' i " , ' " ' ' " BUSH, Publisher The Only Paper PcIk fl Uye fcr thb lie Pii 5 Cents lume XXVH No. 10 Alllf -liUlllvl -'ttllKUrX. II SBWinTPICMT UUii ww , t0 Timely Talks to Polk Couatjf Farmers, end others, on Tfcsly Sub jectsv by County Aent, J. R. San:s. er polk County and a Little Out Iff PnlnTYiVkiio of yl vlock Monday af ternoon Sept 0 ber 5th and was in the vicinity ;enightvvithJudgeJ. J.Gentry -4-Vrt oforo lino in SvP L drove by Grant Miller's place but did not have, time to arouse ijjn from his evening nap, , but 0 wonderful sights m the way of excellent pasture, "live 'stock to be seen in Polk County.' jjrs. U. Ci. fepeea s - niu; Acres . . , .rl -i f nnf Iati O "K A in. Ztr. farin recci cu ouwhivh auu m m condition. : svB J We called on tne prcsiuent oi jjje Board of Trade of Tryon and jjje Editor ot tne : f oik bounty eWS and found out some excel lent things about iryon, and this is ihe one of most general interest to Polk County farmers. from what I could learn, -Tryon lias undergone a -full moult and and putting on a complete crop of new feathers for the coming duties she will be called "upon to preform in the coming days of world reconstruction. She has reorganized her Board of Trade on broader principals and with a greater vision than ever in the past thought or dreamed of. An Agricultural Commitee has been added to their list of ' Com mittees which - will extend .a friendly out-stretched hand to Polk county farmers not hitherto known in the past, not only will the hand of helpfulness and friendship be-extended to "farm ers but to all the sister towns in Polk county to see who can best work, plan aud aggree on the best ways and means for general county betterment. ; While Judge Gentry is a South Carolinan by birth and location at the same time that big heart of his is in full sympathy with Polk county movements and he is carrying out some demonstra tion work on Bird Mountain Farm that will ere long revolutionize some phases of farming both in North and South Carolina. Keep your eye on Bird Mountain Farm. Our visit to Greens Creek this week was caused by an invatation to visit Perry Cantrell and some w ms neighbors relative to pas ture renovation and building, I found Mr. Cantrell very enthuias- tic and he is pretty jwell supplied with much better than the usual polk county pastures, but is anxious to make imnrovement ; .. a. a what he has and means to do He is also preparing to pUnt a Piece of oatsand vetch on im proved plans and to improve his Plan of growing corn which is already a good one. " ' G. J. Scoggin and many other farmers in that community are not satisfied with preset methods f Arming and doubtless grjeat Egress will be made in their community at once. See : along roads every where in county uuccan Sep msifVo alon progress 2 agricultural lines, people are uimkmg more than hereto- V e, and Putting their ' : better ing more in practice. . Nw just watch ahead what gOing to hflnnon in rlumKna White Oak townships in the atM?rhood of John Carpenter as Edwards. They have iht the grass fever arid are W Wans and starting,, things llXl Will . . ... p uiaKe tor nrogres in county, r. g. Hamilton une some snlendid nasture Jlf?? work, which has just PoJulr wn eyes to the great : - 10lllty of what can be done w cuaB rill I lUOu I .,.-. - the nVVif and in t4he right way. Of course' W. B. McS wain, I (consider the pioneer -and first convert ' to grassology and pasture building m Polk couhtv:. witli iMvo Trvi, with littleTnoney and labor; fiut the soil is worse to; deterio- properly treating the growing it does take some work; but not ate than funds in a bank. Be- crop after planting. much if applied at the U&ht firo cause funds in a bank will stav ' tt: r- . Smith a close rival; but at present camed away 5 by evaporation less you are wilhng to do some there are legions of converts who after evefy rain, and also by thing like the following, are making good headway. And Caching or nuderground deterio- tt. Select good rich .well I am made glad in my soul as I a?pn through imperfect sub- drained land. 2nd. Thorougji see the good work advancing soil- The greatest thing for lyprepare the seed jbed in ad with such increased momentum Polk county farmers to look vance of sowing, arid let it settle un :...M . . , after is tli and be firm: 3rd. Select crood .vu we cenainiy is m Polk county, because at Walker Arledge's place Landrum mnfoQ .o'i-u. jijis-.j-. of this tribe snuelv tucked ,w.v m a nuie Don of cotton, dinnpr hpll pollo o-nA ...... " mi Arledge from further investiga- tion: but I certainlv HiH finH