(Alt, oik County is ithe Land ,of Opportunity for She ifiuifc lj&er, Scliman nd trucker, investigate! t - .t. - r i -r i BUSH Publisher The Only Paper Published in Pelk, County A Cln Paper for the Home Price 5 Cents lume XXVI No. 14 Tryon, N. C. , September 24, 1920. $2.00 a Year IjUR COOMTY AGENT'S DEPARTMENT L Timely Talks to Polk County Farmers, and others, on Timely Sub-i jects, by County Agent, J. R. Sams. Prepare For The Fair. a great family of brothers ; and sisters and havA nno o-rwvl , rJoTr Uetime is fast approaching toother. TW our community ana county another to do all the work and L Now do not let any one taMng. Let everyone do his or Polkcountysay inavewtnmg herpartofthe talking and work, for the fair. The purpose of Thm . , . I m n I . w ... HlVUOVU 4C4VA air is of the effort and success. Now i Uucts witn otner iarm pro- fftr Q , Q , , s. So that those who are a ionstint pull untin the sun ucing the best maybestimu- goes down on October 14th, when v4 tn nn sun utiLLei auu. uiuse n mv v - .1 pi ------ an win nave joy m tne success 0 are Denina may eaten nearly Wft . . Nftw , , pvprvhnHv Now a word relative to pre- frnTn -fW im w .wi fring and selecting commodities best The townshi directors L fr ma v not be amiss, what -i i . . x tu - ' " . snouia raise tneir quotas. 01 casn , want is to n lairs for expences and send to F. B. educational value to all of us. Rlantftn TrpnsiirA Pninmhno m Udardization of farm products C. at once. piease do not delay one 01 me mam tmuB ucueu another moment, doit right now Jr instance, take corn we want ve riffht,now Timfi is flviTliy e corn to be pure white m eolor and thig is of great importance less it is a yeuuw vaxxCty uxea Qn the president, his directors -nvollnw No cross bred stuff ii iC j w.w . . ----- anQ treasure to raise tne necess- her in the vegetaoie or animal ftrv fnnr1a f finnnpo; he fQlV lgdora, then tne years snouia rests j d the success or f average size, or a little longer .... Rn , ot tha nf the variety on exhibition, host call f or the best that is in -pies should be of the same us as Lord Nelson at the battle Theil920 Population dfPoII; County The Census Bureau has made:public the fol ires regarding: the population- of Polk countv. le figures giAe the populationlin ; both 1910 and fi Tj 1920, and show an increase. n r Columbus, including Columbusiu;. Coopers Gap. ... Greens Creek .... .. .:L.. Saluda, including Saluda Tryon, including .TryonIiS::. White Oak . ....... .;,.. Incorporated tons 1920 .1117 - 939 .:2478 .1125 11967 ......1206 1910 936 953 1962 877 1664' 1248 Columbus. Saluda... ... Tryoig. 168 . 549 .1067 122 235 700 FROM OUR FRIENDS IN THE COUNTRY Items of Interest Gathered From, Varies Sections of Pck Ccairty by to - Corps of Faithful Correspondents. HeWin Hill. --Kill Spring. eptemDer Daimy aays brings jwill Reed has purchased a new the golden autumn. eyaporater and is making some Last Sunday an interesting fine molasses this week. event took place, when the many . iMrs. Heber Carsoii and little friends in this community gave son Jackson of Trvon sDent last Mrs. J. M. Lewis a surprise birth- week with their aunt, Mrs. Etta aay amner. everybody seemed Branscom. to enjoy the day and the bounti- ;Themovie show came iui dinner. Jngth, same diameter, same amber of rows on each ear of Imple, straight rows, unless-ex- in depth of grain and "other hod qualities, medium sized cobb 1 1 3 Itn aeep Key sluiicu sxiapeu kns, filling out 'tight at outer id, firm and compact on cob. other words we want all the of Waterloo said" Today, England expects every man to do his duty". So let it be with us in this 1920 Polk county fair let every man and woman, of Polk county do his and her duty, and a great fair will crown our effort. Report of the Condition of the Polk County Bank & Trust Co. at Columbus in the State of N. C. at close of business, Sept. 8th 1920. ' RESOURCES Loans and Discounts.....$63,784.39 Demands loans....... ...... 2,042.18 Overdrafts..... ....... 192.20 U. S. bonds and Liberty 4 bonds. 600.00 Ranking house $4,964,14 v furniture and fixtures r $3,133.57. .1... ... 8,097.71 All other real estate ' owned . 