GREAT REUNION OH P" IMPORTANT CONFERENCE Means Are Considered For Reduction of Car Accumulations at the Sev eral Tidewater Points. COLUMBIA, S. O, MAKING LARGE PREPARATIONS FOR GIVING , THE 81 A GOOD TIME., MAY SEE COX AND ROOSEVELT Gates of Be Thrown Open to Wildcats and Money of Visitors Will Be No Good There. Columbia, S. C.-Columbla is mak- tZJZZLP'S- 8Cale for ! ' commission uciiomiueui. oi ine rormer mpm- ; vic. v. . . of the 8it rwtM.of nn . 1 Z7' c American Kaiiroad asso oi me 8i9t (Wildcat) Division 'catinn tiHom, . . . .. uuiuci u-i. indications norm, varimic U A , t ' W mai several thousand PILSiSKI PUSHES ILSHEII iM - . ' . . w. . ', - , -. , , - , i 1-3 MAIN OBJECT NOW ic m WIT sole line by. Which th REDS MAY; ESCAPE. SEVEN DIVISIONS DESTROiEO Washington. An immediate embar go on the movement of coal to tide water, except upon definite showing that coal upon arrival at piers would be unloaded into, vessels with rea sonable promptness, has been agreed upon by the railroads it was an nounced by the American Railroad association. 1 . ' In an explanatory statement the association said Chairman Willard, of iae Association of Railway Ermi. tives, and Colonel D. B. Wentz. nresi- jdent of the National Coal Association, : met in .conference with representa-1 thfl AntPT-t!iTiTnQT,f t ... : I vummissiou on car ser-1 v iuc imiuer mem- vice, nf tho a ii, J i .- ' Aiuoi iuaii na 1 1 r i ih it aaart. uers 01 IDe 81St fW dat TUvloinn oM j T "w HVftr flnrmnir t .- . I - ' ""t, iiaii, ana is ma(;fl ing down the stream to loin the kr- tidewater r r-tmv advancing ud the fnrv wUn veterans changes, and the American Wholesale ' tne Bu and Narew rivers toward s- THE SPEAKER CHANGED -VOTE Suffrage Amendment Should Become of" Effect. as'Soon as Certified by Secretary of State Colby. - ; Enemy Prevented by French planes From Taking With The&i Many Guns and. Material. I JAir- Paris. General has reached the are will attend' and arrangements are be ing made to entertain them lavishly. .It will probably be the largest con vention ever held In South Carolina. Among the prominent men who have 'been invited to speak at the reunion are: Governor Cox .Franklin D. Roosevelt. Secretary of State Bain' bridge Colby, Senator Oscar W. Under wood, Governor -Bickett of North Car olina, Governor Cooper of South Carolina, Major General Shanks and Major General Bailey, the former com mander of the 81st division. The gates of the citv will be thrown open to the Wildcats and the visitors' money will be no good in' Columbia. The city officials, the Chamber of Commerce ' ,the various civic organizations, and the women vuiumoia nave united their efforts to make this reunion a 'complete suc- ces All those who contemplate at terminer fhio i D wo icuuiuu snouia communi cate with the Wildcat Veterans' As socaition at Coluhmbia. j Trade Coal association, to consider wnat more effective jfaeans could be adopted to reduce the accumulation of bitumious coal cars awaiting trans shipment at tidewater. Lloyd George Not Contemplating Trip Either to Canada or the TT. S. London.! Premier Lloyd-George does . not 1 contemplate any trip to Canada or the United States, as has been reported, was announced offi-cially. Electric Train and Automobile Collide, Causing Death of Four. Erwin Bergdoll, Draft Evader, Gets ' Four Years in Leavenworth Prison New York Erwin R. Bergdoll, of Philadelphia, has been found guilty of desertion from the armv bv evad- ing the draft and sentenced to four wis nara labor at Fort Leaven worth. trolenka with the object of cuttg me warsaw-BIalstok road, and th'Jir enemy's sole avenue of retreat. :"t Down this roid the reds are bat ing, profiting by the large number Uf hnrspc in fhal'n -v . that they have these horses is sir to account for the r.r -j small number of prisoners beins takiSn 'by the Poles. Pursuing French ak--planes, however, have prevented tafe enemy from taking with him mazty guns and much material. Up to date seven bolsheviki divt ions have been cut to pieces and all" ! captured. 