f - - ay - - r I- ''-' "-v ' "v JJ,M , ' . . ' . - j r - 'V ." 7 f i l :. FuC3 5 f Volume XXVI" No. -29 n,N. C.f January 2i; i92:; 1 a J; l -i J V A X' jM""""""''''ll',,',i'"',1' . . : . . . . - - - . - - -....'. . ... - i r I 4' V" Sfcttt iiIy 1! tQ 1 To Tha Fatnsrs of Pc!k Ccutrty v Please lend me your ears It is nlc5&xa& are passing through the recon struction period following the world war. All men of my age and . older, went through thai; period after .the. great civil war between the-states. We" keenly remember those times and,we are so thankful that these days are so muchibetterrthaitt those, JThe times . now... are not a tiny lbriar scratch- when compared : to the recon8tructbh times ? after ther Ciril war. This is .not . what is in my: mind; but2 . want ? to Jgive the right impression to froufig people that the days of war wastefulness are over and the time has come that the world must make good for all the waste and destruction caused' by the wicked ; war Of course , the farmer nslways isithe firstnan; bit; but every class xjf teopl the world over must take his part of medicine; ihren fhe.:loafer and tramp will meet their jiart of the reconstruction period. Now here is the test -wy through it fpr everybody, i keep level head Jceep cool and m good cpirits, meet everybody - with5 a smile and a hearty good will, and 4 be glad in yojor Jieart 4iat the ftbomniable war- is; ovet and & iffi&g ot ihe pau our boyo are 'miedxiEis' and ihen look tbout and see what -:, our ? dividual X duty' toward the nation, the .states the cpuntv? ctir neighbors and. ourselyea mayr-bev It is needless for nieb ten u that you madeJ no money on cotton last . year. If any of you' did hold up your hand, no hands up; . Nojr why did you make no money ott vyour: cotton.? Simply., because it" is selling for less than it cost to produce it. Where the farmer produced everything necessary to feed his family and his horse, cattle, hogs and poultry, on his farm, his fertilizer bill is not high and while he did not make money last year he is m good condition to go ahead and , make a good "crop this year; What we want if possible, is to find a way to farm that will to som extent get the farmer around such con- ditions as the ' country is nows passing through, in a way. that will give him a safer route than he is now traveling. The nearer the farmer depends on a single crop for the support of his family the greater will be his distress wheiUhat crop sells low on the market ; The greater 1 number of crops the farmer produces the mora independent he- will; ,oe when any particular crop ' should! fail. There is no doubtfc now that cotton is low in price when compared to other: things; even cotton goods made from the - low priced; cotton. Not only the 1 present iact or no money 4n'5 cot ton but the boH wevii is unques tionably on his way and when ne arnves, one fiftteat,- feasti must be deducted from the price of cotton on account of what he will destroy. Can we then look foward hopefully to the cotton crop as a money crop and a bread winner for the6 future, laying1 our whole dependence on that crop? I think, not. i Is there a remedy? yes, and there never was and never, will be a better time than right riow to begiff to make the necessary, change, and this change i to more 'and.better Sab- S -; ; w ; X " livestock; Mnw A'. body hold up handsin holy fhoi? row and cryt it can't Ixr done war' Hnn't tKinV n nf oW -1 -i.i - - cow, pig or cnicKen on your; iarm inrit oimrj fnrcrof oil oU,f rnil cattle or better cattle, justtbegin :thirikHibOT out you are j 1ijv j 1 1 w . isb Kill i . -Jt wm-m jriuv. i . busy and- prepare pasties; for the cow. and .calf you. already Wand-Bee how -much better thatow.will lookand dofor.you and how. much cheaper you s can keep herXgfcod-ttodcrn -dvi- lized pasture than that b pastiireyoahad.: Scrubptures are much to blame for the !fscrub cows ana; nogs. 50 come nowj every farmer in Polk county all together for better Cpastures.! No you. can, thave a r better pas tors until I you Keta Jwood one; 7hen I- came ; to ' olk county there was not a pasture ; in the cxiimty a ! omon ;f w fnm thvHinnt'fn cfW. and get water which disgraced the name pasture iy calling such places a itures but Old Polk is getting away- from such a standard of pastures.' There 'are a