) , BUSH, Pub,'sl,e.r Volume XXVII No. 12 OUR COUNTY AGENTS DEPARTMENT Some Timely Talks to Polk County Farmers, and others, on Timely Sub jects, by County Agent, J. R. Sanis. " To Polk County Farmers. Now let me have your ears your hearts tor just a few T Arin't want von r pnrs 0Ul:lPf " if you wont listen with your Hearts; for the Good Book says "out of the heart, are the issues of life". It also says, "As a man thinketh inhis heart; so is he So what I am going to ask of you, is during the next two weeks to think fast, think cor rectly and then put your think ing into concrete action. Don't forget the fi ye community fairs will come off next week. The fair at Saluda, while held" to early in the season, and corn was full of sap, yet the corn on ex hibition showed wonderful ; pro gress since the first fair ; held there three years ago. The so cial feature at Saluda was excel lent. Everyone male" and fe male had on a smile that" would not rub off. Now $10.00 is an awful little thing when compar ed with Henry Ford's -holdings; but the honor of holding the best most orderly and most social fair is an honor that can't , be estima ted in dollars and cents. Some township " will win, which will it be? This $10.00 will be given with amazing pleasure, if the township receiving it will work and earn it I am going to add another condition, ana that is tjat no township shall be elligitha intelligence to do it? or shall .u.i. .x.x io; 0i, ble that does not put on exhibit become a laughing stock .and . , . , , . 7: - Jfon Vnr. ie.pt nf Kncocsnarwic au icaisu .v oampico ux win, u; ia . t xi.5 i. -3. iu ears per sample, i. xuinit-uit is auite reasonable and verv conX mle reasonaoie and very servative, becauseny, of .the townships might bring lOO.sam-i - lius miGrnt Drmu xuv sain-1 " pies. Now which towrishipwill make the greatest eff orU to hold the best fair and win this, prize of $10.00? In this connection let me say that the officers and com mittees of each community fair must work out your own salva- Saluda Community Fair. Mark Fisher won .first prize for the best family cow, H. P. Corwith taking second. EW. Barber took first for. the best stalk of corn, Tom Howard taking second. C. E. Saunders took first in oats, soy beans, peanuts, string beans, Abbruzzi rye, ten ears of corn, cowpeas and the best general collection of farm products, he also took first for Starks Delicious Apples, and first and second for best pen' of White Wyandott chickens. Mrs. Salley took second for .string beans, and Mrs. Hopkins second for pepper s,Mrs. Co r with taking first. Mrs.- Corwith also took first for tomatoes, E. W. Barber , taking second, he also took first for rhubarb, exhibiting his thir teenth picking -for this season. Paul McLure took first for eets. S. H. Slaughter ; took first for onions, Irish potatoes and lima beans. Miss Anna Grumble took first tor squash , crushaw. H. P. Corwith took first for Stayman Winesap apples and second for Starks Delicious; "rst for Oliver Reds, "Grimes oiaen and Winter : Banana apples. :7;-7-7 A. DeVere Turner took first - fr his pen of White Wahdottes. Board of Trade Banquet ,; The dinner given at Oak Hall i,riday night by the Board of irade Was a orro-nf otor "fnwfrrH the advancement of Tryon. In 5nesense, it was a funeral, the neral of ill Win; selfishness and knroi, t .. . . in. their places were The Ofllv -L. ' tion... Tt will Xi , me to ' j MOSB'ple Ior ir , J""'u(:jPa"ty' on Tuesday, -for approval and shall be in ef- mLtto v tund, .encoura2e- eistday of November 1921; feet upon its. approvaK by ! the SriS88"16 fQrthepurpose ol submitting to ybife of the municipality at an Mr? pvS-aaS me it0aid evoters of said Municipality election provided, for by this or J n ?uncomc - in the .val of an ordinance dihance. under the provisions of f if Bu"COme county PfoyS -for the issuance, of the Municipal Finance Act v: , . . v:r-' " and continuincr all of- npt w ' T - j. i ....uwit, BUU1 11CAL tried to beer off hnt tnere was nothing doing, " it is a 1 . r - -o - .