POLK COUNTY NEWS C. BUSH, Publisher Published every Friday at Tryon, North Carolina Office Phone, 99; Residence, 45 Enteredas -second-class matte April 28 1915 at the post office at Tryon, North Carolina under act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER YEAR I 261 pf the Register of Columbus School Notes. ST Grayson Arledge and wife vis- 18th. Public invited. There will be a cake given to the young lady receiving the most votes. ' NOTICE ' I wlil sell at Public Auction for cash at the Court House door in Columhus, Polk County, N. C. on 24th.day of January 1921 between the legal hours of sale a certain tract of land in White Oak TownshiD containing 22 acres the property of Birch Gosnell to satisfy a debt of four hundred dollars interest and cost. This property fully de scribed in a mortgage deed given to me and re corded in mortgage .deed record No 13 at Page deeds office for Polk County, C. O. RUSSELL. . Mortgee This 8th day of December 1920, NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS Notice is hereby given to parties named below. JniiVfan MVo A vorv I und all nersons that may have a lien on the land Elliotte Thursday. herein described, that the undersigned purchased at a delinquent tax sale in Columbus, . Polk County North Carolina on the 1st day of May. 1920, land listed for tax and described as follows: One lot in Columbus Township listed for tax in the name of Mrs. Mable Harris for the year 1919; one lot in Tryon Township listed in the name of Madiline Wynn for the year 1919; one lot in Tryon Town ship listed in the name of Furman L. Case for the year 1919; one lot in Tryon Township listed in the Were in LandrUm, Shopping last name of Miss Margarett Donahoo for the year . - i ii; one ioi in lryon xownsnip usiea in uie name Tuesday. of J. A. Mills for the year 1919; two lots in Tryon Township listed in the name of Lewis F. Grant tnr tVi war 1919? one lot in Trvnn Townahin liatori road cart, Now watch the child- in the name of Lucy Moore for the year 1919; land j -. i I in Tryon Township listed in the name of Balfour Ten nae. " Quarry Co. for the year 1919; one lot in the town The Primary and intermediate of Skluda listed in the name of W. A. Smith for , . , rii. Ii;iU " ear one Wl 1,1 1,16 rown OI Miuaa nstea department UI OUJcU IIS XilfcU inthMiameofW. E. Martin for the year 1919 Sfhnnl flrfi nlannmCT an enter- ne lot in the town of Saluda listed in the name of x j. J PU-.nn Mrs. N. B. Alexander for the year 1919; twenty uiinineiii aim viuistmas ucc iui T. a fhilhreth and family of Campobello, S. C, visited rela tives near Columbus, Saturday and Sunday. Mesdames Landis and McGuinn i m- Christmas eve. Everybody yited to come. A. H. Elliott is home for a few days. Mrs. Gladys Brazil is expected home this week to spend the holidays. Miss Juniata Voorheis a former High school pupil of our school will come from Brevard Satur day to spend the holidays at home. L. G. Culbreth and wife from near Landrum spent the week end with relatives near Columbus. It was quite a disappointment that Rev. J. E. Jones was unable to preach Sunday hWever we had some interesting talks from J. R. Sams and Supt. E. W. S. Cobb. , Misses Starnes, Sherard and Messrs. Clarkson arid McNeely were the guests of Supt. E. W. S. Cobb Saturday evening. H. W. Hill is' visiting home folks in Columbus, this week and will remain until after the holidays. ' Thomas Edwards "of the 7th grade has a sprained ankle. He fell from a porch. There is a prize offered by the Woman's Betterment Club to the room that makes the most im provement in their room by the end of the school. , We were glad to have Supt. E. W. S. Cobb to visit our school last Thursday. He spent the day with us. . The young people of our com munity enjoyed the looping party at J. I. Landis last Friday night. Quite a large crowd was out. Misses Alice and Mattie Tallant won the prize a cake. They hav ing looped 5 1-4 pounds. J. G. Hughes is still very ill. All the teachers of Columbus township attended a reading cir cle meeting here last Saturday. Mr. Clarkson