w w VW A . WXA TV 11 lllimLril ' INI1I. I if I never see another one in Polk county. So this is why my heart leaps for joy when I see larmers preparing to get away from theallottnn fft a system of farming-that will keep v, iw iu wi, i. and the nantrv full of familv supplies the year around and a surplus of everything to put up on a well thought out marketing plan that will give the farmer better returns for his hard earn- ed products, and , at 1 the same time give them to our beloved cousins and essential friends in the towns and cities, at more reasonable rates than they have hitherto been served. Now what we want is for Polk county to arouse from her long protracted slumber and every class of citizens strive with every other class to see which can out race the other in ?doing good work; and seeing which can out do the other in best service to build up everything that is good in the county and lend all pos sible aid in helping suppress that which is evil. To this end let us all pray and work with our best efforts of heart, brain and bodies physically. ' " . Soil Improvement Now don't anybody cry out nonesense about talking so much about soil ed soil improvement because soil either good or bad seals the destiny of any country. If the soil is poor, then crops Will be poor, livestock will be, and as a result the people of that country will be poor. But on flip nnntrarv. if the soil is ncn then the cropS Wi l be bounfafu . LilVeSWCK. ux an "t" "" "w ... kept and fat and the people will be able w educate tneir cnuuren. So after air the matter ot son 'mnvVo 4-ViP-rlpstinv of the com- munity. . In'Polk county ana;?n - - - . - . . M &&Sw3a south, the lands nave Deen ciear ea anu ciupp "-''-t natural humus and what little nitrogen there was .in the sou l J .tftnnUI 1TI 9WV. I.IIL has been taken out ana tne ; ianu there s a g0od season in the left in a condition to beV washed jd and finish by using a culti away easily by the Jieayy , rams packer or iand roller to press the wehave especially m ruiftwuuy. So we cannot De remiuucu often of the importance; of oil which is needful to grow cood. livestock i and good tw-, -.f people. , JNp iarmerj i-i- J rtftlia11v. fmm JUS SOU tO draw w"V ; : i - and replace nothing, taken from the soil and 'expect good results; A farmer, may have a goou bank account but if he continue draws checks upon it, it will omy be a question oi..uie, not make some depositSf .vrw Tryon, N. C, his checks wiiiho a uii1Cu lyir . .:,;wuuu ,.ou il - is witn iii 1 1 - nairmsw- i' i - : i vuc ovu. it-we draw nn tho on Continual! v . or , , " r " ac6cji i returns for iunas m a bank will atav re unt1 checked out; but plant I deposited in the soil is sub- Ject not only to betaken out by wing crops; but by being washed out by heavv rains and their il rn f ;?ir S01l from the ; surface, and hls can be looked. after at; any time during thft vpnr- bnf I If 1 wav xnrougi August and September uiuuagea Dymnessian ny,fana stwc:iciiucwuurviruu yiw&, The ia the very best time to do this nottoo late tobe frozen out by attended church here last Satur Mr work. 1st. Because at this W'i,?! da V'Wr- . through . August and September season vegetation has just com- pleted its year's work and bushes, briars, weeds etc.. are apter to not send ud snrouts to ' ' ' . 1 be removed, one year hence. Then 2nd. These bushes briars etc., at this time have their leaves on and when placed in yia, are decomposed Quicker and be- come humus and available in the sou mucn sooner tnan wnen tne leaves are off. So this is one way to build or- rather rebuild vnnr rlonWnr! cnil an3 fVinn -i-- , II up run down soil that is not washed into crullies. by sowing cowpeas, soy beans, velvet beans, vetch and clovers of all kind and turn them under .and use' some an'die-perjxent-acidtfrp. all legumes and watch your soil, crops, and livestock grow and then your bank account will grow also. . " About Alfalfa Many inquiries have come to me Jately about, planting alfalfa. Now alfalfa is one of the great est hay crops, if not the greatest that can be grown ; but our soil is not naturally adapted to the growing of this crop. , So in order to grow it successfully several things must be observed nep.esseriallv to the successful growing'of this crop. . 1st. The Hrnmprl- Al. falfa will not thrive long on low bottom land. 2nd. The land n en0 h t0 60 bushels corn ... f per acre. thorough, deep preparation. 4th added very muh to the congre tKe land should be free from gtion, singing at Dr. Pratt's weeds and grass seed, by grow- services last Sunday, ing winter and summer H legume The many friends of Jacob and cover crops. 