y OUR COUNTY AGENT'S DEPARTMENT Some Timely Talks to Polk County Farmers, , and others, on Timely Sub- jects, by County AgenCJ. R. Sams. To The Farmers of Polk County. For a while I have been silent, tfot that my interest and zeal for your interest has abated or cooled down; but because my thoughts lately have been so ab sorbed in your most vital interest just now, that I could not have time to give expression to them? but now, this beautiful sunshiny Monday morning, I want a heatt to heart talk with you concern ing what I regard to be your most vital interest at this y time and in the days to follow. The time has been when great er production was the paramount duty of the farmer, deep plowT jng, ; thorough preparations" of soil and cultivation in-order to produce larger and better crops was the pressing need.' Farm ers all know the importance of these things 'now, and - their greatest need at present is the marketing of the crop after it has been produced. Up till now the farmer has been purely a producer of . raw materials. He has paid no attention whatever to marketing his products, -ex cept in a hap-hazard -manner by dumping them , on. what ever market there happens to be at the time. Blindly, air would dump at the same time on the same little local market, glutting the same at one point while their city cousins nearbyjwould be paying exhorbilarit priced -for the same commodities. What we want is to organize in such a way that.we can make sale of our own hard earned products, just as the miner, the manufacture, etc. , make sale of their products. Why should trie manufacturer depend on the farmers or any other class of consumers to sell their manu factured products for them? And what kind of a mess would they make of ( their business if they did? Nowis not the busi ness of the farmer identical ? Who has ever made a specialty of looking after the business end of the farmer's business? The time has fufty come, and much of it already gone to waste that the farmer must become a business man so far as market ing his output is concerned. Some will say it can't be done, that it never has been done. Of course it never has been done in Polk county and never will until we make the effflrt, and a desperate- effort at that. : The very fact that it never has' been done is the strongest argument that it must be done. There was no talking machines a few years ago and Mr. Edison was laughed to scorn when he announced to the world that he meant to give this great v luxury to civilization. A few days ago there was no such thing as wire less telegraphy and now even school boys have their wireless stations for their own amuse ment and improvement. The world is full of. new ideas, new thoughts and new activities. So the time is coming and is now here that the farmers must take .."i hand the marketing. . end . of tneir own business and conduct 11 themselves; not to make it harder on other classes to liver V... j . . Ul.t0 so put their products on a Ultimate and fair market in such a systematic way' that con sumers every where may buy inese products at and at the same time the farmer Who produces the nrodncts shall price paid by the consumer. In an early issue of this paper will be outlined exactly the plan we tre working out for Polk county. At this time we want every farmer, every 5 merchant and banker, and manufacturer and everyone in Polk county who eats anything that grows out of tne ground to give this matter earnest thought for a few days and then when we get this plan well worked out; let all interests get together, stick together and pull together, until the thing isl accomplished. the Board of County Commissioners On Monday-May 2, 1921 ap proved the resolution of the Farm Advisory Board asking for $500 to enable the township Fairs and Polk county Fairs to cooper ate with the state authorities this fall in conducting educa tional fairs; looking to the stan dardization of farm products prepatory to jcooperative market ing. By this order of the County Board each townshrp'will receive the sum of $50 to aid in conduct ing its community Fair, and the T 11 "i - T "1 111 roiK county air will receive $200. Now each township should - i meet at once