Volume XXVr No., 36' Tryoiv N, CiMarch ily"I92) $200 a Tear - us. our wEm:wg s wmwimuT - - 7"" . Sam' Timsly Tafir to Pclfr cunty. Fanners, and bthsrsV cir Tiinef Sab- jscts, by County Agent, J.R.. Sams. To Polk County Farmers. Of all times since the ; reconstruction- days- after, the Civil War; now is the greatest time for farmers to think ; yes to think accurately philosophically and right to the point. J p.'. - It seems that farmers in Polk county ' fully realize that sme thing must rbe: done rielatiye,; .to future operations in the way ."of farming in this county."; They have lost faith in growing cotton with commercial fertilizers, : and with the high .cost of fertilizers and labor, that went into the last crop of cotton and the low price for which the crop sold;-there is no wonder that the farmer is 'Blue" over the situation, and the hope of the f uture relative to growing cotton. Now is there any remedy? Cant the farmer drop cotton entirely, or' partly out of his farm crops and support his family and have cash to pay tax and for other cash purposes? This is a very pertinent question and one that must-be thought out as above stated arid , then those thoughts promptly and vigorously acted upon and' put into substantial operation on the farms. ." . . - Many thousands of . dollars went out of Polk County last year to pay for-the poorest kind of hay. when the very richest of legume hays from cow .peas, soy beans, velveksnssorg hum; oatsah end of long cfepters. ; Tn fact there is no limit the natural resources of hay' malring.iir this county and at halfttKe cost of tne nay snippea nere irura uut- side.id thisihome grown hay 1 - 1 ' ' 1 - ' J. is easily double in- cuxxuuxmxx way to drop off part of; the cot- tonxsroite And there is this dif- - .. ference' and. f eed-it to more and better livestock returning the manure to the land, and your land is growing better instead of rapidly running down under the old system; - Then it! is certainly demonstrated that as fine grasses for hay arid grazing purposes, can be, grown as- profitably m Polk" county as anywhere. )-; ; Yes, pastures for grazing both summer ana. winter, ana- again your land wilt not wash. Now no one must accuse me of being an enemy; togrowirig cotton, for under prorter conditions arid, in a sane, way, it thinlCi cotton can, be grown profitably as a cash crop, but not as it ; has. been, grown. Neither must you' accuse of" be ing visionary or theoretical,i until you adopt my preachments about growing legume and grassy hay and paslaire eropsi. and find, it to be untrue! only! visit any country . - Joshua Hodge -north or- south, . east or west I Z,.M! Walker where tHeleguijandgrassh crops and Pasture crops are cul- ', :Gi W. Egertqn tivated and fed properly to cattle and otherliyestock amirseetjif this metliodHrif Jf arriiihl? Will riot pay the farm? By T this; system the farmercan?gKFw soineijcotton with his other crops, of '" ne. can leaye it out all together as he may choose; and as stated in the be ginning of this article. Now! is the time of all times to think and to act. Thislis exactly my mis sion in Polkn Wh farmers adopt' this.. system! of farming and by so!doirigEmake the farms rich . and enable;- the. farmers sons Jariil J daughter to build h6m"andreinaiii!; in.!the county tobuild schpolsand roads, then my; job 1 will be completed and I ready to go down to the eastern section of N C or .V to S.' C, -or f Georgia, where there are still some, remaining gullies and washed away fields on which I iould bestow sympathy . and continue my- labor. , Kignt now is tne time ot year to think and act for the . coming years. . - - . - CchmunitY CInbsandVi'hatThsy Mean " Now following up suggestions that have already been made relative to community clubs, .can such . clubs be organized and maintained m the county. ? Let me" state what is", going ont at liiil Srping, one of the best corhr munity centers in Polk ' county. Now remember; I did not say the best ; Ihut one ' of the