lnJBiy-aonie: Stand - For- DC? C. BUSH, Publisher Volume XXVI No.- 44 - M -i OUR COUWTY: MEfJFS BEPARTUEMT Some Timely Talks to Polk County Farmsrs, and others, on Timely Sch ; jects, by County Agent, J. R. Sanis. What I Saw at Grant Millers Last Tuesday and Wednesday I took off from regular dutiefe in order that I might more fully in vestigate oar Polk county ther mal belt, , already famous i for ever bearing fruits. On myway out from this ibelt I spied some very green-spots on a beautiful summit overlooking Pacolet valley, and I drove around to see what was on : the ground as well as what was in the air. One year ago this beau tiful hill top and surrounding was a worn off unsightly1 place. No one thought of it as a - place of science beauty ; but like thou-r sands of other places in Polk county, it only needed the hand of the natural artist ancl a little elbow grease mixed with a small outlay of cash to transform such places into beautiful : honies in the most beautiful and pleasant counties in all the world, v But I must tell you what I saw. v Well about the first thing I saw was a negro across the creek , plowing. There was nothing remarkable about that; but one year ago, I tUUlU UUl XiaVC OCCll 11111 XVI bushes growing along the creek run between me and him. Now all this thicket along the creek is gone just as it should be along every branch and creek in ruicuun auu W1C v j I tplaces -mthe - creethadlnf Polk county. And the crooked siraigntenea. ine next tmng i ii . j . . j. was a pureorea miiKing snort horn bull, and I wondered if farmers e would patronize Mr Miller and pay a liberal price for his use, or use -the miserable scrub bull for fifty cents or noth ii i . .1.1.1 1. .. j i 1 'it "i . ing,1 wnicn wouia ue exceeuingiy expensive. There' I saw. a very fine heifer and cow gamboling in a rich pasture just at, the foot of the hill on which the snug -little home now stands. : When I drove open and Mr. Miller met me with an outstretched hand and a cordi al hand shake and welcomed me to his little home on the hill top Now begins what I saw Well, I was so charmed that I almost forget every thing that appeared, out right on bare clay one year ago, there is now as rich a sod 01 white clover and blue grass as you can find in Tennesse or Ken tucky and back ; of the barn "where one year ago was- th6 poorest old field in Polk : county now is a beautiful start of .all kind of grasses and clover. Then Mr. Miller took me through his house and pointed out the various rooms, closets, etc.,, and I was made to wonder how a man's mind could work out; such a marvel of beauty and utility; un til 1 remember that - Miller is an architect who's mind is 'trained along that line and on this job', he was thinking of himself and of course did his level best. I also saw a flock. . of- high -bred Bun Orphingtons, also a Hamp shire hogs which were well cared lor- I saw many 'other things to numerous to mention in this connection; but here comes .the interesting thing of the whole Miller with his own hands a some additional help built this most beautiful : little struc ture. I 4.t- i? . : stone and cement, put - in the heating apparatus, . pluming etc. ; and had the lumber and hard Wood.floors sawed. onL his own worked the material ttgnthere in Polk county and ai(i all the substantial and fancy v xxn ii 11 1 r m 1 111 iiiiii 1 11 in in The Only work about the house with his own hands, and in an exulting air said it brings me ' so much more pleasure than if it had been done with hired labor. . Now this is an, example for thousands of others to do. Men who", can use a saw, hammer) chisel, trb wel etc., and - have - a little "Sharp sand in their gizzard" can go out on any of these elevated places in Polk county 'and do exactly what Mr. Miller has done; Of course he is a man of means,7 ancTsome aljled bodied men well acquainted with the above men tioned working tools will whine around like weaklings and claim they had no chance .in life. What Polk needs, what North Carolina needs and what the United States, and all the world neeas is for red blooded s men o get ngnt out into me raw country and like; Miller, take a strip of mother earth and make it bloom as the rose and build a sure-enough v: American home, surrounded with purebred cattle, pigs and poulty as this example nas aone ana live under nis own vine and fig tree as Miller is do ing. We welcome all such worthy citizens to our soutnern sunny