BOrPoh County Farmers Have ao.;ood: C&fertb ao he Want? If Not, Why Not? TTtilnCt About It! V V IV I I 1 C.IUSH, Publisher Volume XXVi No. 48 OUR COUNTY AGEOTT DEPARTMENT Sf Timely Talks to Polk County Farmers, and others, on Timely Sub jects, bv County Agent, J. R. Sans. hat Saw at Hiss Flentys Perhaps you don't all know that Miss Irene Flentye near the eld Mimosa hotel site close by Lynn, JN. U, is oecummg quite a fanner, or farmeress as the case my be. Her farm is not as ex tensive as some Polk county farmers; haying as I mistake not, about the sum of two acres all told, wooa ianu anu mat in cultivation. But " the beauty, of her farming operations isH that she is doing a little of almost everything that is going on over the earth. She has bees, poultry, grape vines coming on, apple trees;' peach trees, cherry and plum trees and I don't know what else. . She also has straw berries, and by the way she got "pouty" with me because Mrs. Smith of Columbus gave me a a saucer of strawberries and cream two weeks before she had them. It was no fault of mine, Mrs. Smith planted hers on a southern slope ana miss t lenty has hers facing the north and it was nature that made the differ ence. She also has a nice garden with all kinds of vegetables, onions and lettuce seemed to be a specialty. And I got another good joke on Miss Flentye. She is very enthusiastic about every thing the undertakes and especi ally her Rhode Island chickens. u you rememoer sometime ago i !J 1 M - ' ii. J psia ner larm a visit aiiu un my rounds l was inspecting ner pen of red roosters and found an egg in a nest in the corner of ; the house. This time while investi gating I found a rooster in trap nest, and I asked her what on earth that rooster was doing in a trap nest and she . replied, I want to find out which roost er lays that I may put a band on na leg(?) Now she-may succeed in developing a dual purpose Whithtr Are We Going? To the citizens of Saluda town ship: V Believing that the people of Saluda township and Polk county we interested in the education of their children to the best advant e, and desire that the future citizens of this county should re vive instruction in good build inw, and through the best of teachers, I am writing to ask a iew questions as , to why our County Board of Education takes little active interest in,the se fng of a suitable school build for thi3 district? ' J have made but little pro cess during the seven years, I Jve peen in Saluda-except in jeed in the way of taxes, which ve materially increased, and uda township has paid, for rs, more money in the way of Jjw than it has received in pool benefits. Is it not time its citizens to demand some tce for their children?. I came here we had one Pitated school house, -poorly lPPed, which was sold at pri sale by the County Board of Sror bifc. Some time after. edin ! new building was erect h.e Morris. or Salley dis- W - understand there to ttV-tT en hough scholars . titutea lesral district and Board fl Salley' chaiSnai1 of the bri..8ay8 tney are planning to iese few children to Sal- r insf mA4.:. i nt 1 1 1- aib -. uun wnen oaiuaa Ta8clioolbuilHinc me next public school in-Salu- Only strain of rooster; but I suspect that when a rooster is hatched out, he will continue to be a rooster in spite of all the trap nests and other that will ever be invented. Now lying all jokes aside; if every inci ii jtuik. county was as dead in earnest about their farm work and as determined as Miss Flentylris -to "seek information then nut that information . fn practice, farming and improved home life in Polk and other Pied mont counties would go forward by long leaps and bounds. And why not every farmer and every otner business man continue to be a student? Why should any man quit learning? There has never Deen more progressive times than now, and times are not going to be less progressive. The young man or the middle aged and old man that is willing to think and back up his think ing by good honest work will be the man of the times. The com ing times as well as the present and the past. Yes, many farm ers who think they know more than is in the books would do well to visit iMiss Flenty's two acre farm and just see how many, questions she would ask you? and by the time you correctly answer all of her questions: you will he a much' wiser man than bfif ore. yoi wehtl , Suppose you try it. - NOTICE The Polk County Agricultural Board will meet in the court house at Columbus on Monday June 6th, at 11 o'clock a. m. Every member is expected to be present, and the Editor of Polk County News is requested to be present. This may be the last meeting tnis year. J. R. Sams, County Agent da school district as I remember it was held in Mr. Hamer's pri vate home, although it was to have been at Poplar Glen, but was changed to back up Mr. Hamer's private school, which situated at almost the furtherest endof the school district. I was assured in advance by Dr. Salley that this school would never s be used as a public school, but it was, anil was supported by pub lic funds. I retired from the board at the opening of this school. , A little over a year ago we were asked to vote $20, 000 bonds to build a new school house. These bonds would have been de feated but for the promise by Dr. Salley. that we should elect our own school board, and school district' commissioners, and be able to handle our own money and run our own school. After being in office a little over a year we find we have no power to do anything, except follow the Countv Board of Education They were to have sold the $20, 000 in bonds, but have failed to Ho so. even when our banks and orivate interests agreed to take. $17,000 of these bonds, leaving but $3000 to be disposed vl. Uov Ad riot complete the sale, J SH11 nmTriisini? tO Sell aiiu uv , tTipm.' but when will they do so wifk matters in this shape, and facing the impossibility of owfw a suitable building m time for the beginning of the fail tArm-even were the money bavailaie at this moment some (continued on page 8) The .