y 00 Polk County. Farmers Jaye as Good feete do '-rja Th3nEt About ttf BUSH, Publisher The Only Paper Piftlished in Pclk Ccanty A Vth (fezrin ttaj!e3 Price 5 Cents Volume . ........ ... ... OUR COUNTY AGENT'S DEPARTMENT r:Altf Talk to Polk Countv Fzrr?r 9tl AiltAM TT? ' A jects, dv county Agent, J. R. Sams. White Oak Township. Last week White Oak town hip was the center of attraction in the Polk CountyNews. ' Yes, she is a red soil township. , . There is but little land except the red cay and that of a good auality. White Oak, like Cooper Jap township is washed no one side by Green River, and the other edge perches on the - high peaks up in the "Land of - the skies" From the foot of the mountain to the lower section of the township, the land is hilly and rather steep along the creeks and branches, and there is a lot of good bottom land along these creeks and branches. And all this bottom land was once valnv able for the production of corn, potatoes etc., but much of it is now of little value under present management. The trouble - is this, which can be , easily cof- rected with different treatment. The present system of cultiva ting these steep lands, year "after year, causes such erosion by the heavy rains that' come in Polk County that the soil and much of the subsoil is carried down and deposited in the bottoms .which fill the creek and branch runs, and cover the land so deep with the dead clay from the hillsides, that nothing will grow on the VBs from whence the clay came, itiyp. the boubms Where jtbpoer- ited. , . ' ' . y . so versatile in its productive power that it would take a book as big as an old style family Bible written in small type to tell the half of what - she could do. Ye Saluda and Cooper Gap apple fellows, don't grow ashy when I say White Oak township can pro duce Just as fine ; arml w . - MfVI' peaches, ; grapes, strawberries, etc., as any country anywhere. mm spring tne capital of the to wnship is the seat of the White Oak community club that is do doing so much: for the uplift of the township. They have al ready organized their fair for this fall arid are laying plans for other projects that will be uplift ing to the entire community. Taken all around White Oak township is a great place to live and enjoy life as you go along. A Message to Polk County Fanners. shake from our limbs the fetters that have so long bound Us in commercial slavery? Shall we or shall we not? What say you? l he books are now ; open, It is up to you Mr. f armer. Who is willingto take his stand faith fully by the side of his " brother and pledge his faith arid his little cash to carry out this gigamc undertaking and who among all of us will be stockholders in tfiis the greatest , movement and op portunity for service which ; has ever : come to Polk county farmers? This burden is weigh ing down heavy upon me as ybur county agent, and if you let it fail I shall take rt as an indica tion that you have lost "faith in my uear irienas: r or 1 re gard every man and woman in T"fc-.11 A 11 J roiK counxy, regardless 01 re- ngious or political amiiation or business calling; but this mes sage is especially to the farmer, ana piease lena me your ears this one time if never again. Now we have been discussing ways and means by which the farmers of Polk, county - can or ganize in an orderly and brother- ly, yet strictly a Dusxness way by which they may better their marketing coriditiolisU by so doincr crreatlv benefit themselves It seems so strange to me that and Dut no other 0iocS Qf men otherwise sensible men will pur- and women at any disadvantage; sue such a destructive course, but on the contrary be df better There is a remedy for .all this, service to the consuming popula andthe remedy is easy. The tion of our county who are not only trouble in the way is that to producers of farm products. appiy me remeay win require a Our plan has been; set forth in change m the habit and ' manner these colums and in public meet of living among the people, and mgs; but we find so many farm habits and customs of people in ,r,who have not even heard any community are hard and re- thGrG is anv Dian of any kind quire a long time to change. Wt, ftTVVen of that we feel to If our forefathers had caught present it again. It is simply vision of beautiful fields of liv- this: 1st Raise capital stock ing green pastures and fat cattle in shares of S50 ' each, every browsing on their hills, all would farmer in Polk, county to take have been better, but since they one o more shares. V 2nd. When did not so choose; but on the con- ten thousand dollars are subscrib trary chose to crow altogether ororariize under the cooriera- cotton and other cultivated crops ; tion laws of N.