- f v. .v j I POLK COUNTY NEWS BUSH, Publisher Published every Friday at Tryon, North Carolina Office Phone, 99; Residence, 45 Entered as second-class matte April 28 1915 at the post office at Tryon, North Carolina under act of March 3, 1879. Foreign Advertising Representative THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION $2.0CMER YEAR aiiiuiiiiiiiuuuHiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l921 JULY 1921 1 HiiiiiiiiiiimuiiiiiMiiiimiiiiiiiiimmmiS aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis 3S M T W T F Si I 121 13 4 5 6 7 8 91 110 11 12 13 14 15 161 1171819202122231 124 25 26 27 282930 S31 S iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUiiiiiiuiitiiiiiin Every farmerJn Polk coun ty should subscribe for one or more shares in the Far mers Co-operative Market. It means extra dollars to you to have it. -What Cooperation Means. Farmers in Limestone Co. Alabama, built up a fine hog raising industry, but they were far from any central market and sold their ani mals to professional buyers. The returns to the farmers were very disappointing. A Better Farming Association was organized and their hogs marketed cooperatively and on twenty car loads sold in this way received four cents a pound more than of fered by local buyers. The saving in one year was a round $12,000, Farmers around Orchard, Nebraska, organized a co operative association and marketed $147,850 worth of their products. When they assembled in Orchard a short time ago one of the local merchants furnished an or chestra for their entertain ment. His trade had in creased fourfold since the cooperative association be gan operations, he said. The town had become a popular trading point with farmers who had patronized it bnt little before. Moreover, those who had been steady patrons had more money to spend because they were no longer dividing their profits with several sets of buyers and sellers. Farmers in a small south east Missouri town sold a Car load of melons to. an out-of-town buyer for sixty dol lars. The buyer said that was all he could pay as the city markets were glutted. . but there were other buyers in town who knew the city markets were not glutted ;and started a spirited bid- J ? mi. i umg. ine melons were resold four times before thev left the town and the last price was $340. But only the sixty dollars paitf to the tarmers remained in the community. Such practices led to the organization of the Southeastern Missouri Melon Growers' Association, which sells the farmers1 products cooperatively. Returns to the farmers have in many cases been increased to four or five times the amount re ceived under the old method . of selling to chance buyers. For V Sale: Building lots on Morton Drive Valhalla fruit farm 2 miles west of Tryon on Auto Highway. These lots 50 to 100 ft. front by 100 ft. deep, the most desirabe building lots in this country, within 2 to 300 yds. of the Auto highway to Saluda, Pacolet river and Valhalla Tea House. G. E. Morton. ' ' - . SALUDA. There will be a market in the Boys' Club Saturday morning. All profits will be given to the Civic League. , , Misses Kate and Gladys Agnew sare spending the summer with their sister, Mrs. Marvin y Whar ton, in the Moore cottage. Mrs. R. D. Keer and her - V - daughter -Miss Lydia, have ar rived from Augusta, Ga., and are occupying their summer home in Saluda. W. H. Newman is also a guest in the Kee home. The city fathers are busy about the streets. This is very pleasing to all the citizens as well as to the summer visitors. On Monday afternoon Saluda walked off with Camp Tippecanoe on the seminary grounds. On next Monday July 4th, Saluda will play Henderson ville on the same diamond. Hendersonville thinks Saluda can't beat them. Show them boys. , ' Huckleberries