TRYOM ITEMS. School Cooperative Association. THfiTRYON NEWS, TRYON, N. C. Valhalla Tea House open every The regular monthly meeting day. - s association will be held in Miss Alice Unwm has been je school house oh Monday May very til Mr fi. Bush spent Friday in L Vf" 8 I0r ' using the schoool Asheville. - - 1 ' Sarah Purdy spent ; Fri- 'S? formulated. day in Asheville. services at the Episcopal Church , nv. :n. TT.i..-i : For Saie:-iwu unexmm cuws communion.- 8:00 a. m. ur J. Scrivens. 4 ;: ocmi. ,. .10:00 a. m Miss Helen Morton spent ;FriJ yer : nd Serm day in Spartangurg. Mrs. C. W. Bartleson spent Friday in Spartanburg, Bible Class. .i......4:00 p. m. FRTnAV Christian Healin f, B. Cawthray is in Hickory, LitenvsJ ..o. . K C this week on business. Mrs. E. B. Cawthray and child- UCTC, C "a" Iorm- ren are visiting friends in Bilt- Ane nail storm Wednesday more this week. , . aiternoon did a great deal of Dick Watson left Monday for "Se ver Portions of Georgia, Alabama, MississiDDL Tenn aWfcJCft- "3 w v .i.xwvi.o Ak i ' Columbia, S. U. v - . ,1 F P. Bacon returned home T V ?au.was ac" r , A compamed by a hard rain whiVK from a ousmess trip w rnna- ;n 1q - - , , ,,7- j lnMfl Saturday V r?rvo,--waBUw uauiyme gar- delpnia baturaay. dens, n ln nM .a Messrs. C. W. Ballenger and where th vm, o; p. G. Morris, transacted business are ruined :. ' . in Asheville Friday, Apples. DeacW nH err Chas. H. Dennis, managing are all damaged, but at this time editor ot tne nicago Daily it is impossible to estimate the News, is at Oak Hall.:, extent of the damage done. W. Y. Wilkins, wife and son Deceints Frnn, Phw Billy, spent Monday with rela- v: C r. ; , tives in Spartanburg. ( f " 5"uT ' nn Dr. C. A. Brickerhuff and ProoTam ocn wife, of Chicago, are Quests of Tickets """"" -,'rft T. H. Coggey and wife. ; ReceiDts Colnm nns" 7 ifi ' Mrs. Robt.Gaines of Spartan- Expenses, "copyright....!..:.. $3. 50 burg, formerly of Tryon, died at Car fare . 9.00 aerate To seal In the delicious Burley tobacco flavor. tied! 8 W. 'f, LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC Try6nf N. C. that place Sunday morning. Mrs. Charles Wilson is to man- i age the weaving part of the toy maker's business at the mercer izing mill. : stage..:. ............... .... ; 5.00 Receipts Saluda ..;.: $44.05 Expenses, copyright. Car fare Hall ; Programs... Mrs. Hester is recoverine. Mrs Conrad and Bettie are still Divided Proceeds. in Winston -Salem, with Dr. and Mrs. Conrad. : S. B. Wilkins and little grand daughter, of Spartanburg, were guests of W. Y. Wilkins and wife Saturday. For Salei-PureTored S. C, Rhode Island Red eggs, $1.25 per setting. $3.50 18.00 3.50 1.50 8.78 61.78 Total.; $128.90... Balance.. 67.07 Respectly submitted, Odell Hamlin Principal Employed. The trustees of Tryon Graded School on last Tuesday entered into a contract with' Prof. D. W. Mrs. THOS. E. PACE, Simmons, formerly principal Of above the ground suddenly burst and upon at a meeting to be held on next Monday night. ; Considerable time was spent in discussing 'ways and means of extending and improving our water system and the building of permanent hard surface streets and sidewalks. While no definite action was taken along this line, it is quite likely that a survey of our streets will be ordered and estimates of the probable cost of these improve ments ' secured, and a public meeting of our citizens called to discuss the advisability of going ahead with this work. ' V These meetings are held to transact public business and all citizens are extended a cordial invitation to attend all meetings of the board. Dciner in Incandescent Lamps. lv!f!