few excellent pastures now in the county. Mpte than oneuran theeiitoe1 aiid; growing f them ; cheaply--What one farmer can do in Polk countv everv other farmer can do. Now is the best of lali the seasons of the vear! t6 bedA .to crow a gtod pasture !to maintain your livestock, don't say lam not able to buy the grass and cbvet seeiS. Y6u are not able to not do sb. Remember that t clover seed I one year ago was $42 per bu and BUUBUluw iv&xvu uwuB . u. now 114, or threes thtfes less.. The ach tree should be pruned Begin this spring if you rdorft about the time the buds get sow btit four square . rods and read to burst m the ! spnngand increase your sowing every year Pining, cultivation and spray until your farm is well supplied ing is everything to the peabh with permanent summer and tTee after the worms are kept winter - pastures wfcich is the outf them. , toean the worms cheapest feeoV ever given to live- that bore m around the root or stocks As I said don't think base of the tree. The grape vme now about more and Better, cat- should be pruned in -ebruary iie, Iwgs fences ??tc;i just thinki ands m the case of the peach, about pastures, grass and clovers. Pnmg, cultivation; and spray- Think about them until you4ream of them in your slumbers tn your bed at night and dream of them during xour wakeful hours until your dreams become a substan- tial;reality and you1 see the fields about you clad in living fcreen, and when ytm do this you will find the wayto fence that mouth waringkjastoretorthe to ol65 hide bound cow over in the oak branch nastureandivbu willi alsa find the way to buy cooperatively br.raeriseVpurebrea bullsand then old Polk will be numbered with the intelligent and Wealthy counties of , the state- and the south5 - genejrally; "So ; mote -it be " : - " Farmers may think that the use . oi ierunzers on uie- iarra creates a farm habit that ruins the farm, as the drag habit will destroy the nealth of the user, but this is not true when the fertilizers are intelligently: used '" . ; ':. . " ' . .i t :. ..... " in;- connecuon witn aramage, lime;;legttmes; and1 good" cultiva- tion. ' Land thafwill'make 10 bu. of corn per acre will make 10 bu. of soy beans with less labor, - will! be worth more for . stock feed and will leave nitrogen , m tthesoils.i Try some. Now is 4Jie tiixitaplan foibig pieces of lkna :It costar inote to cultivate a poor acre than a rich one; Try ! it ana Keep; accounts. ; me seea catalogues are pour-? i":"vm au quanera, uiuer JfH wghtsmakea wise selection V :;,us wm ueno ueiay hzardeninff whfiTi tlw land imdlthA aiifv ftfnclial:.criaAferi r -7 gets nguu ineiana wui Deiore.you;,are ioy "1U i B5un epIor : What about thathen house and f f e your hens still roostirm the bushes, tog pew .and buggies? and e you feedmg your hens "!! .H. VL:7. .T U"'!T ! . "ght- Now f you want to see r S uFiP paUonMisslen;aVt f10 hotel near In.- She has herlroosters separated front the roosung in a separate house and she treats therh i so Wei! ( that ve foundorie' egg 111 the roosters pen the day I made her a visit. So you . see treatment pays. The more t ;cattleV hogs ne more prosperous tnat coun wlU be,-provided this hvestpck is proieriy careajior . oecause more crops mtist be made to feed this livestock and in turn: the live stock will mak6 inore manure' to enncheri'-th have itrierWlf toiaake bbt -tecropsttf-feedmo and bbt- IteBlivestdc mg anotner rounu ; ana ?rouna right on. ; -;x";. .;');:?; Don't forget the apple trees, peach trees and grape vines about the farm. Apple trees may be pruned 'any time but 1dori mem wnn an ax, use a gooa sharp saw, or knife, ; cut out all dead limbs, don't cut -any green thrifty limb until you can give a in 1S everytmng. , NoWthe first month of the new month of 1921 is' half gone and what about our new year resolutions. ? Have we begun to leave off those old habits and ways of living that make us just naif way men and women i or even way. below half way folks?u What about the fellow who might be One of Polk toountjr'tf very best and most honorable citizens but on accout i-wrongnotion in m neau maue blocade liquor , and sneaked around in : the night last year contrary to law and sold it to people v just aa' thoughtless of good- society as themselves? HaVe YoU thought how bad its is and have you resolved to