ana organize ana arid, go to work and prove the wisaom oi tne county ooara m making this appropriation by putting up the best community jand county Fairj jrx jhe state;' : -V r - At The Congregational Church. Rev. W. A. Black, AM. Pas tor. ' y . ' j - Bible School Sunday morning at 10. : Public Worship and Sermon at 11. :-:v Bible Studies in Acts Wed nesdays at 4. p. m. " s Tourists and all citizens cordi ally weme2 ADVICE TO DEALERS. Marshall Field & Co., Would Have Re- taHers Loo For Brisk Trade. JVIarshal Field & Co., of Chica- go are urging dealers to use a larger variety of advertising methods for 1921. ; "The flow of trade will con- tinue toward your store if you keep the buying public well, in- formed of your prepardness to st at A. A. Edwards last Sun meet its needs,,':the firm says. dav : . "Advertising will sell t he merchandise if liberally and con- sistentiy . usea. p" ink work hard tor you. :, nange the windows of tener; attract at- :?fZL ;..Mrv. I- - VJI to Advertising initiative helps to keep business ; normal ' and i nnuL.. - Plan now for a brisk business. Advertise and display the mer- .t a; mnmoTit it reaches your shelves. Look with conn- dence into the future. Advertised Letters. Tryon, N. C. May 3, 1921. Coffey, Mrs R A Corn. W D Dbgan,'E S nainps Mrs Rebecca- W H. Stearns, Postmaster, It Sure Pays. The Missildine Pharmacy fof this place has, been running .; a small ad in this paper advertis- ing their service. , For the past three weeks they have been ad- vertisirig spices1 and flavoring extracts. . Mr. Missildineinforms us this week that their sales of these articles have increased ' 300 per cent since advertising them in this paper. . Tryon, N. C, Report of the Condition of the; BANK OF TRYON at Tryon in the State of N. C. atN the close of business, April zatn, 11m. ... , RESOURCES Loans and Discounts. . $96,232.17, Overdrafts secured. ........ 845.65 United States Bonds and Liberty-Bonds 8,750.00 All other Stocks, Bonds - and Mortgages ............ 1, 829. 41 Banking House Furni ture arid Fixtures.........: 5, 100.00 Cash in vault and net amounts due - from Banks, Trust Co Jankers and ipanies ...;28, 744. 45 Total 141,501:68 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in..; 10,000.00 Surplus jFund. 10,000.00 Undivided Profits, less " current expenses and , taxes .paid.. ; .... 2,227.19 Deposits "subject to i check.L.: 79, 163.46 Time Certificates of De- positl:l. .1..::. ... 6, 171.93 Saving Deposits.;........ ..33,854.75 Cashier's Checks out standing l 84.35 Total. i .... 141, 501. 68 State of North Carolina, County; of Polk. May 10th, 1921. i I, J. B. Hester, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear tpat the above statement is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. , ; J. B. Hester Cashier. Correct j-Attest: B. L. Ballenger V -v W. T. Lindsey ' Directors. Subscribed and sworn to be fore me, -this 10th, day of May 1921. F. Little Notary Public. Commission expires March 14th, 1923 Mill Spring Route 1. Rev. W. W. Womack was un able to preach at Lebanon last Sunday because he was sick. We hope he will soon be well again. Miss Mary -Willie Whiteside and sister, Sallie, of Uree, spent Monday night with Bertha and Maggie Lee Edwards, also Tues- day night with Maggie and Gil- reath Edwards. v Martin Gilbert was a dinner Pq1u qyv1q wifp vicif. d h latter's parents N. E. Wil- liams and: wife on route 2 last gund ' , . Miss Lela Womack spent Sun day afternoon with Miss Maggie . -j - . dim nigenun passeu. uiruug" section DUimay anernuun. v Miss Minnie Uwens&y nas Deen real sick for the Dast week, out is better. Roscoe Whiteside was on Uree last Sunday. v Harley Shultz, Talmage Allen and others were callers at A. A. Edward's last Sunday. A. A. Edwards and little son, Sellers, spent Wednesday with the former's ; father J. Edwards near rniii oprmg. I. School closed at Lebanon last Thursday. The teacher and pupiis went on a scenery - trip to Bear Deh Mountain on a picnic, Thev gathered many wild flowers an(j had a nice trip, jcaine back to the school house and" sang the iast song together which was Go be wjth you 'till we meet again' Many tears were f shed kecause they had to part with Ungjr teacher, and there was ho ; I more , school. ; ' ; - May 13, 1921, KSScoK? at Tryon' in the State of tf. C. at the closiof business, April 28th. j Loans and-Discounts..