1 ' n . BUSH, Publisher -:-,- -"if! 4b Oytr fti citCc Volume XXVII No. 2 Tryon, N. 'C July 15, 1921. ; $2,00 a Year Hanmon. ft ne Timely Talks to Polk County4 faisi-ssiict! cTte -tsi- jects, by Cciiiity fecnt, J. h. Scss, " " , . : : r ' What Is Our Greatest Meed.? A CcIIIa Pca C:-ty Fcrrr$ If the above question were put r ' " . . j -noiiv to everv farmer d ly,t ZLfrtW folk county, doubtless there 2d be a multitude of answers. fhp maioritv would nr hpr roaHs rmm ivu - j "'v ' co v hotter churches fUWu - -- -- r-T ijuiasfiu - yr . t oca thinora mow hah there is a greater t neea m roiK an wi Sm ed ihe couni Stendent of public schools Mild weU say, what can be of more importance than better r schooled still better until every effld in Polk countyi would :beP able to have a nign school within ITZTFrWtZ? easy reach. The chairman of ftroad board would doubtless say that roads mean more to the Xe of the people than any thmg else, 11 tne preacners ot toe county were asircu wnat ...is .. . J Atal.A J - . . X - I a.- OGf T fiir-A 6 ITu piess that they would say better Arches and church conditions churcnes ana( cnurcn conaitions. These things are all vital to our . , . r Y A?rii,VmTi- htit th0TA is iv ROTriA r & of all these tKih i,y th-com; .Ksstaraa ttat-thine correct W 0, tf some Moses or Josnua couw come back ftom the spiritual world and persuaded and 'lead Wle to think corr Mbiects. then . all the i thmW J7eo:0, fly come, and a thousand -other, pod things which we dovnot uvn iiavci . . . , ., , portant than sood roads. How Si SffuS6 Wfore you read further. I aid ..v-xii. -j. . uui say inat just : any mu wx thinking was'so importantl said rrect thinking. The world itself and all the universe" is 'the itself and all the universe is the thought of God,, and all that has ever been done worth while On the earth since God finished the creation has been the thought of man. The e-ood things that bedoneltoH correct thinking and the bad things have been the -result of Pvn ;4. . evil or incorrect thinking. ; In- !" ml XII- I correct thinking leads men-and women to commit crimes of all Kind It leads men 4 to make hlocade liquor, to tell and : smear vvue liquor, to ten ana smear lies, to wrong, cheatand defraud Tl Al tftol. . 11 wguuors ana to commnaii j lm- -ts that are. committed "wiicut inmKing is me material " 1 cut mniKing is tne material of which bad character is rL- m ' : 1 :.L feet or rieht thinVi ,'S thfi ma- wt. un ine nrnpr nnnn cor- terial out of which d charac ter i mi. . is built. The strong, right- uray men ana women ;,oi S&TnT -eenT PAlla .1. .1 s" ' :. . u 4. t . , iT : " 1 1. r ynat ne would not oe MCI lOTI tTTi V. i.1 . .- 111 Hethnnf I , " n wiui uie Kings meat ne tho able to .1.1 . w vv"vvvv " Wie to Dasa thmnvli tk "T irtria unhurt. The ihre; hSSSS "uri; A1?e tftreeiieDrew knee tn ti, ; s. WnghtoMM rtZTS without the smell of fire fm 4.1. ' , rneir garments. Correct 1Uat na imrlrtrfiiTit. nowaa'jt I- . r w "i: -creation of the world, and per- s more so. .Haw .1- U1U and vnmoW 1 rii. .... HnueEl tiT lorv,axd think Kooa things in the world-will inhi,-. As a man thfaiketh " iaues i nave tried make it clear and ,.plain "l! " ciear t"0 pltun !S:!verhere be- --icoo men, so iar as r" euppaes ro run their hlloitlMa J J.' - . . J au uisspasmg DI ; tneir products tbroUKh cooperative 1 marketing. - . " r fAYC12 -yyu uie simple plan by-which Vur Kni. must be done by Ives and for ' yourselves, .Dy f ..0I lne agricultural r mk county- I as your. Saw un. a sumcjeni ro put tnis "m u" "us me, June zo, Greens Creek township-has, sub- -T- ZKST? X1V : UlillCl.. UiWlIHIMII 1 . VTf-I. IWTI I rTr canvassear ; dui uoiumuur town- ship farmers have voluntarilv .iaT j y subscnbed $1,100 and a few in- -dj- 0th;;i,av amauais n otne townsnips nave ciiKeASKo :ma -Viiti S it u-iir-rut; Jx' i: . j. . 