who has charge of the reading circle gave a very close and clear outline of the first two chapters of Freeland's. It was decided that we will have more meetings and take four chapters at at a meeting. The next meeting will be ' An all day gf I meeting, held at the Stearns High School building. Problems fj and Project method will be ex emplified in the primary and in. temediate -grades. We meet the 1st Friday in January. Our principal Mr. Clarkson has offered "A Hand Colored Arto- type" each month to the room having. the best average atten dance. Last month Miss Starnes room won the picture. Miss Dunn the State nurse is stilll at the Dormitory. If the weather permits she will finish inspecting all the schools in Polk Co. this week. There will be a Christmts en tertainment at the Presbyterian church Dec. 26th. Everyone is invited. There will be a Music Recital ! given by the music students of our school Saturday night Dec THE TRYON NEWS, TRYON, N. 0. WANT COLUMN The parcel of land, known as the old water shed tract, con sisting of about sixty acres of mountain land and situated above Horse Shoe Curve and belonging to the Town of Tryon will be sold at Public Auction at Town Hall on Monday Dec , 27," 1020 at ten o'clock. By order of the Mayor and Commissions of the Town of Try on of Tryon. 7 M. G. Blake " ' " ' Clerk , ESTATE NOTICE. The undersigned has been 'appointed Executrix of the Estate of Joseph Leisch, deceased, by Superior, Court. Polk. County, N. C. All parties having claims against the said Estate will pre sent same duly verified, within twelve months from date -to F. Wm. Cappel mann, Attorney at Law, Clark Law, Bldg. Columbia, S. C. and those inedbt ed to said Estate will please make pay ment likewise. MARY T. LEISCH, Executrix Estate Joseph Leisch. November 9, 1920. one acres of land in White Oak Township listed in the name of Hamrick and Harris for the year 1919; six acres in Green's Creek Township listed in the name of J. II. and J. B. Caldwell for the year 1919 Notice is given that application will be made by the undersigned to the sheriff of Polk County for deeds to said lands after the 1st day of May, 1921. the date when time of redemption will expire. L. L. TALLANT. Purchaser. H Nature Scatt. . Seeds. Nature seeks other means than that of the wind to carry seed from place to place. Whoever tramps through the autumn woods must needs extri cate himself from patches in which tick and burrs have made life miser able for him. All over- his clothes will be sticking the hairy, two jointed pods or seed vessels of the tick. Visions of Great Minas. Every grout mind seeks to labor for eternity. All men are captivated by Immediate advantages; great minds alone are excited by the prospect of distant good. Schiller. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. The undersigned having duly appointed admin istratrix of the estate of M. F. Wilkins, doceasr-d, late a resident'of Polk County. All persons hav ing claims against the said M. F. Wilkins, deceas ed, are notified to present verified statements of the same to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of Dec. 1921. or this notice will be plrad i bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to aid estate are notified to settle the same forth with. Dec. 3rd. 1920. Mrs. M. F. WILKINS " Administratrix. Wood for Sale Phone. 42 Hen ry Acker. For Sale : Hampshire pigs G. G. Weaver. ' : . . Wanted : A crood tenant with heln. Come and see land and crops on place. Ghas. J.Xynch, Stock Farm, Tryon, N. C. Pigs For Sale lto 12 weeks old. C. J. Lynch Ford Touring car 1919 model, for sale Excellent condition. J. T. Green Lumber Co. Tryon N. C. For Sale: Chevrolet touring car, good tires, newly painted, good condition. P. H. BAILEY, The Valhalla Tea House is open every day from 11 a. m. until dark and later if there are guests for supper. Besides sandwiches, salads, cakes, etc. we can serve omelettes or have various cream ed dishes. On a days notice we can serve a chicken dinner, steaks chops, hot vegetables and etc. Pretty gifts for Christmas or weddings, home made jelly and candy. TV 1 I - : ; ay, tv , . J-Li', Lton : T '. . . - ' t lifRhlf AAI liniM - I n TTW IMMni StIMJ I Notice ot aaie. v h r" ' 7, I 7 ii u . uuu y iJ lj v.V V-rtll II I Btt IRfacxzarHlacc nf I. Ill mil - -nce II 7 J L h A t J f " x-v Jl III II v V U V7VU nc II r I J J Having decided to quit ha i ! 