qui it fand become! the man that ; uod created you to be.? If not now is aood time to do so, andi get busy making a garden,' making somethiner to keen a crood milk cow and a good flock of pure bred i . .. . - . . . i ... . .. ... . - poultry, to feed the. family, and see how much better the world will think of you and treat ybu. f Don't wait any longer, deters mine and begin now to be a man, Now let" everyone "forget all about any sdch thingf as ' hard times and look to the future t wither smiles and good-common I 1111 I . , VVl riJ', 1. -J 1 . i.l L f ILi. .A 1 II TBI trai ffSTS 'Tbn Csfcilkfeglk tlfr Town. Shall I like 44 town its iatmosereE- Ies lit -have xther 5 beautiful ilfrest Is it a quiet, .rooniyi air yeii ugntea town ? Does : it hve attractive ublic buildings ani; homes ? Is it;; wen ; pavea 1 ; iai it ciean in every sense? . ; ." '. HEALTHFULNES t . ivll namiijind-I have a m that) townTB1!! 3about its ?$upplyt'feS3 v "sanitary ystemtv-Itsm speclibn? ; jlteVhelllth depart ment?;-Its hospital Ms it with out any congested District? 4ir BBUCATION f Can:Idtcmifa myself in that townf How about its public schpols-stpresent and future? v Its institulapns of high er education or of Easiness train ing? Its libraries?! Its lecture and cmcericourseil? Its news- papersi -.?.; posiaiaciiiues 1 4; PEOPLE Shalll 4ffirtJie ; Sople of the town? jAre; they f home folks withoute ftcluveness? Are thelneight Is the town -free fJm factional- 5. teECREAnotf cl Can I have a gool time in that town I and my family ?f How about thef theate& museums, gymnasiums, parl : etc.? Are there active agency for provid ing good entertaihifjents, athletic contests, etc. ? Ar inviting op portunities ufor" pleasure drives afforded byij well aved streets? Can we live reasonably and well in that? town? ! Are the best of modern cbnvenieices: available for its residents elljctricity, gas, telephones;etc? ijre the hous ingand shopping conditions favorable? I; ReriM taxe and prices' fair? - Hotels good? Home and ! track, ikardehs and dairy produts plenul? 7. ACCESSIBILITY U Can we gb and icome easily? the town lve adeqate railroad connections and train service? v Street car lines? In- terurban xliEes? neU. niarkedl automobileslroutibsind hard sur face roads?! ; 'M ,1: . ::M o. BUSINESS Can I maieMo in that town? 5 Aiere bank ing 1 f acilit!es1 Malif acturing intrests? Up to fdate stores? Good shipping facilities? Favor able labor condition ? A prosper ous farmings territory ? Active co-operatiori amogg business Interests? ' U 9. EMPLOYMENT Can ! get a job ithat town at tair pay and, with good prospects or the future? C4n 1 count on o-operation fromporganizations aking it their business to help introduce and establish new Commercial s interests and: to welcome, new citizei is? I ' - 10. fPROGRESlVEfJSS t Shall I find that p am in live town having aprfeefsivje- city4 goverhmeiit, act " civic br ganizatioris;i modert? firevprotec tion, and a pull together spirit in everything1 tfewrt K ,with -a future? "Prbm felling Your Tbwh,,, by N.lint,- Depart ment of Journalisife, University i of Kansas, ;Xawrefee. sens hardfworkigeieryorie tog his neighbor inpverywahe Can aiid heyeaiwill (be the best one we have efer had. 1 i - ... w - . ' wmm f We hav3 len ? havihgv sonie co!d weather forthe Dast ' week: Mrs; J6e McGrardiediat rher January! 10, She leaves a husband and three children -to mourn her loss. We sympathize with the, bereaved ones. Her remains were laid to rest in the MountainView: cemetary ; Jan uary, 10. v; ' ' - . v Dr. Stay was in J this section lastSatur'day t'.i-t"'.' ! ' Messrs. Bob Walker and Oscar McCrain, paissed through this tioh Saturday. : - - - hi Clarence Justice, of Ruther- fordton,4ias his grist mill and shiiigie indl in operation on his pla6e known aafthe ' Haixiilton X . ' -V'. i Success to the News; ..J'.;. vonderhoweveryboay isv en joying this r6al winter weather. "HaSftMay J school ; at both churches Sunday regardless . of the;;mud.:r "v ; ; ; ';';..;;-; ; - G. C. Barber; i wife and little son! iReinaldleft Batuday fc their - horne d in Newport News, Va, after spending sever weeks with therir home folks here and at Chiniiaey Rockrl We are glad to note that J; Fcrisable itjjeoutiga n nqrtnu .. ... lOU(HU : ....... E. B. Barber - student of the: Westminister school lUitherford- ton, N. C. , is spending a days with his father J. M. Bar ber. . He ' leaves Monday for Charleston, to undergo treat ment at the hospital. .