- M M j BUSH, PuW'sher Ths Qnlr Paper Published in Pc!k Ccisty A lto-"Cfca.-Pt?cr fcr tha 'Dca -V - i M&'&'Ccafs Volume -XXVH No. 6 Tryon, N. C, August 121921. $2.00 a. Year OUR COUNTY AGEMT'S DEPAMEtlT Statement j, Timely Talks to Polk County Fanaas, and others, on Timely Sub- Board of Road Conasissioners of Pc'ni ftsfc. jecis, uv oouniy Hgeni, j. ic Sams. v juiv lztn. to iuzi our To Subscribers to Polk County Farm Federation. Ladies and Gentlemen: Do you think the war is over and he victory won? If so, you are badly deceived and we will have no victory to celebrate, The .j.Ar id ours. ii we want 11.4 yiCluij people generally get What they want and are willing to pay for; We farmers of Polk county have begun to ao sometnmg m own interest and in the in- tprest of the consuming public. Whether or not we succeed ; will depend upon ourselves. If every subscriber of stock will only STICK and become a booster, we will CT0W into a great ana pow erful corporation with strength sufficient to develop Polk county. Looking over the list of sub- bribers, it looks as if It could not fail, and yet any set of men and women can fail if they lack faith and enthusiasm in what they undertake. - Now don't anybody get in too big hurry. It takes God one hundred years to grow an oak tree. A mushroom will grow in single night. We are short of means and can grow only as we can get the means and properly apply them. We are undertak ing a great task ; one that intend ed to help every individual stock holder, and everyone who deals with our corporation. In Order to do this, we must have energy to go forward, wisdom to do the ngnt ana proper .thing, ana pa- tience to De willing to wait a reasonable time for results. Now we must not think as stockhold ers that we have ho duty to per form, our duties have just begun. The directors ' can do "nothing whatever without the solid in dividual cooperationof the stock holders. We must remember that we have voluntarily entered into a cooperative marketing cor poration under the corporation laws of North Carolina. We are all bound together by ties both w iaw ana tnendship. JNq - one is bound to another any further than the other is bound to him! Ail our interests are tied up to gether. ISTow, the all important thing to do, is for every share- j .... uwuer in our corporation to go to his neighbor and induce him to go in the corporation and help make it a great success. - Not until every farmer, large and small, in Polk county joins, will the full strength of the associa tion be known and the greatest benefits to all be secured. J. R. Sams, County Agent. . P. S. Every member of the plk County Farm Federation should become a subscriber to e Polk County News. We jfoust have an organ and this is ur only chance, unless wc sub scribe the cash, buy a press and erhPly some one to publish one. Jr R. S. What To Do Now. ri ' . rop time is over, corn and cotton laid by, gardens etc., at a jwnd still, Prepare and sow Jnips and plant late cabbage winter use. See that the Paltry house is in good condi- pinion and if .you have none, Vf a11 the important things. r on the farm during the , months of August and Septem ef is to cut bushes, weeds and aTf,S and tuck into the gullies ;:.uare Places on your farms. now while the leaves are on - Kfuwtn- is just completed TT?PT?TTTK! and there will not be so many M 07 lftOA ' RTnfo-'fAiiAr..j i-i. 1 H0. 27, 1920 Bv 2!nount on hzrA 2hZZL.. B, Frank JacS and hug close to the erround and this hot weather will cause de- EXPENDITURES Frca flov. 27th 192GV to Items of Interest .Ife Vot":i Sections cf Pc!k csatj 'by Oix cftFCrrreipcndents. ; comsitionrapidly and humus Hov.27, 1920 to July 12, to!921To payc:st ca ccapoa aceoant 8013.60 nxix, uc auucu w me son quicKer iu juit it, 11 10 Davir.cr.t en sccsst on re2as Japan clover and the native . . DndSes, as per iterated accosst fccrerritSt. and oniHvaf roce jti w & 1 Balance on hand up and sod the land Quicker and prevent your iana irom washing, rvvv"BIUi' u -ror , itpaa Total. and at the same time D1VP Vnil VT " X vutuui, fJ vr.... wWi4YCMO OIUO an abundance of good; pasture. 