polli County Is Sie Land orOpportunity the'FruiS ft: Stockman and Trucker. investigate! : BUSH Publisher c The Only Paper Published in Polk County A live Clean Paper lor : the : Home x - Price 5 Cents Volume XXVI No. 12 Tryon, N. C.,. September 10, $2.00 a Year OUR COUNTY AGENT'S DEPARTMENT Some Timely Talks to Polk County Farmers, and others, on Timely Sub jects, bv County Agent, J. R. Sams. MICKIE SAYS: FROSVi JNJRff RIENDS IN THE COUNTRY To my friends in Polk county. . 1. . . To those oi you wno may not j.now .where i am, to let you know is a partial reason why I am writing. but the main reason is, to tell you from impressions of ;Vhat 1 nave seen anu iiearu," what is going on in the old north state. Tn 'ears aS it was gen erally believed and accepted as la fact that farmers in Piedmont land eastern Carolina could not' 'grow peremanant pastures and I 'and live stock like the mountain ; (section of the state. But this Session of the farmers con tention has once for all disabused 'the farmers mind, if he kept his lear opened and his understanding 'alert. For one time the subject 'permanant pastures in N. C. , 'and their importance and ease, with which they can be had was handled just to my' notion. If every editor in North Carolina, 'religious, political and what not, would preach pastures perm 'anant summer and winter pas tures for every section of. the ?fc.WDS ,"tUfe a. tor OFMOO MOW NOUQ ARS DOE "V UP OS-fU sefcw"flo omiw nchJd- vuje &EV3 AS WOW Vvm BEVMNOEDNOU, ft . & . - 3. - .' . . offered for best community fair ! carried to CoJumbusO.ct. 13th and;, on exhibition. Oct 14th? Here are the conditions, 1st the items of Interest Gathered From Various Sections of Pcik County by Qz- cuinpeung townsnip rjmst carry n . . - vurp oi raiuiiuiuiTesponaenis. NA have the casli arid labor then "go at it as you please, ; if you have not the capital and labor then go at it as you can, but by all means get at it and stay at it until the thing, is done. What we -want all over the south is men who will do the thing they think can't be done. Do you know a thing that can't be done is done? Weil l here is the way it is done, some fellow who don't know it can't be done undertakes it, and the blamed fool don't know it can't be Bone he just keeps right on till he does it. There is a pasture campaign on in N. C. Shall old Polk lag in this battle for agri cultural betterment, or shall she be the first county in the state to boast a good permanent all the year around pasture oh every farm in the county? J. R. Sams. That Fair In October. What can I do to help make it fair, work school work and better- a success? Well I can talk it up ment m general can be done best. from now till then, but talk alone through a community , club. won't make a fair that is true, was at Mill Spring last Wednes- but ho talk at all will end in no day evening and enjoyed a per- ; their farm and all oth,?r" articles grown or manuf aeturful. in their townshin to flolnmWf and havP TryOH Route 1. them entered and oifexhibition Do we appreciate the beauty of by 11 o'clock Oct. 14tlj 1920. 2nd these September mornings as we 1 .L ' -. f t 1 ' 1 1 A ajiiy? wnue man or woran, Doy or snouidr ' girF from any competing town- Rev. Mr. Hacknev and familv ship may enter anythng for ex- spent Sunday afternoon at Wal- muiuon wnicn may groauce m nut Grove. said township whethshown in B. F. Nance and family, vis- community tair or rtom if entered ua t? t xt j . before 11 a. m, as-abpve. stated. Sunday afternoon. i am guaranteeing tnmvpnze my- T ,c , . cpif hnf if 9TO fomMnr. Wi J- M Barber and wife, were - j H- pleasant visitors at Miss Sallie will - aid in makings ifi: $50.00 or $100. QG just send alon& the cash, and full credit wijl f be given through thecolums ofjthis paper. Columbusr (GRIPS' Carpenter's Monday. . Mesdames S: B. Edwards and Mull were charming visitors at Walnut Grove Monday. Born to Ray Edwards and wife a wee girlie Evangeline Sue, on Sept 2nd. There will be an ice cream sup per at Fox Mountain school house ntgomery, katurday evening Sept. 18th, for the purpose of raising our, com Mrs. Lindsey Stafford of Spartanburg, S. C, i spending some time with ner parents be fore leaving for Alabama. Miss Margare Canif ell has re- munity fair funds for premiums turned to her home at j L.andrum, everybody come. after, spending a fewdays with Greenis spending his vaca- . , jf non witn relatives on route i. Messrs. uagar-JNewman ana Mrs. Robert Pitman is verv ill ! . i . Ki N,n,,,,,,f,f ,v I frf fot,f t. : j.t : Frank Flliott of ViTashinerton. I :4.i i : . an agricultural mnienium 'wouia iau uic oamc, aw iu taK.es -u icwi m ucaiing uie program --- t ,. , Wiui paruiy&is at tins wnuiig. UmflfAfl,o nUnnvtVi ctrfa Vnn some crood friendlv. enthnsiastiV. oi the evenmff executed rpnllv itu'--J' are spending-dview uayt i XT-.