OUK wuwi mmi 5 uti.'n.i.utui Le Timely Talks to Polk County Farmers, and others,: .on;-Justly Sub jects, bv County Agent, J. R. Sanis. TRYONtrOWnSHIP CfllulUmTY FAIR. Our Fair For The Last Time. What I say this week in the blk County News about our fairs especially tor roiK county read- As a rule the readers 01 a Lnty paper are -the m thnt. o.ountv m ' r every uimg yuu gTOW On your farm, if you. have not : the best just bring the best you have this will give a chance for com parison, The thing is for everv- . j . , mr !. men and v.vi ouu ui iuk suiiie- I i - T " . . . . . ni atcuuukY wiiu cacii i flnpnce in that county. So pui wxumumty iair mat comes ii i j? ii hff TIMt uroolr of 1 -i ;-. coin mis wppic is 11 1 rfnriT i v vuu wj. o uau ,r you, and directly for every ?lxy ucuioer 4tn, at ounny .j . ; DniL-rn,,i View school house. Tiiesdav Ort- hflTl anU WUllWii in Avrirv vyuuiit V. , . - v ict- The ob ect of community otn at wmie uaK, lireens ,v , to stimulate better acrricul- reeK Wednesday ttn, at greens 1 - i 1 1 1 . , , better home conditions. reeK nign scnooi, and uoiumbus inursday October 7th. - Saluda. AfTDr 11 v n t;. ai. i l.i. Dun - a- 1 r y Cestock and in fact better every Fridav October 8th, at Saluda in pvprv town, nook and ryon, Saturday ytn, at brner in roift. cuuniy . vv e want 1 , . npnnleofour towns to attend mwmcn wwnsmp you live! e - t At.- land while vnn mti (nnnorato oop Tairs. 1 uieui uie com- - vwmwv, unityfairs. It is there you twill with whichever community fair fVio npnnle nf tne rnnnfv I you prefer, that . $25.00 cash i-ff ' I . I.IIL. W W B W A WW I nrize will cro to the townshin in rgsn iruiiLWicix iiuxiica aim Lain., 1 - , -- Wial and'eat with them and which Ithe above fairs are held. jkereby cultivate the closer and So if you have township pride ad friendlier relationship.1 help your township to wm this 2nd- These fairs can every one Prize- everybody whoop up -4 .. ' , r - ' - t Wde areat success. ThisUuur own community iair, and ,v - - - Ii . , . . - be done by all the people co- Dy so aoin& whoop up Folk county air. 5n " i n .. . ... . .. Win in Drenarins and brinjr- au over- ext week we will talk r o " . - .1 . J ' 1 1 ' g something from the farm; auout tne county iair, ana now e garden, and the home to the we mean to maKe it a great one. Now a word to you who Fair Paragraphs. c 46 X ! We are fortunate in having eyare iur yuu uireuuy, R. P. McCracken of Clay County, .en 10 muse u wnum yuu uuk tn inp n.ir PnmmTiitv fo,Vo Kaiit tha tail rJ nxir onnnAon 1 ru. Wv . . K. F. McCracken is an excelleut our lownsn jp cummumty jair man practical f of high failure. Who will be to blame? U:nty f nTw.; Wfl ;nilTff v (i mu uc cv jr. uiuuxu- but in tjje stated having been em-1 t man and woman who fails to iu ' www ui cue iair. raiiure ui Wnt hont thne seven snemal u: r ;ii i ' " r how one of two things. 1st, Qf fho nfv faiV? iWa ire too poor to produce any thing hoin in nrf1ir Qn, I HuyuiDngexposeotopuDiic shining and at Columbus by 10 1 ;tention. 2nd, that the people Anlnv nnW Mnw wa f T "TV" nave n?? sum; not have any slackers, grouchers, one or two good kickers in each ! pn produce. 3rd, - It might be m a community has the land id mtellegence all right to do pch a thing, and yet 3elfish greed id indifference to public good light prevent a good community xhibit oif the day of the fair. Aat towiVjiD jvants the dis- inction of emg in either class ierein descFd?. The way to ieepout isy every reader to Jet busy rigion his own farm m garden .t, and then see Jis neighboii and stir everybody Phis and her very best. 4th. f he benefits of community cooper ation because it is something peryone to the poorest in all pie land can contribute some jjting. 5th, It brings together products of the community 1s0 that t heir own people and the iide world can see what 'that immunity is doing. 6th, It is Qn J 1 . . . . - - ... -"uiuex to tne Kind 01 son in hat locality. 7th. It reDresents thrift and intellegence of the immunity. 8th. It shows that Qe community has the land,, the necessary nerve and grit and the "tellegence to make the stuff hat keeps the world going and organizing ability to bring it to other for exhibition! ' Now just a few more davs in Jjhich to work and' prepare for w lair. Don't nut it off till the st morninsr. Get out riffht now see to it that your exhibits ready. Don't whine around say I have the best corn in Wie counts Vmi; : . u..4. , vj ut it i wu green lu uw. Everybody's corn is green " kjw iiirsL. 