5th. The land Justice are indeed sorry to - hear of from 3 to 5 tons ground lime- afnrP nor nrrP nnnlipH fwn nr three months, or longer in ad- vance of sowing. . 6th. It must be sown at the right season and that is m Aucrust when all Liiab xo ii .u,uoii, nuvu . efOTor - r f Se6d and season. . 7th. A(m 1K nWnhatfi or . ... - . basic slag per acre Deiore sowing, and the game amount of cotton geed , meal. 8th. Sow when andseed close together. ' 9th. 0rder bulletins and read all you can get on growing alfalfa. But . -.. ....... r- l .r-. .- t better ; still: visit some good fanner who has succeeded m , . , . and asic mm . I. AiA :. A m 1a Klriairriea nOW UC UIU ll, ouu gvuw Mac niov. be foregoing js only; suggestive, about the only way to ; grow al- falfa successsuly is to 'make up mmd to do it; Then g0 &i , geg the data poS- e?w rf k vou f aiP-studv - arid (- t September, 16, 1921. , xaii, iuay ana nna out tne cause oi . lailure and , go ahead jt :. .... until success comes. ; Anyone - i . . . can ib umx enougn to pay xne, price That XfczA Crcp Aain. f Now is the time to prepare for wneat sowing. But don't sow wheat unlessi youpv right. von z waste good seed wheat un- reliable seed 4th Drill "this "aDle seed. , 4th. Jriii this mddonbrc, 5th;Sow, not toorsoon :to be damaged by the Hessian fly,, and iana r nas ; sumcient nitrogen xo grow a good-strong straw;, then, use plenty of 16 per cent acid cent acid say40 ihs per ae. . If these! -r , , i , .re(mireriients -are complied with, there is no reason why airriOst y arm in Polk county .might not grow some .wheat profitably. Motic8 to Grggnsycreek Farmers. & -f v Tere will be a meeting of a l "t . r!: . vtr.w committees community fair at Greens Creek nign scnooi on : next baturaay. beDt.. 1. at d O ClOCK D. m. Or immediately after church service tnat P-, m-; vDon't forget -nor neglect to come. Burlen White, President : -i Sams County Agent. " ; Rev. Pratt filled his regular aDpointment last Sunday. Vance Newman ex-service boy is in the government hospital for treatment at Asheville. Coline Rippey who was reported last week as one of the teachers has withdrawn and will return to college, (a wise move) T. W4 Cannon spent last week- ena m oparcanuurg. 1 - . A ... 1 Mrs. Chas Williams, of Inman, run up to yisit her mother, Mrs. J. B. Panther, last week. W. T. Hammett run down the line Iast week-end., ' ! - V The Lynn Sunday school has prepared a collection of card, books, paper etc., to send to Ch'mm children which will tro bv parcJ post. : ? :-o r,H the state hospital at Morganton LwWlawi.wnr f a W Aaath ' He leaves a wife and four child- ren who have the sympathy of the whole community, : a w w0v,w ;et iat rnnF i www m lis.- b a m . m m . km . w 1 A Iwrfht H 10 (irnTi 11 "b .t i t. .:-.,ua w i .. - ... - squirrel ; hunters and ; moonshiners.- ; , ' . Hello Columbus glad you have connected yourself again ; with !the world. If we only had a telephone we : mights tell you something. ; - Faulty Arrangement. In some sconntrtes only fat . women are considered beaotlfnl, but thej iar mat ftsnntrtea even 1 for fat womea- i fhanee - ' 1 The Repeating Rifle. , . . ,The repeating rifle wa- known and MmtfA ,. in cnortlne circles as early as -1840. - bat was not adopted by the United Suites army until 1854. - .Srsoa Women's Clubs.' : In tie : PlIllpplnes, there . are than fOO woaenVclubs.: ' r y more ... - CcrpS'Cf Fcithful '. Melvin IHIL Mrs. Mary Morris of Cliff side, is visiting : relatives and cold friends and neighbors' here' thfe week. Quite a heavy in feii here Friday night. Word reached here that an electric storm at Cliffside last Friday destroyed two barns and soma livestock, a mule" and a cow or two. :. f " 'j Tilden Higgins has gone to Yay county on account of the j j TO- Ifirtf '. 18 w11111 Bennett. :;Joe Henderson of Mil toek. u. u. t eagan ana ; wue, were shopping in Spatanburg last Fri- day." Ed Johnson, wife and babies, visited the former's mother Mrs. Callie Johnson, Sunday. j. A. Morris and family, of Cliff side, visited at the home of VCA4' j-- Eldr R. P. Jones, of Rrooklvn. s; c attended church council here Saturday. Fishtop. A nice shower came Friday which we were actually needing. M e nice fodder has nrbbablv een saved than for several vears and there is more crrass an(j pea hay that can be saved if weather permits than-wouWi A right lively time has - been going on with a cow brute, which ?usseJ Arledge chased for two befre he captured it. He then took it to Saluda and sold it to Wm. Pace for beef., A few