are gettiriVripe. Beginning last Sunday .No. 3 on the Southern comes up at 5:45 a. m. and No. 4 goes down at 10 p., m. No. 41 has changed its schedule forty minutes and now leaves Saluda 5:45 a. m. Mrs. C. B. Rounds and family are in their summer home in Sa luda. ; ' Rev. Cornish and family have returned to Ga., after a month's stay in Saluda. Mrs. Grover Turner is improv ing at the hospital in Asheville. Robt. Keer led the Epworth League last Sunday night. Miss es Marvin Patterson and Mary Salley, delegates to the confef ence at Morgan ton last week, gave inspiring reports of the con ference. Next Sunday night be ing July 3rd. the League will have a patriotic program. Come and bring a friend. Miss Bessie Sonner is expected home from Afiheville this week. Frederick7 Hollister and wife welcomed on Monday their daughter, Mrs. Devere Allen, of Witton, Connecticut, and her two children, Jean and Shirley, James F. Hollister a senior in Cornell University and Miss Helen E. Turner, of Freeport, Long Island. The two - latter will be in charge of the super vised playground which opens on theseminary grounds July 5th. Marriage of Interest. Miss Marie Pace, daughter of Mrs. John Pace, of Saluda, and E. B. Tinsley of Brevard went to Tryon Sunday and were quiet- y married. The young couple went to Brevard with the con gratulations of their f riends Annual Childrens Day. The Childrens Day at the Methodist church, last Sunday was well attended. Every little speaker did well and the songs sung by the little ones were very sweet. Russell Locke playing on the violin was much enjoyed by all. ' Bibles and pins for regular at tendance were awarded by the superintendent, Walter Jones. A Good Woman. . Miss Lucy Roach, a lovely and much loved lady passed into the great beyond Monday June twenty-seventh. " Miss Koach was in her usual ijealth on Saturday and ; went to Ryder liall to complete DreDara tions for work she anticipated doing this summer. Her illness thus lasted only one day and the announcement of her death came as a shock to ner many friends. The body was taken to her old h0Se m5Hmter, S. C, on Tues THE POLK COUNTY INEWS Is the n&nie selected by the judges as being the mo&t appropru ate for our store. It shajl be our aim to at all times to Ijeep in stock a complete stock of,-groceries,'- fruits, vegetable's, feeds, etc., and will alwaas try 6 save money for you on all goods purchased 'of us. Note the prices below. All National Biscuit Go good 20c size..., French's Mustard, per jar. ,i ------.i;....:. - Schimmel Brand Pure Jellies, zl! i.. White House .yinegar. i,.: ,!.- Cream of Wheat... 3 - - ----- Golden Age Macaroni... - - - - 7c White Pie Peaches:..: -.: J. - - 1 7c Silver Floss Kraut - ----- .4. - .. -..,:. 1 4c P. ' G. White Naptha Soap....; - - - - - : - 7c Fancy Blue Rose Rice, 4 lbs.!..... :. :.....;...... .:.... ...... 25c Wesson Oil, pints . 30c Grisco, pound size. 1 . .-t - - ...:...:..........i::. 1 8c Snowhite Lard, 8-lb bucket. !. $ 1.00 . We are expecting thi week a shipment of Corn, Hay, Cot ton Seed Meal, Hulls, Shcfrts, Horse and Dainy Feed which will be priced right for quick ale. - - The Assembly The local committee planning for the Congregational Assembly to be held in Saluda during July and August are doing everything theytan to make the season a delightful and inspiring one, not only for the Congregationalists who may be present but for the entire community. They are ex pecting to secure some very fine addresses by well known men and women and a few entertain ments in addition to those which will be given by local talent. Further announcements will be made in the churches on Sunday and at the Fourth of July cele bration to be held under the au spices of the "Reds'L of the Civic League. Every