2 "- -..-xryon-uaa xo,,o 5349.23 K-yyy:----'-:v 21000.00 H. P. Corwfth spejit esxiay $26349.23 in AsheviHe n v Oland Wilkins of i Aboline. spent the weeje-ead in Saluda Mr. Link,, wife nd children of 15263.34 Charlotte are visiting Mrs. Hopr 3072.29 kins. $26349,23 Rev. J. F. Pickard and family, Amt. Mi. of St. Augustine, Fla are spend- inuw is me time ior a campaign for better pastures. Don't de lay another day or even a mo ment. Get busy with axe, mat tock, bush scythe and any old thing that will cut bush, briar t ......W W Covill... supplies 2.35 Ezra Constant salary " ioo. 00 ... ..Peoples Bk..... note. " v 4000. 00 Bowen Constance payroIL..tKtolbert Cove 36.00 ....Clayton Constance salary , 100.00 ... J E Lmdsey.. blacksmith 2.00 24.01 6.00 8.30 249 250 251 252 Saluda... 253 254 255 Tryon......... .C Davenport DayrolL:'.crivehs........ or weed, only be sure that you 1256 Saluda R Stread wick.. . .. public -serviced: .. .. cretat it andstav at it until ovorv 257. Greens .D H Miller.: nayroU - orpsniTicr cmiiv n ; 258 Saluda C Constsnce bridge work..Nat Hgy. 119.30 finH w 259 " ........ payroHid-NatHgy..... 48.85 hlled, and see how it will alter oro Trvnn r. nflw mn xrf aq K7 261 n " 44 nayroll i.at Hiry-:.. 40;23 will increase its value ten times 262 ...C Cbnstance... payroll!.-J.Howard Gap: . 4;45 more than it will increase its ap- 263 ) GH Holmes...... services , : 124-60 bearanre Trv if and pa for 264 C Davenport feed & mules...: Scrivens 257 .27 pedxance. iry it ana see . ior nt ri,i . r... An oo yoursen, ana tnen m your heart 265 Tryon. ...... .T W Habenicht.-.. payroll..Howard Gap thank me for calling your atten- 266 " Tryon F ST A gasoline- tion to thematter; butyou need. 267 " W Fisher.... gravelrx r not say anything to rae or any- SPerap.J H Gibbs work - v : one else about it, we will see "Zyff?tf , , , , , , , lOOV VAMUIUUUS . t,.--.-i i- your gooa worK ana oe giaa ana 070 you will be benefitted. Two years 271 " ...x...E Constance...:.., salary 15.30 167.78 11.20 38.75 26.55 86.54 168:59 100.00 from now it will be a flaming 272 vTryon. ...J H Edwards...;..;.. sand.t.:.;.rA arid S Hgy 16.65 " . ' 1 nrj a. t . ; . l t j county to have single gully ,or n' V uiSUince " raw piece 01 lanai on nis iarm. I am going to give you all1 yeara to fill ub your gullies. a1.! who have not done so by that 27 lryon....... time win uc piiu;cu uu a uu-at- count list. J. R. Sams, County Agent. LAND SALE repairsUiiiza uut..r .... i.uu repairsElizaXut...... 1.00 275 White Oak..G W Waycaster.. vayrblli:.,. Waidrop......... 27.75: two. 276 C&umbujCebns and 277 x " . ;. JUndsey J... repairs ; ..Eliza Cut... 2.75 ..C Constance... payrolL. :.. ' ;..... salary , 200.00 ..E Constance.......... salary k 100.00 ..C Davenport. .. salary 85.00 ..." - " . .. salary 85.00 ...WH Stearns.. .. postage 1.25 135.14 32.84 ing August with Rev. W. M, ncKara ana wiie m tneir sum- mer home the Wild woods-on Columbia Heights. The Ladies Auxilary, of the Episcopal church held its regulal monthly meeting on Monday afternoon. The Rev. Alfred kBerkely was present . Daniel Stognerj of Rocking ham, N. C, a, student of Colum bia Theological Seminary who preached at the Presbyterian church Sunday night is the pas tor during the summer of Glen- coe Presbyterian church in, Co lumbia, S. C. - r - The winning party in a bridge tourament was given a chicken. supper at the Martin Tea Room by the loosing side Saturday night. Miss Dana McClain, of Ander son, S. C, and Elizabeth .Chap- bell, of Dublin., Ga. r were visitors their participation in the musi cal life of the community The bride: was formerly senior assist ant iii the; Detroit Public Library, and the groom is organist and choirmaster aSC'PauTs church in- Noijwalk, Conn. Both - are graduates of Olivet v college ; They .will niake their home in