2,621;11 Cash in vault and net amount due ' from . V banks, bankers and , trust companies.......... 14,455:62 Cash items held over 24 hours , 10L04 36 82 As some of the ladies of Polk rn possible on the cob and of county have had good success in Checks for clearing e best quality, it a wmte cod py --v6 m uiub u- T j ;....$91 931.07 iriPtva the CObs must be White ,wc uave piaiiucuiw nave ' rVrftmnh I 3 -i- -. xi: - - t ah Exhibit of dvir artirfea at iir TSWlLtLiMua V1? co? ve.y. Capital stock paid in, :$13,000.00 m De reo. wneat snpuio De . j. : . r" tt;, Wffinty and of good quality, Uye Company has kmdlycontnb- Opening of Saluda Seminary. off last a lxiesuay nmnt accordiut? to ar Misses Mollie, Leona, and Eva pointment but inasmuch as the Egerton left Wednesday for people don't seem to be very Asheville, where they will enter much enthused we were not able school. to learn much about it. . . Mr.-Clark son, principal of Henson Huntley of Holly Stearns High , School, and Mr. Springs has purchased land near Saluda Seminary will open on Mills of Columbus, were pleasant Melvin Hill and we hope to have Wednesday Sept. 29th, under di- callers at the home of J. M Bar- him and family as neighbors in rections of Rev. Frederic M. ber bunday. the future. Hollister principal, and Mrs. Misses Barbara Vorheis, . Ma- William Gilbert has sold out Eunid S. Hollister assistant prin- bel Pack and Carrie Barber, en- his portion of land joining his cipau : They will be ably support- tered school at Columbus Monday, fathers estate. Mrs, Nannie ed by a fine corps of teachers, Rev. J. W. Hackney filled his Ross was the purchaser. among wnom are tnree wno reornlar atmointmpnt at Rpthlp- tr. C. Feagan and wife, ac- taught in the Seminary last year, hem Sunday. He gave us a companied by Mrs, Stacy made Miss Jeannete Richardson, who splendid message on "What so a short call upon the latter's has.been taking a special course ever a man soweth that shall hp sister Mrs. EllaPutman Sunday. in mathematics o Columbia Uni- alsoreapn. Mrs. Putman contemplates going versity, New. York city this sum- VAA ' -p Ru. .rao to Virginia in the . near future, M. J. ww f L M. a a. a m.m 1 I r-i m a Thursday for Westminister school and will spend the fall and winter where he will resume his school work. . ; mer will be at the head of . the mathematic . department. Miss Elizabeth L.-Burns will have the department of domestic science and art, in which she gave such there. Mr. Huntley and wife . visited the former's mother. and brother at Spartanburg spending Sunday evening and night there. One of Mrs. Laura Cole's little sons has been quite sick with tonsilitis, but is better now. Quite a number of the Melvin, Hillites attended the meetings at -i-j -t.!i.;i. j current expenses and 'ihu and shPaf aopomnanvino- uteu xne uye ior mis exmoit ana lolds good for rye 1 i 1. 1 DUt ii you nave . 7 -V" i, . " DPhositA mhtx. check 35.734.78 Mio save the sheaf bring raore 01 , I w;fW Via Mrs. H. H. Edwards of Columbus. A"41C ""w50 vx ; ,11 ji . taP naid 1.883.39 mi.' l.u. j j? an v-on p. wno wi 1 1 nvp anv article : ' mis noias gooa lor rye 'Z-"Z Bills -navahlfi 25.000.00 3d oats also, but if you have Ior ine Iair a. OT "ZTZvJ: .v,TOj( uiik vuur ifra.ni wilmuul Liie i ;j. - a tf o i - , a .,1' nnir eaf. Irish and sweet potatoes Un.y one e ot one color to ouia Deselected not ior Dicmess "" , qvT,rj- 9J VM4Ui4g i size but for real aualitv. -M v -. verage or , a little above the verage m size, smooth and shal- w eyes in irish potatoes. Just ch potatoes as you would buy the market for your own use. he same rule applies to squash, umpkins, turnips, parsnips, car ts, tomatoes, apples, etc. Poultry should be fed some pimal protein, such as beef crap or some other preparation i meat to put them in best con Jition for the fair.' Let all boys 16,231.87 81.03 Notice of Election. . Total....l....L$9131.07 The undersigned do hereby state of North Carolina, order an election to be held in Countv of Polk. July 8. 