1 iivwce vnat, we wiu oe : : alter to :ri: "rZI 'v homes, your children-and your , j., - f TA .i zens s from financial and commer- EtS SSS - -r. ainA be.passed on to our children and jaj,; .. mA i: .31 "'r.f - i "i" the onlvrieht way. is for each individual farmer to lay down . .j ..i.. a -m. his individuality, and jom ihis brothers and sisters in one aym- - movement mat win wwu;aii wu and mighty3ftmhthrQUgh which each individual can and will have V J J ' 1 1m. .m Vn,rA oH lnrtnnnilfll flTlfl Will naVfil irX-oS i tq w- uf i i i v i ii mm i iiiii ire iiiiii -.nu as obtaining farm supplies neces sary to conducting his business Vir -T ; Q. ;t,B nrnhirP t&S'S! - v i-iMixr -m. s;ir 30? " , . . i,r kt f n tr w te1 SUDSCnptlOnS 5 VX tOlAWW .. : , di aslc: Dut u"1 w0?!! pOser ana go- w uiexu-ttiu f ,wve iiie vour name just anywhere along the road, in town or even in the "Meeting nouse j uat xw5x vv aarmcm:,i .-iijj .iincliiied; wvw--, ,ar Thisils7 the greatest pportuiu miora -Avpr-r nfixi -jr ever . f-ach ndivfdual. and;:0f each Other, -W? toralserstoclc to tne anwunt, T. - -ah .-m,iKw if eAhacrfbers thencsslraTOeetra of stock and elect directors who J.. - 7 ;, -r-v will compietevtne orgamwvu and!itu(?ihe pfcff inn operdlioas smTtracticle baiyeibuw It takes onlfelieittith tsM eH ( kw all o it Ptchtotiy ottt December 1920 ; 1 : M iWriglit f or' V ' goods for jail as per bill 90 2 Lewis Denton for ser- 0 Xic as Lge of ?tion8b6 . vv est-services as bailiff Colbus dec-- ' ; t tion... 2 OQ - J" " o vuo services as V"" wemare omcer iw bi. " warus K C T TJ 3 services as surveyor as per billi.. 40 00 6 John 0 Bishop services as Der bill burial of Jim WoVrt . . - Watson..- , ; - ;,.: 5 OQ 7 Taylor Whiteside 3 days; .1 i r JltTTTf ' . ' : quarantine officer. SEf w,-fom, low r f K,ihW,rt i,flr "f? -5 r lttt "rr" BliHiittB. - ': " Not loon T T l-rTwtrr. " Koiand Henderson r eoods for Webb Tonev vrVi9' t - 15 J M Henderson for jail f fi!aift : - jee to aate...ww.-.. 16 N T,Mills for survev , ', : ' vices on board of as: i sessors.li..al..-.'22tf 00 19 J-M Henderson for ; fea 43 . " - 52 1C Wp T-fiC 1 o ; vfees LutherMeltoncase r 2 45 case f 22 -Dr Grady )for services;' as quarantine officer to 23 Jf' 24TARippey iudof .primary election -Tryon T v j-, A 00 i u JJ mil ior registrar i of births and deaths: . .f elec10n Pea "T 27-F M Burgess- for -ser- fr5u fP rn r ifi VlWi JUUgC UJL C1CVMWW W W . - 30 W.C Hague for, record- mg official ; bonds 7 00 31 CD'Elliottfor captur- r ing aiiilUcitf destill? 2000 1Kt...1"w-.srM.r-'--,: 82 Biank , : Jackson ..for. official services. tl38 90 33 J Pe for official services etc 31 .63 o -.'.:- Byilllinw oft county land. 1 w ;vvm,i"mu.... ..... 35 Geo Bdwanis.for su port of Lfee'Heridersonv 15 00 36 Bettie Giles for support of EmilyHaiirion Nov ; 20 00 36 J M 'Henderson1' for f support of tWebb Toney forNovi nathan ;or. own support for Nov,- ,f, m - . ..uiti oa pTr?STf ; lMtion Nov -1920,-... 4 00 ; farm enUl-.. v.':-. -' .t... - 30 00 Blanton' forr'bal-' f t. annfi of atmronnation cbuiityifairlil 596:00 43i:C C Constant for;? pay K ?mentitfcertaini 44iG) Bdvadi?fprip-; ? ;p6rt6f Ilge Henderson 15. 00 45 Bettie; Giles; for. .one . . , . . . 1 inonth support of Emily , lr own 'sutmort.- h uul suppoixd:weDaoney uu statioriary .and financiiil :teportj i 85 95! 