best ceiiteri,Vdtlcer8 are several bthersJ perhaps ' as good, and pos sibly better; but I started to tell what v they: are actually doing. Two years ago we began devel opmga community interest and it was hard work to get from half dozen to a dozen people to the meetings. Now" they meet twice a .month and the school room is crowded every night, of course no great operations have grown out of these meetings yet as they? have up- to . this time been used as a means of creating the brotherly? spirit,' community oneness of thought and interest, and the general get together feel-- iveipdySHBtt all this time it has notl ad been talk only. . The community spirit has taken such hold on these people that they are planning to vote a soecial tax and accept a u; W f JJ - ' - . V ' duct a mobW up to the hour These meetings have wfrffTri not onljr grown in popularity m the way of attendence but in -eal Merest . s. , ' . ni L, , nnf5n. children at home and then there i would r be ! something, to cause i therii to remain at home and they would marry' and build homes in their own county and make it i a thing of beauty and; a glory forever.. Keep your eye on Mm gprjng. Jury fcr April Term of Court - ! S FIRST WEEKT N!lT Whiteside , Avery Elliott A! L. Hendrix Louis Penfon EBI Ruff" . Geo. W; Denton Crawford Walker B. F. Green . P. H. Bailey J. I. Landis John Holbert W j!feinter! ! : & L: Bradley CL B. Garren, ?!W!E!:Ellio y B. T! Horton : R. G. Hamilton v W; H. Barnett ; W. A. !Fisher Fred E.iSwann L,H. Cloud R.:A Green x,H!D6ubleday Henry;Thompson'T W;rF;; Little W. X. Brown ; -?!l!rHinson W. J- Scfivins : fT.vT. rBallenger Report of c the condition of the . BAIWOFSAUIDA i at Saluda in the State, of, N. C. at the- close of business, Feb; 21st; 1921. " - ? - - V RESOURCES . "Loans and Discounts.!: $58,460.38 Overdrafts.. - United States- Bonds 922.76 and Liberty Bonds 7,250.00 Banking House 3,700 Furniture- and Fix ture 2500. - 6,200.00 AH ether Real Estate owned. ; I -750.00 Cash , in vault and net ; amouiu)i drier from Bank", Bankers . and ; " Trust- Companies,..: 3,644;61 Checks for 'clearihp; 967.89 TotaLr;l..... $78,195:64 LIABILITIES' - . : ' . Capital Stock paid tk. $10,000.00 undivided Fronts less current expenses , . " - and taxes paid:.. 857.61 Notes and Bills Re- - . discounted 12,500.00 Deposits subject to check : 15,825.35 Time Certificates of : Deposit. ..li.... 25,521.23 Saving Deposit. 13,151.38 Cashier's Checks' out- standirig.... ... V 340.07 Total $78,195.64 State of North Carolina, . County of v Polk. March . 3rd, 1921, I, P. H. Bailey, Cashier of th& above named Bank, dp solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief ; ; P. JI. J3ailby Cashier. Correct-r Attest: . - HenrjrP- Corwith-: J. M: Hearon K ' P. H.. Bailey . Directors; Subscribed and sworn to be- ouuauiucu aim owum w . torero, ms,; oi My Commission Expires March 20,. 1922. J. B. Thompson A. M. Salley . n: t; Mills SECOND WEEK J; M.' Henderson J. Garren . H. B. Hollifield R. O. Covington D. W. Pace H. P. Sharp J. A. Johnson A. L. McMurray Jas; Melton ' T.B.Davis C. C. Constant Logan Johnson Richard Iklelntyre E; W. Taylor ! J. R; Smith Henry Bray J L. k Thompson r. , N; Wv Reiynolds - ;!Now let everybody "do1; just a I little betteEthan-. last year. If you had the habit of v 4 Kussing' last year; VKriss ' less or better quit entirely this year. . If you talked evil of your-neighbor last yeaT; speak, well t 'of them this year and see how it will work If you bought hay . or corn last yearsee if you1 can't : sell ' some tms'yar; If you runablocade still, . aided or abetted anyone else last year :leave it ? off J;his year and see how much more re spect you will have" for yourself when, in a decent law abiding crowd. In other words; be complete gentlemari and you will be respected as anyone by every body. - !s " ' Vv x Arid by all: means -subscribe for your county paper, you j need it worse than , the Editor needs i the irioney but heVcaniiot I run i paper without a little 'J Dough' Report of J the i Condition of the CAnDLKM STATE BAI1II ai Saluda in the State of N.C. at' th eclose of business. Feb. 21st 1821.