minutes later it broke loose and quite a crowd tried to capture it but it made its escape and went into the cove and cot in Miss N -an,g DastUre meanwhile ' T. E. Pace offered a reward for its capture. Rome HOI with SOme help succeeeed and took it back to Saluda arid delivered to Wm. Pace who failed to make it secure and in less time than it takes to tell, it was on the way back toward the cove with- a score or more Rafter ,jt, but .all efforts were vam and the last we have heard of iUt was ing in the direction of Chimney Rock arid reports say that Robert Price is gone somewhere, and it is sug- gested Dy some tnat ne is cnas- ing the animal and Will eventually return withhis prize. We are sorry to hear of the death of T E. Stepp who lived near iJUanuruiu. . ac xuiuiciijr lived here and has quite a lot of acquaintances in.this section. : Surveying out the new cove road leading to tne muis uap ' -1 Fitzsimons as surveyor v Hurry un vou CooDer Gap folks with ,.l 1 vour subscription if you want it continued through your town ship. The county proposes to pay one half the expense, so now isyour time. " , ' T. W. Bradley went to Sunday school at Mountain Grove Sunday, t E. Laughter hauled a ; load of apples to Asheville last week. , C. 'HilFs twin boysx hauled a load of apples and figs to HendeM sonville last week - 'r: The Levi boys and Posey Hen derson went trading at Saluda Saturday. Mrs. Posey Henderson and children and Levi went to Salud one day last week. ' Year Ccrrcspczdsnts. T. W. Bradley and Jesse as hauled a load of pears to Saluda last week, ' Lewis Levi visited home folks here last week. r We hear of one good cabbage patch only, E. W. Bradley's in the Silver Creek section. There seems to be plenty of sweet potatoes and some Irish but few turnips. , ' J. B. Bradley is done his fodder and is plowing in rye in the corn which is good, his peas are need ing picking now He has prepared his clover seed for fall sowing; Mr. Sams you would be pleased to look over his farm and see the improvements made. . . ..,-. . .. . - Colss&us ' oThe Colubus cbmmunity fair extends a cordial invatation to all the other community fairs in the county to come to Columbus October 10th and spend the day with us.- ' Misses Stockwellr Station Stikes arid Campbell ass't. nurses for the state clinic held in Tryon a few days ago, spent Tuesday atProf. Cobbs. : . Miss Pearl Keenon spent the week-end with the Misses ! Mills. Misses Minnie Arledge and Bertha Kelz spent the week-end in Hendersonville. . ' Freil Blanton andProf. Cobb spent Saturday in Asheville on buisness. f H y. ." l- ' j' i ; - -'" -j""'' ;- ,"5"..:',"' ' :. Prof, W. D. Loy and sister Kittie, spent the week-end in Shelby. 1 Oma j Reynolds has returned home from a visit with friends in Charlotte. y . , Sallie Lynch acepmpained by her friend lCliss Clark has; return -; ed home after an extended visi t to her old hoine place near Chim- ney Rock. The Good Time Cub gave a roast Friday honoring Misses Burgess and McMurry who ..left .. Sunday foi Jpaluda where they will teach the coming year. , Tom Lynch Jr. is spending a few days in Rutherf ordton. Stearns high school is ; coming fine. It being one of the largest and best in the county. Court commences sopn.. 'Lets get together and clean things up, pick up the old papers around in your yard and street, take the -stumps jf and cut the weeds every body is cleaning up why not you? Iiets make this one of the prettiest little towns in the country. -1 ' By No Means a Duds. The speaker was energetically . orat . (ng In behalf of a candidate for eta- , gress. "What - we want, spoks a":-' ' man In the audience, "is a man frca. . the rank and file as our representatirs; a man from the common people, net . one of these .dudes that , don't knw ' anything bat how to wear a long-tsilei coat.",: "And that I Just exactly .wfcat ' my candidate Is," the speaker exc back ; Mone . of the 4 common : peoplsw ' And, by : no stretch f the Imiginatlca could you call him a 'dude.. .Why. b V Idea of dressing up Is to buttsa ! - rest.-. - " ' - Removes fmpurtOea, -. f t Tor aoao ess an electrical dsrico oxonise water; sad remoro all. .irrptsV ties, which can: be opraU4 frca . a ' light socket, has btsa larcats " :y ,'v- - History. T ' . History ,1s the first distinct pre&tt :" of man's spiritual nature, ' t!s. eailtrl expression . of what csa ts csXit . thought CarWe. , ': Object Axhleved. r I Oao object- aimed at la chtnrlaj styles Is to make the old photographs ' ridiculous. Toledo Clada. . r ': I

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