("!u-p that" tlit' hi:;L power In- rnndescent lamps. "now so commonly nsed for street liirhtins: mav not be- wholly Innocent as a possible source of fire was observed in southern Cali forina recently, says Popular Mechan ics Magazine. A bulb hanging 20 feet It Oi Pay Voii'To A bank deals in service only. It can serve you in many ways. Primarily you look upon your bank as a Safe place to leave your money. In turn the bank owes you the very best possible Service. This bank is constantly on the alert to render its cus tomers the last word in banking and with this in view we solicit your business. - v Call at the bank and talk it over. G. H. HOLMES, President J. T. WALDROP Vice President WALTER JONES Vice President W. F. LITTLE V. A. QLAtSD PEOPLES mil t tust Mm Fish Top, N. C. Little Margaret Leonard who has been spending some time with her gCndparents at Flat Rock, has returned home. the Durham schools for 2 years white-hot particles of metal it scat- and for five years principal of the lf nt,IyfKignitled S&sa . !L t .1. , at the root of the pole. Firewardens SChOOlS at Elizabeth Glty,, tO of the district are now advocating the take charge of the Tryon Graded use ' suitable guards about the lamp School for next year. Prof. Simmons will bring his ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE The undersigned having been duly aoDoined ad- Miss Sybil Capps returned to family to Tryon in June so as to S?EiSdS! Tr& Sn5! "Tii SS her-home in Flat Rock Friday familiarize himself with lod chatmltoffi1tat ments ot the same to the undersigned on or be- sons indebted to said estate are notified to settle same f orwith. April 22 1921 EARL COVIL, Administrator J ' xt i. I tti j. ii ments ot the same to the undersi. aiici spemimg Hie WlIlLCr WlUl COnOlLlOnS. He COmeS lO US Weil fore the 22nd, day ot April. 1922. or this notice Woi'ofA. TVJ T A T'nvMI.. L.: ,4.A J wiU HPlead,in bar. their recovery. All per- Dr. Wright and wife, of Raleigh and a number of other Oranee Citv.'Fla. -will arrive in - places at ..a larger salary, tnan we " - I . t . - r l are able to pay, out pur nne cli mate influenced him to accept a Tryon next week for the summer. They are coming in their auto mobile. W. T. Lindsey, wife and daughter, Miss Mary and Mrs. Henry Bray and! daughter, Miss Violet, were in Spartanburg Monday. Miss Callie Sheford returned to her home in Asheville Friday WANT COLUMN renn.c, Home-made chairs and stools; position to head the Schools of stained or decorated any color. Tryon. - See Arthur Scruggs. 1 I '. For Sale : Piano, upholstered plush rockers, divan, oil stove. lisia Wn rnnsidfirable brass bed, mattress and other compMnt about padc JT S? stolen fromthe local postoffice, . t, . , o n is rn t 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 s 1 1 Liie iuiiuwiiiu iiuwc 1 ..n. o 1 o zi r m aiter spending the past month in pf reward offered by the postal wood and water on each tract: -jvu wna ner niece mrs. dailies department lor sucn onenses. cnoice ouuaing sites. i- u. wnKtord. Mnf ovPHincr R500 and not less I mills, lryon, JN. U . f I xiwv vvv.o T i . Mrs r.vo.i no X7ilci-n Vine Vkrknrrlrf I "hVian $50 for the arrest and con- For Sale or Exchange: 490 vywui T T ItOVll 1.1 CIO UVUftUV I t I rt i .. - -. . . . the Cantein - SmifV, ,nnP shP viction of any person on the M-nevroiet car m good condition will alter it making apartments charge of stealing mail matter w the upper floor while reserv- or any vaiuaoie tnmg coniameu ? the. first floor for herself. therein from or out ot any man, t a tj. . . , postoffice, or station thereot, or J-A. Hines. of Spartanburg r", , . j :x anH -a?0t. t T3 Twr4.:- otner autnonzeu uepuaitui y man matter, ui xxum icnw mail carrier. - The same reward is offered for the arrest and conviction of any to the above .... v pCt0Vll - . Ks-m great numbers are otTptirp uuting m this happy town. in- -- Will exchange for city lot or country property. What have you? James Leonard, Tryori? N. C. . Wanted: A good tenant with help. Come and ' see land and Chas. J. Lynch, Stock Farm, Tryon, N. C. Pigs For Sale 1 to 12 weeks old. C. J. Lynch t For Sale: Chevrolet touring car, goodtires, newly painted good condition. P. H. Bailey notice of mortgage sale.; By virtue of- the power containeB -in a certain mortgage deed executed on the 4th day of December, 1919, by John A. Sheilds and wife. Mollie Sheilds, to J. T. Green to secure payment of a debt, which mortgage is of record in book No. 17 Page 86 of the mortgage records for Polk County, and default having been made in payment of a bal ance due, I will on Monday the 30th day of May, 1921, within the legal hours of sale, at the court house door of Polk