1 Nashville, Tenn. Tennessee rati fied the federal woman suffrage amendment, the lower house of th legislature by a vote of 50 to 46, con curring in the action of the senate. Although it was the 36th state to act favorably and the amendment should become effective as soon as certified by Bainbridge Colby, secre tary of state, whether 17,000,000 women of the country would vote in the- presidential election in November remained to be determined' Th house still has an opportunity to re scind its action and preliminary sten ayny , fortesting the leealitv of middle of the &ue I bv the 1 ouuiu iu upsec it, already have been taken by the Tennessee constitu tional league on the ground that the assembly had no authority to act. After the ballot Seth Walker. sDeak- er of the opposition, changed his vote from "to" to "ave" in ordor mm Fl - I mmm. -- U I i h i i . mmm i Mm mm mm m if r m x .' ABE BOTTLED UP Mmm II fcTl in GATEWAY OF ESCAPE FOR red HORDES HAS BEEN MOST EFFECTUALLY CLOSED. Pilsudski's iff H" . - 6E IN MINSK SITUATION Polish Delegation was Instructed in Making Terms to Insist Upon an Honorable and Durable Peace. N0TES,lt. 1 youne n,. Ezekic, N -.iiu over tr. "J wine a u r to SaiJ J acts nf "u . "tioa Wash " mi n a local n, "aa rjn 7 1 r. ""J, io takP X. to ta September. of escape, taking prisoners and mate U-.u . A. ... .. . mat 11 "imscH 01 me privilege of moving for impossible to count them reconsideration, and announced that ne would do so. Under the rules only Mr. Walker can offer this motion and it may; be done at any time he so desires. Warsaw. The -process of bottling up the Russian Soviet forces on the northern front between Prussia and old, lineman 7Sidnpy Hal the Vistula rivpr hna haon mmno... i0r tbe Wn- ' vuuiicieu according to an official statement The Poles have, closed the gateway wirp a teleph0ne-;: is "VVilmineton t. office Tl ATI Tl Pom avy cur his tire TVlQ fornix . v,uiLc aiiuounceraent lc6trus nie nu-f-t- "v mat roiand would not accept thP not consider,, . . : f EUSSian Soviet terma .ncnl l. lirlaroM. . " "iOUS - Mn-acuiru in li n "viauiH a sm. Polish peace delegates at Minsk re- say that thev v Local cat COJl.Jf fers to those submitted by M. Danish- ate the d Joml .V &ble t' Oirolrtr .V.- . . i . . . I i . ' ' cvsy, cnairman ol the Soviet dele gation,- at session of the Russo-Pol-ish conference. selling here todav fn- ,. ' Henderson. in v: ' typhoid fever h-... 'Xk their guns made ill National Aerie of Fani.e n-t Against Woman Members Just Now. Gv. TT The Polish delegation's instruction sJii u. ' V: Arter a protracted were to insist upon an hbnorahie ance for the flrs, ' t, ucuiie. me .National Aerie Fraternal durable Deane anH it 0 Vance conn t, n ia:s. Order of Eagles in ann,i . 4J . oaiU dl ue j. tv,. , rri . .. . it . uuuai tuuvennnn I lUTtJieil OniOP That nn I a I Vilirer. Sllllniif,. -o t I ne Vft (ch -i V i . . . hspo I w v m.w iC W . lUSl.rilf!- I ' 1 1 .1 1 1 I I f I J ur I U rr n . . . 1 t li I 1 I IIHI'IflUl Tfk " i" I.. - . v ha .rnccc L, m . Ior one year uons had been sent x3uS river m -tlft "v"u" wwara recognizing of subordi direction of Kovel, thus nrnvidintr nate aeries for Women t - . o c?- iv&imra against flank counter a t tacks. 4,009,860 Tons of Cotton Seed Was Crushed During Year Just Closed Camden, N. Ja Washington- Cottonseed crushed during the year ending July 31 amounted to 4.009.S60 tnn t Pennslyvaniajwith 4,478,508 the previbus year, the After an Unbroken Slumber of Three Years, the Sleeper Awak need that .v. - " -ams up ... Places Will nrn,f "1 1 '4- Merchants' Conference at Richmond Advises Against Short Contracts. Richmond, Va.Caution in buying and sellinc. short Waukesha, Wis.