- C. , by electing a we find conditions as they are: snffim'pnt; number of directors othe only remedy is to go back who in turn will organize and w where the evil started and elect a business agent or man- wrrect this evil. - atrnr whom tocrether will con- and my stay in Polk, county will cease.. The campaign for the necessary capital stock is on and must-not and shall not "fail ; be cause it would mean further and deeper commercial slavery in the future than in the past. All progressive counties aroud us will, organize and take over their marketing problems and then what will become of us when all markets are taken from us, when all other counties will be market ing cooperatively and we still slashing each others throats go- CaVe Went It? mm OUR FRIEClS SfJIECOOWTRY Believing that one of the first ns Si t i Items of Interest Gathered Frca Yai:ss' Seeticss of Pclk Cecity by Our wie young people, ot thecommun- . . - .At, : itv inKthA cfoWJeKmtmf if ' . - wwps oi wsuzKi incssssiis, local ijxn6ying: ictarel! concern where .clean; interesting and edu cational' entertainment can be with seating accommodations etc. They have also partly com- my judgment and leadershiprjpleted arrangements to secure from a first class source a sup ply of films superior to any ever Tryon Route 1. W. C. Edwards, departed - this had. A number of ladies and life June 11, 1921, age eighty gentlemen1 have set - on ' foot three years; Uncle Watson was movement to that end. r a confederate soldier, serving An adeauate buildine- for - this wel1 the cause of the South and purpose is at hand, and the,"pro- offered all the long years hence moters have been at pains to se- from a wound he received there- cure estimates for its reconstruc- Dy- . nrst ana ,Iast a s000 tions and the installation of a ?oiaier ot Jesus ennst, ever try- complete cinema outfit together mg t0 bear the Danner 01 tn.e great captain on to victory, ms funeral was conducted by Rev. Wpmack, (another confederate soldier who daily walks with God) in tlie presence of a large concourse of sorrowing friends. Carolina. These films, moUid- He now sleeps beneath the beau ing the: work of some off the tiful flowers at Bethlehem church, greatest cmema stars, and tfeel The orphan children of Joseph and other pictures of ediicatfenal Edwards, of whom uncle -Wat-value will be had direct front the son fathered and grandfathered producers, the chmVo to on- were brought from the orphan- tirel that of the local" manager age. to spend with him the last who will therefor rpliWrt few days per his request, also of the necessity of being cotripel- Ooscar Allen, of Georgia, uncle led to accept arbirtrary offerings Garner Clark and wife of New as the case wonWhAwnQ tWA nro- Prospect, and Mr. Brannon and posed enterpgise on a Circuit. JUS2j9J iida Tali ON.TOP. In the Land of mi . .. ,. -i .. "I T bKy ana A ttunsnme, ? as wen as clouds and rain) Famous for, its Fancy Apples and Truck of all inds. The town of Saluda is the rincipal sea port and shipping point. Two banks and many ho tels, boarding houses, Schools and Churches. A great place to be in Lakes, waterfalls, etc Green . River Cove Health a good time for all who come. family, of Spartanburg, attended the funeral. Jack Guffey and baby, Samuel, spent the week-end at Walnut Grove. ; ' Misses Pearl , and Essie Ed wards left last week for summer school at Brevard. - Mrs. Lola Mull and son, Murphy, Jr. , Mrs. Cora Shankle and little boys, Henry, Jr., t and Sam Boone, spent the week-end- to accjentat causes: Phillips were the guests of Miss Nettie and Clifford Davis, Sun day. ' . Weldon Green spent Sunday afternoon with his brother, '. Walters Mrs. A. Mills was the din ner guest of Mrs. Armandice Uorner Sunday. . .'