1 1 r 1 1 1 j 11 Miiiiiir the judge will know how to w& it. Bring something of kicking. We don't want begin ners, we want an old time kicker. So if anyone aspires to . this po sition please send in your name that we may get it in the News, just one to the township . is all We want, but he must be a good one, I say he because women don't kick good things. I never knew one to kick a good man. Keep your eye on Greens Creek, and Saluda about that $25. 00 prize for best township or community fair. They are working like beavers but they will do wen to keep busy or oldjCooper Gap, Columbus Tryon orftWhite Oak, will have the coon and gone be fore you know it. So I say to all work. Once upon a time there was a persimmon tree with one persimon right in the top of the tree and there were six boys scrambling for that persinmon. Five of them made efforts great or less, but the sixth one came up with a longer pole than the other and brought down that persimon so it will be next week. There are six townships in Polk County They all have the chance to get that $25.00 persimon prize for the best community township fain Work in the pole that will bring the persimon. Who will have the pole and get the first? "He can who thinks he can Through the untiring v efforts of our County Agent, Mr. J. RSams, Tryon, Township will hold on Saturday October 9th its ifirst township or com munity fair. Polk County ;has for some years held a County Pair at Columbus and.increased interest has . been shown every succeeding year. , - v : . It Is almost a nilewitiiout exception 'that live, wide-awake, counties have successful county fairs and f: visa versa every county in 'the icount that has a good fair is almost without1 exception a prosperous county. It is for this ireason thatiMr. Sami. and those associated with him he: woifed so hard to -get Polk County citizens to;show at Columbus once a year the product of their labors and in this way every producer shows to eyery -other producer his best products. The six township fairs to be held in Polk County this year just jprior to the County Fair at Columbus are to areate a more local interest and from these townships fairs take the best to Columbus for the County Fair. ?,v ; v ; : The State of North Carolina offers premiums on all items for the township faur: and m addition offers $25. 00 to the township accredited with the best ex-1 hibition. The merchants and? manufacturers and other citizens of Tryoh township are raising a sum of money, in addition to whatjthe State offers, that in creased amounts may be awarded the winners on every item displayed in this pountyjust to show their appreciation of interest .and from ; the business rea- son that this interest will stimulate'Droducers in this township to greater effortsj j: These prizes have not oeen ngurea out as yet but every class of product shown will be awarded a prize for the winner. It will be impossible for those in charge of the Tryon Township fair to see personally every person in this township that should be called on but through the colums of this paper those in. charge wish to an nounce to every person in Tryon township that pro duces anything, such as vegetables,' flowers, farm products, plain sewing, fancy work, canning and pre serving, bakingj or the raising of any 'kind of stock such as horses mules, cattle, sheep j ; hogs, chickens, .'. turkeys geese, ducks, rabbits .or any other live stock, - that everybody is not finlytitled to enterexhibits V but are earnestly requested to bring V the bt " they v have and show it on Saturday, October 9th, r Having their exhibit at the building in Tryon engaged for this day not later than 10:30 on that date, but W fore nine o'clock in the morning if at all possible. A great many people will feel that what they have is not good enough to show but that is not the spirit of the f-air and if every one took this position there would be no fair. Bring this best you nave and if at all possible write a post card a few days before ad dressing Nelson Jackson, Jr. and adyise what is your intention to show that preparation may be made for disDlav. If evervbodv will enter into this with SDir- it this first fair will be a success and will lead the way to much