- Mrs. na 1. M ful watch over h.i . j... ' - . ca i J :y 1JLII1U 1 LI firi Q gensan, ! of Racine, who ha featured discu asieep at the county asylum for .mor$loa of the Southern retail merchants' than two years, has regained con m conference here. ' ousness. As rapidlv as possible, the Polish delegates at Minsk are beiner informer? hv wim 1- j . . 1 r . . . "-' vj. iuc x uiisu in i- I -".. 1 lip s;. o. . itary successes, which mav result in and" Economic Survev ? V ..v.x01u6 me situation or at least csu&aions of tn0 sxeituy cnangmg the terms of Soviet possmnities. delegates presented at the opening of n or Thoml the negotiations. like uncr tier Water Re Mexico Will Not Require Special. Permits for Cotton Exportation engineer of thp -wueui. nave made Su-r, their starting point for tv,' ant ti-i, us J M . T M J .... -...uau ciecunc . Tram ctn.n r . i 1 ouutiv ctu au- venous uurnau flnnniin tomobile l)us containine- neoQ i v , .... 0 coocucci a 1 here kilifnir e? u . , V U1 lue occupants of ronsn successes Are Reported on SL!!h,Cle and during at least four! - All Fronts with Exceo on f 1.. others. ! Appointment of Receiver is Asked For Brotherhood Railway Trainmen. The Four Pathfinder Airplanes of unc,e am. arrive at Fairbanks! France May Not Debark at Danzig W- a Vl "ar tor Poland. Paris. The French government Asheville.-The handset v v,ui. ano Mrs, William W.. an, on Evelyn place. r.rJ v. th, c Ki frjeat comnicr:r as v home for him ih t..; Columbus, O. ApDolntmPTit nf ceiver for the Brotherhood of Raii lt m "the ffIcIal way Trainmpn o-. f Rail; ! fiSting operations. . x! a" couniing and distribution of the brotherhood's trust fund, estimated at $10,000,000 ,h ask ed for in a suit filed' here. ..aioaw.-ronsn successes on all fronts, with the exception of the -w- UALLie secior, where - the from Dawson v Russian soc let fnrr "um -uawson, Y . - - " ' o-utm;iuK 'in the dirtr.tnn f t 1 a re- nnr in u . 0 4C ' Alaska--Four army artends to protest energetically aeainst La Huerta. .e'ro M'neola, N. Y., decision of s.r Reginald I.Tower m, iaSh.u, arnved her tn.Kaiea dim commissinno. a1 OrA -jr. '-iwh'n' frrU ,1 . ... ' ' aUZlg, r uaviug traveled the 250 milpatao forbade further a.,, . T., in two hours. . Fighting ! Going on Between Mining Guards and Miners in W. Virginia. Buenos Aires Craftsmen Somewhat Previous in Staging Celebration. President Wilson Invites Former Premier Orlando, to Visit U. S. f$umber Alcohol! who 'oland. of French munitions, for Mexico City-Special permits for the exportation of 'cotton, from Mex ico will In future not be necessary un der the provisions of the. decree tn .t,iA WJr iriuvisioaai resident de "1U 10 J- a Mornev of Csit wood county. The consider' 130,000 and Mr. H piaee nis nome after get; session on October 1. Operating Income of '70 Telephone Companies Shows Marked Increases Buenos Aires. The shoemakers and cabinet makers unions and or ganizations Of various Other wnrVw. Charleston. W v. . wf,rk for several hours to cele Orlando, of Italy, to viit th f, k,iaies according to the Rome respondent of La Nacion. c Cases Hav Largely Increased at Bellevue. v..Bue Aires, President Wilson oinciaiiy ' invited former Premier 1 New YorkThe number nf cor- and private mine guards reported capture of War- at Cirtsville. Raie7gh cTu"- Colnf t0 adViC68 rired here by fhp i fk8n Arn0ld' commander of the state police. were fighting j saw by the Russian bolsheviki. Irish Police Inspector Shot Dead . While Returning from Churh. Tom Watson Spends Night In Jail on Charge of Public "Indecency." Atlanta. Ga. Thomas candidate for the democratic nomina tion for United States senator from Georeria. snpnt tva. - ; u i j.., . Rplfacf ti . 