8 i' t. .A 'I. THE KtYON NEWS, TflilfON, IT; 6. PflLH COUiTTY I1EUS PRESENTS MANY. AND VARIED v4 Published every Friday at Tryon, Ndirjlf Carolina Office Phonl89; Residence, 45 . Gifts to .British - Brid Include Furt Diamond and Other Articles of . Mfrimenso Valus. -V' .- - - - .i-ii - , i f ' ,t - : . .-,-.;.; Entered as second-class matte April 28 f In England when a daughter of the iid ax ine post omce az iryon, norm nobility is married her -weacwig pres- wuwuiia uuuci out ux maitu o, iow. ents arcf costly as well as varieu. xne ' following list of sifts is dinned from "'-'FoV4tfttr'AlVcirttih,g''Rfcj4iirs8fttaeive f k'a T,onrirn TimWs notice of the aD f.THR American pr rss association , ue Lonaon ximes nuuw Ol .tUtt up- pruacnmg marriage vi .cur. uetu n L ' .j - TT. r n - " ' "CUSSCRIPTIOM $2.00 PEII YEAR .gK,- Vl8. i --i -ij. -. . ,.,.. , ' couni unurcnm 10 nis uauguieri turn J L-rnillllimillllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllinitg diamond and pearl pendant from the i uriuegruoiu ; u guiu cigxueue tosc uuiu ss her sister. Hon. Ursula SDencer : a dia- S nmohd-tiara from : LadvViolet'Brassey : IJllllliuillllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllin an old antique bowl and spoon from ai.ii.i.iMm.HM..minl , 5 S " T J T F; S 5 cllSe ; a diamond brooch f romthe If ; ?s um -1921 FEBRlIAKY IMZI 5 her sIster Hon- Ursula Spencer; a dia iff ;1 ; 1 2 3 4 i5f 6 7 8 9 1011il2l "Ii3 14 15 16 17 18 (l9i 1202122 2324 25261 12728 I James Lo wther ; a pair of silver can- '5 LOwther : a tair of silver -entree 'dishes from Hon. Victor Spencer; a Chii the maharajah of . Cooch Behar ; a Rnfllliiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiififiiiiiitiiiithiitiin sert knives and forks from Mrs. Vic- -'-.iiiiiiiiiiiiuiilK . - -- ; . , - - ; tor Spencer ; two silver baskets from F.lili Spring Route 1. Lord and Lady Ludlow; a ' dessert serv Who says , Old man winter ' and a pair of silver salvers from Mrl nasnot been witnus. r awm arassey. m" f r pn n! o A" number of ! wedding presents re- Mrs. J . T. Edwards spent Sun- celvea by tne brldegroom include a ;day afteriioOn with Mrs. A. A. silver kettle from the duke and duch- m t j i inkstand from the employees at Ape -Talrnage Allen and M6nroe thorD haii ' - Ogle, made , business trips to oparuiuuurK last wee. Heirt Trk,hii w Maggie Sue -'Edwards visited nrHearf disease is not the barrfef to -her 5qiV.Pr Mr? ArtVinr Thhtrm fln act,ve ,,fe of usefulness as has al ner SlSier, Mrs. Artnur InOmp- -wayg been supposed, said Dr. Freder- ""SOn, Sunday last.. Icli Brush to the National Society for We are glad to know that John, i?e,r,ro,n(!t,on ?f opa"00"1 Therapy. niTAA rA V xir r i 1- Noth,ng is gained and much lost by Clyde and Knox Womack, j who filing cardiac patients not to work. have pneumonia are getting D0! to carry, not to play, and sb on, aldng fifcely. " tmaer : 'Proper supervision ihe personv - .. .. , wilb beart trouble can take- i 'large "Edgar Whiteside and Willie pan in active life. O Bo ydu hnovj Friday, Feb: lio?1 - '. . - .- , i... .... -.. ... . ,a. - :.. .: -. .':- . - --i r . .v- - To coal In Iho dolicious Ditrfoy toba coo flavor. ;oiU(S-W: CIGARETTi AiTh3 Congregational Church, fjz Rev. W. A. Black, A: M, Pas- Biy e School Sunday morning Piililic Worship and Sermon at BibleStudiWiri Matthew Wed: nesdaTS at 4; p. m. - 'ToWHsts and all citizen's cordi- 1 - . . - -. -ally Welcome. - , Services af th 3 Episcopal Church. Holy C!ommunion...:.:.8 :00 a,- m Sunday scnooi. ..