New York City, where the groom will continue his studies inV the.; Institute of Musical Art y t Beautifd Chiding Site Fcr Only 1.C0. Just a whisper, off off Green ville street in theJtowri of Saluda a beautiful view of ATryon and other surrounding", mountains a half acre rolling7 lot on good road and convenient to lights and water. . Take your chance at Mrs. E. L. Patterson's sewirrg room for one dollar. Sale opens Fri day at 10 a., m. and continues till all tickets are sold. 280 281 281 Columbus. Melvin Hill 1282 283 Greens .. C W Davis payroll The Board of Education of 284 Tryon ... Car Hdw Co. supplies , Polk county, will offer for sale, 24 Saluda r. C& VyUlUIIlUUS. t l i ...J P Lockhart.......... nails t:....T W Habenicht . .. teams :. E Constance.......... repairs either publicity or privately four.ggg Tryon ana inree tentns acres 01 lanu in 286 the town of Saluda, N. C , known 287 as tht Rnsbtiell nronertv. This 288 iafc nmn0rtv tw wa nnr- 289 White Oak.. J H Gibbs............. labor Cooper Gap chased for a school' site in the g9 uooper uap jjy- " : Saluda District 291 White Oak 'V " i Date of sale Sept 5th, at 2 282 Greens T FSteelman.....;.. p. m. The Board reserves the 293 Saluda J H Rhodes. right ta reject any and all bids. 294 WhiteOak. J H Gibbs........... This the 4th. day of August, . a 1921. Clerk toBoard of Edu- 2 Cooper Gap ' ' cation. 4 to 298 Tryon..... C Constance............ Nat 299 Columbus.. C Davenport.... 300 . ......... C Constance machinery 301 ............Western Union...:, telegram 302, Tryon, ...J L Jackson........... feed ! 302 Columbus.. " - v F M Burgess.:......:, clerical work 305 306 A R Express... ., truck 307 Greens ..... .. D H Miller. payroll 308 " ...... ...K N Hines labor 309 " ...1 C W-Davis services 310 " ............B S C 0..1..., -struck 311 "C Constance .. bridge work 32.83 20.25 11.02 ... Howard Gap 27:85 3.75 7.16 20.00 20.00 148.50 .......White Oak.. .. 153.75 Greens Creek 12.75 Fork Creelc... 51.30 . lumber Lbr. White Oak 10.29 . salary 51.40 . payroll, White Oak 100.00 CooDeruap io.yo Hgy.- Fishtcp The much need rain came Friday. V- TT - J J1 TJ1-. rosey xienuersuu mm wexe , n r. 11 Mt Hrv 77.75 UCUUUa W VATllOVOUV .. . i'Wt" v" - - 51.60 49.40 18.15 1.18 50.37 8.40 12.00 i Levi hauled a load of apples Hendersonville last week. J. B. Bradley hauls a load of apples every other day to Hendersonville. A two horse load of Landrum- 311 Tryon.... ites were here fishing a few. days Siiumbus: last week. 312 " : . . . J H Gibbs labor We hear H. P. Corwith. of Sa- 313 , -C Constance.......... " luda, has purchased T. E. Paces 315 TlTOn " "' w M GainesllI ditches entire crop of apples.. 315, Saluda " ' " Jessey Case sold his interest 316 .nT ST A in the apple crop to D. :S, Pace S n 319 Tryon So Ry Co ....... engine pole 319 Saluda....'4 4 44.. ' 320 " ... J C ConstanceL....;..- payroll gas labor tt of Hendersonville. , Miss Elma Newman went U Asheville Saturday , to see i specialist about her eyes. - Clayton Pace went to Ashe Do Today's "Task rWelU. The best' way to make sure of 321 White Oak A M Lynch. 322 .......Western Union...: telegram 322 Cash day book ville to sell his crop of apples v.. , . a , ; - : , ozd Aiumuus..... Saturday.;:" J x $ j:, .P -UV j . - ' - ' E. J. Bradley went 1 to Saluda Saturday on business. u - T. C. Laughter was in Saluda Saturday swapping mules' (he gave two. for a horse. ) Jasper Henderson was in Sa luda Saturday with his head all wrapped in a veil of mourning. T. W Bradley sang for the Silver Creek class" Sunday. ; , 4.47 173.4T-27.80-36,80-109.87 3.00 3.00 13,00 ' lli50 4SK) 10.00 44.90 25.00 25.00 124.42 104.30 : 6.00 2.91. 2.92 41.80 172.03 : .91 : 1.00 14.03 aaoo strength Into the task of" today.- Haweis. Too Much -Taboo."