-L1. ' .... t fniu Ani cAmn nitm a wrtnM liowo with relatives. ' & nieivin tflll. iarmers in iNorui varuima, wnu "vi ovmc uuwu .ngui vc uccu cicuitauie lur s love and cherish vour precious old hard work to make a success of a large town showed talant in- Avery Elliott of Aron Ohio The protracted meeting is still bibles, go right now and get that a fair of any kind. We are very tellegence and executive ability is visiting his f amilvhere this in progress here with a good at- 'niH riiistv ronv laid awav unused fortunate m every township in and it was their own work. ! had week. l . tendance and increasing interest. 'so Ion?, and turn to the first chap- Polk County . in procuring real nothing, to do with it neither did John Sneider wheg has been There has been several added . to terand the eleventh verse and hustling presidents and sec. and any town folks come inrto. show substitute for Prof, fife the past church by baptism, also several V ...ln- CnA nnmnAnA . nr, f 1 f Vipv VinvA sp1sH-pf1 vvnrVinor rnm. them nOW to rift it"' lVf ill Snrincr ;t','i1i-t" Y-cHvmaA - fnr' Vf1t Virmo of I Vv .loftor nnrl renlnmntirSn A few of the farmers have be- do. For fear you will not do as mittees. Now the fair is on in club meets twice a months and if Columbia, S. C, Montlay. requested let me quote, Genesis each township which will get you aon oeneve they do things Miss Myrtle McQui&n is visit- gun pulling fodder in this section. l, 11. Ana uoasam let tne eartn uiat u.uu prre iur uie uest ex- ""uiiu. iuu uccu hui mg relatives at Dig ifvei. There was no debate here i Sat- ring forth grass, He did not say hibit and best arranged fair at think your presence will scare Misses Eva and Esptella Pace, urdav nicht on account of the ake the earth bring forth grass the county fair at Columbus Oct. them out or even embarass them Bernice Smith. MaMe Lynch, meet;nff which is in , progress lit let it. and for all these vears 13th and 14th? Each township they will deliver the goods just Ruth Byers, Alice MCrain, El- rWo firrV.-H'nrr ofo;rrVi fnr nrfrnnimtinn will rpp that the Same. Coopers Gap has one mn.-Newman. Messrs.Phil Head. . 'i v. iiu i v. uvvu ilb 11 ouaigini v" o " " w ..... i - - - . .. - . ' ' . J. 1 J J-l I yw-, wnini'Kr f m'v in nnKi.i'n1 I 5jl Cfi Jin H 51 V A firkin fT OYol 1 T1 f nmiV I OrM!V.fr,ATl "DIoVrwl- v 0 1 jr flvnmn .ilgainSL ine plain Command Oltne 'tucn wnunuuitj xa.ii ia wmcu tw .uv..uuiv vviilfcj ouigwu uiouup, rijua vji ten, 'all wise loving Father. Now Columbus on the 13th-. for ex- Saluda will be heard from. Some William Edgerton, ar among the we turn about just cut hibition and judging on the 14th good ladies are getting hold of new students enrolledgin Stearns and at wnicn time 1 guarantee tne tm&umis auu m cuimecuun witn nign scnooi tnis year. Lynn. The series of meetings closed in the unfinished church last Sun day night quite a good attendance all through the meeting, 4 or 5 accessions. The ordinance of Bap tism will be administered next Sunday at 3 o'lock by N Dr. Pratt pastor. Dr. Pratt will preach Sunday night it being his regular appointment. Rev. Langley and wife leave this week for their home, Little Rock S. C. About $300 was obligated last Sunday night for the church building fund. A nice little complimentry purse was gathered up by some of the ladies of the church for Rev. Langley. Its to be hoped they will likewise remember their pas tor. A. N. Kunkle is visiting his old. home, Newton, N. C. this week. 1 D. G. Martin and daughters Miss Kate Masten of Grove, N. C, also Mrs. Bridges of Blocks- burg, S. C. were visiting ' N. W. Randall and family last week. Stanley Swann and family of Fort Peirce Florida are visiting his father D. H. Swann and other relatives this week will leave last of week to visit a brother and sister somewhere in Illriois. Last Monday was Labor Day. Next holiday wili be Polk County Fair will have two hollidays. Get ready. We noticed Tryon will have a community or town ship fair, looks as if they might pull off a good one. The Lynn school will open next suppose here. Joe Morris of Cliff side, passed through Melvin Hill last Sunday. Mrs. Etta Branscom received