clime. Columbus. -There was a large number of - i- haTa tTjLt but did not have court' on account of absence of the judge. -, ' ,'Miss Minnie Arledge and father, motored to Henderson ville last Sunday. I - . Fred Blanton and wife visited home folks in ' Shelby last week. Misses Leona Feagan, Aylene Edwards, Estelle -Pace and Hilda Burgess represented Stearns High School in the annual debate at Chapel Hill April 15. Miss Starnes chaperoned the girls Mrs. Carnegie entertained the high school teachers last Sunday evening. Frank Henderson died Monday April 25, (he was 82 years of age., Leaves four sons, three daugh ters forty-nine grand children and a number of great-grand children. The community sym pathizes with the bereaved fami ily. May their loss be heavens gain. Mountain Page quartette sang at the Baptist church last Sun day .Everyone enjoyed their music. Rev. Reed preached Sunday a. m. His text was from Proverbs 11:30. He that winrieth souls is wise. , N Nothing is - ever gained by winning a bargain and loosing a customer. Times have ' changed You never hear girls, named Eliza beth referred to ...as -Lizzie i any more. Bv helDincr ; to stimulate the building industry each of us will be stimulating our own industry; The best salesman is the man that W llJ OVflW tJ"""" -I TiAta his emnlbvers a fair profit. Did vou ever notice that young fellow 'who always has a lAt ffirls runnin' afterr him; al ways marries the plainiest lookin one of the "bunch: - , , Nature insists that we adapt ourselves to conditions or charge the conditions-rtake your.cnoice ' What has. -become of the old- fashioned mother who used to dope her children with sulphur and molasses every spring. Pcper FiitHshcd in.PcIK Ccunty Tryon,,N. C. TO All Christian People. The World Conference on Faith and Ordert -has asked us. rto i ob serve an i4Ocatave of Praver for Unity during the eignt days end ing with Pentecostj? namely, May 8 to 15, 1921. ' The:-Membership oi the Conference is -composed of representees bf all branches , of the Christian Church except; the Roman Catholic Church,!-which has repeatedly declined to partic ipate. It is suggested that ser mons be preached on the subject of the unity of Christ? Church on Sunday jMay 8; and that prayers for the same end v be said in? all Churches and homes during these eight days. r The Ep is c o p a 1 Church will be open ; as always for private as well' as public ! de votions,, and it is hoped that ithe Church -people f of : Tryon will avail themselves of the privilege of retiring for prayer in the Church at any time when - con-; venient. . Topics for Prayer. , , ' 1. That we may come to know the meaning of the Church in its visible organicxmity as Christ knows it in its perfec tion and beauty , and "power. 2. ; That our fellowship with God, individually and corporately, may become increasingly and consciously the dominating interest and torce in our lives. ,. 3. That both rightnesss . t: thought and - Tightness character may be our aim of of in our fellowship with God. : 4. That our fellowship with the r'rt-ten may he, truly ChrisW ian, even to the extreme1 de gree of loye required as a matter of course by St John. Just as our Lord laid down His life for the brethen, so should we be willing to lay down our lives for one another. 5. That our love may reach far beyond home and country. That we may not stop . short with patriotism but 'relate ourselves ... ir to all men every- where An sympathy and brotherliness cf thought and intention. b. That we may De content on ly . with our Lord's interpreta tion of unity and ,seek to dis cover what, according to His , mind, is the meaning of a united Church. : - 7. That we may keep true pro portion in our life in the Church, exhibiting passion ate ; loyalty to those things which are obviously of God and sitting' lightly to the les - ser an visible features of Christain fellowship. 8. That we may work wisely as well as pray without ceasing for the removal of misunder standing and the obliteration of prejudice throughout Christendom. Prayers for The-Peace And Unity op The Church 0 Lord 'Jesus Christ Who saidst unto Thine Apostles, Peace, 1 1 leave ; with you, My peace, 1 give unto you; itegaru not our sins, but the faith of Thy Church, , ' and grant her : that peace and .unity which is r agree able to Thv will Who livest , and . . : ' - . . .' . , . . reignest God for ever and ever. AMEN. 1 - - - : O God of Peace, Who through Thy Son Jesus Christ didst set. forth One Faith for the salvation of mankind; Send Thy grace and heavenly blessing upon all Christ ian neoDle who are striving, to draw nearer to Thee, and to each other, in the unity of 'the j Spirit and in the bond of peace. Give us penitence - for our. divisions. wisdom . to know Thy truth, cour age to do Thy will, love which shal break down the barriers of pride A live CIsan PcpcY for the Home .May 6, 1921.