1920 the Town of Tryon on Thursday, I. Fred W. Blanton, Cashier of Sept. 30th, 1920 for. the purpose the above named Bank, do sol of determining the tax rate fdr emnly swear that fthe ; above the year 1920. statement is true to the - best of The present tax rate on the old my knowledge and belief, assessment is 66 2-3 cents per Fred W. Blanton, Cashier. $100.00. Under the Revaluation Correct Attest: '.' there for about two weeks. Misses Polly Ridings and Can- ! dace Colbert called on Mrs . Branscom Wednesday. We have been having very nice Act this has been reduced to 23 cents per $100.00 which makes a deficit of $2550.00 in the budget nf the current vear. To meet Pig work be done m good style, this4eficit the rate must be made fapwiaiiy tnose wonting witn Hampshire pigs. Have them in zood order clean and bright so if the voter wishes the 40 cent rate or ' Against Jax' ' if the Frank Jackson, E. W. S. Cobb, J. R. Sams, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to be- your pig win shine out to good vantage. In conclusion, let me W every lover of Polk county a do something to make the punty fair and each community show what Polk county is Jdwhat Polk county can do. Iere will be many people at our rs this year looking out for a 'lace to locate for a future home. We need hundreds of good jflusky young men to take up acres jaud acres of our valuable lands jthat are now slacker lands, and vert them into splend id homes nothing will do more or quite so touch to advertise our county as a fowsing fair. We do not have to nave great costly houses and pounds to have a great fair. eo to talkin l0r the fair. "Rrino- mnr stuff along to the f air, some kind of a Place will h iL- l he main thine- to do is to he & hand with your stuff and let Da K. ii . . -ave me greatest social and Anendly get toerether meetine- C,f, - 1 . -' ' o jverneldin Polk county. Let's 40 cents per $100.00 instead of fore me, this 15 day of Septem- 23 cents. ber, 1920. The tickets will read 4 'For Tax' ', J. F. Ormand, J. P. Rev. Roy M. Lewis returned satisfaction last year, anoNMiss !iU" "ima'. " f T , f ' n:T?n ihini.;0i rt in Florida, with friends and rela- UiUVC'l (UVVYCll IbbUlliU UiUV ! . take cjiarge of the department of tlves musfcfdrcwhich she is Well fitted. Don't f orget!services at White Their many friends will begladto Oak church, Sunday at 11 a. m. LielfeeJem (baclt tb Saluda. V r v vnn. , I 2" cw2r;::, Caldwell preached in -thb Brooklyn last week. A protract-., church last Sunday ed meeUng has been in,progress vpfnnfn thp spventh Wade had a eV- Pratt Wl11 PTeach.next grea deal of experience and Sunday in the .unfinished church comes highly recomended. The at the regular time 7:45. many friends of Miss Uniacke All roads led to Colnmbus on who was matron in the old semi- last Moaday. narv building which preceded Our last week's letter failed foddering weather the last few Ryder Hall will' be glad to know to appear, it could not have been days and farmers are making the that sVia is hpre as matron and is our fault as it was mailed on time most OI it. now superintending the prepara- to get in the ground floor, tionof the girls dormitory for its Mr. Wareington on his way occupancy when school : opens, from his summer home at Mon- The teacher of the commercial treat, N. C, to his home in Jack- branches has not yet decided to sonville Fla., stopped over a few Mary Morris place for a home. accept the position, but it is ex- days to visit his daughter Mrs. Tilden Higgins and wife made pected that some one will be Preston one of the teacheas here. n fv n infn va,,v chosen in her place if shedecides Mr Austin of S. C., d k to see j , 4- X. nf tn UAlhnf AM TTT1 I I I I w nut tu cuiC. -. -" was the guest of V. G.; Rhodes brother, have charge of the English de- L . mA partment and will also teach some - . . of the history and latin. ; ' wuuui uix tuc ml V xi. jf ventilating frames for the belfry Theprospectforalarge attend- nf theunfinished church. ance is good. Ryder Hall will be . Wo,t,Voiiv fiii anH the crirls Keef er Hammett and family of who have made applications to Inmfn; s-.c-'" fed "P, J enter are of an excellent quality. Tw. w " . . j it " 23 cent rate is wanted. Polls will be open from Sunrise until Sunset, at Town