- . w , Kina;of swap work- : business. Mr. Prpffitt or some Other county agent will judge pur fairs "to even up for my service up there so this is the last .word before the fairs, finally let me say that the Certificate of incorporation Of the Polk COnntV PporQirkn fn. Cooperative marketing has been granted, arid a meeting of the stock holders andi dirpntors nfl been for October 3rd at Colum- bus atlOoVWVA M tn t!f all that has been done, and lay ; ; 7 :---', out and plan to putthe machine k. Now farmers of Polk . some of you doubtless cuunty, some oi you aouotiess i . i .i . - nave cursea corporations ior tnis, mat ana tne otner, and low and behold you have, beiomea cor- poration yourselves, just like a bank, a manufacturer, a railroad or eny other : corporation. ,We now have powers granted by the "T ing'on the mh day of Septem- , Several covered mountain wag state, just as they have, we have XT..r' .J Si ber, :1921, and was first published ons nassd through here last week the, powers necessary now to rial with other corporations in a I corporate capacity, now have we , : , 1 viPsarv,to siipss jT.pt ftwrv ",T,T " , y, stOck holder and director De at mfrt'mv at rolumbus next is meeting at Columbus next nnrl wp Invitp onaay at xua. m all other farmers who have not - .. ' d6ne so, to be present and take stock and get in on the ground floor 'and learn from the very start what this movement means aryA Loin mVp it thp snprPSS it j x v The business and professional " - the State and other states are leaving Tryon behind in way of permanent improvements i and attractions. They see thai not a dayman oe lost w mu m their power to keep Tryon in her place; f - An excellent dmner wasservea bv the management after which several matters of importance wpre discussed, among them permanent paving for our streets and sidewalks, land development, a crnoolq CAAV4 l These matters will be discussea .v. i m - i i n w xric-B vvwiji iiiuv vn 4?.,n f fVio rpffii ar meeting oi xyA' Trfldp to be held' in SrlineHallo "3av in October when a large Hpndence is desired. ine pmhprship has now reached Ilieuiucx oxjK i v. .;xt, u T-nanPfits of over nny wiwi vc f, many more. , . Those present at tne unmw ? ' Miildine Pres. Mayor F. E. E. Missudine, r.re. j t n P T. KalleniZer, XvvUU ;WSS 'N. ' B.' , , -d n Morris. . lph jaCKbU", ' ' -TVT i . ttt V7 . -1 reasemailt 1 'lanuviiii. 11. ii.v 7 1 1 7 v Wilkins. W. F. G Qmitlv A ; L Hill. Dr. Grady, C. 'w m n Palmen RevTH. N Browne, Julian Hester, Fred Swan, W. B. Wigel, W Jl- White, C.-N. Sayre.W. ttt m, T JJoav - r. Alien w ' v,, , of W. B. Crews and Mr. Harris Asheville. : .derived from Ppnor DnMl-j s- ... - -"wiicu u rcix vesaj ,Tiyon N. C.y HATIflP'AP .il... w m m m m wmrrm wmmm VIIUC Ur CLtOIIUll. , f wwv,c i iiereuv criven that. n eection has been ordered and will ho ViAi1 j?. it :V -T.rrV" rtUU iur -ine rZZK T? m provement Bonds. whiVVi coiH n. .wuaiB ui xxu- r"' vmiuk wuimo. WIIIl.ll SIll "flT" I dinance is as follows- j. ,t -, ........ - T ..w. . ! . . : : . AN ORDINANCE - 1 1 To Provide for the Issuance of Improvement Bond$ for the Town of Tryon, and for the PlintiBnt a 4k. ..... I rmiupai ana , miereii I snrv tr KnilVl "Uorl ..