Volume aah --v2 Tryon, N, C, Jul 1921. $2.00 a Year OUR COUNTY AGENFS DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL STATEMENT Town of Saluda for Year Ending May Q1 1001 r:T Talks to Polk County Farmers, ami nthorc t:i.. c..u- L Some . - ,,,HCIjr ouu" 1 A Wyokoff SonsCo. jects. dv bounty Agent, J. R. Sams. for -eat valvp s so no - ........ vv vv 1 J J T-l 14 mana ridw Co pipe 100 00 To Polk County Farmers. Please lend me . your ears just for a little while and let me say few things to you this week about our Cooperative Marketing Association for Polk county. And I want you to let what I say, fait gently on your ears, so that like the gentle spring and sum mer rains that fall in the silent nights, will "Soak in". Last week I was down in Greens Creek Township and while out nn o good farm, I saw where a terrific rain and hail storm had. swept all the soil away down to the hard clay subsoil. The rain water did not remain in the - soil and benefit the growing crop, so I don't want any storm in the metal and wood, leather "etc., 45 Q Q Sonner and Co superintend the marketing of freight express and sup- their various products. Now in plies....T...;.:... ;... 18 17 the name of reason and common 150 R L Newman pay roll sense, or even just "Fool sense'' street... .... ,,..." 57 75 Why has it never occurred to the 152 Joe I Johnson salary common farmer that he can : and 15 days. ... ..... .. 25 00 should do the very same thing 153 Jas A Pace salary 1-mo 10 00 for the products of his labor? 154 R 'L Newman com- I imagine that the birds of the mission on collections..... 12 54 air are wondering why ? Now 155 s Piedmont elec trie farmers I have come to the point company for wire.......... 27 54 where I want you to listen and 156 Fairbank Morse Co and to think and then act. , : lubricating oil. 22 51 Don't spend your whole life in 157 Q C Sonner and Co ,N monotonous "thinking about ": supplies freight and matter so plain that a shallow " labor on .water line. ........ 12 00 thinker ; should think itout in a 158 R L Newman pay roll short time.' 'Now it is not so street work .;.,. ::i::'.:.L.:....- 70 95 much in ability to see the point 159 R L Newman pay roll as it is want, of confiidertee in . water line work..i:... .... 34 16 each other, that farmers can't 160 W B Allen refund for 39 70 32 56 Items of Interest Gathered From Various Sections of Polk County by Our 20 00 torps ot raiuiTui uorresponnenis. TOO 181 R LNewman commis- siQnori7Collectiohs.-.,..i 182 kNeWmap. commis-r v - sionrii collections...:.. 183 J A' Pace' salary 2 mo 184 Carolina 'Supply v Co packing.:! Z 185 S Q Light arid power Co for tabor ; "... 186 H. Pace and Son for oii..::--:-:-.---- 186, & Asheville supply . and foundry company engine repairs..; 187 Q C JSonner and .Co for: supplies . ... . ... 188 Piedmont Electric Co . ; : for supplies...:. O 42 day night with Miss Mary Sue ley ; vy ,w ,w wens salary Mills, FROM OUR FRIENDS IN THE COUNTRY Pea Ridge. TTT 10 36 w e sure are navinS some warm weather. Miss Louise Mills and little sister Myrtle are visiting their 1 15 grandfather, W. A. Mills of Mill 23 00 bprmg. . Zacky Mills spent Saturday .33 79 with Tom By as. teresting sermon at Cooper Gap ast Sunday afternoon. There . were not many present on ac count of the rain. We welcome him again. Miss Lola Gibbs and Arkansas Jackson were dinner guests of the Misses Helton Sunday. Mamie Gilbert visited Pearl Miss Maggie Byars spent Fri Mills Sunday 75 00 25 00 wire 161 H L Capps salary for 1920....... ..:. ..L..;.. '.. . mind of any farmer m Polk county, What I want is calm de- organize and stick and make a liberate thinking about this mar- success of business. keting proposition. Now seri-' I have confidence in my fellow ously. Can you sell for cash: all farmers. I once did not have. I62 E B Guice the various crops you can pro- We organized the grange and it1 1920.. :.....,...: Av.cp on