TRYON ITEMS. Friday Apr. 29, 1021 npwers upon their n n Valhalla Tea House open every Mrs. Buckner and her ad ?er assistants day- 'V tu aenve THE TRYON NEWS, TRYON, N..0. as much as have U- i T hQ I Wn J this week. ---- Ill B dale: Two tine milk cows Asheville Boosters. ville For W ' a hey have come and gone-the H Reich and wife were m Asheville Boosters. All W Spartanburg Saturday. : greetedbf nr Chambers, of Landrum, &cJ?s of local people who Jfjn Trvon Saturday. them to their towns; as xt- . . iryon was no excontirm .,ri Mrs. Geo. Cl A,d is visiting greeted the visitorrwmlf relatives at Anderson, S. C. Lemonade was served the visitors ,r n RiakP and Dick Watson oy the were in Greenville yesterday. JMissildme, our druggist, served xt i4. a w tut; visitors a 'ves'at Dewey" Rose, ba. Mayor Bacon welcomed the A fine milk cow for Sale:-Will visitors on behalf of our citizens freshen about middle of May. and short talks were .made by a j. F. Black. number of Asheville people as Miss Mabel Capps, of Flat w as 97 some of our own folks. Rock spent the week-end with -tPf8 were distributed at hpr sister, Mrs. R. A. Leonard, the battle ship between Saluda l ' w H Hawkins returned andTryon, each number of the Mrs. W. n. nawKins returned party being given a rose and home Monday from a very plees- cheer. g glven a rose and a ant visit with relatives in Tenn. . Saluda also extended a glad Roy Panther, son of John hand to the boosters and dis- Panther, of Lynn, left Saturday tributed apples, lemonade and fnr Ft AtKinson, wis., to accept uvemrs. un Denan oi tne good people oi roiK county we extend an in ITS TOASTE tfZ No cigarette has the same delicious flavor as Lucky Strike. Because Lucky Strike is the toasted cigarette. mm mmmvmm W. F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon N. C. a position. Mrs. T. J. Kenedy has return ed home from Washington, D. C, where she attended a meeting of the D. A. R. see us aganv vitation to the Boosters to come ate school officials in the speedy natunnation oi plans lor better schools facilities and the installa tion of the high school work. Adopted at school meeting and signechby orderof same this Services at the Episcopal Church. For Sale:-Purebred S. C, Holy Communion ..8:00 a. m. Rhnde Island Red eggs, $1.25 per RnriHav m.nn" . -.r m T7I T . XV.Wd. Hi I A ! n rink Mrs. liiua. Ej. rAUU, Mnrn in cr .'Pra' Qart iy, xyi .1 -"O v U11U kJVi. lliVJil I HC "I setting. Fish Top, PM. u 11:00 a.m. Stanley Ballenger who is at- Bible Class... ; 4:00 p. m. tending school hear Henderson- FRIDAY ville spent Sunday with his Christian Healing Prayer Circle, parents in Tryon. '. 4:00 p. m. Mr snH Mrs. Mp.TCinnev of Litany Service. .. : 4:30 p,m. WW A 4-Urvno do more orniQf! nf Mrs. McKinny's sister, Mrs. Jas. THE CASH TALKS. Moore tnis wee, .. Uur terms on loh Vnrk arft Mrs. C. V. Elliot, Sec. J. H. Gibbs, Chrm. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the power contained in a certain mortgage deed executed on the 4th day of December, 1919, by John A. Sheilds and wife. Mollie Sheilds, to J. T. Green to secure payment of a debt, which mortgage is of record in book No. 17 Page 86 of the mortgage recdrds for Polk County, and default a bal- F0R SALE: Ford Sedan, 1920 cash on delivery, all lesrals having been made in payment of model, demountable rims, good are cash in advanpp Wo anc due, I will on Monday the 30th PnA SfiOO. Phorm , CaSIl m aaVanCe. We dayIo M 1921f within the legal Price $600. Phone or call Pine Crest Inn. Rev. H. N. Bowne spent Tues day in Asheville, attending a meeting of the missionary com mittees of the district- of Ashe ville. . '" Prize Cow for Sale: Calf two weeks old, gives four gallons of milk and one poundof butter a day. E. W. Dedmond, bus, N. C. mm (XL the facilities resources and inclination to render the best in banking. ; ' . You are missing this service if you do not bank with us. Alert," Active and Accomodating. - G. H. HOLMES, President J. T. WALDROP Vice President WALTER JONES Vice President reortE W. F. LITTLE Cashier V. A. DLAND Asst. Cochlor I w iryoini7 NoD-ftlhi CaroBiinia. keep 110 books SO please do hours of sale, at the court house door nnt. nsk fnr snv ntlior tovmc ?? ?olk ????tv' offer .for le the j vWw i mgnest bidder tor cash the land con- PC ) I ,K I .( lTTNTV IMF. WS veyed by said mortgage, lying and be lllg III lAUUIIlUUS AOWZ1SI11IJ, iTUitt. VUUIlty and State of North Carolina and de scribed as follows: Beginning on a pine on the north side of the Spartanburg road, Wagoner's corner, and runs S. 3 W. 102 1-2 poles- T?nVort to a stake and pointers: thence W 113 u: . Doles to a stake on west edge oi tne AViuiiiua, x auiuier wnu was -re- 4-v, -fv, t; m I .