$85, 620. 59 Demand libans.... . 3, 400. 00 Overdrafts, secured.-:. - 80.10 United , States Bonds ' and Liberty Bonds ! 101,450.00 Banking House $6,260 . Furniture1, and Fix-f turn's 2, 900. 00.. ' 9,260.00 Cash in vault and f net amount due from Banks, Bankers and f Trust Companies. ...: 16,254.79 iasn nems nem . over - 24 hours . 58.85 TotaL.l.l,;.::. 216,02433 : PLIABILITIES - , Gapital stock paid Jn:.;.$10,000.00 Surplus .PHind,;i.l.-4; 1,000.00 Undivided profits less -: t jcurrent expenses and ; Vtaxes paid, .l ' 481.02 Bills Payable...'.:..... Deposits: subject ' checki s L rf 27,500.00 to." - .... 45,990.00 Time -Certificates of .f Deposit.. . 14,342.37 Savings .Deposits - 42,391.52 I .ochioi'o ' l,VQlro ; nnr - - i Cashier's v Checks out- &uauuinK Certificates for. Liberty , 569.42 , ounas--T.r.... ii w.w Totals :l..:........216,024.33 State of North Carolina, ;t County of ; Polk March 2nd, 1921.f :?to yf.x 'f';-'1' I, V. A. Bland, Asst. Cash, of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that: the above: egfandbeliefr V. A. Bland Asst. Cashier. Correct Attest: ' V . 0 W. F. Little G. H. Holmes Walter Jones - Directors. Subscribed and' sworn to be fore me, this 10th, day of May, 1921. James Leonard, Notary Public. My commission expires March 22, 1922. , . New Hope. It seems as if we are going to have frost all the year. , Rev. Teal of Forest City,- was in this community l nursaay . We all were glad to see him. Some of our Sunday school scholars attended the all day service at Linars church near Columbus Sunday and reported a good time. F.slev. Davidson railed to see Miss Tom Roach Sunday after- nOOn. We have a lot of colds and hoarsness in our , neighborhood. F.vervone enioved the stunt paty at New' Hopa Saturday t . . i ! ii : nignt. iv ;. large coigregauon was present and many stunts. C. W. McGinnis has his car in running condition at this Writ- mgsomebody may have the op- portunity of a ride. -Some of the Melvin Hill and Sandy Spring people sang at Walter Mclntyre's Saturday night, will practice next at Tom Cantrells. Toni ; Turner - and a few days ago prospecting, wife: have just arrived from w F. Swann spent last week Cleveland, where, they have in Asheville.: ;, been visiting. ; , ; John T. Panther has' recently Mrs. Hine's baby is improving purchased a second hand Over iri health. - land. He has not as yet been : The farmers in- this , section indicted for exceeding the speed have all finished planting. limit. A number of us are expecting - Fred E. Swann has purchased to ero to Piedmont 3rd. Sunday, If you want an Oakland car in good condition see C, Bush or ask Nabersin Saluda. They can tell you., " ' ; ; ' - . u'iuCk u'-in Court. - - In a Uhyinney' valley police 'court it turned out that a defendant shot - a plffeon, the property of a Mr. Fowler, csd erldsact was glTcn tj Ur. EV : FRor.1 our friends in the cowjimry w - tV ' -' w ' '. items of Interest Gathered From Various Sections of Polk County by Csr Tryon Route 1. Aye, with five Sunday services. If we are not rewarded with fruits and flowers of the king- dom, surely won't be the. preach ers fault . . A huge crowd attended the Mothers Day services on Lightn ing Rod Ridge. E. H. and W.VD. -Edwards. and H, D. . Shanklp, motorfid to Asheville Saturday ; and found Mrs "R. H. RHwflHs Mrs: H." D. Shankel and little sons, Billy Sunday -1 arid Sam Boone, -have just arrived from the land of flowers, tol spend the summer in the balmy- oreezes of our good old North Carolina. : v i Many of our people attended the school entertainment at Mill Spring and found it splendid. jack Guffey' and wife spent the week-end , at Mrs Guffy's 0ld home. - Fbx;, Mountain school closes . . - . ... . ... Friday May 13. " A little pro- gram will be given Friday even- ing at eight 0cloclc. A11 yited to attend Lynn. We still have cool weather. Larger attendance at Sunday school last Sunday. $ . The Tryon hosiery mill still . Langley and; wife, , of liittle Tfock; S.'Cr, Itayed over aj; Mrs. ; Langley's father's