Monday the 13, with the fbllow- the sad news last Thursday of mg teachers: Prof . Edward H. other bushes, briars and weeds, $25.00 to the township making a lot of good men who mean to M. P. Mills of Skrtanburg, er her' ? T Cram, pnncipal; Miss Ada Tal- 'or,4.u : n: a Uuw oil omnn onS transform Sa uda into one of the Umt tliP wV.Anrl &rith kmo eu, ui uayiuu umu, auu one lanr primary: Miss lee jacKSOn, trail, a mned fair. This $25,00 will most progressive towns in touch folks. v I nly is left of ner famlly of par" 2nd 3rd grade;:Mrs. L. W.. Pres- . a U2ff tnp -ofafpQ ftOR.no for tha with' her agricultural environ- Rav Avledo-e of eenshoro ents brothers and sisters. - son, 4th 5th grade Miss Lizzie i"""' uu-yau uuvci a tiiaiivc auu. I "lvvl' v. UVMvv.w. Y w i . " o ' ' . , i -i i ,i . i , j , , . , fair, in addition to ment that will mean erreat prog- N. C. snent a few da's withrel- w. Stacy nas oeen ..maiuug wjier qui tn graue aim ingu I I - T7 I . ..'.i ll - 11. -w- . ress for town and countv alike. UHvps rpppntlv S . some repairs on his residence scnooi, miss dame Kj. rarKer K i ,-,l tto; Tat o nuf m l o nmhns ir pnnfino- she A P lVTo VioQ AM nut Wia lateiV. uwucouu sweute auu mussit. fj puunus per acre, Decause you tcooxui luwuoiap. gci " 0, n. j. . iuuxv uco , v can't afford to wait for it to start ready and pull for the prize, has taken the preliminary step stock of goods to Ljmbright & J. P. Henderson and -wife also . . .... see what it will do for you, 1f.1t is next years nntqlxnn..n4.n.;nJ ' 4.Un nM flio VnrrM it' will Vvrintr tViA cup. Fishtop. SDontfliiPftnclv Vion wlipn tVn Another tnmcr mst now lor auu utJAt munuay evening wui 1.0. 5 misses minnie anu Xitnci xxciiuci.- Japan clover e-et a ood start farmers to think about and do is complete her community organ- Dr. H. H. Edwards, in-Char- son of Mill Creek has been attend- One more week of good weath- sow about two pounds white or that same old thing you have not ization. Greens Creek and Tryon lotte on bnsiness thisJWeek. ' ing meetings here for a few days, er past. jDutch clover and 6 to 10 lbs. red done that should have been done will follow suite, Tryon has just Attorney R. ArledgJ is', spend- Absolom Jackson and wife of J. W. and T. W. Bradley, vis- iv per acre, men Keep ngiit j ccxl 0 tn.u 10 mat 1 j -- - v,j ixi , nuiucuuiuwu, ovimina vv 1. m- aaainc rc:t one orrnss -nnn anu uasture crup, just cau un vj- ..vummuunj miss liiien liiwm w ivutuci- trw aavs m uus luwii. uav. another untill you get just as Capt Lindsey Tryon, N. C, and club well and wisely organized fordton, visited fronds here G & Feagan and wife also Walter Burgess was in this good a nasture as vou want ask him where he 'buys his hay local tallent could be brought -in- last week. 1 M Mr. Kreider and wife took a little section Sunday. . Now of course I am not cri vine and you will find a barn loft full to action that in point of real Misses Alice, Ada nd Mattie SDin in and around Aboline, Sun- T W ' Rradlev stenned 'ona nstructions for the nrenaration of fine hav all the year round, whole entertainment, would beat Tallant, Mrs. - L... H. pJUloud and hav afternoon. 1 ro-e mtt W nnp Hnv wppV and seeding of good fresh rich his horse slick, fat and no hay the travling show out of hollow, Mr. John Gilbert, attended the simp Johnson who was in a When he got off he was scared worse than hurt, but soon recov ered and killed his snake. . The protracted meeting i . tt cuss and. This is for any poor who has some old fields and too Wfling to tro ahead and till his land before seeding or too infer nally stingy to put his already 2od money into soil improve ment to insure the best and nchest pastures from the very a , m w. What the cotton sections the south needs most of all, is to convert the old -forsaken lands that do not pay for culti yation into valuable pastures, by st the simple inexpensive way tlmed. A visit to Mr Keith's Place near Anderson, S. C., will convince the most skeptical on tins point. -He has converted an ld run down cotton farm of 76 acres, badly washed land, with mto Pv-r-pll e method. When there last May I saw 62 head of rattle crray.