.. . . - . . -t Johnie Byars spent Sunday night with Lewis Mills. Mrs. A. Valleton is on the sick list this week. Little Alma Phillips is visiting ' her sister, Mrs. Jde Prichard, of Landrum. Mrs. Ebe Cochran is visiting her aunt, Mrs Xura Griffon, of Spartanburg. Miss Minnie Hodge has return- , ed home from Greenville, S. " C. . wZ a. Mills was the guest of A. J. and J. W. Prichard Sunday. Safety First or Perhaps You Next? 23 persons are accidently in jured every minute. '. 1,380 persons are accidently in-, jured every hour , 33, 120 v persons are accidently ; injured every day fc J 12,088,800 persons are accident- l ly injured every year. , A person is twice as liable to die from sickness or accident as from old age. Every five minutes one person is accidently killed. One death in everjr nine is due with their aunt. Mrs. E. B. Ed wards. Hurrah! for Mill Spring, she - . 1 1 J. T..i.4. is coming to tne iruni. just watch her athletic association. summer close by. in , Mill Spring Route 1. Rev. W. W. Womack preached a verv interesting sermon at Lebanon last Sunday. Several people from here went to Bethlehem Sunday afternoon to the burial service of W. Ed- Ly welcome. wards. blisses Maye and ; Odessa ' One person out of every eight suffers disability during the year. At The Congregational Church. Rev. W A Black, A. M. Pas tor.: . Bible School Sunday morning at 10. . Public Worship and Sermon at 11 . Bible Studies in Acts Wed nesdays at 4. p. m. - Tourists and all citizens cordi- News Dots Here and There. Ill ing on in the -. old "individualistic way of dumping: our stuff on the The soil must be rebuilt and as duct'the entire business, which market as beggars, and kneeling to as rebuilt, sown to perma- should consist of-cooperative seU sopmely a- tte.w;aM nt pastures. This is the only ling all farm products as far as world and furnish the shears. Ay that can ever reclaim the consistent with ; good business with which ryone-heh. wmtryl This will do if and do principals: and buying in bulk mmseii u h urau rapidly and then it ,will stay and car lots all kind of supplies Heece- built. Wh, th :i.m- r .wi.nl tW n be nurehased and hand- Now again I say it is up to us, Oak townshm . nt. Ha 1 we mav find tirofitable and to befree metr. and women com- lottoms r7 "a a7,nrH wi h -rood business. nierciaUy, or cont:nue to . ,oe fmers become Iterestcd In The plan would in the begin- slaves. Which shau we De. Purebred cattle, hogs and sheep, ning contemplate the location of Receptioh to Summer School Students uen and not till then will' the a warehouse at or near Trvon, N. From 8-00 until 9:30 Thursday Tryon's recent experiences PPle understnTirl wW a' rlo. Pa throush which wecan exped- i - T;,-o 1001 ;c,x.. . " - , . eVcIHliK I)U11C, XX, UiClUiSUUt- pfi.i. " J 'rt r . , . j tors oj. uie iiaDS rhA h qt i 7on o a-f wViif qtiH ovon arcer nuanues; . i n;n uu- t Jightful country they do have, ite Dusmess rapiuiy m fors of the summer' school, at lacs thp HomVonc. Wni'to hnH own larger auanties; - viwiiuiia v jl f w in I ixxv v , - D , " township would feel like later, if f ound desirable; locate a summer; school students in -buying me if I were to say farmers exenange. or cieirins tne lobby of the girls' new dor ?at Cooper Gan and areena house through which farmers can ..xf eek can beat them growing sell and exchange commodities of . The ests were met at .the Jeet potatoes; but they can. their, own production or with door by Miss Pearl Harrelson and jut on the other hand White Oak other friendly f armera -organiza- Mamie Moore; who had a cherry a great township for ffrowincr ation or with the outside busi- , weicome for each . one. AlHC!Vers if tney ony knew it. ness world, ' All these things in : Tne hour was spent in conver the i farmers have t6' do to the opinion of the writer can be fent;on: contests, music and laugh- w the clovers in old White carried o'ut on strictly business affftr which delicious ice lea ? to learn how, and to principals by adhering strictly to cream was served. ; A-: number wa?; iseasyjf they just business prindpalsworkingvout of cheers were; given for each in- ited to. And I will say irici- every detail as it occura. ; Now structor to show how each ;t)ne uentllv tVinf X7U:4. rv.i j. ITcf -null we are '-I. XA n-,A ItNTir Will "ite uaK townsnip I laruieia, xw , r : " i f presenu iiuiiuxeu. nicxxx .aim never hp far a knv XilaXl OT i lafarl " oil Irinrlnoca u Until V. t . I . i .. -.ri.:-. nrru . - ' - . f - i ' until her nfAm rf nTarlretincr OUT pro-' - . the clovers, dnd other leg- ducts or abtaining heavy farm ing but during the threeweeks the!"