more successful fairs in the succeeding years. Let everybody get interestered - and bring something and try for the prizes that are offered by the State and the local Merchants and Manufacturers. TRYON TOWNSHIP COKMlftllTY FAIR ASSOCIATION. : FROW OUR FRIEC3DS IW TSJE COUNTRY Items of Interest Gathered Frca Various Secticsa cf Pcii Ccsnty bj 0r Ccips off Faithful Ccrmpcsdc-s. Kill Spring. ' I . Lee Wilson viaited E. L. Uo- Well, I- suppose everypody ap- Guinn last 'week, preciates this delightful weather. Ui S. Gibba made a trip , to A great time for harvesting Asheville, last week. fodder, peas etc. and the people are taking advantage of it. Some are preparing their cane, so you see we will soon have new molasses. ' . Everyone seems to be very busy now days. , - A splendid attendance at the J. P. Wilson made a trip to Spartanburg, with a load of beans last week. ; It seems to be fodder pulling iime in this section. B. Biddy passed through this section recently. We sure have been having lots Baptist church last Sunday, and rain. pastor delivered a very interest- Hello Sunny View glad to see ing sermon. . you m the News. Come again. Afteran extended visit with .Fisbtop. her mother Mrs. E. M. Dicus and We have always beeV taught children, returned to their home that one extreme follows another, at Gaffney, S. C. It sure holds good in the case of .The Mill Spring community our weather, for we have had the club meets twice each month, on worst season ever until right re Wednesday night before the first cently it has changed to be the and third Sunday. Lett's all at- hest, We hope it will continue tend these meetings. It will do for a while, you good, if you only shake hands After we had mailed our items with your neighbor. last week we were informed that Everybody has a cordial mvi- Mr. .Lively who lives just pver: tation to our community fair at the county line had killed eleven Mill Spring Tuesday October 5th. rattte snakes at' one time, and ii T 1M1 J At l We "hope everybody in the anoer man naa Kiiiea tnree at wnship will bring something one m6, and try to make ours" the best Lynch and Minnie Jackson of fair in the county. Bring your Spartanburg, have been visiting dinner and let's all have a good friends, and relatives in - the time.' . I Bnghts Creek section for a couple of weeks. : E. J. Bradley spent a day or two with friends in Saluda last week. -:; :. - James . Brock and Wm. Kimbrel . visited the Hendersons on last Sunday. ' T The squirrel ; hunters have al most quit shooting. I suppose they have killed about alii as they have been killings them by the hundreds in hearing, of Fishtop f.'.iU Spring Route 1. Tom Griffin of Kansas City, is spending sometime with relatives in this, section., . i ' Miss Dorcas Edwards left, last! week for Burnsville, where ' she has accepted a position as gover- iness. : ... Miss Minnie Moore of Lan- drum, route 4, spent several days ! last week with friends here. J. L Edwards and wifevisitel -d sllincr fh(im in thft . t m TTT TTT tTT 1 1 . . at tne home oi w. w: womacK Sunday. Mrs. W. E. Elliott and sons, Ray and Norman, spent last week with her brother and sister near Forest City. ' J. R. Stepp, Sam Stepp and son of Inman, S. C, were in this section a few days hunting. They came with' team and. camp ing outfit. ' T. W. Bradley sang for the " P er for Mother. The subject of the Sun lay school lesson was the golden rule, so during the next week when little Anna was naughty, and her moUier : had to use her stick real hard and put tier In a chair to reflect, she asked Anna what she thought about it Anna replied: "Mother, do, unto others, as you want them to d unto you. Yoa dont want me a to whip jouv -do your The Fair Again. Here we go. Last week I was in every . single one of the six townships of Polk county. And I just can't tell which township I am deepest in love with; when I am at Columbus I think there is no other place on earth like Co lumbus township. Then I go over to Tryon and the land and the people are so full of life and kindly spirit that I feel it is the place, then I run up to Saluda and the mountain top ; plateau and look down on Columbus and Tryon, and some how I have the sense that I am in "The land of the skies", looking down on the world. . Then I drive down into Green River Cove and Cooper Gap, and there the valley and the mountains