M j. oik County is She Land rdfr Qpponlty;fw to; fesirowor; StocEinian and'TrucCierr'-' AmoOti. m m m -. c L BUSH Publisher The Only Pzpe-Published in Pclk County 7 A Live Clean Paper for the Heme Price 5 Cents Volume XXVI No. 13 'Tryon, N; C.,, September 17, 192Q $2.00 a Year iUR CSUMTY AGENT'S DEPARTMENT 'me Timely Talks to Poik County Farmers, and others, on Timely Sub jectsp by County . Agent, J. R.-Sams. Ojr Community Fairs. .?-, . n i t v fairs and com- yilixw . L?tv crab work and good will yelopment in xortn Carolina 11 be emphasised next year, or 1 - mi is year as never oeiore. 1 nis stressed at the late meeting county agents at West Raleigh one of the important projects. l3Ve JUol' viaiiGV uaiuucv aim d the community fair prospect aglow with enthusiasm, P. H. iley the genial president has ut him an executive and hn- ce committee able of work and thusiasm. C o 1 u m b u s, Mill ring, Cooper Gap, and Greens ek,ire all organized and press- .wv. - V foward. I had a letter from r . I. Branscom, secretary . of eens Creek community, fair hich was encouraging. Back these fairs is a community or- mization intended to better de- lop the resources of every com- nity, What we want is a ;tter community life, better Mculture of course, but better iighbors, better people and bet r homes. Better roads, better hools, better teachers, and them tter paid. So it is betterment fare after1 and the surest and st way to get it is to organize M rrof nvorvhnflv to xxrnTV frtf jtter things in his or her own jnmunity, and this is what a nimunity club and iair ; means. ow what about that hog pas- e? The boll wevil is on his ,y and is expected to strike Ik county about 1923, though pay be a little later. There is thing unusual about a hog pas re, just select a good rich piece land as nearly levef as you can ,t slightly rolling is better, and i n get every kind oi grass and ver possible to grow on it. is is easy to do on rich land. en put some purebred hogs on S Dasture. and feed a lif t I ft centrated feed all along and tch the pigs curl their tails and V Cf il 1- -. 4. t go on the pasture untill well iablished, better mow for hay fn fl-4. T i c iiisl vpar i nm wnnnor J wvA A Uill IT X A Vtllj ut a permanent hog " pasture w, of course peanut, soy bean, Ivet bean, cow pea and other wo can ue grown 10 suppie- M the permanent Dasture and fishing up work. Of course' I do ?t expect every farmerm Polk wty to break his neck making !rmanent pastures right now, I fuidbe sorry if they did, but vant to keep pastures so ever priced hay; next summer. .Now is the time to think about it and think so intensely and persistent ly that it will get your bodies in such action that the thingwill b e done. : Don't let the mVh seed bluff you off, seed now : are not as high as' last year and if twice as high it will, be " much cheaper than buying hay next summer. Try it. dont tak e mv word for it. . : Another thing I want to. men tion, I want one farmer or two if suitable men will apply to grow some seed wheat in Polk county. The state will furnish high quality peaigree. seed wheat for one or two farmers who will agree to sow this seed under instructions given. This seed wheat will cost $4,00 per bushel and the farmer: undertaking this project should be ble to sow 10 bu. on good wheat land and plant it at the time and in the manner pre scribed by the state agronomist. Ti 1 ; ' "' T 11 v MICKIE SAYS: v vms or our oofc vrrvvi vuttu their meetings and in a kind way ask for what we think is dtie our erh home conveniences in them, men and women who can see good roads and' well supplied school houses within reach of eyery.child in folk county. We Want to see the time when every man and woman - in -Polk county can have this mental vision and fever yone will see and feel