V vt OUR COUNTY AGEMT'S DEPARTMENT Some Timely Talks to Polk County Farmers, and others, on Tiraely Sttb jects, bv County Agent, J. R. Saas. - .... --4 Tryon, N. C, June 17, 1921 ... Agricultural Board, Extension Work, Farms, etc. On Monday June (?, the Agri cultural Advisory Board" for Polk County met in Columbus and in conference gave to the farmers 0f Polk county their opinion aijd advice on several important mat- ters concerning the welfare of interest whatever in the paper county paper. You don't know what it means about what goes to keep posted on in your coun ty. It is -the only medium through which we can speak to each other. Suppose we make it strong enough that it can be is sued twice a week. I have no the farmer., ; " - 1st. They unanimously, endors ed Farm Extension Work and asked the Board of County Com missioners to continue the same. 2nd. They unanimously endorsed 0Ur plan for cooperative market ing of farm products, and in structed the "county agent to co operate fully with farmers and necessary time to aid the farmers in organizing-a'f arm bureau fed eration, for that purpose. v 3rd. They advised that we discontinue the Polk County Fair this year, and instead to appoint a day in the fall and '' have a farmers picnic, and ask all wha won red, "blue and yellow ribbons at the community fairs, to bring their articles along and have a display; of such exhibits. 4th. They heartily endorsed community fairs and asked that farmers and business men -Tin each township give their full cooperation to make them as edu cational and social as possible. Rev. James G K. McClure met with the board an4md.i?ong appeal to the large attendance of farmers to organize a farmers cooperative marketing associa- j tion, and explain how satisfac torily it i& operating now in Bunj combe county. June 6, was a great day in Columbus. All the boards were in, session and it seemed that everyone was work ing and planning to have the best things possible done for the physical, mental and spiritual development of Polk county.; The Agricultural Board was ask ed to suerorest new thincrs and mJJ - - methods that would advance the cause of agriculture in Polk county and the reply ' was that our new agricultural " problems are nothing more than to find ways and means to work out the old problems. , 'They advised that we can never get awa from the soil; and that until every acre of Polk county soil isJ made rich and that soil building and soil conservation will be the farmers greatest problem. So here will be our-program for &ext year. 1st. Soil, improvement, . by making and intelligently apply ing all the barn yard manure Posssible to the land; 2nd. By the intelligent use of acid' phos phate and commercial fertilizers and lime. 3rd. By growing leugme crops, such as cow peas, beans, velvet beans, alphalfa, Covers; vetch, etc. 4th By sowing grasses and suitable clovers on damp branch' and creek land, and on steep land subject to soil washing to hold iana- and to afford winter and summer pastures for more and better livestock, such as cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry. ;,ese five things are fundamen- W1 and mUSt hp loo wo4 cm1 of. J w v 1VU1 11VU uuu uv fended to, before the right home " conditions on the farms can De what they should he. And I ou!d add one more fundamental and that is fencihg, which . win come as the pre- "Now let only as a medium of reaching the farmers of tne county and as it is a great factor in the . de velopment of our county. And it cannot serve in a good and broad way, -unless the people subscribe for, and read it. Now let all get busy stopping gullies and building up our poor soils and fix them so they will not wash away any more, improve our livestock; build a creamery in the county, organize a . selling and buying farmers cooperative marketing association, and then it win nox De long until our sav ings will enable every farmer in Polk county to. properly educate his children, clothe them decent ly, have running water and lights in every home and good roads leading from their county site- to every man's home in the county. Then