-4? , nTW 0rn" Ti: m S? taC?re.f th? 7y viaiuv- i iu greets ana ior xne convenience of pedestrians whQ fantly us thef s'de-walks, tne neayy grades of streets and bei"gsuch that only t j 51irfa.D offa oi SSfe iJA Sff? 'iW tJ''Il ri ' easarv tow T.np rnwn m isqiip i l?hr Jf8,; yMnu wn, esdutionias been passed au- iuw xnereiure. mfi nnarn iji t Commissioners of the Town of Tryon do ordain ; n! pose of providing funds for thei section l. ' mat ior tne pur- !,T ;T; payment of cost of improving, I Ti.1,7. .4- by hard surfacing, thestree W T,r oiol T r, r ' Pon bonds of the Town of Tryon . "Tmnrovp. to be designated, as "Improve- 1.-.-, T7 j vj, ot to exceed Sixty Thousand pilars Wv,uuu.yu;, oearmg m- terest not to exceed six per cent per annum and maturing withm the maximum period Of twenty (20) years. nuii xaat inc AVUO,W1 unexpirea useiuiness of above mentioned improvement is year ... - . - while any f said bonds shall be outstanding, a tax shall be lev- ied and collected, in accordance with law, to pay the principal aiiu interest uu Bam uunu, the same fall due. . Section 4. That a statement ot the debt oi tne Town oi rry- on has been filed with the Clerk of said Town, pursuant to the Municipal Finance Act, and ; is Know open to inspection. ; section o. inat tne average assessed valuation of property i ... - . i mi m suoject to taxation py tne xown oi ryon ior tire , tnree nscai , - - years in which taxes were last being the years 1919, 1920 and 1921, as shown by state - mem niea wnn saia wer& is $1,064,898.00. , n j.r n rrL.X il. L x j? Section 6. That the amount of . . . T " pauuu mms, amuui tu uh autiiux leu oia oiiviyvxi ujr said statement, is99,800,0p, .of -i,-w 5qi qoo oo ; WiUUll tuuuunt pvx,uvv.uu 40 xvx bonds issuerfor the water works systemof the town, ;the revenue 4?.U;xUk r rlro r.0m onffl- ti yiu Jiuor yv abvi yi ao wciug ouiii- cient tppay the interest on said bonds and to create a sinking fund fpr their retirement at maturity, without resorting to taxation for ... XnihXl Tc bv - . xt ,f , a -' t,i xvyvm ui siua iuwn, ana snaii De sup Mall, tho royii1iw r: i j . . - . , . the Mayor and Clerk of i saidH town, i and shall be issued in either or all the denominations of $100.00, $500.00 and $1000.00,-as may beseemed best. 1 Section iS. j - That this ordinance r : - a Lr8 ;Ctea Piper fcr tha Iloma September 30, 1921. fcJloll Vta nnanu) n4- 4-- J.- 1 noHmr and shall be published for four . ; - .. ; . weeks m a newspaper published ' muiea to tne voters ot said town ro, 4.u:-n- ojecuon . i nat ior tne pur- TlOQck nt OlIhmitriTKV thia Awiinania fni,; ,, - 4.1. fwv wiouumiiwug tiuouiuiuaac Trvon an filprtinTi is cuUeA for VV illlC V I J l.rr I 111 Llltf 1UWI1- .11 1 said mimosa 4 to hp hM at Hip Town Hall in said Town of Trv- 0n on Tuesdav thp 1st dav of xttwK i aoi j n n,uu ' ,7 . " I -"av,a cc oiiu n. ,u. urn as Judges and poll holders at said vicutiuxj, miu t new .xeisuuuii of the voters of said town is or- derea v ....... . sa1flAt. el.oll u v, &er. general- provisions ' of s,ii,. itt "iw.,:i kfFinancetof Chapter 56 ! jy Mcww xxvu vx uuaytw f theRevised Statutes of-Norft C3rolina ' efltitl?d ""Mumcipar Corporations." . - ' urporations.''