alike for himself and for his neighbors as he sees and thinks for himself I then : and ' not till then will - we have all the good things we now crave for ours elves only. ; : Notice of flection. ; ? The ; "undersigned do hereby oWer an' election to he held: in the Town of Tryon on Thursday, Sept ,30th, 1920 f or thev purpose of determining the tax rate for the year 1920. - ' V v hThe present tax rate on the old assessment; is 66 2-3 ' cents per $100, OOnder the Revaluation Act this has been reduced to' 23 cents per $100.00 which, makes a deficit of ' $2550.00 in -the budget O.tKeurrent. year. To '. meet this deficit the rate must be made 40 cents per $100.00 instead of 23 cents. : ; . ' : ... : The tickets will read 4 Tor Tax" if the voter 'wishes . the 40 cent FROM OUR FRIENDS IN THE COUNTRY Items of Interest Gathered From Various Sections of Pcsk County by Cur f v Corps' of Faithful Correspondents. Mountain View We have been having a lot of rain in this-section for the last month. Mr. Taylor Jackson, who has been visiting relatives at Caro- een returned home one day last week and reports a fine trip. Mr. Leslie has been a pleasant visitor at Moses Jackson's for the last few days. Several from this section went to Spartanburg with produce last week. Miss Alice McCrain left for Columbia, last week, where she entered high school. We miss her ,very much. v Edgar McCrain and Milo Walk- er motored to Tryon one day last week, - ' H. H. McCrain lost a fine milk cow last week. . - any farmerm Polk county de- neck of the woods m the way-of rate br l "Against Tax if the rt - 4-fs. --. -.- . - -. II T 1 i 1 1 1 i ?uCa w wigag. m gruwmg seea roafls, . scnoois, Dnages . ana ere. 23 cent ' rate is wanted. Polls wneat, and desires to take ad- and then if we . don7 1 get what hvilibe'opeh "from; Sunrise until .v.-.-.i jff Ll.. ?."" ?JL' "1 . v 1 1 ' 1 ! i ' 1 z . ' -. " . ", vaniagevi ims uner write or .see we asK ior ano ian to get, lor gunset at Town Hall. One more thing and I'll hush and sull and pout and call every for this time. How are you get- one thieves and . robbers. The ting along with uncle Sam and place for thieves ' and robbers is do you love him? Are you obey, on the chaingang or in the state ng his laws anpl can you swear penitentiary, and I would hate M C BiLvkp Clerk next time you registerto vote awfully to think we hada county ls-w; ; t v.o v.o-r v;-,r.i,4- 4? 1 ffi:,i :,i4- "Ua GOVERNOR UICKETT. SAYS. wioi. juu nave aui viuiatcu. xiiy kjl i uiiicxai . w nu uugiii tu uc m citiici F. P. Bacon, Mayor. C W.Ballenger . W. Y. Wilkins Iv A, Avant r ; - ' Commissioners. Mrs. .Gran Higgiiis arrived home bunday evening from Spruce Pine, where she had spent a week with her daughter Mrs. Smith. ' The debate was postponed again last Saturday night on ac count of the protracted meeting, but is sceduled to come off next Saturday, night without fail. A missionary society will "be organized at the school building next Saturday at 2: 30 p; "m. . Cotton is beginning to open slowly tn this section. Success to the news. Fishtop. Some more nice warm Weather last week ; and we hope it wil continue. - v About the best news we have this week that nothing unusua has happened. ; E. J. Bradley was in Henderson county a few days last week vis iting friends, and saw some good corn, fine hogs, , milk cattle and Columbus. " -IH--MHMBV- - - There will be a meeting of the Columbus Community Club next Monday evening at seven o'clock in the school-building, for 'the purpose jof completing the organi zation; and be entertained by a very brief programme. At a re cent meeting of the Community Club, it was decided to meet ev ery two weeks and have a pro gramme. Resolutions have been adopted which are of vital in terest to each and every citizen, , which