- and prejudice, arid an unswerv ing loyalty to Thy Holy Namel Suffer us not to shrink from any endeavor, which is in ; accordance with Thy will, for the peace and unity of Thy Church. Give us boldness to seek only Thy glory and the . advancement of Thy Kingdom: Unite us all in Thee as Thou, 0 Father, with Thy Son and the Holy Spirit, art One God, world.without end. AMEN. . Cedar Top. ..." "... . . We are having some cold weather atrthis writing, and - the fruit. is all killed in this' section. Farmers are about done plant ing corn in this section. I: Grant Mills 5 and; wife,- spent Sunday ? with the Jatter's parents John Shehan. . - : r Willie Culbreth. and Lawrence Way caster, were f pleasant . callers at JohriShehans last Sunday afternoon. s J. M. M. -Fowler and Otis Wal drop were callers:at J. T. Wilson Sunday, last - Robert Melton ; visited his brother, Willie Melton, Sunday last: V. ' Freddie Corner passed through this section last Sunday. R. B. Fowler and little Tommi e Byars, were callers at John She- hahs last . Monday afternoon. Lewis ' Mills passed through this section last .Sunday. , Lynn. 1 W "B-V 11 All l Kev. ur. rratt niied nis 'vregu Jar standing appointment last Sunday. . Prof.t3ram left several;; days ago for ,' Savannah, , Ga. , where he has a position as instructor in French in one of the city schools. Mrs. E. H. Craine ; will leave for Montreat this week. C. C. Hampton and wife, were recent callers in Lynn. G. H.VkBradley and children, of Spartanburg were the ; guests of Waldman and family last Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Williams, of Inman, run up to see her : mother, t Mrs. J. B. Panther last Sunday. T. C. Westal, : of East . "Flat Rock, visited friends and rela tives in Lynn last week-end. Mrs. J. L. Eaton, of Landrum, visited her , daughter, ; Mrs. - Bal lard last Sunday. . - Oh bov. ' a new arrival at ; the home of W. J. Ballard and wife one day last week, a "big brows ing boy. - .' Three of our young men left last Saturday morning for Wis consin to work in the hosiery mill. That sounds strange that theWisconsin people would come here for help. But if our bpys can't get work in the mills a home they must go to where they can get work. The Womanless Weddiiigv arid box supper .was a sweU affair and a" success in all its details. Columbus. Dr. Adams, pastor of the Bab- tist . "church of Rutherfordton, preached an interesting sermon at the Baptist church Sunday. Rev John Arledge "preached here Sunday night Mrs. Gilman, Mrs.: Loy's woth- 11 N " . " . . . ; j." er, was nere ior commencement. The high school gave a;, good play here Monday night and everyone enjoyed it .. s i am sure it will be hard to get a principal that will fill the place of Prof . Loy. - . . Misses Bernice 't Smith r and Mabel Lynch's sisters were here visiting. Jf . ' t - Don't try to do everything let' nosteritv solve i some of the -Mr . 90 - ' - problems. - - . FROr.l OUR FRIENDS terns of Interest Gathered From Varicas Sections of PcEk County by Clt ( Corps of Faithful Fishtop. We are Jioping for another week'of fair weather so as to partly recuperate from our 1 loss of time. Quite a crowd of Saludaites were down here last week - fish- ng and otherwise enjoyed them- selves. , . Bee swarming is ,on with a rush, but we hope they will take Library Hall last Friday night time to gather enough honey to was well attended and much en- spare us some. j T. W. Bradley was in the Bob's n i. tt -j li - county one day last week. Lewis Levi from the' head of Green river : visited his father here last week. ... -... We are sorry to hear , of Ithe death of Lillie Arledge, of Greenr ville, S. C, She was born and raised here. ; She died in Ithe hospital at Atlanta, Ga. . ; J. Henderson has just returned from a visit among his children Qn tine last Wednesday. Moth and friends. ' . : er nature kindly lowered , Jhe temperature and greeted every Mrs. T. E. Pace has got .her one with friendlv taDs of .hail. second order from one customer for eggs