-.10:00 m Moniiiig Prayer -and Sermon llDlf a. m. K Bible (!lass .....4:00 p. m. ; ' FRIDAY CHHstiWHealirig Prayer Circle; 'r4:0Qib.-m. Litan jService .t.4:30 p,m. sale r contained m.a mortgage deed made and executed hv Miles Hoihert and Nan cy WDijtrt of the county of Folk, m the st&tis of North Carolina to W - TV: ILL fiO" RflNRHT RY bPtlACD Westbdk, of said Polk and State , of ww,... mm "iiuiiuii wortniutroim'datd the isrd day of "" '; Febru&xi 1920, and recorded iriVBook Hotel Ma Be Erected on Grolind in No 17 'aji page 31, defaults having been France That Will Hold - Immortal 4 mle ie paymenipbf the notes 'se- r Memories. r vuiw . llu-.uu.f'KKc ueeu, ana' ae- , ' - ' A V iAIUlg ILTCAA lAJJlUl -UlC; OCLiii "Hill CO." whose record written m MiIea 'Hubert -and Nancy Holbert for .fr . . . wnose recora 1S "en in naymeiit of the notes secured ' therebv wmsn nearts with thebrood m "he youug army, nas been sold to ol bew- at the o5rt' house door in Gdlumbiis C4 . ' . rpiK coujinr, rsortn uarolma, on. r "It is expected," says the-London 1 MOW! AV FEBRUARY H, 1921, vTimes, -that a hotel will .'be ejected toinrHrlalhotirs of sale, - the tbl there. From, battleground of immbr- fJSfJ' T ' i m -nTWmW Kitt,. - AdjowB the lands of S. J J Miner V "T l . , j ' nk bs andotKers beginning on a may be deplored, but it possible, ston., fiilar a branch, S.J. ffiller'l m i vuicijjjioo i wind, ncuiu cast, o i i-c uuies io a s tone I rt ' ... . . j : , I 11 . ' t!t . Jt nvvever ioreignTo sentiment,' all that tnencejy.i i -zijj. vbtzt is associated with the place mar b nreserved. , ; v - Williams t me West 821-6 rol of Loos and of m.T . an"; . P03 e Deginnmg containing 29 rf ""uovuvui ic-1 acres more or less, surgences of the tide of battle; cohse- - Termsf sale; Gash. . . ; , oywio ui- arm i 0fi? : w oausiy; mortgage, , W. U. WJJjSTBROOK, FT I i J Lettuce Onions -Carrots Beets -Eggplant Celery 'Peppers Cauliflower Radishes Cabbage Irish 'potatoes Smnao.h Kale Cranberries Yams and Sweet potatoes "Fresh Fruits - Your orders solicited and ap preciated. . ( p Corner,-of Uree, "were in this section Sunday. Duffey Womack-called to see Ji Miss Lela Womack last Sunday. J. T. rEdwards and 0. M. Pow--r ell," made business " trips to Rutherfdrdton; last Monday. J " Miss "Bertha Edwards whb has . !ensick.ismu We often wonder what has be- Tcome of onir4Suimy View i cor respondent. 'Mat6age tri Vtguc in Japan. Massage i inuch u. vogue in iapafn and a no-tab lo f oa t u re of a hy Ja pa nose town toward evening Is .he hlintf mas seur as he walks along, announcing himself with his peculiar whistle. In search of work, which he can always find In plenty. have been i by ?YerMted rbiplsms of heroic blood, long ceased to" be a hill. It was held, as one commanding offl- Mortgagee."- C3 Phone SO. i6HLBJ.Mdw! vrhn 1 Lost My long before the struggles for' its dos-" "S8sSlfslKj!,?te- WwwhiMiMm, i session had ended. - Its nam? IUSTiSSSSt cer reported geographically, though ; c: H .Ma? whn 1 L My Its military value had beebtterly de- v Jjj Mrs. Hanna; - stroyed.v . -...v..- u P'V J : t " aen 1 1 rent Into our bam ami ffTw4 "V uocu who uitusiea to uust Sr . .Sr V reM naa. une! Of Rit- dure as long as British history; land it is perhaps as well that a moriument should mark the site of so : many heroisms, even If the monUmeAt pre sents a commercial aspect." 