stand for the uplift, of the entire community; ready to back" every progressive move, and it is : hoped that all . the folks near enough to Columbus ,to attend - these' meetings1 will takethe ;acW'v calves f or sale. Mrs. . E. J. Bradley had a nar- vantage of this opportunity to- row escape one day last week Iget together and get something when she stepped out to cut some started worth while. his laws? Then there is your place. What the world needs. Some practical provision -wil state: have you been true to her what North Carolina needs andTalS0 be made to meet the distress and obeyed her laws? Then what Polk county needs is con- inS conditions that confront the rich weeds for a cow and found The reception given for the what about those good, neighbors fidence in humanity. Show me most of cities and towns. Since a large ratler in position and con- the teachers and patrons o f and do you love them as vou the mah who confides in nobody r the Kevaluation Act was written tending for every inch of the lot Stearns High School Tuesday love yourself? You may think and I'll show you a man in whom the cost of everything a city has He succeeded. . ' evening the 7th. was well attend- that is hard to do but hard, as all mankind' may well look with to buy in order to maintain a de- I see an abundande of loafers ed and 'much enjoyed.' Those you may think it is, God requires suspicion. Of course there is cent Clty government, including every where I go wanting higher present were entertained by a' it at the hand ot every one. So much taith and trust m the wge& uiu mkuiu), uaa gicduj wages. Never, mind just wait recitation and musical program let us all square our actions world, but none too much. Now increased. it appears tnat a by the square of virture and see the purpose of this i article is to number of cities cannot live on how far short we are falling and see if any body sees any good in the ten-per-cent increase fixed by strive to do better in the future; Polk county. Now what about the act ol lyiy. 1 suggest that our climate, the rain, sunshine, a Din De drawn providing tnat pleasant breezes,' then what whenever the governing author- What Will Polk County Be? Thprp is a nnpstion mark aftr about the beautiful rivers, creeks, ities of a city shall, bya unani- every thing in the future; be- and cooling. springs, on the moun- nious vote, find as a fact that it cause no one can foretell the fu- tains and in the low grounds, is lmpossioie ior tnecity wmam- ture. If I knew the vision every Then what about the towering tam us guvwumeia un Mie ten- citizen of Polk county had of mountains themselves. Starting per-cent increase allowed by the what she 'will be twenty-five where the cotton, fig and scup: act of 1919 that they shall publish years hence, then I could tell you pernong grapes thrive in lux- this fact, together with a state what she will be at that , time, ursance and pierce the clouds ment of the actual increase of Alii n .tn rtT rv-k v, c-aiM revenues necessary; and if with- ww ii ii --i ui ii w " -i i I i i ra m v ., ii v... lit ii nui i i w ' f f Vll W M W W IkllVll lAAVJL VMti W A AW " a progress. If we continue to see O, well' it will just grow any nothing but cotton growing on thing that grows from Canada to the fields and gullies, with the Fla,. and What more can you soil and land all washing away ask? Besides there are so many and the river and creek beds fill- other things to numerous to men ing up with the soil, sand, gravel, tion, but there is one thing we and clay brought down by every can boast of which no other coun- they will come across and we arranged by Mrs. Jno. Carnegie, hope how soon". Sandwiches and coffee were serv- Some are gathering peas and preparing for winter." Irish H. Hi. Edwards returned Wed- potatoes are fine but so niuch rain nesday from a busmes trip to is rottening some. Seems that "ariotte. turnips will be scarce this winter. Melvin Hill. Mr. Frank Elliott has returned to . Washington, D. C, after a two weeks visit to his. parents here. Messers J.