--' 'j - - - v; RESOURCES , Loans and discounts::;.$49,924.39 Demand L6ans..l.".j..... 8,375.00 Overdrafts, l.:.-.. 11448 United States Bonds : and Liberty Bonds.;.:. :2.60L40 All other Stocks Bonds , , arid 'Mortgages.......... 17,100.00 Banking House .$i;25Q Furniture " and Fix tures 1,000.. c .. 2,250.00 . 301157 All other Real . Estate owned .r.-i. Cash "in vault aij.d " net amount due. from . Banks,?3ankers and Trust Companies..!. 14,245;87 Gash Items - held : over 24 hours ! - .u Checks for clearing...,,:. 139.46 Collections.!.;.... : .'. 62.56 Total :.; ! $95,157.75 L," , !KEK nnn jyiuu oun ihuu xu..,. ,wv,w ouxpms. r unu. u,uww Undivided Profits, less - Z current expenses and . ! taxes;paidl j---.!.. f 1,482.16 a trip to Bradley Falls last ; Sun- Wonder how everybody is en Deposit Subject to afternoon arid enjoyed ; a joying real springtime, che...-. 44,412.42 good time. ' Born to Calvin Phillips ''and Time Certificates of The small infant of J. . C. New- wife Mast Wednesday ' a boy, t Deposit v-T- .4U.71 man and wife was buried at Mt. b. V. Newman says'his name 'is Cashier s . Checks out- Lebanon March 5! We extend Qalvin Coolidge. - - - ' . standing 84SU6 to the bereaved parents our deep- Therevenue officers made a Total.!!..,. l 95,157.75 est sympathy. . rai, on the iower end of Pea State of North Carolina, t Ridge Friday last, and captured .j County of Polk iQo-t . - h true to the best of my knowl- edge arid belief. i : ! " . H. B. Lane, Cashier.! Correct Attest: W. C. Robertson ! ,M.A. Pace .Q. C. Sonrier Directors. Subscribed and xsworn to be- T-TT R-TanP Cashier of the church Sunday, and (iod saw , --y-v --6- r 1, H. .Lane, .uasmer oi tne h r, locality Qne day last week.,, nboye named, bank fore me, this 28th,. day of Feb. Sunday, Misses Thelma . and Phillips Sunday. - r;. ' 1921. - - Jettie Hague, and, little brother. Frank Green, called on-Miss, j; ; P. H. Bailey, Notary Pubic. Woodrow, also Mrs. E. B. E&- Bertha Barrow, Sunday.- ' . My Commission Expires' March wards and children were "! pleas- Mrs. E; L. McDade and daugh 11921. .- , .. , , and afternoon callers. . ter, Ruby; were the guests- of ; Beulah Roy Edwards and wife,! visit- Mrs. Calvin Phillips -Sunday, also ' J.L Waldropwas at Colum- ed at the s home of'' E. B. Ed- Mrs. B. V.! Newman. J: . bus 1st Monday. - wards. - ' " We are sorry to say that ;Miss -- Rev ' J T Ruppe filled his Saul Hamilton, Loren -Toney; WandaMcDade has a light attack' regular appointment at Beulah J. D. Carpenter and the Ford of pneumonia. . t , , Sunday and delivered an interest- boys were motoring on the rouje Clarence Newman called on ng sermon. J T Waldron niade a business trip to Rutherfordton last week, Mrs. Roy Jones and children,- . ... , , v it... are vicitmor npr narPTirs ; r.nis naav t 'w a ru wifp near Silver Creek. . - Will , T. , Green - spent Sunday Willi ms Drowier, vy aitei , x ca Ridge. , 1 : - Farmers of this section seem to be enjoying this nice weather. Most everyone is cutting ! stalks and so on. B. B. Flvnn. bur -rural mail carrier seems to-be enjoying .t . j i i.xxA tnese,nice ary ruau :auu - iwyco they will-continue. ' . V ' Beulah school seems to be get- ting along nicely with a-regular attendence of a joyful crowd every day. ' A Texas Iconoclast. t 'Onr gues -Is that when the bride promises to love,.1ionor arid obey she Is Just as earnest ag when she; kisses thes bridegroom's folks. Dallas Newsu Modern Deluge. The biggest yearly rainfall Is In As earn, in leoi tne wwm ycuxu m broken there by a fall of 805 Inches, r more; than, 67' feet of rain.' --. One Explanation.-- , Jud Tunkins says -the-reaison o many 1 of " us y are ' afraid of , work 4s thkt ' we are tdo" bashful to. get quainted. - i; ''.': Much In' Little, 'Z 1 t The. brief style Is ,tJbar- which ' es-'' presseVmucb-: in Utt1e.