embrace and kiss each other. There it is that one become so bewildered that he for gets for the time being that there is" any where else in Polk county. Then I go to Mill Spring and Pea ridge in White Oak township and that splendid chocolate clay every where brings the possibilities of the county so vividly into mind that one feels that here is the place after all. But when the ronstabanter get to Greens Creek and gets out among those people and sees I some corn fields, cot ton fields, and grass fields for this sight go to McSwain's, and then go to Greens Creek school and see wiiat they are doing. Why, they, are building anr agri cultural "building yes, going. to teach real agriculture right-there in Greens Creek township; They The singing school at Big Lev- 6nvpr ftWirfti. w snn(w el, Uught by .V, B Hyder closed B. Bradley and Posey Hen. - uJ? OA'derson;attended the singing Sun- is reported. jQ A MM14 fKof fV.o, Vcf Harrison Henderson and. wife $me of their lives of Gaffney, S, C, visited relatives - .. xrOT, a-a : uui bio iicnuwu uvbviiuvu v show at Saluda Saturday night. Louis Jackson of Mill Spring, was in Saluda last Saturday. The fodder field missed Posey Henderson, J. B. andT W. Brad ley last week as they had to at tend court and so did Robert and Thomas Price. - . in this section recently. Miss Cora Womack returned home Sunday from a pleaasnt visit with her friends, Misses Ellen, Mary andr Winnie Moore, of Landrum, route d. Messrs. J. LI and Lynch C. have purchased for have crone into nartnershib with iinrle Sam: and are fixino- to do Edwards, big things down there. After all themselves a new tounng car, we don t Know wnere : tne Dest Scring Riate 2. place in roiK county is. ine only way to - find out is to visit srmm mn T l -f-TT fninte . Art r in t.hfi reat round unfair at Colrnn- ln for Chimney. Rock t6 fall be-1 l0(J locU np at 70ibow elwi,nt x I . iIia.a mnMi en KHinv nonn O 1 ' LI. m mm - sua e;vi ixta tnenoauip pnowui itself In a speaking sllenc; nls wtol attitude Is loquacious of hlf tgadnca and his loyalty-r Exchanx. Rev. Wolf preached a few days ilast week atr Caner Creek. He Viam nrnM cn trxinv nonnlo l A.iAw. 1 All. tauac wicic wwc w them all together and decide for WT L "J "-. : o.:s- :fJ only one I ever heard; say. that he J . . , . v .... , was praying for-the rock to lall ifte wJdtf!A writers think: of $25.00 prize for the best, com- mm . ; , rr,i,nifV f,v. Tim townshins are Mrs. Dixie Wilson-of- Shelby, all wise and I don't care a snap N. C, is visitmg friends and rel which one gets it only that 1 atives in this section. We are want the one to c-et it that does glad to have her with ? us again. the best organizing - work- and Claude Williams and wife visit- deserves it. So. let ev ervo ne ed Maud G. C. VYUson last Sun day; v ' , - Mrs. Z. T. Searcy visited Mrs. Taylor Sunday. ; Mrs. U. S. Gibbs visited' Mrs. Grace Wilson last week. work and deserve. Physicians" Indorse Pie. A study of how-the stomach digests plea, paddings and -cakes made by a group of Philadelphia physicians a published tn the American 'Journal of Physiology (Baltimore). Th general concluslonto which they came la tha the pies are taken In the stomach more -readily than cakes, and puddings mor readily than either. - . . Why Eyt fihd Are Used.- -The pn-. of nf eye shade., 1 te shield the itys frjui hf'mful brtlllan dee In the field of xWw. In lUrfnlng from poorly conwihi'i nourt'es Hies brilliancies ore. !nnRiny caBca, WXV" 500 to SO(lO:K' i?jr.t5 jrreai a the 5rlgKui"SK prtnifd pape. Their , images, fullin:; n the dnrli Mda1ed and highly svns'.tized pfiiibral red oa, cause jrten! dlsoor.itf;ri nd Inter fere profcuiidfyxvltli iht muscular ad justment ihe eye needed for dear , leelng. Wen Who Win Llfrt PMrea. The big places tn all walks at Ufa today go to the raeo,f Idea, the aea Z. T. Searcy returned home the I ftnd time; hnmemoru) the great thinkers hare bees the wen-read sea the men who bare prc-tsd tj &s experience of these whe west fesfsre them. other day from Melvin Hill. Miss Herter Whiteside was the guest of W., W. Wilson Sunday. I Languego of Animal Pete. The animal pets we make and leara -to love do not talk to us I'd words nnd they use no language, thai, we rec- oinilze with one another, f The: dumb- -brutes," we some times call them. Yet - when your dog stands at your -knee -n 1 ti 1 r . r. ii