- : WiUlam visited grandma, bot wat not permitted to touch the breakable articles to the house. ? At the arrival of his mother he said! "Let's go home, oa,- Everything ; to this house . U Meat touch. V ; ' , ' ; , i WoltoWo e bst rchment for banjos. Cowl Oo OuQht Otfc Alice was. staying with bet father one . evening; while 'net other was away. The father, while reading, waa wigglmx vthe floor lamian Alice, moke e; rYoxL toffm mamma ; does not want you to pxai vv in Saluda thisafreek. At Bynard Hall, Friday, Aug., 19at 8 0 anjptists Recital will be "given. -Miss Mary Estes Coates is the coloratura soprano, Mrs. Horace Bomar is the violin ist, Carrol Hollister pianist and accompanist and Miss Bessie Sonner reader. For the 'benefit of the community house. Many people remember with pleasure the address of Mr. Mar tin, Y. M. C. A. worker from Spartanburg, and will be delight ed to know that he will be in Sa luda next Sunday. He will speak at Bynard Hall at five o'clock Sunday evening. Free lecture. Everybody invited. E. Salley Jr. , is., ( spending a while at his mother's vineyard on Tryon mountain. Walter Sanders who has been to St . Mat thews has returned. : . - Mrs. Octavia Hooker, of Ra leigh, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter Jones. V Morgan Aiken and wife, have 'returned from a week's stay on TryOn mountain. D. 0. Herbert, of Orangeburg, S. C, is a guest at Melrose Inn. Mrs. Fleming BrOwn, of Spar tanburg, spent y the-i week-end here. v . '9 : : Mary Salley visited her, broth4 er, Mac;, on -Tryon mountain Thursday. 4 .t ' Clarence Fairchild, of Charles ton, is visiting his sister Mrs Quihtori Sonner. , . . Mrs. Tiner is recovering from injuries recejvedjby a fall. John Lankford, of Chatta- noocra. Tenn., is visising1 hia cousin, Miss Arra Lankford, Miss Janie Thompson wentta Weaverville Sunday. Miss Arra Lankford spent Sunday in Brevard. , Horace Malcom Hollister, son of Rev. Frederick U: Hollister and wife, and Miss Elsa Grandin Martin were married at; the home of the- bride in Battie Creek, Mich. . on August 3. Previous to their wedding Mr. Hollister and wife spent a month with the ; Corn and cotton were suffering from drouth until now we are having some cloudy rainy ' weather, We were sorry to give up our good neighbors Prof. Kreider and family who left here on. the, 2, inst for Philadelphia. We wish- them, success, Health and ' ! - . 1 '..-: ,' X--- 1 11.111 II 1 1"MSI-U . 3,. 'V. -i'. . ' . . J - . J. P Hornf s Home by fire on last . "Mondavi , The Misses Laughter, of Cooley Springs,, visited Miss Gladys Lawter last week. ' Misses Dela Johnson and Hazel Reed, also Frank Branscomb,. all who have employment at Spin- dale visited home folks here last week-end.. The baseball team will play- twice this week. Once against Cross Roads Clements and once against Fingerville. A series i'?1 meetings have just? closed at' Cfreens Greek Baptist church with quite a number of new cottyerts whb were baptized last Sunday. A proafrttnjeetingis in pro- gress at Mill ureeK urernren church, this eek.f The ; annual district meeting; will be held here beginning on the 25th. T. L. Stacy will have employ ment at Asheville for some time. Bob Radford is -poorly with a crippled leg. Mrs. Jackson is visiting her kinsfolk this week; Mrs., Idartha Johnson has re ceived the sad news of the re cent (Jeath e her. last sister, Mrs.' Hester, of Cleveland county. N' Geo. Branscomb Jr., and wife passed through this town Satur day. . . Mrs. Pearl Johnson accom panied her sister, Hazel Reed, to Spindale Sunday. The fruiiv canning season is about oyer; with. here. The crop 5 was good only in .places. There are scarcely ever any snak tales from this section but a, tortoise was descried travel ing through 1 our front' yard among : the flowers recently. Don't know whether the hare was before ; or behind him, he was making the very best time possible, anyhow. - She waited a latotstethea added: -if parents of the groom here, where you' wiU give me a ckei T won't tell ... , . remembered for Wtteh Requires Little Oif, ' -st takes; only one-tenth of a drop of ca ( kfip J1, ot the, machinery of tha Jn good naming orar. icx t