-LBei Jonson. i-. W :0IRl-FEIIEjES Items of Interest Gathered From VzncBs Sections of Pc;k Ccnnty,bf 0r Corps Qf Faithful ' lit Lebanon ,The farmers of this community I are doing a lot "of work these beautiful days. - ' Rev. Bud Jackson breached, an interesting sermon at Mt. Leb- anon last Sunday. V Geo. France and family, of Tryon, spent Wednesday last at the-home of J. C. Newman sr We are glad to have our new neicrhhora with lis. Mr. TCp.it.h and'wife of . Spartanburg! S.iC. 'Gay Thompson- spenV 1 week-end with his sister, .Mrs. W. B: Arledge. " we are sorry to say j. iMew- man arid wife, are ill' at ; this writing. " We are glad to say the boys of ?munit .1 Wotk last weeK on wnai is Known as tne rrice roaa wnicn - win .De a great benefit tothis community. a crowd of frirls and bovs took AL Many on the route attended back at home and is conva- lescent. Miss Sallie Carpenter is nurs ing a sore arm. is thought to be inflamatory rheumatism. Misses May " Boone, Letha Barber, and;- Messrs- Broadus t?u j? fiivXo Hinnpr tniPsts at Walnut Grove jouuuaj. f Miss Beulah, we will admit we have as good mud holes. as any, but don't mean toKeep mem, thus, nve and bve ere loner we i . 1 ? - r .... can nave just as guuu iuauSs as Ulcj - XXitVC iii - 1110 y 1x011 vxt Lonesome Pine' V when we get , , Lynn T. n-1J 11 nnnU nf 11 , , ' i , n-nl1! a. m. sunoay marcn io, ur.nw will preach at 3:30 p. m. it being a;:- iflt. omntmDTit! ' ; The work on the. nevr church hs progressing slowly, but every i i :j. - 1:4.4-1 o aay;Dnngs it a xxtuc xicaici finish Donations, of ...any.kind will be thankfully received.' ' The school at Lynn will close Friday night' March 17, with some mUsic recitals etc. - Several of the Lynn folks with the teachers attended services at the Presbyterian church :Sunday at Columbus. - W. F. Swann motored to Green ve last Monday. Sam Blackwell who with her family, moved ; to , Spartanburg last summer has returned. . , A new piano i has been ; pur chased for the schooV A: good Mrs. H. G. Cannon :is visiting her brother's family; -Mrs.. Gea Still Mm MEW Ccrresponder.ts. M. Hicks, at New Prospect, t this wee ' : W: A Cannon- run over to Greenville, lastxTuesday to- at-. tend tKe x Laymens - bi-enial missionary convention or tne Presbyterian church. The soliciting committee for the new church visited Colum bus last Monday andv secured abont$40. A long vacation for the : school! kft is tobe hoped, that the school 1 llv "a r? a um - iota lic TV; ;V j. " We are sorry to say the illness of Miss. Kate -Panther who is w Ma t Panther. Since the above as' written it js necessary to .record her death on Wednesday, ' Pea Ridge three stills. n W. G. tireen's tourtn son, am putated his thumb one day last week.: ! ' Mrs!Brisco: has - returned to her home, bringing1 with - her a trained nurse. 1 r ' Misses Clifford and - Nettie Davis, were ; the dinner guests of Misses Gertrude -arid ; Gladys mioo uuv luinyu wwuwhj t Mrs. Alice Huntsmger -and daughter, are. the visitors ot. U UVWst ana.wue. . , ' rvfiiA Toxrlnr w tViA onipsf. viixxv o- of Mis jee uavis Sunday. ; Sunny View ; v Several from Cooper's Gap went to Cane Creek Sunday;; 'v Misses Clara Edwards: and L V. Cathey' visited Miss Ed- ,, ILL. 1, ". r " Kevi uotson delivered an i?terfst!ngJ eerm0li at Can o, ... attended. . ' - , : . - , . ; MVlL P. Jackson viated mrs.;r rea uhh. -w. - - - . - Several were -out joy nding Sunday afternoon.1 ; ..w -miss mary-yncn visilcu axxcc, Wilson Sunday.. . ; -j " PihW Jackson made a4 business trip to Spartanburg; ' . Bill Jackson and wife; spent - last week; with home folks, . also Curtis Wilson and wife. 1 J. Dimsdale and wife, have returned home after a few weeks stay with their daughter. : " G. K Taylor visited at "J. L. Jackson's Sunday; , ; . ;.. ,;. , -T . , i iuiiuii ; '-4: i..- r:' r" ''." " ; -v . - . . . cr v ,Jfc ' - 'Cmnarnen Outdfcs WOmeW'-; ' . In China the men as a rule are extrbvagant tn dress than tnfe.wci:;; i

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