-... M . . , ... . fcper ftifahcd h PcS Ccsiy Tryon, N. C, VVllAT IS A CIIAOBER OF C0:.1L!ERCE? Cy iiug:i a. crnoii Member of Walters Ck!a.)f Chrsbcr .... of Ccssissrce. A chamber of commerce, com posed of fajjable human beings, must necessarily reflect the spirit, the enterprise, the energy and aspirations of the component membership. It is, therefore, human and subject to failings and successes, and whether it be failings or successes that pre dominate depends on the com bined determined will of 4 such membership. A chamber of commerce is not a place to produce hot air. vision ary schemes or to go off on the impractical chasings of the rain bow's end. "vv . Tj. ! Ji . V. ' ' . it is not a political organiza tion nor a place to gratify selfish desires' nor to vent personal spleen. it is, on the other Jiand, a cooperative society, wherein each individual ; benefits. You cannot take out of the basket until you have put something in. "He profits most who serves best." . It is the organization wherein business competitors drop their scramble for business for the moment and merge their re 5) it Mi Famous for Can grow everything to eat and wear. ; ' "' First Township in Polk county that has undertaken to consolidate' all her schools. MILL SPRING is the HUB. All Roads lead here. MILL SPRING of the most faithful and Progres sive Community Club in Polk county. Already organized their FAIR. We Live And Let Live. Every Body, WELCOME. . Fishtep. News is scarce as it is too wet for even news. Sheriff Jackson was in this section1 one day last week serv ing papers. Posey Henderson killed a large rattler last week (10 rattles. ) We have been informed that Deputy Owens and some others discovered a still in operation last week; and went for other officers and when they returned the still had moved, but they found a five gallon barrel of whiskey hid near. The still was on a small branch, the waters of Gods creek up near the head. T. W. Bradley sang for the Mountain Grove people. Sunday. Ewert Levf went to Saluda Saturday. Five of the Foster boys with two Metcalfs were here fishing one day and night last week. John Metcalf, of Madisori county, 82 years old and is, sprightly as a boy. ' : All ard not done, planting yet arid riik'y :not get done. BB : 4Harrjson led?TOiw and attended preachirig at the Bishop school house. X" Rev. Wm. Morris, preached at the-Bishop school house Sunday, S. Bishop passed through, this A Uy3 C!xa Pc;:r fcr to. Esa June 3, 1921. sources and power for the up- uuiiumg oi line community. It is the savior of business in times of depression. ilt fosters civic pride; it arouses the latent talents of its - citizens., awakening within them a desire w mase tneir rown, your xown and my town a better place to do business in, to live in and really to enjoy life in, uhtrammeled on the one ; hand by puritanic re strictions or on the other Band unsullied, at home or abroad, by unbridled license. l Summing up, a chamber of commerce ; is - the concentrated brains, efforts, ambitions and progressive desires of the busi ness, professional, social, religi ous and educational forces of the community. ' i Beginning with the first Satur day in June the Lanier library hours will be from 4 to 6 p. m Tuesdays and Saturdays. THE CASH TALKS. I Our terms on job work are cash on delivery, all legals are cash in advanjee. We keep no books so please do not ask for any other terms. POLK COUNTY NEWS c53 red sticky clay. Can Well Boast 1 0E part Sunday (on business; ) J. B. JBradley attended services at the Bishop school house Sun day. Posey Henderson went to Sal uda Saturday. isees have heia up swarming and are gathering some honey. Moses Jackson took a fine beef to Saluda one day last week. Clayton Pace has been haul ing garden peas and cabbage for some time back Tomatoes will soon be ripe on the early set vines (they are full) The rain has about finished the early peach crop here. Hurry up boys with your work court is coming right in heart of crop time, and no telling how many of you will have to attend before it is over. ? . J. Henderson is in attendance at court at Hendersonville. v Pink Case was in this part a day or two last week, vi The Levi boys started to meet ing Sunday met riatie rrattler in the way arid,; returned home. Ewert Leyi vSayif: that ;ttierje 1 are two things he don't know. How many - rattlesnakes there are in the cove, nor whether Rome Hill was named after KriiSlreeniaiij or named after his grandfather. Tunsip roil Is mm our mEM terns of Interest Gathered Frca Vsrfcs Sections cf Pc2c Cczsty by Ca Ccrps cf Fdthfd East Special Truck No. 62 has changed conductors, Bob Forrest is the new man, Hugh Thompson is still the engineer. Louisiana Special No. 61 has the same old crew, rate Thompson conductor and Charley Owens engineer. . Mrs. G. R. Little and Bobbie, have returned from Spartanburg. The Mountain 5 House was thrown open to guests this week. 1 On the day of the opening Mrs. Newton served tea and cakes to all her friends who visited her. Everybody had a good time. Kussel Locke's friends are glad to see him home again. Subscribe to the News, Sue Smith, of Hendersonville, spent Sunday with Lessie May Pace. Kathaleen Garren is visiting in Summerville, S. C, this week. Susie Trout, of Spartanburg, was the guest of Evelyn Nabers, this week.