8 ling shoes, we are selling out h stock of high grade fft. . NOTICE I have qualified as Administratrix of the es tate of W. M. Brady, deceased, late of Polk County, N. C. All persons having claims against said estate will present same duly attested, and all personB owing said estate will pler.se f ittle same with tne undersigned. MANCY BRADY. ADMINSTRATOR'S NOTICE f rThe undersigned having been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Wallace li. lAnk ford, deceased, late a resident of Folk County. All persons having claim against the said Wallace R. Lankferd, deceased, are notified to "present verified statements of the same to the undersiz ed on are before the 1st day of Decl 19til, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are notified to set tle thesame forthwith. Dec. 3rd. 1920. JOHN W. LANKFOP.D. Administrator. ? J. W. PACE ft eat Market All kinds of meats, bodi na tive and western,, chickens, eggs, fish, etc. Lard of all kinds and fancy sausage; Prompt and Courteous Service Phone No. 7 entire wear at absolute cost. Now ij good time to supply your fut shoe needs. See bills for pried MUM QJR IU1 iru mm Quick Lunches, Pies and Cakes Like your mother used to make MRS. LEO PACE, Saluda, li 0. op Work Promptly and Neatly done J. A. Johnson If You Happen To Be Passing The Carolina State Bank with money in your peck that can easily be saved we invite you to come and open a Savings Account. THE CAROLINA STATE BANK David C. Barrow Pres. H. B. Lane Cs Q. C. Sonner Vice Pres. Louise Lane asttC W. C. Robertson Vice Pres. E. E. MISSILDINE President A. STEELWtAN Vice Pres. Peoples Building & Loan Assn. Chartered and Supervised by the State of North Carolina $100 shares 25c per week. Series now open - (monthly or quarterly payments if preferable). Certificates issfted for paid up stock offering investors a very attractive net income free from taxes. Information freely given by the undersignee, at the Peoples Bank & Trust Co. W. F. LITTLE, Secretary-Treasurer. mm For farm lands or property see W. L D N ID) EY- I i - ism w wm il Kite Kla JSm . ' ftrh ft ISnttnii J VB 3S Beginning January 1, 1921, we will do strictly CASH business. This means Gasoline, Oils, Acces sories, Tires, Tubes and Labor on. Cars. Our policy is to ' place the price as low as good business will permit, giving prompt and effi cient service. Thanking our friends for the nice business of the past, we so- ncii a continuance . ot your pat ronage. Ballenger-Morris Motor Co. TSYc"; No matter thfi cost we are ornnD-to makp hee-inninsf even . o --O " w w -j ' i in iiviiiilrMA i nv4-rtl 4-V j-v im 4- 4- u Jii4-mvi ITIT TYtCJnP 1 seasonable merchandise . r-. -i - ? ll. 1 i.U s UrviicD Villi luu ctiii uuiciicise iuiii us cuiy iiiciii s suit 111 me iwu 1 ( I k II fllJK 111 M I f I & rill w mm I 1 111 r t . . a w n. t a 9. m r u A - r- 1111 uciuw CUbl. VY licit inure UcUl yuu clbJV. VYtJ IlclVt; bUito ao w - $15.00. See them. Any boys suit in the house at absolutely wholesale co. wnicn onnsrs xnem to nrewar oasis. All shoes reduced to cost, or better. We can give o most any style and price. Unbleached domestic 15 cts. Bleached domestic 20 cts. - Ginghams 20 cts., any lenght, cut as you wish. - One fourth off on all mens hats. l ne nuaren must nave banta Ulaus and we nave uic Shop early, get the best selections and give us time to gi vou an me. attention mat we won n lke to oive vou. Sweaters 1-4 off; Coats and Coatsuits 20 per cent; and these were bought on 'otf market in the befirinninsr. mi . ... i . - i .mi Vlll mis is a short letter but it you will read it closely find that it actually means more than any yet sent you. stock is complete although we mention just a 'few items. FOR EVERYTHING Try