? s?.the. .lf!W5?Sr H1C NSnai Sue Blanton, c I It Mi. 'xi. i i . " . I i : .111 i wca 11T1 ' wuiae trie township is 1 slavery, or win x- Hme. K :r wet. lanQS an?,use S.MU we. coul" -IT o WStudent.f .the summer, school.' Searcy spent Sunday, with Miss Mrs. Mary McSwain had a ten Marv Willie Whiteside on Broad acre old fashioned 'Polk countv las River. cow pasture with three strands Harley Shultz and Tdmage of barbed wire around it that Allen attended services at Leb- would not hold one cow, while a anon last Sunday. ' modern Polk county pasture with Miss Dorcas Edwards returned two wires safety keeps two cows ... . . ttt t 1 i frim Itn an) Anlv twA QOrOQ 1TI if with movmg pictures; have not to Bumsviue ixri.-t-. i-. v..x ,i4.uu.w oftfli- ononfimor a Tew aava Willi v Jww vw vv . , enurery ueeii nauyy uuu witu luc - - " r,4. , tj- i,tV xt,-iiirt -4. ro fnlts ' - vy. r. uraui ucu , xxiwvux j yruyvaw wnuciinu cue waixvxo ui : ...:; . flmr Viiii. ia -dAlrtrhtAd with loclinanagement and w the James Egerton, of Mill Spring, tefa-.ii selection of the films a matter of spent Sunday here, . v ... uW - ;ww local taste thejpromotersieve Rev. W. W! Womack amiyife his cow into his modern:. mey wm ueauie tu give xijruii were the amner guesu at u. x. r n . K . nir Aaw xxrao mAra and it's ; Edwards last Sunday.; than doubled and it just keeps entertaniment which will add to Rfth t vnch. of Ruhterfordton, J the tourist reputation and; be a attended preaching at Lefianon Go where you may inr Polk source 01 enterfcaiiiment ivr per- ioof Girlav " " : ;.ir j 8;i0,mn0 rV,n v,oe 1UU l . I LUliVJr CMXVi (Mjik AJ , Tl A1V .MW Ralph Edwards and wife spent sown grass on his farm and ask Sunday on Route 2. him if his land was washed by the late big hail and rain storms. Pea Ridge. . Then look about and see what of rain after being dry so long, no grass seed has beeir sown vmtwouu near siiv&vcy MAVtM 'A nil AWAM SUixo vj. ail . ages. r -;.-;: ; .J :rr:?:A t ' It is the present idea td f orm a small stock company to float the enterpriseV selling the stock at a low figure to as many a s possible in order to increise the interest imthe success of the en terprise. Thofee who v have al-1 Mrs. Corner and son, Benny, ready moved in the matter have went on a business trip to Lynn pledged themselves to head the Sunday: : subscription list with such sums . MissAddie Philips' gave a party as they aire able to give. If : - Saturday evening, y A committee will : presently M-0 Mnrv Mills snent Priday circulate this list and explain the with Misses Maggie and; Julia around and see Crowel Bridges' W- J3 Byars. , . 1 ' pasture. It is pnly a.: smalLone, toZW': Myrtle Mills was the -guest of but it will show you what big. oicnhARnmA informal luncheons Rva Rvars Sunday, t. one will do and - how very easy at which the matter will jbe dis- L t.itspv Oarrett and wife were you can have one. cusseu. f - H Uv lflttr7 parent's trom tne cans 1 am nownav- This may belaid tolbe thel rrun and wifel.Fri- ine to aid Polk-xounty farmers Il;nr?iSS ' - .- m making home pastures, it. will poriaui, !Jrri - . . UntbeW until every farm ;ih monr at (wnniTiriTio-in i rvnn hi iu i nmcio rviiiia i vixiLiiivf i - -- 11 ;xr 5l . :t. . ... - . V -ii-i fir mill ha TmviHfl wirn i.c:;. nirfo Qnd aiadvs conunuea on page f &ve churches having a hard time coaxing; bermuda grass to grow in his pasture. Keep right on brother ' Chitwood, and bye and bye you will succeed. : When loafincr ; some day call. the-cooperation of all citizen is) honie f0iks for a few weeks. asKea m oraer to insure fits sui;- cess, ; 'r r-v-v ;r . - . , t t I, j f i f. i iil'l M j i: 4 ' : hi1 II " .' i -i r J- I ? t. j.!'. 3.; t -

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