-i . r-. i jjaiiuiuui iuau, uiuiic itu vnv vvau UOlUm- uujf cciib uvci iium x-xance. 37 E. 74, N. 22 3-4 1. 44 poles to an Ihe OCCaSSlOn Was attended DV iron pm at the crossing ot the Lan- a very large crowd who witnes- t?1?!? T0?ds 61 ,E: caH th MiHfQrV lim,ra ai.l, 19 poles, S. 74 1-2 L. b poles N. 69 1-4 Melvin Hilll .Quite a number of the Melvin Hill people attended the burial at Cooley Spring, of Will exchange for city lot or country property. What have you? James Leonard, Tryon, N. C. . Wanted: A good tenant with help. Come and see land and crops on place. Chas. J. Lynch, Stock arm, Tryon, N. C. Pigs For Sale 1 to 12 weeks old. C. J. Lynch For Sale: Chevrolet touring car, good tires, newly painted good condition. P. H. Bailey TTT , 1 T ' 1 'VIJ vve tne unaersignea announce oqj fw Milifo uur canuiuaiicy xur iiiemuci o ui or Lrvon dis- tnct. A. L. Hill, James Lank ford, Nelson Jackson. -4 "IT. 9ft nnloo "NT . 7K F. 14 nnlQ fr tha auv,j iwi wprp nprtnrmPfl in nrcior onrl 1 1 ' ; the School Board for Iryon dis- w:ft, jno oniOTYiri;f4 . LS fourth nrp mnrp nr , , , , This 2ath day ot Apil, Jieoer uarson, wile and oaby e. b. cloud. j. T. green ot Trvon. marie a short visit to mi All i T- 1 I ' ihe name oi Alberta tiooo, their aunt, Mrs. Etta Branscom, was entered among those who Sunday. had riot, naid their Town tax. t v, r 4.iJ ,oo lne lunerai and ounai service i " tr wir7r CS?.1, - of John Cantrel, was attended Oil UXUX, XTX. VJ. Ji-tM.XVJ-i Atty. Mortgagee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE The undersigned having been duly appoined ad ministrator of the state of General Covil, deceas ed, late a 'resident of Polk County. AH persons having claim againt the said ueneral covil de- . t . . . i . "U,, i ,."U f ? t, ceasea, are notinea to present vennea state- dv a larcre number oi triends mont. tcomo tnth. nnHproion r he- Miss Rosa Box and Mrs. Locke and neighbors here, last Friday UoFe the 22nd, day of Apni, 1922. or this notice r, 1 i l l. I V wfiuwvto nx, icwu x iVAJr . will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate are notified to settle sameforwith. April 22 1921 EARL COVIL, Administrator. returned to Saluda this week afternoon. He was well known after- spending the winter in and highly respected by all in Tryon. We hope they will decide this community, was a faithful to return again next winter. 1 Christian, 'quiet and peaceable. As my term, of office expires He leaves a wife, four sons, one the 4th. of May, I hereby give daughter and a number of grand notice that I will not receive children. Our sympathies are water rents, taxes or any fund wren tne Dereavea relatives. due the Town of Tryon. Mrs. Maggie Shelby enroute to M. G. Blake, Mgr. her home in Dayton. Ohio, from WANT COLUMN Home-made chairs and stools; stained or decorated any color. See Arthur Scruggs. For Sale: Piano, upholstered nlnsh rork-prs. nivnn nil stOvp. ThP SiiTnW ohnnl nf Hnlv Fla.. Where She spent tne Winter brass HpH mattress nnd other - V 9 UllULk T kJlllU f A V AJ - m ivrvl v r ww'w w Cross church had its Dicnic On is stopmg with her aunt, Mrs. household goods, at reasonable Saturday last. They went by Branscom, lor a couple ot weeks. prices. James Leonard, automobiles to the lord oi tne The Greens Creek high school por Saje by owner Small auiet, a nttie uibtance auuve will give an entertainment, next fanris ar,rf rnral home sites tine l m - r I i -i i-i -i i - ' Thursday and raday evenings. fruit and 2 1-2 miles from Tryon, There will be -a debate here wood and water on each tract; npYt : snnirriav nionr.. inis is ciiuice uuiiuihk sites, x. . w o I - -T-r free, all come. r mills, Tryon, jn. u Jflsner Cole of Rutherford. Co.. For Sale or Exchange: 490 attended the . religious service Chevrolet car m good condition. here last Sunday. Elder W. A. Reed preached at Keisler's Chanel in Rutherford Co., last Sunday. the Battle Ship Maine,- T i , i , .Little Herbert Butler gave, a birthday party to several of his little friends Wpdnpsrinv to cele brate his 7th ' birthday. Lovely refreshments were served and the little folks had a very enjoy able time. Southern Railway System Special Rates Southern Baptist Convention Chattanooga, Tenn. Round trip tickets will be sold to Chattanooga, account of the above occasion. Dates of Sale May 9, 10, 11 and 12 Final Return Limit, May 21st. Fare from Tryon, N. C. to Chattanooga and return $I6.5i including usual 8 per cent War Tax. ' ' Those desiring sleeping car accommodations should confer or communicate with the undersigned promptly. Special cars will be operated from Asheville: . S. H. WOOD, Division Pas senger Agent, Ahseville, North Carolina. Ford Sedan, 1920 model, demountable rims, good condition. Price 600. 