citizen who has the best interests of Saluda at heart will support this movement to the extent of his ability and influence for the benefit it will bring to the community. There is every rea son why this assembly may be come as noted and valuable if not as large as some of the others in this Blue Ridge mountain re gion. This will mean increased numbers of summer visitors and the inspiring and broadening in fluence tjiat these religious and educational gatherings always create. . It is the plan of the promoters of the assembly to begin on a modest financial basis using as far as possible those prominent All kinds of Building Materials -and Feeds at right prices can, be had 'by calling on us. llearon Lumber Co. Saluda, N. C. - . Mil r lip , J U Saye Money by making your 0 0;iF?9: people ;fj spending .their va cations 'fin Saluda, or passinjg throughjSaluda to reach their ap pointments on other meetings of a similar character. ' To provide for the financial outlay tjiat must be made, sea son tickets will be placed on sale next week and it is confidently expected that a large number of citizens, f summer "residents and visitors will secure them. A ten give tire II sow only zJJ II ' - 1 .. : ... at the lowest cost in history $ IBM 'NQN-SMB ' Reduction in all styles and sizes j A New Low Price on a Known and Honest Product 14c 10c size' 7c 14c 13 c 20c 28c purnhases nis court is being prepared the use of which will be free those holding season tickets. small fee will be charged others. Inquiries will be answered J. W. Dunn, secretary of the by Sa luda Board of Trade, in the office of the Pickard Company and at the boys' dormitory on the semi nary grounds. by dealers jJ 7 ' " milea l. R SLEIGH, N c. " "am Fowler i(i - " UlRt....:. . V. Revised Statutes. t j2 Iteday 26th day oiSi " WVC- a. m. at Mill r at Tron 1 i . ' Pnil? XT 11 Recorded in Book .1' Is ,! Reecords of Deeds of T 599 of the r1" county, beinir i, V boil crht nf P.rfifm r-. on OpfnlmT' 97 n m f "c d C3 uicri 1 Vdi. and five, tenths acres Cu r giev U1 lcoc, i "ie subdivision of 0t pany's lands, known as the bell farm in Polk count- v S soldby N. C. Harris, l;J' C- H River Land company, jbv ordemS J. W. IiAILEY clll M.L. REED; l)P!lnt'L "W "V A T T"n-T-w -" v nf Intornol D r . 1 . , :. . v enut- ,1 uiy i8th ucnueapropert - from Lawrence Spicer Polk count 4 C, under Warrant of Distraint J' J nhn-navmoTit rr 1 , ltJr til be sold as provided by Section ai? uwwlcs. public auction Tuesday 26th day of Jul v 19 , 01 o'clock a. m. at Mill Springs ! 100 acres of land, lying and beb Coopers .Gap Townshi,, polk J N. C, adjoining the lands' of Mr, J' Lawter, and Burgin Gibbs; , . . J- w: BA-EY, Cll By M. L. KEED, Denatv rv.n.J? PALEIGH, N. C, v of Internal reve of Internal revenue June lSthiS me luauwing uescnoea property, seiz ' from Jerry Lawter Polk county.' X under Warrnnt. of Dicti-o;r,f v' v-vmuiuui meiioi payment of assessed taxes due; wtflfo sold as provided by Section 3196 Lsrised Statutes, at public auctinn . Tuesday 26th day of July 1921, at 2 o'clock p. m. at Columbus, Polk county. v. cij-.o. iviiiv' nam Tryon Township, Polk 'county, ai joining the lands of John Rhoades and Bob Sellers. Also 100 acres of land in C 1 J rp -n ii oamua. iuwiismp, roiK county ,- Xorth Carolina, adjoining the lands of Mrs. $. A. Jarrett, and W. J. Martin. J. W. BAILEY, collector By M. L. REED, Deputy collector. T AIjPIGH, N..G., Office of Collector of Internal -LV Revenup, June 18, 1921 the followingdescrib ed property, seized from J. Pace, Folk Countj, N. C., under Warrant of Distraint for non-pay. merit of assessed taxes due, will be sold as pror ided by Section 3196. Revised Statutes, at pubik auction on Tuesday 26th day of July la21, at I o'clock p. m. at Columbus Tolk