Hall. F. P. Bacon, Mayor. C. W. Ballenger W..Y. Wilkins L. A. Avant Commissioners. M. CBlake: Clerk. There will be an important meeting of the citizens of Saluda school district in fQdd f Fellows Hall on Satuaday afternoon, Sept. 25, at three a! clock. vMatters pertaining to the public school xxnll he discussed. Both -men and women are urged to attend. H. P. Corwith Chairman. MICKIE SAYS: Hump Gilbert is talking of sell ing out here, and going to In Will Gilbert has purchased the There is room for several more Hammett joined them for a little WOhCSr -CO5POOK A. eetall differences and meet as . Car Track Wear Tires. The severest t wearSJoa solid ttlr, 1 caused by driving on the car tracks, according to an official of a rubber company, ' quoted by the Scientific American. He says that when on the tracks most of the load is concentrated on a limited portion of the tread, so that it is overloaded and quickly; worn ownv. besides. a shart) pointed frog may actually cut a piece off the just as a knife would. tire r M HOHWM ..111 1 I I;- -rir" v-W-nLT I I III .Doc :' - SSMaiOaair . 1 ' ' : ' ....... boys in the boy's domitory, - but "P b"' flf it is expected that some who they turned their attention to the have not yet signified their inten- Kiv.wjra .u ul w tions to enter.will be on hand to say they had a good time, increase the number. It" is ex- Its rumored that A. N. Kunkle pected that plumbing will be in- nas sold nis store nouse and nx- stalled in Barnrad Hall, , the es and n. cannon, nas school building, also in the boys also sold his store house and dormitory, and when this work lQt. completed' Saluda seminary The Tryon Hosiery' Company will be one of the best equipped has closed doors till October 11th. seminary schools in North Car- Lhe Ballard twin brothers; Jay olina. The low rate charged for and Ernest, left Thursday for board and tuition is making it Kansas City, Mo., where ithey possible for some, who could not will enter some kind of a me- otherwise fford it to secure . a chanical school. We wish them broad and a thorough education great success. such will enable ithem to one In motoring through Landrum the other day Mrs. Branscom and Miss Robb came across Ben Wal drop and who diligently Inquired after his brother Tom Waldrbp who used to live in Melvin Hill but moved away some eight or ten months ago. The move, time, place, and purpose were duly announced in the Polk Coun ty News. But why all this pre amble? Oh nothing, only to show that everybody ought to take the Polk County News so as to keep track of your neighbors and ev erybody. Seel . . The missionary society failed to be organized last Saturday af ternoon, on account of a mis understanding in the time of day they were to meet; which was plainly, announced in ; the Polk , County News. Here is another instance that proves that every body should take the News and keep up with the times. enter institutions of higher learn- a rea force jn the town for all ingfor continued -study, or m that is best and most desirable in case they cannot do that, will nt character and public service. them verv well to , take their. very places in the world's life and activities, and become useful citizens in whatever walk - of life they, may v choose to enter. It's the hope of the present ad ministration to : keep the. school up to its present high standard andstewardship and to make itj ChapeL1 "Father of the Chapel. This term, as applied to, the print lng Industry, is one of religious deri vation. : When, centuries ago. , print ing was done, in monasteries. It , was customary to discuss all matters con nected with the work In the chapel , with, the father superior in the. chair. Hence the term "Father of the r . .More Adulterated, (Vater. Another case occurs in Bristol of a 1 man fined for selling water ,with a U milk In IL London Passing Show. Grandpa's Peculiar Power. During a slight drought last summer the. boys were wishing for rain, when Wnile said: "My grandpa can make It. rain whenever he wants to." , Hit companions laughed at him, but be in sisted : "Well, he can. He Just gets rheumatism la his .kneea .and it rains ;iXh tterwardr ' V. I