-' t Misses Carrie and Letha Bar ber were dinner cruests of Miss Mabel Pack Saturday evening. We are all glad to learn J. M. Lewis is stavme on With us instead of leavincr us as was his first anticipation. Miss Letha Barber who ; is teao.hinc at Lebanon spent the week-end with home folks. ; Success, to the News New Year. for(a A very heavy sleet fell here on last Thursday which remained km the timber nearly all of the next day,i4reaking down the tree tops aMiimbs i considerably. ' . -j ReWelitlyr'airWed at the home of Vhnce-tJilbef tand wife, a boy. lli&.iian. kept- home rnni sMool. i Mrs. Anna'SSeen, of : Abolme, made a visit to : Melvin ' Hill at the home of Mrs. Simp: Johnson. -Jirs Green is said to be" one of tfiejolidest women in' this 'vicinity. Fgltye Sunday scnooi was ; pooriy. attendedJattSuhday on account of the niud?which was caused by so much jcef , - There is still some- cottoni in the fields around hem-5 but tne folks are using every; day that will do in pulling off Cor -pickings Also some corn not gath ered. : , " Mrs. Kreider has four , nice young ' Belgian hares -the only ones that this town can boast of But we still have plenty of the other- kind running wild ahd sometimes with a dog and a boy in pursuit. s Success to the News. : ( Persian; Men ' m uc -Not Laugh, f v in Persia' a mau who lAughm Is cofrl tiered effeminate, but fre6f license Ij fClTen t$ feminine nicrrlzit.. , It has be$6!dn& saders have hcardl from 1 here I lipipe ypu will feeifhis item f not ; because they to v so llnterjesting but that all liny oit was my fault that yotf have failed to' get the news from here all about : the fat hogs and the champion one . (ne weiirned 1 27 1-2 lbs. ) And the f un we have all had ; in diiTerent wayiUesjpiijly: about twot young menwho? out for U goMtimei gettingjnj nclud nearest ayaLoV the, river.' One of them thought he v was a better fellow ,thrf; the pther( or any onelseaath eisUade was no use inllnei gttfei wet ,Whcalh8 carrier got to thelprbpcrif iiHhe ;ld6Ve: and ded;hb i:dcr off abbuttwo milesfrbni and a: cold night too. ;Thh: I7C3 Christmas fun enouh011 ho-khew the e are? haying BOriice; old fashioned cold feather, and though a,Wbcm peared we hope : we will " have - fruit next season. . Lewis Leyi, of 2cr)hia; visited relatives' here Saturday and Sun ...7. 7. 'f-. - ? H ." - '-.t'---- usual Harris6n and'-?Mis,3t4- Dora Bishop' werrha , ried XI Sunday ah! bride's parent's home? Jalpef ishbps; He has a bloonilngidfe Jand re-.-wish them both a longhand happy life.;v--:;V;;-:";:;; E. J. Bradley and Ewert livi were biisiness callers at Jasper . Bishops and Loui Bradley 's one ' day last week. Correspondents don't get dis couraged if yoiir items ' are- Wt ; published i every time. :Adver-, tisingrof ten' crowds it out and as that is where the publisher gets most of his j)ay w kick but db allwe can to ;makQ. '' the Newg ; a better paper -anii . ' keep.it soV s ;::: S - TrViiKifIlsatr 1 Have we all done our bit for the starving Chinese? Ten thou sand dying daily. The Christian Herald says one dollar will save a life for a-moiith. liet's save a life and begin the new year right. 1 ' '; ,l -News articles are scarce on the route just how except "Old Mr. winter' has us in his grasp, with plenty ; of mud - and sleet. , . r . . ...... K-- 1 ,,7 ... Can you guess who : it was , that walked two miles to Sun day school last Sunday? Just think what good Sunday schools we would have if all were aa much interested -; 4 Fox; Mountain school has now on roll 60 -students and - all are doing fairlygood work. Mrs. E. H. Edwards who has been quite sick for some - time is now improving. ; " Mrs: Ida Hunt is still in1 the hospital at Ashevill Murphy Mull is; visiting 'rela tives oh the route. ; Rev. J. W. Harney,, siirfely was showing his good; old time religion y while plodding - away in the sleet and'mud ). to Infill his appointment at'New Hope! ' . 'Ancient' VVin6- PertuiTid.' r Greek anitKoinilivarf&lwere'pe. fnmcd. -generally., by "'zt tht leaves of roses ot vloietr tn-ht linear cntll tt had'cQnlrea' tni s ttiifA ti H1 ,3 .'

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