4?id C'Ckm5t:for tinbnt; in? full on inotel 1372 ,70 WClfamj WMwaicls for suiP r : S'ilJirHenSe.: 15 00 6imettie Giles; for ;su : , : Import or ismiiv nanncn t2 Jonathan Tniner own rt of ilv ;Hannto 20 00 porW; to date. S 00 port df Webb Toney o 25 00 IprCGriidy 'iseryie 3 f quarantine : 'omcer 45 00 xpenses'0f Jiin !at6n 15 00 53 P K McFarland m lariat expenses of He! i- lsc-it Porter's wif e-j 40:fe0 3XtJ JJArledge for.:;s:-; : -ii $iisiJuvetiile 183 33 "3JolK County News f ar - ,, JPfldSaLi 5 00 iOtis Feagan for cap- C;3awardsf6r icelforv bbard of elc-" ;i ont;;;;'-.:.;;..i; tlli IlctpWbn forfjul k feci to datel--Li-., XJr uid Eiertn 2 00 ; 72 90 14 79 ilt Houpe hala ffjes fterm; 1921 2 30 T4lMantcferMr dforiaxc BBieFranain rown support to datlii 5 00 67 Frank Giles forrepir- ing -hbuse for jjEipily Hahnonui4' 15 00 68 The'Ballenger Co for supplies for 3aiJlL34- 19 (xjf 69 Geo.A Gash for ser vices as 'county x-sp;r-: visor of taxes'::.;:,,. 57 50 70 iMorgflarfjvare Co for jail supplie3.i 17 80 Mrs. MotUager and chiton, yrhowere ymtmg rela- tives nere leit to visit, gxrieuua . m, i ; Mfss Gilreath; Edwrds went home last 'Sunday. 4-; , ; A number of peoplegromhere attenaeAxne ail aayingin tat Ianolastnay.1 Mrs. &idph iSdwardsJspent last hSaturdayiniCkiwpens 'J : ; SJess Alleir eiit ast . week near Rutherioidton. Advertised lettfs. Burgess, Hattie G 1 Botton Whitney, J' -Brutton, Glenn 1 Bruton, Alice (2) f 1 : : WfllkAr. Jfl I W. H. Steaans, ltmas ter. The 14 girls and boys ; in th Oxford Singing Class nre repre senting about 375 children in that splendid Institutn;Hear, them sing and see hot you like tjiem. Another yeaoiinigh prices in our state has served to make the iieeds of tKb lorjphaiir ages finreater, and thej demands upon these; ixisti.tutionf or admis. slon of rieey childrertHs increase celves Jdil withut regard tciiiiinatrciHsr frfiternal r lauenship of ircnts,a tne neea Mhelchild befcsSlhel -first an4 chiel1 cotttaeratioii aJid is stnV- 'tn&4ct the mcrwinidend&aa; pres- cnce4it thefcscert; aid in htrarewcrlrrfn thfewcdwill Wtoeifr cburage; lhehildreriMd f riends . . Mrs. M. :M. Hensley, of Ashe- ville,,irisited a t few days with Mrs. Charles Davenport. f B. Mills and Miss Pearl Keenan visited Mills last weeklf Misses Alice and -Mattie Tal- hant who are attendini the sum- mer school at Asheville. with their friend, Miss Palmer; spent the week-end at home. r Prof. T rv an A wifp. anm t. th a Fourth here. ; -The revival, services will begin at the Presbyterian church ; Sun day; July 17. ;, : ; '"-I ' There will be a box supper Saturday, July 16, at the school auditorium for the purpose of the Columbus base ball team. Eev. Prait preached Sunday p. nv llis text was as a , man thinketh in iiis heart so is he which was' a plain ; and instruc tive sermon from start-to 'finiih. : The little son, of Jack Foster, who was so seriously hurt from the explosionof : a gasoline tank a few days ago is doing fairly well at .;-tliblh'writing J 3cumored .tbat a 'case may be maae against tne county or tne 1 roa department for damages.! . Calvin Moore , is very .much in- 1 disposed at this penciling, being confinedfto his room . almost all the'timeHe ft aiidwife from Florida to get advantage 1 of the ' climate, alsoMrs. -Moore found iraploymeiit in' the hosiery mill. Justnow :l the 'mill 1 being closed down and Mrs. Moore's husband beincr sick makes at hard former. ;; Charles I Williams and family visitecTMrs. WilliamsV mother, Mrs. J. B. Panther, last weefc end. , J-. Miaa TTniack. of Saluda, who was with the A, M. ?Ai" school - ,a . T w. she expressed herself as being M.,;iw T vWAwfko .Anf YCijf muwii ciowm wis v vww the school buildinsr grounds, also church. ! : , AMr. Stepp of Hendersonville wagthe uest of P; IN. Hood and wif&nast "Sunday; He reports f Hendersonville is short her usual number of summer Visitors' tfor this date. , We suggest ousiness depression is the prime cause. 