y . - - . -T- Eay, Nm,.w THE TRYON NEWS, TRYON, N. C. r. Get More Butter. Mrs. Hattie Meece of Glenn, Missouri, says: "I was not mak ing enough butter from my cow's milk production for a family of two. After using Dr. LeGear's Stock PowSers a short time, she gave a half gallon more milk a day, and a pound of butter a day." Dr. LeGear's Stock Powders give to milk cows just what is needed to keep the digestive or gans in proper conditions, so that they get the most possible good from their feed. Give equally wonderful results when used for horses, hogs; and she,ep, because they are a tonic, appetiser and worm expeller. It matters not what ailment you may have among your stock or poultry it will pay you to get the proper Dr. LeGear Remedy from your dealer. They are the Doctor's personal prescriptions, compounded during his 28 years Veterinary .Practice and Expert Poultry Freeding. They must satisfy you, or your dealer will refund your money. Wanted: Fifty basket makers at once. Mountain . Industries, Tryon, N. C. GOOD) ESTATE NOTICE. The undersigned has been appointed Executrix of the Estate of Joseph Leisch, deceased, by ' Superior Court. Polk County, N. C. All parties having claims against the said Estate will pre sent same duly verified, within twelve months from date to F. Wm. Cappel mann, Attorney at Law, Clark Law, Bldg. Columbia, S. C. and those inedbt ed to said Estate will please make pay ment likewise. MARY; T. LEISCH, Executrix Estate Joseph Leisch. November 9, 1920. GOOD ROADS ARE NECESSARY Problems Involved In Railway-Operation Again Bring Improved High wayato Front While it is admitted that the rail ways must necessarily form the na tion's long-distance transportation, lines, the auxiliary power of the pub lic road, through the development 'of the gasoline engine and the motor ve hicle, is receiving thoughtful attention in official circles. Public discussion of high-cost prob lems and the railway situation ran into the country road at two points recently? The first point touched was that the public highway is a potential short-haul freight and express line, and that with' a national system of Improved roads intersecting "each state north, south, east and west there will thus be constructed the basis of a com prehensive nation-wide system of traf fic arteries with which state and coun ty systems njay connect. With such a system provided the development or freight and express transportation is anticipated far beyond comprehension, says Chicago Tribune. Its advocates assert that the motortruck as it ap pears on the public highways today is but an infant to what it will be once the public rads are built to permit its enlarged use. Those who doubt the possibilities of the highway freight and express as factors In the reduction and stablliz ing of food costs are told to. look back over the development of the railway and note that the beginning was upon . WILL HAVE CITY MANAGER Montreal's Experiment In Government Will Be Interesting to Many Com munities in the United States. - xnat American cities have no monopoly in political misgovernment is shown by the record of Montreal, re marks the Pittsburgh Dispatch. Twelve years ago the old-style council of two members from each of the 31 wards provoked a scandal and investigation that led to a recasting of the form of municipal government Ever since the ward politicians- have been trying to get back and to restore their discred ited system, which was at first sup planted by a smaller council of one member per ward without authority over money matters and a body of four appointed commissioners with the mayor -as the fifth. Two of the new commissioners and the mayor were soon charged with practices akin to those of the old system and the com missioners were removed and the mayor reduced to a mere -figurehead. while charge of the city was given to four newly appointed commissioners. their chairman being empowered with managerial authority. The politicians naturally made the most of this im position of an appointed city admin istration by the provincial srovern ment and recently the prime minister named a committee of leading Mon treal citizens to draft a new charter on a representative basis. This body has now received the report from Its sub-committee favoring a council of nine members elected at lanre. the election of a mayor by council- and thp appointment of a genuine expert city manager. All kinds of Building Materials and Feeds at right prices can be had by calling on us.. Hearon Lumber Co. Saluda, N. C. Mack P. Spears Attorney-at-Law Patents Secured Columbus, N. . W. F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon, N. Ci H. Hartwell Wilds DENTIST Undrum, South Carolina 1 W til i Motortruck It Big Factor in Reduc ing and Stabilizing Costs. a basis far less promising as a prac tical proposition than the basis upon which the gasoline driven vehicle stands today. Dropping back to the point of short haul delivery, attention is being called to the fact that the radius of highway shipping is being gradually extended as modern roads are being built. Ad vocates of a national highway system, the creation of which is provided for In the Townsend bill now pending in congress, have encountered the argu ment that -approximately 50 miles is the maximum ol motor delivery. Their answer Is that while this may be true, It Is true only at the present time be cause of the Illogical connections and the general condition of the roads. The same economic conditions which forced railway development are forcing a national development of the public highway, and the advocates of a na tional highway system assert that each day's discussion of the present eco nomic situation produces additional reasons why the federal government must get down to highway building on a nationwide scale and in dead earnest. In a sense the legislative mind at Washington seems to be approaching the present phase of economic prob lems somewhat in a spirit of weari ness. "Will we ever get anything really finished?" Is a question which seems to express their feelings, since so many problems, like the proverbial cat, keep coming back. - But one fact seems to be making itself very clear, and that is that since the public highway is the 'first lap be tween the producer and consumer, the logical place to begin cutting down liv ing costs is by eliminating permanently the time-consuming and . fuel-wasting roads. To accomplish this purpose the construction of a national high way system as a necessary and logical connection with state and county sys tems is being looked upon with in creased favor. Bond Issues Pending. Legislation to authorize good roads bond issues amounting to $391,253,800 are pending with excellent chances of being passed. m Hard Surfaced Roads. hJJere wm h a big development with hard surfaced roads in Kansas In the next five years. ; Good Roads In Uruguay. tffl ! uay- 0I Per cent of all tn reaI 13 devoted to the building of roads and bridges. TllO Q pfYIdVTTi " f-ViO'f- rrrsr tttJ4-V 4-Vr Tisvr1 svJ HP,,..J- 1 1 J. T-l i -i , j. ttivw-ocivic ma,, guca wiwi tuc a ui tiouii aiciclui is stscuiiu to none, r orcison dealers are locatel in every community with stocks of repair parts and employing skilled mechanics who know just how th rordson should be repaired and taken cara of to do its best work. T'Viic: Fnrlcnn comripD mnorc fViof xmnv fo ai. -- Vvr 1- Unn,. i j i ixc4.iio wiwi juiu uauwi vcin uc ivcpu uuoy every wuriuiig uay aunng the entirp year; that Fordson repair men are ready to show you how to get the best results from the tractor. Fordson service insures you against delay in getting parts. It's your protection. It is a protection now being enjoyed by more than 100,000 Fordson farmers in the Ignited States. Let us tell you about the Fordson tractor and Fordson Service. Let us demonstrate the Fordson on your own farm Come in and let us prove everything we say. 0. Ford Cars Ford Service Ford Parts Fordson Tractors latest up-to-date RDS REGO (your own selection) for a limited time -4 -, n - i1ii'irr- with the purchase of a COSTS NO MORE THAN THE ORDINARY H (except small table models) quick! TIME ;:Bi!LLISMEIS C(0)o ' 12 R3ain St. Tryon, N. C. Go to your Pathe dealer rn OTS Mil I n n I IK