J. L. Jackson, as they passed through to the y Baptist convention in Chattanooga this week. The many friends of Mrs. J. L. Jackson will be glad to hear of her so fast recovering from her serious sickness. Mothers Day was observed per Governor's proclamation,, flag displayed over the school building all day. A nice program had ben on short notice trotten up hv Miss Parker, assisted bv some good mothers. , . Many songs, recitations, appropriate ' to Mothers Dav was rendered bv the babies, youths and grownups. Dr. Pratt gave a nice" talk his subject mother, and we add what ' s a home without a mother, Eighteen dollars and six cents was donated by the Lynn Sun- day school for the Chinese surfers 1 laOb UUllUttJ , iixuMivio -rj Prof. Corbin,' of the Greens Creek consonaatea senooi renaer- ed very valuable service to miss Parker while handling Mothers flow nmcrrflm W. H. W estall and lamny, oi West Asheville, were the ' guests of W. F. Swann and family last Sunday. , p. N. Hood's father and sister of Flat Rock were his guests last week-end. - . ; prof. Kreider, principal of Melvin Hill school, was in Lynn for his wife and boys a nice pony and buggy. : Miss Kate -Martin, of Grover, N. C. , is on an extended visit to to her sister, Mrs. N. W Randall- y- - ;1 W. Clyde Hooker, of Williams burv. Ky. , arrived , on the Caro lina Special last Monday respond- $2.00 a Year ing to a telegram regarding " hfo father's sickpess. ft. E. Hooker died at his home ? in Lynn last Sunday night - He ' was taken , sick just one , week before his deaths with a- severe cold which developed pneumonia J with complicated" conditions. A . wife four sons arid one "daughter survive him. He was 60 . years t old, a member of the Baptist, church, also a member : of the Local Lodge of I. O. O. F, a T good husband and father. The -community" has lost a good citi-li zen. His remains were laid to, rest in the Tryon cemeteryi Dr.' t Pratt, his'pastor conducting " the - funeral, the Local Lodge I. O.-v O. F.; assisting. ' - v . Last Sunday evening as the -people were passing nurnerously U from the church,' lots of small children, some passed through in some kind of a striped, down or . open auto at a very high- rate : of speed endangering , their oVn lives as well as the lives of others. Havn't we no protection in this particular , dangerous everyday, practice? We need s6me of thej Saluda officers down this "way. fits a shame that a fine is .not put : on such ugly and dangerous con-; duct. ' ' , You had just as well be a pes- . Coin: :bas. - Everythiiigsuitev. herenow "v ande "miss 'the teachers "much. Mr. Denton, of IIars Hill, preached at the Baptist church Sunday, day and night. Kev. A S. Caldwell preaches every 1st, and 3rd, Sundays of each month at the Presbyterian .church Dr. Grady was -called to the oedsiae oi Mrs. a. u MCMurray Sunday who was suffering from "Flu", also Mrs. Tom Lynch and Mrs. Ralph Prince. We . are glad to say they are better at this' writing. A number of the Cojumbus people attended church at Penial Sunday. Mpthers Day will be observed at Columbus May 15th. ' At the town election May 3, J. R. Sams was elected Mayor, Lindsey Smith, J. R. Philips and F. W. Blanton, . Alderman. . J. R. Sams attended the clos ing exercises at Mars Hill. J. T. Gilbert attended v the Asheville court as juror last week. C. L. Wingo's son has returned form the University of S. C, " ;. . 4 ' ADVICE FROM THE JOP. Ten Best Retailers Give Percentage -to Be Spent in Advertising The ten best retail advertising men in the country give the fol lowing figures as the proper amount of gross business to be set aside for advertising: Per Cent Department stores n. ;.. 3 1-2 Women's' specialty shops.. .... 5 1-2 : Shoe stores. . 4 Millinery stores , 4 , Music stores 5 1-2 Furniture stores . 5 1-2 Electrical stores. 6 Jewelry 'stores i -...;.... 5 1-2 Men's clothing and furnish m&y Miscelaneous :;; .JJ4 ' The best results in advertising come -in its cumulative'' value rather than in direct , and im mediate sales. Genius' Blazed In Afle. -Goethe was more than7 eighty ' when f wrote the second part cf Tacst receive a iust proportion of the

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