1 Sold and siumitM hv E. E Mi$y rjliife and Carolina Hardware Co. Kiaokind Analvzsd Man lsiihysicall.V as well asmeta. physically thfng of" shreds- and barch. es, borrowed unequally from gobxJ and; bad ancestors, and a .misfit from the -Emerson. . . , ;.- ..... : - i .. . . . i'i ; Flshtop The 'tot Week has been wintry. a snow of 12 inches (an linusual -twcuYerice) Just as land was p-et- ' ng ready -for plowing. It is -moving off Rapidly how and wUi all be off southland If more don't come soon. ; 'lu and T. W; Bradley; went - tci Saluda ; Tuesday. Severar eht' frbm here to see the drbve of horses; and mules at " W. Ci Robertson's stable in5 Sal - Juda' Thursday. tbck are not" rejdicinp:: over this winter weather, because it is raising instead of lowering th cost" of Imng. ' However wi " h6pe: it Will keeD back the Vmi blodrriingand pulverize the land To better crops. J. B. Bradley investigated the horses at Saluda Tuesday. Mrs. Posey ' Henderson saw a large eel m the - creek Sunday, i ne earnest 1 ever heard of. " I. Henderson visited the Brad- r" leys Sunday. Curtis Newman visited Posey nenaerson Sunday. Mrs. P. Henderson visited the - Lrevi family, Sunday. E. J. and J. B. Bradley went to baiuda on business. Saturdav . We understand Clayton Pace - will return to Panama in - a few days at an increased salary, i'rfe set out some cabbage plants for lamily to Use before he leives. T. W; fe Bradley sane- for! MouMin- Page choir RnJriaV -Moonshiners or sonie ither mners keep the. woods on every dry time. , . '. Harrison ' Arledge and - visited his father-inJmxr0 t, ' Saturday and Sunday. All kinds of meats; botfi na tive and westerni T'chidkens, eggs: fish, etc. Lard of Sail kinds and fancy sausage; Prompt and Courteous SeWice Phdlie No. 7 " S Stop) unovnviiflT Yfiii SPEND IT IS A GOOD PLAN TO ;.w-AvCecmg'Account.wilI give you this irriformation to the last cent We keep a .record for you. No man ever tried transacting business through a bank and regretted it. . g DUSlness CALL TODAY THE CAROLINA STAtE BANK SShlr!?8- 1 H. D: Lane Cashalr. Q. C. Gormer Vice Pres. Louise Lane asst. Cashier w. icooertson vice Pres. and Neatly done J. A. Johnson n n SMI LTOffl MOM vj:;.; I . -.' ... Quick Lunches, Pics and Cakes Like your mother used to make ! 'T1B&tv0"-P&CE '"Saluda; 'TJ. ; C. I - - " .A J 1 1 Cleaning Pressing, : Repairing Altering. Hoff.man machine used. Prices and worn garanteed. Jno. LiWand, Landrum, S. C. E. MISSILOINE President J. A. STEELMAN Vice Pres. Peoples Building & Loan flssn. full information cdll bn W- F. LITTLE, Socrotary-Trdaouror. i ' t- , H-no jqan Jo donav " - 1 Joiop, aja.ind r 17 """iJJJJ,; .11 Our reductions are so general that it is im piaeticaKto hame prices but those who need mer cMndise, whatever it is, should come to us for it. - We-were the first toTeduce prices in this sec ;ti(i -and we are able rto go on;, the reduced whole-' sale markets already eachMay ior some merchan- d and so ve you ; We are making -especially low prices on : Men's an Boy's Clothing,. Shoes : of .all ' kinds, imiture, Mtresses; Sweaters,. Coats 4ndSuits. S1 rIGpII, Passes $&95oat& and Coat Suits ar f dltots: . $30 tormJ5, $22 for$ll, $35 fqr $18.75 , acr-pericent on Sporft Starfts r 11 d . ,t For ian-m lands or ; FOR - EVERYTHING OR f SL"'