County, N. C, Forty Four acres of land in Tryon Township Polk countv, N. C, adjoining the lands of T. C. Mills and Von Kolden, two miles northwest o( Tryon. N. C, s J. W. BAILEY, Collector 1 By M. L. REED, Deputy Collector. "DALEIGH, N. C. Office of Collector of Internal xv Revonue, June 18th, 1921 the following de scribed property, seized from Noah E. p William Polk county, N. C, under Warrant of Distraint for the non-payment of assessed taxes due, will be sold as provided by Section 3196, Revised Statutes, at public auction on Tuesday 26th laj for to A to ot July at 11 o clock a. m. at Mill bpnn&a. C, ' Lying on both sides of Balm Creek, Cooper'! Gap Township, Polk County, N. C., known as the Alfred Reel place, and containing 100 acres more or less. J; W. BAILEY, Collector By M. L. REED. Deputy Collector "DALEIGH. N. C. Office of Collector of Internal ' A-v Revenue June 18, 1921 the following describ ed property, seized from B. F. Gibbs, Polk county, N. C, under Warrant of Distraint for the non payment of assessed taxes due, will be sold ai provided by Section 3196, Revised Statutes, at public auction on Tuesday 26th day of July, 1921, at 2 o'clock p. m. at Columbus, Polk county, N. C. One Hundred and eighty (180) acres of land at Columbus, Pelk county, adjoining the lands of Mnroe Henderson and J. A. Fugan. J. W. BAILEY, Collector By M. L. REED. Deputy Collector. "DALEIGH. N. C. Office of Collector of Internal iX Revenue June 18th 1921 the following scrid property, seized from Wm. Henry Pritchard Polk county. N.C.. under Warrant of Diitraintfor the non-payment of assessed taxes due, will sold as provided by Section 3196, Revised Statutes, at public auction on Tuesday 26thday of July 1921. at 2 o'clock p. m, at Columbus, Polk county. N.C Twenty Four acres in White Oak Township. Polk County. N: C. adjoining the lands of Jota Fowler and others, 12 miles from Mill Spring, C. 1 J. W. BAILEY, Collector ' By M. L. REED, Deputy Collector. "1 "DALEIGH. N. C. Office of Collector of Internw xx Revenue June.fh, 1921 the following scribed property, seized from Z. V. Edney Po county, N. C, under Warrant of Distraini i the non-payment of assessed taxes due. will sold as provided by Section 3196, Revised Statutes, at public auction on Tuesday 26th day ot X921, at 2 o'clock p. m. at Columbus, Polk county. N.CA Forty six acres of land, lying and in Trvnn Tnmmin PnlW rnnntv. N. C, adjOiniu the lands f C. M. Howes, D. R. H. JlipD. H. Tomlinson : J. W.BAILEY, Collector By M. L. REED. Deputy Collector piLEIGH. - N. C. Office of Collector of interna Revenue June 18th 1921 the following o scribed property, seized 'from Otis Tack i county. N.C., under Warrant of Distranu the non-payment of assessed taxes due. wi sold as provided by Section 3196. Revised StaWt at public auctionaon Tuesday 26th, day of u 1921, at 2 o'clock p. m, at Columbus, Poik -uu N. C. Eighty six acres of land lying ana .; Columbus Township1. Polk county. N. C adj " ing the lands of W. B.. Edwards. R. G. ain" and others. ' J. W. BAILEY, Collect By M. L. REED. Deputy CoHecw; RALEIGH. N. C, Office of Collector of I f, Revenue June 18th 1921 the followir Intern-" .1 ing e scribed property, i seized from Bob or R. . Polk county, N. C. kinder Warrant ot for the non-payment of assessed taxes be sold as provided by Section 3196, Revised Hue. W' Stat- utes. at Dublic auction on Tuesday 26 tn day oj polk j uiy no ciock a. m. at ' g county. NV-C. Fifty acres, known as the Walker Place, adjoining the lands of T. Crain . rr , unship. Also 60 acres of land in Coper s uap adjoining the lands of Emma Alfred, an" - as the Thomas Early Place. . - j. Also 41 acres of 'Coopers Gap Townv. joining the lands of Jim Sheamon. know" Early Place. ' . ' tor J. W. BAILED ; By M. L. REED. Deputy Collect