- : , - i the adoption of the foregoing or- dinance, this the 26th day . of September, 1921. ; : r ' : The foregoing ordinance was passed on its third and final read- was i v r on the30thtday of. .September, W, 1 lAiiv QHnn nrrtPooH nffmwa. tioning the Validity of said -or- Jfjf. -.. :: -i 3 w X O , 1 diriariceinust . - . , - . , 4 tl4Wrty;days afterits pub hcation. M. G; Blake, Clerk. ?o fUv. fKof w poubleday:has een appointed tiwMvv j. vnv fei Registrar and R. T. McFee anj A. L. Hill judges , and. poll holders for said election and a new registration of all voters has Wn orH prpH nrl tW flip rpcr. istration hooks for tbP rpo-istra. tion of all voters of said Munici- I lll ILV WIN IIIIR11 1 J V 1 1 1 lri! - istrar at the Town Hall, the vot- ing place in said ; Municipality, j? j tr w w rA tin jT1 w. wjv XUX DCYCU UajS HlUUCUWIClJf 1C- ceding the day for . closing said registration books and that said registration books shall be. closed f or registration on the second Saturday preceding said election, This 30th day of September, 1921. M. G. Blake, Clerk, Pea Ridge v Sorry . to say, but the boll weayils are on.Pea Ridge, have been seen on the farm of -Birch Davis also E. - G. Thompsons'. Thev arp not nnrherons. onlv one i - " :-w-r: ' " at each place has been seen. - . - - . . i Ai??..AU.ulluc "lu" rFhilip. were guests oi ,Zeb V? wue, ounucty. mis ume yvaiuruy ui uauu: rum route 1, visited Miss Barbara TT-t.r Vorhies Sunday. v " - , . 7 4 uarrett ana wue, visnea tne iatters parents tE. G. Thomp- nVM n,A Cmntt - . , u. w T Nettie Davis and Mattie Wal- -7,, 1 , , .... 'mi dropSpmdale -knitang .m axe ViOitxiig uuxucxuirvo xyx a yycwv, ' T "P - .PViillta QnTnri Of w i x, imtupo uuu "v Columbus- visited relatives here Saturday and Sunday. , ' r MissRuthreenof Stearns hieh sch?ol spent Sunday here with her mother. - , Rev. and Mrs. Hackney were . . ,ttt n TrUa day aiternoon. v - ; If you don't believe we have a it you don't oeiieve we nave a gooi road through Pearidge, get in your car and take , a ride out this rojjv-flTiH RPP f nr - vonrspl ves ... Melvin Hill ; W. Aw Reed is running his cane mill this weeki . , n: lXs& te sometime. her husband m Dr. JJixon;s aana- Mrs. Mary Morris who recent- torium in Hendersonville Wed ly spent sometime' with friends nesday. ; r and relatives here has returned to her home alrCliffside. ; turned , to "their home in V;St: -Mrs. Alice Gilbert who's health George SVC. ' , - ; , has been poorlv for sometime is 4 Mrs. Sybil Jenkins and son Joe imDrovine "now. . w : - . Rovoroi : nf fia Moivin ti;ii people attended court at Ck)lum- . , W A. , .AlAUi . AAA . I bus last week. Tt miVht intprpst rottip of thp Npws rpaHprs to know thnt Mr 4 --I j nr it. ' lCAais a xcyv jrcaio agv axe otin living and are very well consider- mg tiiicr agtJij. - Tom Oantrell and wife gave a singing at: their home Saturday day night. " " night which was enjoyed by Kenneth Heatherly broke his: quite a number of young folks, arm last Wednesday. , ' -A novel bee was given by Ger- , .Martin Doyle, wife, Henrietta" - mane nunuey dauiraay -.mgni when he had' arcane sapping which provedagreat nearly all his cSp , SUCCeSS as nearlv all hs crop was cleaned " : gathered around his pile, ; Cotton picking is in order now but the recent , rains has made it look like it was not worth it look picking, which seemed to be headed for . ---- - Spartanburg or some other south- .7. 1 V4 AA W TV 4l i i Services were oobrlv attended T.-py:0?1 ounaayngnt on account 01 uie clou which tiireatened lateen evening. 7 t' . : i Some of the folks have been trading cars .again. Fishtop Sure enough rain came court week, a good. shower too. ' Harrison Arledge and wife visited the laterfs father's family Saturday evening and . Sunday, i Kevenue onicers -capturea a ill on1 fivfiifoa" inef 1 3lJJL ObUl U4iU.A4AVU4.VU. J VJ across the Polk, county, line Fri- day. Owens, an officer said the OUU YV CiO 1U4V, tivu used for some time. f . A. Rippy of Tr yon visited in Fishtop Saturday night ' It is still unusually hot, but if thp old vegetation sien, proves true as it