1 " ' " '6iit in jail at BU- !t t,.i!?la?d-TPoIIce Inspector0'?, Ga-' on chaiges of "aving linuor . u nis TmsaPKcinn" . .. - emu ui puonc "in- V corQing t0 a statement by Sheriff J. R. Shadbum.. . Swan 7v n o-o . , wiifni .:ri ""um a verdict of ner's ir. 3 glven by a coro- LL, m connection with the as sass Ration of Mayor MacCurtaln in " t' Xa!h0t dead whUb proceed burn m church Brest-Lltovsk Has Been Occupied by Detachment of Polish Army Washington. Bre9t-Litovsk has been occupied by the Polish army ac cording to advices received by the state department from the American commissioner at Berlin. Ame"can Immigration Authorities Hold Up ...jr or me Letvia Leg for alcoholic treatment in ue i hospital has increased within the Innli ?W??k8 UDt11 11 13 virtually vjquai 10 tnat of pre-Drohihiti j cording to a report of Bird S. Coler' .uuCr OI PyDIlc charities. ' led Delegates Are Instructed to ; Recognize Nationality of Pbland. London.--Russian haa,rn., fegates at Minsk halks to recognize fully the nation. lence of Poland and nf w tu iuienere Washington. Operating income f 70 telephone companies for thp mnnti, n March amounted to $7,309 970 an increase of $853,233 over March, 1919. according to reports issued bv th Tnl lersiaie commerce Commission. Crown Prince Carol of Rumania Spending a Week in flew York. Washington. Gustavus V. has been appointed postwar Jaiurr, m Madison county to i: Hester Russell, resigned! itaieigh.E. C. Duncan, foar publican national committee ixurin Carolina, is criticallv C Beaufort, N. C, accordin? to air. received at his home here. .ew York. Crown Prince Carol, of KinS Mountain. Dock HnUck Rumania, soldier and dininmaf L aged 82, was struck and irr has travelled across the United States killed here b-v Passenger train .J ii m inp around the world arrivprt xie was talking on the railroai ucrB Irm Niagara Falls for a six days' visit before sailing for Europe. at Lis- The Sight of 3,000 Red Prisoners Cheered the Citizens of Wars rfIfP-Wa witnessed ""i-u.gave tne aw. confidPTino-- . i,UJMUaiion more acrosS th. " ",drcned -to the rear city. tuld nver and into the I Another Candidate Is Anxious to Join the Niagara Suicide Club. hrf6' S William At. brick, a farmer who recently made known his intention of attempting "ll Falls in a barrel, n- -"u tnac ne bad constructed secret container for his plunge. British merchant marine. New York. Alfred Nai w credentials from the ,n " " wi 11 1 1 1 ir. n m, .'rS ot ,he n"ly.formed re pub Ic of Letvia showing him to be j "pyuinien secretary of th atlon we domestic affairs of that country ss a Minsk dispatch to The He?aM bore U ' London Concern Gets $25,000,000 . Interest In American Corporation Klnston. The annual state corrJ tion of the Free Will Baptist cr will be held at Rains' CrossrJ Johnston county, September 14-lt a Commander of the Victorious Poles Is an Experienced French Soldier. 1 a nw, nncoH 1 . " fl k on m VVashington. was held by immigration authorities when auivt-u nere with his wife. Sugar Dealers Caught in Recent Price Slump ask Government Aid Washington. Su Tar. r?n 1 qtc. -i. i In the recent price slump with large stocks on .their hands are appealing to the department of Instil ;u;u'l,um.109s- according to John F. ctcung neaa of the department LHoyd-George Renlies to o f Kamerteff, Russian Red Minister. vtondon. Premier Llovri0 a tailed reply to the ruelt ot 'lZ Kneneff, of the Russian mlssiorln gnaon, for an exact ,?0fiuu- . vvmston-Salem. "Hadn't heard r thing about it, but 3-ou may sayi there Is nothing to it, I have no e or retiring or withdrawing in faraJ aUitUde Gen- SerBirSoUrnn,f rvj t. oay& mat tne fetut fT;?m.ent neTer d the i0! lettion to detach tho - Rujsia or secure its er$J. Wranl en- vffon:,r Vi c"urage Wrangel in Creat Britain to Recognize th. dependence of Egypt ,n.Repopt London. The Lnnn m.... " understand Ainies says agreed to recoT u BrItaIn has of Egypt. gniZG the dependence Unlque co"ection Box tflf round the world i S Way te Which wTlf bVsenf SU0 " Ine corps post and tH T 1 !P mar" to rainse a fund for TCI 8 map nieriol .tabVt iVthe LneCUOn f a Military cemetery Fran et Wd oattle. The fund i. -k. "J6? .?n :th the Belleau Wood chap er ?1Sed by Legion, composed'of 308 o"1"11 For.AmencaReceive8o Mez, Alasca Lorraine Foch. standing at the w .arshal Btatue of Lafayet e Lt f the Metz by the Stf 00? t0 voiced his friendship L bus. and received from LP!?r.