.1 c 2X! ww - ill .-r i i v tiiii wii i4U T TTTVTTVTTrr TTmTTlT 1 OA tilt? VAJLi U 1V1.D U O X1U 1 JlfJU ailU .ZU t rvno j ji tt.i i i wio aujummg; une xiqiei ana one 5-room Cottage. We "will also sell 65 acres 'cut into small tracts. - " Don't fail to attend this great gathering". xiic jjiuperuy wm positively ue sold at the nriViv thpi npnhlp arp willing to pay. V; o ' H 1 iv'i 4 i A- Mil si n lnT Oiit Om - Live Wire Band x Waluable Prizes will be GIVEN .AWAY Ladies Cordially Invited SALE . RAIN OR SHINE . iJ!" IroginH Jvm wmn 9 Id i fa HDD JDflW So,''!lliijasD T(liy iff pG food & ODD 4 antra ".smw -'.':.. ' .- x . n n aiipB-'!inpm)q 0 ' r I - n we Can Sell Your Land 3 'v" (Sen) Dfps pn tesns&'oro, N. C.