usually does the cockel- bur the morning g lory and etci have about Ireacd ; their full growth of seed." Boney Jones visited Posey Hen- derson Sunday T w . RmHlPv Ranir for the Urfoi nrrHm 0 Siindav Wm. Stepp of Hendersonville with several others spent ,,a few days here last weeK nuntmg ana fishing. - . . ; . We had a heavy rain Sunday evening ana nignu witn cuirsiuer- able electric display. : i ; - 7 We are having plenty of rain in this section: x Rev. J. T. Ruppe filled his regT ular appointments here Saturday I - farewell sermon; We - were all him good-by. 1 very sorry to ma Yp t . n and W a; Gilbert of hear Rutherfordtori attended the RPrvipp5 here Sundav. -V ' : , Gordon McMurry has gone.to the Rutherfordtoe hospital for an operation, supposed tube appen- Hiifia -Mrs. Home - uorn is I at present. w- . : , 7 William McGraw : of 1 Hender- sonville ;attehded services here Satiirdav. " r $2.00 :a Year .Mrs. Quinton Sonnerand'Arra";, Lankford are in Knoxville tnis week. Mrs. Jas. Heerly visited Dr. Moorer and wife have re- have closed the Charles .Hotel and are motermg to J?lonaa. Mrs. H. D. McAllister; visited her mother Mrs. Perry Bishop in Asheville this week. Robert Cleveland arid family - - CnnvfnnKnf enant fha wppht, xiieyuuilg pwpic ux. wixiAcvixv- dist church were delightfully emerxamea oy: xirra jjaiiK-iuiu ui - her beautiful new home last Fri- Farrincton arid Marion- Hazium ff pLv tfSlSS to-- flioiV Vrrnp in RnvjnnflV"laftfi . Urv wv. Billy Way has retunied"; school in Charleston. s Mrs. W. H.' Pace V weW 6 Asheville Tuesday. - ' t J. B.; Cullipher's friends" are H glad to see him in the ppsV dffice again. . ' , . Mrs- Perry Bish9p s many.. friends are sorry to . hear oi ner.r COntluuea llincUSo , 111 Wle , xixcxxi weather Hospital in Asheville. Mj i:xxwi, wlo;w 7 4 - - Savmaju u. u,, uappss weak ov"u"" : burg Monday. Lois - Pace is: expected , home from the hospital Saturday. Mrs. J. K. Arnold and children of Washington Are here for the winter. : , - J The high; school pupils were delightfully entertained by their ' teachers on Tuesday ' evening at wic icawwaSC. I TT1 T. iPnffprson and .. wife ..ftt- I jMt A vv-wa w.. , fended the banquet given by the G. I. A. m Asheville on lhursday .4vfev., , The children of the . Episcopal Sunday school were given ade- lightful party at Library Hall Monday afternoon. : Ma, SSoiipv is hrinirinir the ,- teacher and pupils' df the;,Ed-r wards school to Saluda in 'anice new truct. , . ' j,; Dr. Smith's Sanatorium . f or infants and children has , closed -, for the season. '.' V -V ; :M a Parp ia -nlanninor .to . ' u.,:il '0 tM : . an early date. , ... Mrs. J. .W. Pace : entertained' a few; friends . Friday evening. Theodore Ervin, Graham Barn- well and Samuel Houghstoh. were nere ounaay. Murry Bonnoist, Horace Na w . j ' . bers, Doran Fisher and U. W ilson t Anna rkO ' .here are two .hundred chil-: dren in Saluda graded schoolnow. , The school chidren are going ': to the dentist this week. i; ; Salsii's Hew Prospect Jt is reported that ere another ' summer rolls around that Saluda isto have, a large lake suitable for bathing and boating almost within its; borders.. Mr. Smanj of Gastonia has purchased Lum TTollv'a form with tho inW,An Kelly's farm with the intention very low oi taxing advantage oi tne nat - ural facilities oMake makinir on this f arm. Besides th lake Mr gmars proposes tx do;other thing3 to ipake his 'new ilacera popular summer feSOlt , ' ! , - ' 7 . . v : i ;- -J S 4 -a .1 is i 5 .3 .17 If r4 .1- 17 - operation, generosity and push invented this i, MUX li

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