- America cled baton and intilZimf1 a 3ew" as a marshal of fwhis the platform ami L He Sat 0n smiling' when comni ntables translated, w wl0m?iment8 - were Paris. The number of snv0f r,... campaign to lower the roCi f son prisoners captured in the PoHsh . 00?nie"l?.n8,ye Wil1 amount to 75,- T!li Pantama Ca"l hs Just Passed counted were cantiiri Washington Th . , -i" me tern- j . . iiiiciise reser- the C,tW6St Warsaw' 'aing I! wt"ch "e locks of the me Uanzie corHdnr k ! & Panama rnnoi v. . cuc der ,nmm;n, ;rr' UZ lue armX -un- rtwMlwIi .Just passed Biiintt. T T , tne Tench General It "f" a urougt period which has 52f . r fr,merly chief-of- RSpharply tested their adequacy For Stan: to Gpnpral t , A , - . seven mnntlic a , J rui autey, resident A 0 auu AA aays not bid-offensive. Eighteen American Commission Workers fn Tml-... - .-.o.cjr race ramine Constantinople aj . .. - with TnrH.iT K,,rr. nigntIy a is a "Uliets ana facing is American workers of the can commission for relief in the cast, nave noon , T Aaia minor,' since June flour cargo of tho a bee, SeoSer anl reach Adan nm .. suro"a can " w HI V I1W IIMl I 11 J. . r rutur trucks, I Knocks ocomotive Off Track, iftchmond. Va.-A loaomotive ouli i Jhi ei??,t tKUn n the Chelapeke & Qihio railwav was tni, tra. near Herti struck bv an u.,- . - "uvumuujie in Cunningham and J b wnfcih E. B. T .Wfhington. V- Explosive Trades, Limited, of London, has acquired a r5.000.000 interest in the General Mo- lui s i nrnnMMAw a a-'w iiuu ii AmarinA 1 . . ing to adviraa r.-Zt a 9 ttcvura- anyDoay," former District Attorn? i bie dena?t8m:: ',?..L0nd0n P- Holton. thn, eIpreSsed btaal v-umuici ce. 1 I N (XU Horn XTw Dnrn Jr. tr Kaf V Adopt Appeal to France to Act. German cannon now in the possess . of the government, and which " Lucerne. Switzerland. - Premier dIstrAibu?fd among the Lloydeoree. nf P.Mf V.J mler states. Application has already bee: Premier Giol tti. ' 'or one. of these guns. aA A : ' "ttve auopt- -pycdis 10 De submitted to Prance U1 auiea action to secure Poland a free and .unrestricted use of Danzig and Us communications in accordance with the Versailles treaty. Bolshevism Is Sinking Its Fangs into an Already Rotten Corpse. ?!pIe-.r- .A ding Mos. -w1&4UU! auiaoruies Anini- Oxford. Information here was t Mr. Brooks Parham, who has be? spending the summer with his fas? on Long Island Sound. X. Y. purchased one of the latest type it tias airplanes, and will lean 2 Bummer home some time before tember for Henedrson, says the Ox ford Ledger. lem have approved a proclamation which on near in 20. Chairman Korean Commission "fc numor s Jap Fabricati Washington. Pahio . "othatapiottoWe",. of Amercian concrressmon no iTr 1 mg the far ",7 V1S1C-1 Korea had wn Z.:a In Wrp Brcfn ot Petersbue rtSL,' 5?!, broadcast in InaioT a v . 1 1 1 ' i r i r i rw- TnnAm . . o uin nnrin aa . shevism ar Mnnfii " - Vj. Ill I 1 1 I I F kit - ; - "c ocomotic about 'T caIsln? 