by the dollar. She keeps her incubator running at a lively speed, also we should' have mentioned last weeK ot iait Newman's visit to J. W. Bishop's and dinning with same on Sun- day previous. When I was younger I.hadjto ieea xne caives ana it was iun oiiemonade ana candy were served. see . theni f get their feed in baskets and run around but I haye something novel to r tell i the uyjya tiua weetv, wmic iccumg some,yearling calves some meal in a large wasnpot two got tneir 1 heads m and got fast and it was a sight to see them lifting it around. ' Spurgeon Bishop arid brother visited in this section and attend- ed the singing at Silver Creek Sunday. PnRAv TTp.ndprsnn.' P,nv T.p.vi and Taft Newman: on one mule and another a foot nassed this wav Sundav. . , Notwitnstanaing tne extra- ordinary cooi speii we stiu nope enough fruit is spared for horn consumption. . vvxicii auuut uiat new xuau, t tti- j. i ; j.- j.t 4. j via., Fishtop to Rutherfordton, (no use say some ) as tnis section ".,1 1 1 t L will be under' water soon; Dut that's thebetter reason for it as Saluda will virtualy; be -dead without it, and the company who drives over it will need ' it and we will need it worse. Just imagine a lake between four and five miles long and some parts one mile wide and one hundred feet deep and within" two and one half miles of Saluda direct, boating, fishing, etc. ' . Saluda , ,; Dr. E. M; Salley and Mary at tended the Gray-Schley wedding in Asheville last Thursday. . - -.-. I Albert Salley .. has gone, to Kenilworth. .Mrs. Steve Sketon, of Hart- well, Ga., -visited her father, S. M. Nabers last week. Horace Bomar ancf family, motored from Spartanburg 1 to Saluda last Saturday. . : Dainty May baskets were sold at the Boy's Club last ; Saturday by Miss Wilcoxs committee. A nice suni was realized for the Boy's Club , . v L Ef. Capps, H9race Nabers, Q C; Sonner, Ernest Thompson, and Julian Pace have returned from a fishing trip in Green Pries 5Ccat$ $2.00 a Year IN TEE CQUNTQV Correspondents. f River Cove. They report a fine time. r - Election day passed quietly in Saluda. The following officers were elected: . Mayor; , a: r Li. Capps, Aldermen; G. R. Little, M. A. Pace, P. : H. Ward . and Calvin, Hill. - 7 : The "Average Man", a play given by local Tryon talent at" joyed. - Miss Minnie Cullipher has re-' ...j r Li'T-f :i. - tt ..... E. Remnson and wife are visit- incr relativfia in Saluda. W. W. Edwards well known friend of young people . was among the Asheville Boosters. Miss Lois Pace is spending this week-end with her mother. Asheville Boosters. ; The Asheville1 Boosters arrived tfy face and all went well. - ".Frosty Asheville cars - were parked in Saluda and two' hun- and , fifty visitor were mingling with-home folks:- - i mi i li ' j mV m '- . I . I I 1 1 TJ II BU 1 Mm LM W W m-M If ers f .. spoke, and everyone4 chat- tered awAyinerfily while? aipplei. Souvenirs .were also ? distributed freely. if you Want an Oakland' car ' in gOOd Condition See U., iiUSh OT ask Nabers in Saluda: They can tell you. Sunny View. We are having some cold days to be sf)ring me' Archie Smith, wife and little daughter, Ruth, visited the latter's father Saturday and Sun- a Several, attended;: preaching services at Cane Creek Sunday, L Mamle Pilbert - spent Sunday night with Misses Maggie and 33 Jacks0n, Several from this section motored to Hendersonville Sun day afternoon. - ! u p TnPv nriri filv visited at Pink McGuinn's Sun- j-,- ,UJ' Bessie Jane and Emma Helton r spent Saturday night with their aunt and uncle, Geo.! Price. , The little daughter Ollie, of L. B. Wilson and wife, died Sun-: day night We sympathize with the bereaved family. A. J. ; Dimsdale and wife ".visit- ? ed their daughter, Mrs. F. R. Coggms, last week ' . ' School closed here Friday-last There was an interesting pro gram given. A debate query . resolved that- George Washing-" ton is a greater man than Chris topher Columbus; The afhrma tive won. There were a good many visitors ' present. " The teachers returned to their home Friday. ; - At Ths Ccnsrc22tic.".cl Chzrch. Rev. W. A. Black, A. M.;--Pas-tor. . . - - - Bible School Sunday morning Public Worship and Sermon at 11:- ' , - .t- - Bible' Studies in Acts Wed nesdays at 4. p. m. ' : - , . , . Tourists and all citizens : cordi ally welcome. , - . . Eating too much is a brake on our. activities. . , f 14 Vi "f l:' t 3. If 1 f- I; t i

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