our schools and churches will function and we will all be glad and happy. $2.00 a Year tion for a warehouse in which to conduct such business. As stated in the beginning of this article it was not material things which 1 saw while in Tryon this time that attracted my attention and lifted my poor soul; but it was the spirit and vision which the business men of -Trvon have caught that has given me greater vision and hope for the'f u ture-of the county and of her towns and people' generally. I can plainly see the time now; whtn we will have a market at Tryon that will make such a base of supplies furnisheci from our unapproach able thermal belt, and from the mountains above and the valleys below, that will attract the at tention of heat ridden denizens of the low lands and the shiver ing cold pinched, wind split in habitants of the Arctic' regions of the United States, to look to ward Tryon for relief, and an all round place to live, where there will be a base of supplies suffici ent to feed and' clothe properly and according to taste and pock etbook all who may come. Now there is no doubt about the vision which the business men of Try- on nave caugnt ana there is np doubt their intention of doing all in their power to aid the farmers Distribution of World War Medals to Soldiers and Sailors From North . Carolina, Polk County, at Try on, N. C, July, 4th. - Under an act of the Legisla ture, session 1919 each person who served in -jthe United States Army, Navy or Marine Porps FROM OUR FRIENDS IN THE COUNTRY Items of Interest Gathered Frcsi Vsrisss Sections of Polk County by Our Corps of Falthfcl Ccrrespcndents. ' Columbus. S?..'' this week, court convened Mon- i-x, 'xviOf is enutieu w a meaai; provided, such . person has re sided jn the state for not less than three months prier to en try; into service or is a Native born North Carolinian etc. Every ex-service man in Polk county ; can obtain his medal from, the Butler-Lewis Post of the American Legion, Tryon, N. CSThis post has made arrange ments with the Adjutant Gen eral of North Carolina to present day morning for a special term with Judge Shaw, of Greens boro, presiding. ' Among the out-of-town at torneys here are J. P. Spainhour, of Morganton, A. Y. and Roone Arledge,. Shipman' and Smith, and M. P. Spears, of Henderson ville, Hamrick, Gallert, Morrow of Rutherfordton and W. Jones of Saluda. . Miss Gertrude Hall of Lenoir, . . - ; v , , . . . ;, -, to j each ex-service man from 1S tne court stenograpner. Mk county his medal at 11a. m. Mrs. Romeo Phillips and grand July, 4th. Tryon N. C. daughter, Mattie, spent Satur Wear uniforms if possible and day night with home folks on Pea bring discharge papers, you will Ridge. v enjoy the clay with its exercises. Misses Gladys Gibbs, of Mill ; Application blanks are now Spring, and Pearl Keenan of ready, and you are urg;ed to ob- Spartanburg, visited friends here tain yours to save time on paper Sunday. . at time of distribution. Butler- Earnest McMurrav has corn- Lewis Post No 83 American Le- pieted his second year's work at gipn,: By order: R. S. Jackson, the State University at "Chapel Clean Up hog pens; better keep Hill ancMs now at home. We are pigs in a lot. ran- ' --v . ' . .. m . i THE CENTiliAND HEART OF ALL POLK COUNTY TOWN SHIPS. The only township; in Polk County, that touches EVERY OTHER TOWNSHIP. She has the Lowest Land in the County,; as well as the Highest, She can grow any thing that can be grown' any where in Polk County, or in N. C., as her borders touch every other township Her Heart goes out in sympathy TO ALL.' Cof lumbus is the best planned town in the state, and has had the least done of all towns to her plans. needs are supplied. Jk ?mer in polk J county to ior ana reaa your Ascribe What I Saw at Tryon. wen; l am not see witn my natural eyes so much; but you knowLwe have a; .wayof r- s3ing things, when there is yet no ma terial thing to see. And it was this kind of seeing which I saw at Tryon,' The business men of Tryon and I had an agreement to meet in Missildine Hall at 3:30 p. m. on Friday June 10, for a round table conference