County, offer for sale, to the highest bidder for cash the land con veyed by said mortgage, lying and .be ing in Columbus Township, Polk County and State of North Carolina and de scribed as follows: Beginning on a pine on the north side of the Spartanburg- road, Wagoner's corner, and runs S. 3 W. 102 1-2 poles to a stake and pointers; thence w 113 Eoles to a stake on west edge of the iandrumroad; theuce with the road N. 37 E. 74, N. 22 3-4 E. 44 poles to an iron pin at the crossing df the Lan drum and Spartanburg roads, S. 60 E. 19 poles, S. 741-2 E. 6 poles, N. 69 1-4 E. 20 poles, N. 75 E. 14 poles to the beginning, containing forty-nine and one fourth acres, more or less. This 28th day of Apil, 1921. E. B. CLOUD, J. T. GREEN Atty. Mortgagee. Coionng Arc-Lamp G!ob?s. The 'purple color of arc-lamp globes is due to the use of manganese In the glass. The manganese is used to coun teract the greenish color which comes from ferrous salts In the glass, but the action of light on the manganes only ubstltutes a purpl coloration for a greenish hue, r It ;ydu ielieve ddh Ms? if so subscribe for the Polk County News and help us to be able to do for the county all that should be done. We 'can't do it all alone, we - - ; i - need your help and cooperadion. and children, Mary and Billy, of ' Henrietta, were guests of their Slster, Mrs. W. Y. Wilkins Wed nesday. - . ;; ,iney Will wavf anH flan if ftey do not fly at the closing exgrcise of the school.- The leachers are working over hours. Town Council Meeting. The newly Town Cduncil met Monday night and organized for TVio nart of pi r i t uuDuiciosi . o : 1"10 Lalnw4ll orTi rvf Mrs P. 1' oVon' TiTk in famsil- t T ' wi. rnp mile was wxv t ynch, near Trvon. is home L-irr nam solves with condi- n a short furlough from the tions and getting a line on what Teat Lakes training station. to do and how to do it with the -nis return to Hnfv ho will "dill s hnHlo . , . , i.j i. J 11 In Wo wouipa, , led and mstrucieu lu uu an x James Vooftw u: nAnror ' tn sunnress the liquor . v.onvx, WX1U WXtlX 1XXO pvfv - m - . family have spent the winter in trafic and any other violations ot how Walter Jones and Dr. Hari . in vJa nraHv retained as Attorney ana r. Mr . ... -i I. .i . i nu flRrto. ytxs-npp.t.ivelv. The .Wlil leave MnnHa oonnmntment of a Town. Mana- fiomp ; i-w-Ar, r ho dAr.ided Wow Is the Time to Kill Flies Black Flag Insect Powder Poison Fly Paper Telephone Missildine Pharmacy for your needs. Kill the fly and-save the doctor and drug bills. rJISSILDINE'S PIXlARrJJACY We take pleasure in calling your attention to our .statement which appears in this issue. Not that the figures are large, but to quote one of our customers: "Gentlemen this is a clean-cut state ment." Examine it for yourself. THE- BANK OF TRYON "Polk County's Oldest Danking Institution" y. T. LINDSEY, President J vc- HESTER, Cashier 3E North Carolina Is probably one of the smallest, if not the very smallest, of towns in this entire country employ ing a whole-time paid secretary to attend , to me duties of its Board of Trade. When we say "small", we have reference to the total permanent population, which is in the neigh borhood of 700 people. ! The word has no reference to the potential pos-., sibilities of the town for growth and . develoment Saluda has room for 7000 people, and grows very close to that figure during the summer months.' It is being steadily developed along lines that will .; fit it to catch the year round to a permanent popu lation of this size. ; s THe town is supplied with every convenience siiow. It has a rich abundance of the most Beauti ful sites for homes to be had anywhere in this, great country. It is well served by the Southern Railway. It is within easy reach of the largest enclosed body of water in The Land of Sky, ' Summit Lake, where splendid fishing is to be had. Living conditions, winter or summer, are ideal. v Inquiry is invited by those who desire to take up residence, and who wish to secure a building site, a farm, or an orchard, by Saluda Board of Trade. - x r. r; 1 1 : III ii m i m if 1 m 1 1 i t- ; i. i i r r:-t i r . ... - . ' 1 OV 1TI75 I i-" I I, IJLJC11 W i ... :