vour farms ? If not, died.. We then organized the 163 P H Ward why not! Because there are farmers alliance and it died. ' 1920.......... plenty of hungry mouths - want- Laterwe organized the farmers 164 M A Pace salary for" ing-the very things that rot in union and it died in most places. - your gardens and fields for lack Why did- all these efforts die? Ijpj HHiHg of ways and means .of getting Simply because they were not the produce and the buying pros- founded on rock ribbed business pective purchaser together, " Can principals. ; They had too much this be done ? We think it can. selfishness incorporated and not flow? In two different ways, enough business. All these in- what are they? 1st. By organ- stitutions. coming and going, 'liing a piivavc vapitauon wi- gave uo CApciicntc, uuiai ii-w , 1 T I 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 poranon, in wmcn aiew meri-cau we see piaimy tnat our, omypjan combine their capital and run a is to inCornorate under the laws Polk county . market to enrich of our state and do business in a themsejves at the expense of the legal and orderly manner in our farmer. 2. By the farmery own interests just as the bank . themselves subscribing each a ers, miners,, manufactures and small amount of capital of stock other business interests do. say from one to five shares each, Have we the intelligence to do $50.00 being a share, and organ- it? Yes, if-we will only use that ize a cooperative marketing as- intelligence, and if we fail to do sociation of -their own under the so; then let no farmer- whine corporation laws of N.. C, "and when he disposes of his har conduct their own business, earned cotton, corn, sweet,r po- Whv would it not be as well ior Mops. Grranes. , 'aDDles or any the farmer to induce private other products of the soil for capital to conduct this business which he has exchanged his hon- for them? Because the corpora- est toil and sweat, tion conducted by private capi- It is now in order, for every tal would have to charge a larger farmer in Polk county, rich arid toll to do the business than if poof to take one or more shares conducted by farmers them- of stock. See me, ,I'll make it selves. Why a larger toll? possible for the poorest farmer Because the private capitalist to take one share of $50. - would have to carry the risk on Tolk county farmers; subscribe farm products that' the farmer for and read the Polk Gounty 15 00 24 00 24 00 24 00 ex police one month 190 Joe-Johnson for' 15 days-l-...V J! 191 Carolina State Bank,; J "N Y,Ex Int. on bonds':302 00 192:J6e Johnson salary f 25 00 lvo Carolina un iori oil.:;.-. : :i39 00 194 J.;C Metcalf listing; taxes 1920.! ,,:. 16 00 195 'fe L Newman com mission on colllections : 18 46 196. Jas A Pace salary for .1. month-..- .v .r. 10 00 197; Carolina Oil. Co for oil 113 00 198 "Piedmont Electric Co ; f or supplies!....-: 12 07 .TIt0t.T.aS.H-.l2Pl 1 VERSATILITY. M O U N r RICH LANDS, POOR LANDS, THERMAL BELT AND ALL KIND OF LAND. TRYONf is especially famous for grapes and mild climate. The Town of TRY ON is a melting-pot where man kind f rem the ends of the EARTH May find congenial souls, hotels boarding houses, stores, golf links, churches and schools afford I re- creation. A Good Place To And WE WELCOME YOU. Luther Melton was trie guest of Bennie Corner Saturday. Misses Maggie and Eva Byars were the guests of Garfield Pritchard Thursday. Charley Hodge was the guest of J. I. Pritchard Sunday. ' Misses Sue and Ellen Mills had a pleasant time oil Green River bridge Monday. Mrs, A. J. Pritchard has been very ill for the past few days but we hope she will soon recover. Little Artnur ; f ritcnara was the guest of his cousin Hugh Pritchard Sunday, Ambrose Mills spent the day with Joe Horton Sunday. James Byars made a business trip to Spartanburgt S. C. last week-end. . Samuel Mills has been x very sick but is improving. Miss Addie Phillips was the guest of Miss Eva Byars Monday. Mrs. S. E. Pritchard was the gUest of Mrsr W. A. Mills Sun day. - ' -' : :.'