concern ing the organization of a Polk county farm bureau federation or some kind of marketing as sociation through which our farmers can cooperatively sell their farm proucts, ; and also buy their necessary supplies in a more business like way, which they must have to enable them to produce their crops profitably. To this end the business men met as above stated, and right up in Missildine Hall is where I saw something, which was a glory and beauty forever. It was not si material thinsr that I saw: but of Polk county in this their great- it was somethimr much greater est and most needed movement anv materiaf object. It And it is now all up to the farm- "" i . i . i . i was a great spirit; the forerunner er himself to see ot what Kina oi nf material thine which, when mettle he is made. Will he ac- - W. ' . . I . , 11 made to materialize will trans- cept the challenge ana iiKe a form Polk county into a veritable courageous man tackle tne tasK j lifu towns and be a hero : or like a coward shine like genuine diamonds in sneak behind the curtain with fo nrPSPTice of a hundred and "We can't expression" remain - . : KVif iAmmaio1 elairoa? "Mn farmers siTtv candle nower eiect-ric u&u wuuuc wu. 0iu.vU. , , . - - j i. -:U4. hf FfHk Rountv are tnmKincr as on a uariw lugim. . r . v j to accertain they never thought oeiore aim ac tion will come. We want tne uV Ai';" p.TiT nn lntv for a day hastened when all our towns movemt mcntv win rival each other in brotherly Sfeii love and helpfullness of each !7n tiir other and of the whole country WhlCn SWUUvuui W1u " I, nrn Onof c onvions for JLt it? erswill be drawn to our own m-TT vln'not a towns and that a stong commun prevailed. Nota drf, not a between towns t and " r ..opH country will be built up, ana disagreement Everyone seemed Winedom 0f this world to vie with each other to nnu ui : ; :i - r. rA - - - - - , ... i 7i i nanfirriM iiih r 1 1 uuiii wl vjvu best way to accomplish the ae- Hhrist- -. , rru. w mnfinn was ana ot ms nrisu , sirea kind fn adat)t a resolution unaimiwuoij w ttvu 4 . . . m M-f ClU I III I I ir. V I.I I 1 1 J X Ul HVyA. u T . - endorsing the,, movemtJMu - . . . SrSion in another column, opprtumty wil tneresoiuu -ht i Save every , straw of -wheat, Tne seconu " a . j a f00H if to the r i .i. r, s QTrvnini. uhlq euiu xv. w to the spot; wnicnw- , W1-ntpr. ' -ii v,i.oa tn comer iivwto ousj. .vvMv, ... a committee ui '- ;- w;n. rn whiMo in .i - o,trt evf nf the bOUtn- wxicu 44 yv n mv . t with the Supt, of of tne r -animal ,heat : than ern iuuway, u, U:wv,; nnt tXb this.' agent relative w a buiw- glad to welcome our girls and boys home to spena their vaca tion, Columbus may well be proud of these young people. Everyone is invited to Child ren's Day exercises and singing at Columbus Sunday June 19. this section it being only thirty five miles from Saluda to Ashe ville, thirty-five to Spartanburg and the same to Greenville, we could load our trucks here in the morning, market our load at either place and, be back home for dinner. f T. W. Bradley, Posey Hender son, Terral Stepp; Louis Bradley and Mrs. W. J. Bishop, are in at tendance at court this week.. JJwert Levi went to Saluda Saturday with team to get some feed he had shipped from Hener- sonville Fishers are not catching many fish of late except what they get out of the Paty trap and while they were catching the fish Paty caught them, three at one time and two at another. If any of the readers are on the grand jury this week they will possibly learn their names. Melvin Hill. Prof. Kreider and wife are the proud parents of a fine boy baby, who arrived on the 12th. ' Thomas Walker died at his home near here on the 8th. He was about ninety-one years old, was a nne , Christian character ari& welLrespected and loved by all who knew him. Our sympa- The Christian Endeavor leader thies are with the bereaved child- for Sunday night are Misses ren, grandchildren and great- Leona and Jeanette . Feagah. grandchildren. ; He leaves many ing and helpful and need support community where he has resided of the parents as- well as the tor' many years. - ine remains young people. were laid to rest in the Greens Mrs J w Jack has cone to Creek cemetery by the side of -'.