- A. and W. E. New- The meeting which has been in froyress here for a couDle of wppVs o.lospd Sunday niffht about man have charge of the mercan- twelve were added to the church. tile business recently purchased by Lambr-ight & Co. in ten days after this publication i Misses Annie Louise Mills and Dorothy Edwards were dinner guests of Miss Blanche Feagan Sunday. New students enrolled this Mrs. E. S.' Pitman of Collins yille, visited her sister Mrs. Stacy ,.-. .1 loot tyt -."-It" nrn ten per cent of the voters of the v. city shall ask for ah election on James Hester and his sister the Question.' one shall be order- of Shelby, made a visit to their . I i Of T1 J.1-- ed to determine whether or not aunts ivirs. oimpjonnsunreceiiuy weekwere Misses Mable Pack, such increased taxes shall be Some parties went into Wm. Carrie Barber, Barbara Vouheese levied, a If such a petition shall Ridings watermelon patch Friday Nettie Davis and Mr. Lorene Finglyin themindsof farmers hard rain that comes, then, that try has and that is the thermal not be hied, then the governing night, and cut up and destroyed Tony. . ; . - that after I am dead and is what will be going on twenty- belt our mountain side. Now authorities shall be authorized to some fourteen or niteen good Lindsey Smith wife and daugh- fma mi . i i i i I - i . - - .;.j ;. ...i..i' j.: .L- : low thp tayps wit hnnf. an p. fiftinn. sizwi melons. . . -fan r'oir of ta-nAaA hnMovtioiw r uiey win tnmK oacK and nve years hence. - msteaa oi everiasungiy wmmng -sorry that they did not get If we stay at home and. cuss and complaining about this, ' that fsy and grow some and crive me and brow : beat the countv. com- and the other going to satan in instead of everlastingly whining levy the taxes without an election, sized melons. ter Cay attended a birthday party Farmers are trying to save' at Lynn Saturday evening, some fodder this week. , , Mrs. E. W. Dedmond has been Mr. Kreider has purchased indisposed for the past- few small bit of pleasure in my life- missioners, road board, board of Polk county, lets just open our innn i. . . 1 -- . v . - - , . I . i i . i i to see somereal sure enough education and everybody, else mental and spiritual visions and ptures, just such as I have who have . better roads, ' better begin to look for something great on Tr . . . rwm t . .. .. i i - i i t- ii 1 i -"uxventucKy, east Tennessee schools, and better bridges, we and glorious m oid roiK ano y 1(1 Other mrts nf Pipmont nnrl tyiqVo hottor lipnwnv in irpt. and bv we will besrin to see and g- ' v - a --..'WMAAAWAAv v I VV 111 A.llAtX.s w V w . aawvw . w i v - 0untain sections of North Car- ting them., Instead of laying at realize what we look for and vex- inevitably bear the stamp of ibwer: unson ( oweti aiaraen ra DallyNews. ' Beware of Lost Minutes. "In the dynamic of human affair" said a learned man, "two qualities are essential to greatnessr power ' and promptitude. The former Is often the fruit of the latter. A man or woman who Is Impressed with the value of time will make every minute count to such purpose that his or her life will Pna. The hnll wmril ia nnrnl-ncr V.vrvio onVl aoiTlrp,, tV.o0onfflM0l5 T.PPt Whv not look for flLTld P.Y- 11 a. akj vvrxxi.ji&x 1 xxvXllv (Allvl vuaiug : wivuv viiiviuiu - & r- . j Wfc must crrow hntrs ' nnH tVinno-h nprrinns rottip of them Dect STOOd officers, then We would M evenly without smoking, paying you - i . it .OT.