerly coiuider- advanced pupils are making good ed bearers of sickness. The GreeStS use Of same in their study of and Romans of ancient times put ta- . . : , . pucit trust in emens ana nerw uuw mathematics. . ontmriiM f nv mtmot wis Messrs Otho Head : and Claud out consulting , the oracle. Gilbert have gone to Columbus, E.rth stin Growina. . Ohio, for the purpose of bringing S in a new car,' which ; the former meteorie matter, it is stffl rrowinf in has recently purchased. the same manner, thouih scarcely to - . " an appreciable extent, for the mass of , Mrs. - G. A. Branspom, MlSS meteorlc matter added yearly Is reck Robb and Frank Branscom, at- oned to be only 20,000 tons. . j i ;' 1 , 1 it- i espectaoie will join 4 (uxd patience.