. ,.:: Live should, carry himself. Would a privately conducted - market charge a commission for service? Undoubtly so, and a big one at that. Who would pay this com mission? The farmer. Who would get it? The private indi viduals who run the business, ui course. When , the farmers organize and conduct a coopera tive marketing- association - of their own interest of the public. Will they charge a commission? Certainly. Who will get this commission? After all expenses are settled, the remainder will be returned to the stockholders who by their patronage ereated these dividends. What could be more just? The' farmer can pro- uuce tne sturt. Bring it to a - central market, and distribute this stuff to the consumer cheap er than any other agency on earth can do it. The farmers " Lnen m tneir organizea ca pacity, be in a position to take care of their local markets and so be m a position to help5 feed congested populations, elsewhere ln all partsof the world. Miners who take coal, lime, phosphate, ana everv Othpr kind nf minimis from the earth, sunerintend the selling of the same. Manufac turers of every conceivable fabric,! News. I have many things to say to you, and Ihave no other way of - talking to - you than through the county paper. It is nothing to me; but Vill be of great value to you, to keep posted in your county affairs. - 1920 24 00 165 G R Little " ' " from Jan, 1st to June 1st 11... 10 00 166 .Walter j Jones salary ' - from June 1st 1919 to" r Jan 1st 1920..... :...... ..... 14 00 167 K. Lt. JNewman pay roll on water line...... Fourth of July Celebration on Saluda 168 Joe I Johnson salary Seminary Grounds. , lor 15 days - . , 169 Q C Sonner ancf Co- Old time "Sing' Vwill begin at exnress advanced for 10 o'clock. Everybody invited, power plant- come and help make it a glorious 170 R L Newman salary Fourth. This entertainment, is -for 0ne month...l. ...;...; given under the auspices of the i71 Joe j0hnsori salary 'Reds'' of the Civic League. f or 15 days:,:.....:. .... Games, races , and other , sports 172 h T Corn auto hire including a base ball game. hire to ' Hendersohville Singing and short speacnes win power plant repairs.::.:. 1 . -1 1 be featured. Come ana onng the kids. : ' 43 29 25 00 30 00 75 00 25 00 199 Q C Sonner and C(f or supplies...... ......... J L 200 Harris printing h3use for tax book...:! 201 Fairbanks Morse! Co for oil ... ...Ill ...: 202 W W' Owens ssJary for 1 month..:.... ... 203 R L Newman salary 1 mO. : fj -.. .. 204 Joe Johnson salary 15 days .. . . ... .:; . 205 R L Newman paff roll 9 46 1 50 22 51 75 00 75 00 25 00 Fishtop. - . Land is still too wet "to work, but we hope for fair weather f of a few days so farmers can finish their crops. T. W. and J. B. Bradley at tended the singing at Mountain Grove Sunday. S. Bishop called in the lower section of the cove Sunday. E. J. Bradley and Coy Levi went to Tuxedo Saturday. ' J. Henderson has gone to Aiken, S. C, on a visit and part ly on business - to sell apples, honey, etc. Ernest Laughter and T. W. Bradley have gone to Hender sonville with apples, peaches, to matoes etc. Rome Hill has cone to market with apples from Posey Hender son's orchard. We attended a meeting of the business men of Saluda one day last week held in the ;nterest of good roads, but more especially for the road leading through Green River Cove and on to the Mills Gap road. Some of the 1 i t im n i;t men suoscriDea UDerany wnne - Jay Ruff and family from Hen- dersonville, visiteded T, N. Wil son Sunday. Garrison Corn-and wife also Claude Williams and wife visited at E. C. Lynchs' Sunday. Miss Callie Dimsdale also Car- TT ' 1 ' 1 T ne naynes ana sister ? visitea their aunt, Mrs. J. M. Gibbs Sunday. Willie Mills, Jess Allen, John Ogle , arid Frank Mills passed through this section Sunday. 