- mgftnd doino- woll tlia 7fi acres of 1 l'"Jl.ui UU1U Up, J uiy cutting off r the pines, briars a etc. and without preparation anv u a .... ., 3 - j ftinu auuing grasses and c vers to the Japan clover that already had a start Now if vou bought at $60.00 per ton. You because it would be home grown childrens day at SandPlam Sun- U-ifiVal condition sometime back. ask where does he get that hay and the receipts if any charged day. is very much improved now- right there on a little piece of would stay at home and help Mrs. Ben Green spent one day says he is feeling fine. land -some wnat larger man an IjIraLT a.f , Vyou- 1 . Misses Lula and Dela Johnson discontinued at Silver Creek on army blanket, f I t U'S? f 111 prize flower yard in account of bad behavior was thrpp rimes ner vear. oesiaes il iu wuuuuhiw vuum ; is visiliuk uiciius nciw. vv ww-f j - - -j( w keeps the' land from washing richer and better because of the A. Y. Arledge of enderson- and affords a lot of grazing .for mental and spiritual effort to ville spent Monday lire onbusi- i i ... Vyin rr onrVi tliinora intn raolivatiAn ,oo ' - . norses ano miiK cuw m auuiuun Wiii6UiuW4vui.ui.. ucoo. -, .a,- to the hav. Why shoufd not every In other words we would be Miss Nellie Brown f Clinton, farmer in Polk county determine studying art, right m the chim- S. C, visited relative here last fight now that he will begin with ney corner at nome. i et one week. j nreparinff at least an acre for a more little thing and tnat is win- Fred tflanton and v i x ' . , ... -, -l . . . . . . Ill ? T Hon't ter is just out aneao again, and m Lmcolnton last wefiK. so we this place, and Mrs. Stacy comes hear. second, with a profusion of pe- We understand that Doc Pace, tunias crimson balsam, phlox wiu resume work at hig 11 and asters. Mrs. Lawter Vi;a w00v has the best arranged "front yard, with a young hedge well started, , , .'z. , and borders of voilets, also plenty , t00 j Fred Blanton and wife visited I f nmt beef. Pastures are fine and cat- Ui UUVVCIO. I I 1 J 11 tie ire uuiiig wen. R. C. Jackson went to Saluda one day last week with a fine hay crop next year: muui " .- &, 111 """iWU, . "X . , , f The Misses Jones of BrooklvnJ . . . .. , mean oats and vetch I jnean a ail out nouses snouid oe ove r The Columbus betterments ciud . . . , , , ' a Aunt Betsey J ones' straw Derry w- , i ?. i m i I u i uiiii ui l ki i l r-w villi riu r-u 1 iia . y.TY.oTit mpaHow that will last hauled, especially the roof on the will tender a reception to the , . , L bed is the talk of all. She has ,v,j.icw. ... - - , . . jt - aav nicrnr. . several vears of course that oat Darns, cow nouses, nen nouses, tacuity and patrons i Stearns , , , ripe Demes every day. and vetch crop is all right and tool sheds and etc. And what high school Tuesday flight -V. -Tj T T. W. Bradley has bushed . out should Be attended to but that: is about those high priced larm Born to M. r. Speaks and-wite s " z. uc about one mile oflroadandit always an emergency project, so tools laying around m the ram on last Saturday a guLl.- a -r a- a if von have a cold drv May that and sunshine when it does shine,' Preaching Sunday Itnorning at lver fny wlU discuss pro and . m0olA, mv word for it. the rot. and rnst Pnlnmhns Rantist. criirch. Im- LI1C uai CUULauuu Will UlaKc )'UUI lCgUiai iiia,wivvv j r -.- hay crop late or a failure, you from crop time to crop time again portant business conference after women Wo and veth does much more damage than the service. E. J. Jones ipastor. come c which ripen in May. Now please annual wear and tare. M. P. Spears returned last speaKing. . . . I XT 11 Tn. -I i 4-.v don't forget these important inuw pun iur jtuik guilty or weeK irvm a uip mumw, things until it is too late. The pull out. The man or woman N. C, where he tried;f he case of time for both these farm en- who kicks his county or town, Henry Spears vs. Talmssee power terprises is right now on for this should get out and find more con- Co. for; personal injuries, and season- still another thing to keep genial quarters. Which town- reports he received a verdict of in mind is that community ciuu iwup -wm gci uwi p.w ynzeivw, with men. come out and .hear of Everybody some good To Clean Beeswx. When sewing-room beeswax begins to look dingy, it may be melted and Wmftiflpd. The erime drons off at once when the wax la melted on the surface j nnmraally foolish, "the wlmt man has f hnnin? water, and gives a clean Bald "Those who nearer make mistakes niP of beeswax when remolded. never make anything else." K ' makes such a change surely some one will help and ; finish the Cove road. Women suferage is not cutting muck ice here. Some Consolation. For the encouragement of men who are prone to call themselves hard names when they hae done something - I, !? 1 1 ' II

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