-. 1 - f . 1. " J 3 1- the summer school at Greensboro wne wno preceaea mm a iew nnd Mies AliVe Tallant is at Ashe- years ago. A V -w - ville at the summer school. Arthur Ormond, of Kings Mountain, has 5 the mail route from Columbus to Chocolale which will take effect July 1. C. B. Sanders, of Green River, visited his sister, Mrs. Stacy, last week-end. w. Misses Lula Lawter and Finger, of CoolysSprings, spent Saturday and ffnnrinv with Miss Gladvs J ohme burton spent tne weeK Tiawt,pr at the Uteen hospital at Asne- ville. Our meeting was Up Against It! A country merchant received a dunning letter from a Whole saler. A few days laterf the wholesaler received this reply : Tk n fT i.J-iL-; j ueer our: i receiveu jyuur letter about what I owes you. Now be pasfient. ; I aint forgot you, and as folks pays' me,i HI pay you. But if this was judg ment day and you was no more prepared to meet your God than I am nreDarea to meet your ac- - ....j. r iv. w;oa after a little more thinking, tne iattituaeui tne uuDixxo nf -Trvon toward the farmers The little child of Foster Heaof and wife who has been so sick is Mr; Reed preached an interest- -h imnrovp now. mg sermon on uniiy last Sunday. ' j - i? nr i I ine cnoir gave jut.- jDAourouui Mr. Barton and wife, of Shel- r iffl R.. . gini?inff Sun; by, are visiting Fred Blanton dav ern00n. The singers oc- and wife. Ini-miorl thA hrnad front niazza and V.'V. v m-m X -, Hshtop. . i ine singing Bouiiueu uiiKiitjr kwu. We had a good season of rain Quite.a number ot the people iust when we needed it, and now from here attended the tunerai court is on and much valuable ot rnvate ueorge ramter .wnuse time will be lost to the farmer, body arrived from France a- lew and lost to all unless a change is days ago. ine tuneraiv was at made for court has; generally Sandy Spring church and was at been considered nothing but tended by a very l&ge congrega- mockery. jtion. Now what about that road lead- 'G. C. Feagan and wife made a from Saluda through the business tnp to Landrum last cove on to Mill Spring or on to baturday. Rutherfordton.1 Saluda, 4re are We are still' on the dry. order informed that she is sick and although we had a little . show e ing count,- you shore would goto-Hell, possibly dying; has come to real- one'' day last week, cotton is nA vtt izp her condition and is now UWU KJJ . ize Advertised Letters. Belton, Willie . ' Cochran, Joe Edwards, J K Finks Magic Oil Co Hoke, Williams A Hanan, Alonzo Hinson, Vance Johnson, Josephine McLeod, ,E E Mrs -Sentell, W B Powell; JW Young, Georgiana her condition and is now win8r nicely.' ready to invest a good sum for a a ;and Frank Branscom ron mae a business -trip to Spar- aoove ana tnai: tnere is vxxe r . . . (who is a livewire) taking hold 1 of the situation, and now, if we Which is easier; to lay under really want a good roaa is tne the shade of a mulberry tree and time o let it be " known. We rea(i a good farm paper or other know that Goopers Gap township magazine and watch fall cattle is the best township m the coun- make money for you? or dig-in a ty. Now, I am not interested in cotton field all day long and pre- that township and never expect nare your land to wash away and to have any interest but' speak your cotton at starvation the words of truth and soberness, nrfces. to buy hay to feed the Now how much can you afford. W. H. Stearns-, Posttpaster t subscribe- for a good ; auto Af Now ' or. never. Your cAorls thmncrh the hot summer timber will pay for it. A few weather; except on low damp thousand dollars spent on roads lands when it mav be sown at at the right place will multiply omr?n,o - - - manv times, besides the conveni- Ull.T VlAiAVB a ' .... - I W plow mule and family cow? Say ye.. Swat the fly: '"'- Look after sanitary conditions. Make rural privies sanitary; ; Terraces won't stop steep land Keep poultry house clean - and ences,'. Jist think for a moment from washing; but- grass ffl. well ventilated. if there was a good road through I Only try it and see.