75 Hello!;Fishtop if -we mistake not this is fine - weather 1 for t the ?TMdle tails' or rattler. We were- glad to see'that little prog ress madandMalblef effort toward iBtting a Tpad. (Of course that's tiieK slogan -now; If you v had all our : available nbrse PQWT on G.' utilized as some day it will be, xdl the. rattlers and ? oterdangerottiles would soon vanish like they did whetfold Sk ? Patrick fruled old Erin. Don't you see;: : Good roadsgood r churctiesV good schools, good society, ood people all other will fqllowJ Doirt worry, good reads e-wftewehear4- ing oti the - read between Trybri and Landnim and . when that piece of road ; is finished it will be a big vimprovement Jon routeollnghw engineers ; with rod, tape and transit are making surveys on road ftbni Tryon foMill J Spring ith view of hard surfacing. Miss Coline; the daughter, of w . . T. A; Rippey, who has been . a student xrt: Trinity College for three rears past, arrived last week if or arvacation. , Polk county has a new post- office Chocolate, we suggest ihe next one be made Bon 'Bon, and if another should follow : would say cocoahut, then if another still would say ice cream. Silas Fowler left last Satur day for Canton, N. C, to take charge of a hosiery mill just starting up at that place. We belieye this enterprise was quite fortunate in securing his services. Silas Fowler is one of bur very best hosiery mill men. Sid W. 1 Cairnes and family have gone for a 2 or 3 week's stay in the Hand of the sky Sidney 's old home. . If you want to take the world easy, just come to Lynn the town of rest ; 5 Two more weeks of rain has about finished up i the work in the cornfield. Corn looks fine with crab: grass as: a close rival. - iD. S. Pace wao is taking quite an interest in good roads has been canvassing the territory in which the , road from Saluda i through the cove and into Gooper Gap township C will pass if - made, in company with T. W. Bradley last week,? r and - reports all visited Ipect of a good road,, also reports that notwithstanding the many, favorable reports about Coopers Gap township, he had f heard, ahe had found true, and i their great need was a good outlet to market land that it is one of -the finest sections of Western North Caro lina. : - 'Miss Flora Bradley is very ill and had to have the services of a doctor last week. " T. W. -radley sang for the Mountain Grove church Sunday. Robert Price went to preach ing at Silver Creek Sunday. Quite a crowd of tiie Coveites went to Saluda Saturday to trade. Dr. Jones and one Mr. Levi, of Bucks Creek, Henderson county, were visiting in this section last of last week. They report that theyhave fine crops. 6 corn . in their section -(land ; :not having jxeen too wet to work but a - few days this season) but v they are entirely out of fruit of all , kind and that it seems so strange, to see such : an . abundance ' of all fruits, especially apples here: , A few rattle snakes were killed week before last, .but. none a re ported last week.; ; , rC S(mie parties from i Henderson wereS in? this section - last week pishing. : . :; Ben-Holbertwas in this section , Sunday; , AtlUbanbn last .Sunday . there was all day service, Rev.W. W Womack preached intheu inorn- inif imdTthefe was dhiner' spread foreveryone, and. gobi siiigmg in the afternoon. ;The 4aywas enjbai byCa large ciow i Ai -Walker and several others of nc-Rutherfoiton . cttehtied ceOTCCLebaiion Sunday WIL ?White dHwifeof Rutherford ton, are Yisiting their daughter, 'Mrs. A. vA; : Womack. 1 MissLucy Abrams and:vbrotH er, Marshal, 'were at 'Lebanon fSuxiday. - ' :.LBs.U&2cie Sue ' Edwards "is culTeriniT f rom a core arml - -. mv i it- 1 , - w X, I'M 1 ' i - ..i . i 4 i :i if K; .A v so is he.

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