- Mesdames Ed Guiceand W. H. face went to r leamont to com mencement John T. Coates Senior, is visit- mg his family in Saluda. Elyses Pace and wife, of Greenville, visited in Saluda Sunday.- - Dr. D. L.. Smith, . has been in Saluda for several days, He has gotten things in order for the comfort and weir being' of his patients at the Infants and Child rens Sanatorium. A few babies have arrived and are being well cared for. Mrs. St. Julian Ravenel and children have arrived and will spend the summer in Saluda. Albert Salley has returned to Kenil worth for a couple of weeks,. Mills Nabers returned to Oteen after spending the week-end in Saluda. Dr. D. L. Smith in wiring some additional cottages at the sanatorium this week necessi tated the town putting in a new transformer near the sanatorium. James Heatherly much im proved has returned from the hospital in Asheville. The Ep worth League will meet at 7:30 at the Methodist church Sunday night. R. V. Miller will preach at 8:30 at the same place. Everybody invited. Rev. R. V. Miller will deliver a series of sermons from June 5, to June 12, in the Methodist church. Rev. Miller has preached in Sal uda before and his od friends and all those who have never heard him are invited to these services. ... ;; Hugh Aiken, of Washington, is visiting relatives in Saluda. The young girls of Sahida, enjoyed a party of their own at the Boys Club Monday afternoon. The boys kindly sent in the blind musician to furnish music 1 Miss Mary Coates, who has been; studying music in New York has returned home. ; Rev. Frank t Estes went to Columbia Monday. - Miss Jeanette Richardson has gone to New York for the sum mer. ; . ' . Rev. Frederic Hollister and wife, will occupy, the boy's dor mitory this summer. The girls dormitory will be .used as an up-to-date boarding house. ?T. P; Harris and family, of Spartanburg, have arrived and Pri:3 5 Cents $2.00 a jYear m mmnm Ccrrctpcdcrts. ' ' . are at their home on . Seminary Street. , : .'V ' Rule Cannon has taken a posi tion for the summer at tbe in fants and chiJdrens sanitorium. lEOri SaturBay riiorning, four friends of Louise Dunn, visted Saluda, where she is now living, and joined in a most enjoyable picnic of a , "Dutch character, with Louise ; as hostess, f Those comprising the party were Miriam Strong, Margaret Sherill, Ruth and Alice Andrews. Guests st r.!rs. Lockes. Mrs. Shelby and Miss Mary Singleton, of Willmette, 111., Mrs. Schneider, - of Cleveland, Ohio, Miss M. Sulver, of Miami, Fla., and Mr. and Mrs. Crandali;.. of Detroit Mich. - All D3Y Sinjlns at Mountain Page. A large number of people at tended the singing at Mountain Page from ten till four o'clock Sunday. The good old time songs were much enjoyed. The OM Christian Harmony sing ing book was used. Everyone seemed glad to see everybody else and a good social hour was especially enjoyed when the good ladies served fried chicken, pies, cakes, and a bountiful sup-, ply of other good things for din ner on the ground. Uses DectrJtn?j Mrs. E. W. Thompson in order to be ready, for summer, house keeping has had -&n electric range installed in her home, this week. So far as we know this is the first electric range to be used in town but since we have plenty of elec tric power in Saluda it is begin ning to be used in many ways. Mrs. Thompson is cooking with electricty. The baby hospital and others are using . electric washing machines. The electric iron is used in numbers of homes. Besides the grist mill of Saluda is run by electricty. j The use of the electricity from the Green Hiver Power Company is very satisfactory. The lights are bright and the .current is continuous and strong. ,. i:0DGE-II0DGE IV. II Vm.mii A..l Wm.A C..J.U Mr. Ralph Hodge of Polk couri-' ty and Miss Jennie Hodge of ' near here were happily married at the residence of Squire John P. Bean performing the cere- : mony in his impressive manner. They left immediately for the home of the jgrpom in Polk coun ty where they will make their The groom is a prosperous farmer of . the State of Polk while the bride is the charming and .industrious daughter of Mr. ; and Mrs. Bill Hodge, Both have manv inenas wno torn tis tn ' wishing them much joy and glad- . ness in their new home. Sun. r ' :.i , " .. . . s h: .. At Tbs Ccssresstfsfisl Church. r - - Rev. W. A. Black, A. M. Pas- 1 tor. . . at 10. Public Worship and Sermon at 11. Bible Studies in Acts Wed nesdays at4 p. m., ' Tourists and all citizens cordi ally welcome. ' - f ' Taken up as stray by J. J. Gentry, of Bird Mountain Farm, one sheep (weather). Owner can get same by calling upon me. " J. J Gentry