1 Mrs. Birch Jackson visited at H. P. Jackson's one day last week. ' ' Several from here attended services at Big Level Sunday. Mountain View. We are having a lot of rain in this section and the farmers are getting along slow with their work, Jack Searcy of Cane Creek conducted a short but interest ing song service after which Rev. Norville-of Rutherford R 1. preached and interesting sermon here Sunday. A v i Several from Silver "Creek at tended services here Sunday. Misses Lona and Delia Walker of Brights Creek spent Saturday night with Mrs. Fred Corn. Miss Nora Jackson has gone to Hendersonville where she has accepted a position for the sum mer. . , - H. H. McCrain and wife visit ed his mother Sunday. The revial meeting is to begin here the fourth Sunday, in July. Everyone is invited to attend these services. At The Congregational Church. Rev. W. A. Slack, -A. M. Pas tor. ' ' : ' ' . Bible School Sunday morning nt. 10 . - Public Worship and Sermon at 11. 1 - - Bible Studies in Acts Wed nesdays at 4. p. m. m . . Tourists and all citizens cordi ally welcome. ' 12 00 173 R L Newman salary for one month..:- 75 00 174r Carolina Oil Co for oil 108 00 175 Fairbank Morse - for r supplies,.:.: i ........ 26 00 176 Joe I Johnson salary y for 15 (daysx :. 25 00 177 Carolina State Bank, 5 NY Ex for Int on bonds 300 00 178 Joe Johnson salary for 15 days.... 25 00 179 R L Newman salary ; s. for 1 month 75 00 180 Green River garage - The NEWS $2,00 a Year; r gme. . auto hire repairing en- IV 00 on water line. - t ........ 21 50 hers that (as it seems to me) 206 R L Newman parroll street work.. 208 R L Newman salary for 1 month... ..... 209 Saluda Pharmaqy tor oil and globes, . 210 Blue Ridge Powlfer Co for light bill 75 00 62 36 Nil xnem. subscribed so little that it is a Kfi 7c shame to mention it that should 207 Joe Johnson 15:days 25 00 nave suoscriDea largely . xx oa- luda wants tne roaa sne inusmot expect the county's people to build it, they may .turn to Hen dersonville. A town in a coun ty that wants roads and is using fiR all her energy to procure 211 Carolina oil Co for oil 63 00 (Hurrah for Henderson) 212 R L, Newman, ft com- "1 Now brother; Lynn we had mission on collecriion.. 41 79 Som6 more snake : news m , last ir items but thev failed to 10 00 reach the readers by some means. Hoi-ace Jones. J. B. Bradley each 8 75 killed one while Govan Constant lead off with three last week. 56 77 We hope to do better this week. r.nm is lookmcr nne so are . tne 11 09 weeds and grass. . . 213 Jas Pace, salary for one month..!:..:. jjSj I.,.. 214 . Polk County pews printing ..;.V.jr.:..:....' 215 R M Hall coihnission on collections..4. 216 Saluda Development for labor......: i 217 Hearon Lumter Co 1 for labor.:! i:.;:i '" : (contitued 01 page 8) 2 16 v.' w . SunnyYiew Rev. Liner preached - an m- Mill Spring. Rev. W. J. Hackney has re turned from Trinity College and preached an interesting sermon at the; Methodist church last Sunday and received Mrs. W. G. , andiBarbara into the church. Arthur ' Thompson- and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine girl, - Lindsay Garrett and wife visit ed the -latters parents E. G. Thompson and wife last Sunday. Born to Robert Melton and wife on the twenty-fifth of June boy. Boyce Lee Johnson of Lan- drum called to see Miss Mable Packiast Sunday. Mrs. W. T. Mottinger ' and children of Gable S. C.,are 'vis iting at W. G. Voorheis. . Mill Spring is awake again. We are still haying fine' rains, so much that the : farmers can't finish their crops. Rev, Reed filled his appoint ment at the Baptist church Sun day p. m. ; : - J. R. Foster left Mondav for Fountainview, S. C, to attend 4-.Ls nmAA m. rt . Vila VlKTvfVl iat U IT Foster. . ' 'MesdamesnGeo. and W. L. Brisco made a visit to Ruthford ton Saturday, last. . Several of our young ladies are attending teachers summer school at Cullowhee, ' N. C:f and Asheville. - ' v .