00. Phone or call ..P0WEiD8iESBDNt Kill That Cold With CASCARA FOR Colds, Coughs OMV QUININ AND La Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the head Cascara is best Tonic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Having sold my oil and gaso line business to J. H. Paris and others, this is to notify the Public that I have no connec tion with the Tryon Filling Sta tion. All nartiPR inr?phtprl to me - X - v "'rs Resolution of Executive Committee. Whores in the stupendous Will ITiakp immnrliato nQumonf xrinirk-rv oppnmnlishpd last Week in the scnooi election n is wie spTiRe of this committee that this was the "Red letter day" for White Oak township and that a new era has dawned in the edu cational history of this y com munity, and whereas in the anirit of rejoicing and deep o-ratitude. Therefore be it re- i,ta i of "'fiiaf fViia mmmunitv wdWni'l6 superintendent tender its sincere thanks and . vveuare work shnnlH rpan as j. ; ;,r nlnVi io fftrr.. crraTimae lu me cuniuiuiiiij wm, county scnooi omciais, cuuii agricultural agent and every in dividual for their interesting efforts and loyal support in this orrpat. educational campaign. Ke- solved 2nd. that this" committee express its high appreciation ui J- B. Carpenter. .The ticket for school commis sioners )ut up by the school co operative asssociation should read as follows: A. L. Hill, f. Nelson Jackson. -fe.P. G. Morris. . ' ne committee annointed to i i r r . i Spices Squibb's Spices are sold in sealed tin packages. Just a little gives the desired flavor. We have a full assortment. Parke-Davis Vanilla Extract Have you tried it in your cakes and ice cream? A good product on sale at , v ' R2 ISSI LD I N E'S PH AR M ACY work should read as gratitude to the community club, trs- A.L. Hill. -W. F. Smith. Miss Hamlin. ; Mrs. F. C. Poppe. Tryon Flower Day at Oteen. tr Aebterdavthe itono rvfTWrm Uv,Q finp Tiatrntism and deep pro KmhOM J WAOllU y M. JLMLJVM.M. I lll'V - il wiered toethpr -aiiir.r?o cei'vo cnirit manifested m the vilw Buckner, at Ashe- very liberal vote cast m favor ot beautif large boxes of very school, especially by the women to bp If rses and other flowers, who so fully exemplified their, ailed" cS? to the sick and- dis- worthiness of the enfranchise Aahevfn dler? at 0teen hospital, ment extended them. Resolved Uke lvr Mrs. Buckner will 3rd That this committe solicits Vilge land distribute the the further aid ot tne county mm AN APPEAL TO YOUR OWN GOOD SENSE V - SAVE $10.00 a month and place it in the Sav ings Department of this Bank. The following fig ures will interest you. YOU WILL HAVF . at the end of the , JL . - 1st. year.. ..., r L..$122.42 - 3rd. 2X-2 -$382.38 5th. year .. $663.87 10th. year -L-: $1,473.48 START TQDAY THE BANK OIF TO YON ' - . "Polk County's Oldest Banking Institution" W- T. LINDSEY, President . J. P- HESTER, Cashier North' Carolina The citizens have recently organized a Board of Trade, having in view four specific primary : objects: 1. The completion, by fall term, of the School ; Building,-f or which bonds for $20,000 have Jbeen voted, and sold. ' 2. The construction of a Public Park, with a ; Community House thereon, for the recreation of the citizens, and their guests throughout the year, n 3. The improvement Of the public roads in :; Saluda Townsnip, and those leading to the farm- "l ing communities at this end of Polk County. 1 4. The encouragement of more cordial rela f tions between all the citizens of Polk County; the marketing of all products raised by our farmers, who are hereby asked to increase tneir production ') for sale by the Board of Trade in the fall, the dif- ' fusion of information relating to every existing or proposed development in this section; the bringing ' of new settlers into the community, and tne list-1 ing of lands, houses, and other real estata for sale to prospective settlers by the Board of Trade. " The Board of Trade invites the cooperation of every citizen of Polk County, and especially of. Saluda Township, in the carrying forward of this" ' work, and the Secretary will be found daily in the rear of The Bank of Saluda.: Saluda Board of Trade. . . ' . .- a -