't to leave the track, andalso deraling flT6 freight car, No ne was hurt. . . ' G0ir0X Cmments Scinctly ;n Action of Tennessee ASfi.mM Lumberton. The red spider is im aging cotton in some sections of declaring that the nrTnrtr 7 xa BOn' according to O. O. Dukes, cow B mai rne principles of Bol- farm iow,n rr ,rwv wora I uvuiUUQUdlUl. nas also done considerable damage the hay croD and the late con 5 some sections has been devoured W aroism, because "based nn racj." it calls on all good Moslems to accept the tenet of Bow' the worms. German Industrial Labor Leader the American terized by Kiusic Kimm chair lrofl ao man of the Koroan .. : cnalr w M commission, as a- heavily convoyed. The American Tea Seem to be Assured of vtcTory. Olympic Stadium spite the unexpected SSSrSr ropean athletes in t, v ? Eu" and broad ,1 8h.0t.. WM entn Olympiad, th e . sev- went into th fl'u ;."u,cu,;aa team at the Olympic ;t Jry f comPetition wh a leaTSat If Um t0day with assured of Victory Beenied'ttV ere tooi88 al up points. Ut 0f a Possible 242 UUC Waa oV.-- . -.s,.c moved when the cVrpm, n 7 deep1 6 cefemony took place another groundless Tan J ticn fcac laDHC 'No sane or inano v dream of u'I - fui ea . would vj. uuiuin? r n o a . ? reHSfnnoi " luo"CM con- r? Mr- Kimm declared. Bishop Thirkield has AoDlierl y State Department For Passport. Church, South. ;ril.fPls,r0Pal the general conference of w- ? by 0! S!?. America and Pen Columbus, O. The fniinH ' mehticommentin nn ailiie lficatnn - -" .""ssees rat w ilue woman Sllffrao-Q essee Assembly. Wants a Talk with i Greensboro. - Because - ' u,ya Georae trains nas th was Issued by amend. Governor Cox 9 eorge trains pass throueh Greensboro da2f. Paris. Dr. Walter Pot Is 04116(1 the Gate City or the fl man industrial leader ar!?Gnf Ger- Tay of the South- This fact has J cerne, and KonstanHno &t Lu" been called to PubIic attention Herman iehrenbach. fore, as Shakeisnoar nnt it "V.'latJ accordrn;7"T' "-la..,ected ther?. in a name." aemcSeratic Tr.aM-i.i i -..:t:.uw"1 nominee: he world win stood to hvo oi.-j a uuur- .uarioue. ana repudiate Genro J aea "emler Lloyd- Power Co.. rwwto roru.) "T&o iiiT . uummee: accordfno- - vcciea mere ife civilization of the world according to information receivPd il Charlotte. The Great y.ov& rmo trifle wifh . "r. The iction nf m-V Principle- ture - an effort "of . Iegisla to paf its' platform t "b"--lUUii. Bitte Opponent of r . . rv . ircsment 1lves Nomina.,.,, 0 cj,. a conrerpno k.. -i- ... v, , as to the premier's 2 , aoimnS Wlin an authorized capital stoc -learned. It l7 ?nn 5 ? as been 2'0.000, has been chartered by & that Mr. Llovd-r,on ! J?,d Ppible secretary of state, the certificate Fehrenhech. receive Dr. corporation having been filed for ora with Clerk cf Court C. C. Wr- Jacson, Miss.-victories congffjssmen seeking s for four and Hofoof uWwmauon lo iiT Representative Ven. i . ''m ' ' " - levies able, frf tho . ed bygthe . cral-ofMuS6' "0 J'iS I8'PPl. and hitter . Mexican Government Send, Three R'a.. Americans 'Mexico Citv Irno militarv t';.Jle: government's Kn. ations lO "-"xous movement ln Jalisco headed iZ l"e 8tat to releaA.fh. -I :Turw amora. and Raleigh. Announcement as sta- to Th Observer correspond :nt Rer. Dr. Walter N. Johnson, Baptf state mission RPrrotarv. that he crash the re- retire from tht nffir-o at the end o. the stato nf th vmt and tho Tit . Mlt'lvia Citizens an? I RnTolo-T, -w.. tt. ofP UJ i a ".injects kidnapped Ssrw o an el- a . . A 1.1 A W H V fX K -V a a - V 1 V31 - I w s v AV.a t II I I II III iwiiiin M ri 11 I II 1 III V-v . ' t v---"woium Ann Kiii i - j m bcii in o f ' uaiuu - ent duffle Wilson policies In.?1?. Le ful1 sufficient Vk? exjecte to amlnation for the position of c the leifeu nf . Ies cludln? comnno ..r "6111: Tfaree cohimrM carrier fnr th t.t0, nst of3cf iae iesgu nf noti " . iuumg n ruTo fe. t.,:Ithough the rote"9 clo" - VI 111 TDn flA.1 ' I - .--0 MT A- ntry reaimenti;. i "r,ur7 and In Pe held Se-ptember 4, 1920, comme- officpr :no aiia cmmanded bv Ing at 9-on nvwv a "-"-"acquainted with th . . - .7. . ' ,n,instloa uraered-mto Jalisco. must . nJ tor 92-' 4;..