-..Tt . m 1 o v. weu tor int swiHii aiuuuui vj. ;her live stock, to take the place and. maybe all need more or less nominate and elect that kind. Ult0n largely as a money crop, "cussing", why not come to Col- Then we might look for and ex- grow livestock we must grow umbus and inrequire into the mat- pect good roads, schools, bridges lures. So there you are no ter where you think, you have a and etc. What we need is a vis- ?y Setting around it and that is grievance and . perhaps every-1 ion that can see possibilities in U.V tnnn i j ' .1 .' 1 .1 1. . . J - ! i- 11 1 1 il ' ccp iimmnff on vou to tniner couiu ue maue uiam. koik countv. auo tnen can see Pastures. SO thp. snnnpr vnn TJffVinor is pvPr cainpd hv ahiis- th wav tn HpvpIoti thpsp twcqi.. F t0 growing pastures the ing any one. A good man can bilities. We need men who "can pended in cieanina, the wick. roller 1.11 nilif mollini XTttit 1 V '-.il --J lir oVtiiainrvVilTVI Q rrrrA 1 . mwan ' nlln A-P n1ir-4. n-A I " . SOUIXe Of TC3r8. nat about that $60.00 a ton hav nffiopr ran he made a disaeree- crrass where the brown earth jU Will have to huv ne-rf Qnm- aVilo fpllnw hv ront.iTfnal abuse nnw frowns at. vnn we neeH tupti u you don't plan now to get A bad man has often been re- who can see fat cattle grazing on ound it? . ' . . iii. i i n .... j . i 1 1 i . - i ii vuii win snw enmp rnnriwi nv ifinn wnrns nnn otwmi Tnpir np ns m f flwrnnn (rrasa . V WVT TV UVA11V r A. V& J V WW"-'- - Q w w m 1 VAW , , .waw W A 'WAW Wfi - - O A UUW er oats harry or winter vetch treatment. Suppose we .all . quit we need men and women who himself a car lately. ' weeks. The Misses Tawter of Coolv Ernest McMurry left Tuesday Springs, spent the week-end with for the State University at Chapel S. S. Lawter and wife returning Hm where he H enter school, home-last Sunday." ' ; Lindsey Swofford of Spartan Elder Jackson'returned tx) his b. C., spent the week-end T?,itVii.rt loot Trtn With his wile.. ; 11U111C Ab IVUWlClluiUKVii uwn I t tt -11 J ' m 3 Lu n. Vioua spent xuesaay ,ul day after , a two weeks stay I among us. . M. E. Randolph and daughter Robbie of Chesnee, visited Loren Spartanburg. : Yates Arledge and Miss Phoebe Carpenter were married Satur day at Spartanburg, S. C. Im mediately after the cermony they annhratinn nf ariH rnctincy stones awhile - at onr I pan see well hnilt houses on the nate, you Can henrl nflF'tho I nmmtv nfflpials sinrl instead thrvw I thonsanirls nf henntifnl sitos fni ty Of buvino that hirrh thorn a' hminnpt T-ot's attend I m 5. ornifient. h nmps with nil TrrH Cleaning the Oil Stove. To clean the wicks of either oil lamps or stoves turn them fairly low, so that only the charred part is visioie. Then take a small-piece of sandpaper and rub over the top of the wick care- . . . kk Mnc If t-.nva.hla - AftPF this "operation" the flame wiu bum Johnson and wife Sunday. There was a reorganization of heft for a wedding trip. the Sunday school here last Sat- Koah Daniel of Landrum, S.; urday.' No changes to speak of c visited relatives here Satur- I m 11 I where do tears come from r in were made, n. l. Lantreii was Ay . !r7red!ihJre ,m,aJi,d,n? if re-elected superintendent, and all Harrison Cannon of Lynn, ' N. the tear duct- This little gland Is con- . - , " i . , - . , . J, stantiy making tears and washing the other officers and teachers C., visited mends here Sunday, the eye. The eye "winkers" are the except one. " V W. H. Hill of Rutherfordton VS&Z$SZX Hensoa Huntley and wife of N. C. spent the - weekend with eye. when we cry the tear gland Hollv Springs, visited her parents, his family. V pCi.4U6 Mickey West DrooK ano wue iastr o. a. nwnuui .w m njuu 'works , overtime" chasing -another, like rain drops on the window pane. i week-end; , Tuesday on business V, s " i, - il , - ;i " 1 I 4 ""O W j AJIi, I.11V11A V fkSW UVMVVl i JMWV V " V WW V -J w w w IMA UAWi