.l-MBM- m ; -VII ' I '! J- UmeUY1 ' ' : ' -r- -N - en,, "i n- ' $2.00 a Year -. r : COUNTY AGHIT'S DEPARTHEfJt Timely Talks to Polk County Farmers, and others, on Timely Sub jects, by County Agent, J. It. Sams. . Our Polk County Fairs -11 ArAM Cn1l1t Lware ail uvci. oa-uu f e first, and on account of the iness of the date. corn, cab- i turnips and etc not being JLly matured, & the., farm Tfield crops were not well .J UAiJifivor fV- w by the ladies could not be 11. J rtn whvfi larrerauanitv leu 0 1 -the arrangement and beauty ithis part of the , fair was as m penecL as . j iwn. xui, jj this connection 1 will say StMl teit in an me c wuuijf measured up to uieir ly been brought out. It. seems almost impossible to get some people to get a vision of what it means, to bring together at Thanksgiving time what God has blessed them with. . and. com pare them, with each other and ascertain where thebest seed ran be procured for the next crop, ana nave a good social and friend ly handshake and one day of real and a few cows ought to be aty. :'"'. V. Columbus fair came off. Monday Oct the 10th, and while credit jjfl fell for short of what old s is capaoie 01 aomg. Columbus made a respectaple on corn; but iell snort alive stock and oth.er farm d field products: but ranked feS up in the way of entertam t, and social features, Old hoperGap came, next on Tues- if 11th, ana taking into con 'ieratiort the lay of the land; the Lwinn nf thpir rnnrls nnH rm- oortimities in every way: their fir was highly creditable. And their hospitality was : boundless. Hr. Dave Laughter had on ex- home made axe handles, er iandles, f hamesV ; cradle km & etc., He also had lwefae specimens-of corn, to i3toes& etc. and a basket of jbo. fine pears, who when the ,rwas over distributed them jironghthe crowd gratuitously. m 1 -i iy people were orderly ana very itentive while the judges ex- ined many things,, and they many questions. Mill Spring came to the bat on Wednesday Oct. 12, and knocked ikme run. this was adiudeed ' w - m the best all round and most accessful fair in the county. we being 33 exhibits of corn, lua eacn, 4 iarm exniDiis, is wuen exnioits, 4 garden seed Afield seed exhibits, 26 head of M span of mules, 25 pure pigs, 2 pure bred sows and purebred-boar; all of excellent 5. Then the ladies had im visgd a rest room in which the mothers could coax their to sleep and give them t n well arranged beds, this wy unique as well as ex- my useful. The hospitality. entertainment wpre all that d be asked, if anv one went hungry, it was his: or her fault, and every body went e I am sure, feeline it was to be there. Sn the -'littlfi f8? of $10.00 was awarded by . -o tins as ueiug tnc rall round tl;W t t Was nnf fQf tWoi-fl io mnvo neither ked harder; but here lies the White Oak Township has Zui 1 Spring a Community 0 that..has met monthly, for . years and twice a monthdur- warm weather, in which they yarning to take up and han . cttimunity problems: in. an zed way. No xommunity lts best at any th eXm HfirOUgh Oror54.mV.af inn Clr-Gana hnf i ?nd Tryon had good fairs C ' g0 f ar enough- The klW hlbited this year, either wfC !lmbe or Polk counties ter.5theTryon fair, and there . tymore if they had bn- the farm poultry flock. The sale of cream relieveslthe house-wife of sa much "work lihd besides the price of fat atv. the creamery is usually considerably higher than the price received for butter. Not only does - the sale of cream relieve much drudg ery and work in the home but it really means increased profits. Every farmer in the South should plan now to get into the business ; certainly by spring time and, so far as possible avoid going into debt another year. Pastures ought to be planted a winter in the sleet,; snow and cold rams if they are not provided with good dry houses and then you will be whining around and cussing the hens because they don't shell out the eggs. That milk cow deserves better treatment than many of them jso repair up that leaky roof and keep the cow dry and warm. Once more that tool shed. last J week on my. rounds looking iaf er the fairs, I saw some mow- infemachiAesr hay rakes, disc pldws, and harrows, - and almost allikind of expensive farm tools right out in the rain, wind and sunshine, this is too expensive anci really, is a reflection on any farmer's intellegence ; but we get the? habit of such things and some habits are hard to shake off. r ; Now in conclusion let me ad vis every farmer in Polk County to Join The Farmers Federation stick to it until success FROW OUR FRIENDS IMHE COUHTllV Items of Interest GatJiered Frca Vsnjs Section of Pc!X Ccu.-rty by, Ca Ccrps of Faithfd Ccrrts?cdsnts. Mill Spring Mrs. Twitty . Jackson ia very ill with typhoid fever, but we nope for her a speedy recovery. Farmers are busy t h ese days gathering their crops and sowing small grain, - f About 125 people gathered at the home of W. Ml Gosnell Sun day morning last to celebrate his 70th birthday. A bountiful din ner prepared by the good ladies of the community was spread on a table in the yard, and every body present ate and was satis fied that it was a square meal I After dinner our Rev. Melvin Hyder made a talk appropriate to the occassion, after which the coifes, the poorer the farmer the benediction was pronounced and worW he i needs the protection it thewd dispersed Reeling wflj-give him, the, richer the that theyhad enjoyed the day farmer is, the greater-is the re- and wishing or Mr Gosnell snonsibilitv to heln his boy and his many ham returns of r same pooler neighbors to more inde- The beautiful weather is be dpnfi living. Then, subscribe for enjoyed to the fullest by the farmers. recreation and go home feeling fixed part of the farming system gooQi 1 am aware that this : has just as quickly as it it possible been a hard year to make ex- secure the cows. High priced ceuent crops of any farm pro- registered cows are not neressa- Uuv c ouwuiu xejuice ana i.tiiougn gooa cows insure a be contented and happy thatxpur greater profit -. and 'everyone condition is as wel as it is. ; v should get the best cows 'he can and'planto secure hierlier nrodu- mux tows IH3 Answer to tha Cotton cing ones as soon as possible. toii iieeyu. Community cobberation should The coming of the cotton, boll bad in the matter of breeding weevil does not mean that we UP be dairy stock and the co cannot raise cotton profitably ! operative shipping of creammay longer but it does mean that ' we be-worked out and, cream shipr cannot safely depend upontithe Pm stations established or cream crop as the only source of i "cash shipping days arranged whereby income. S S 1 every farmer may be able to' ship There is no line of live stock production. which.fits so . weU;t in the cropping system that 'should be worked out under boll fweevil conditions as the dairy, cow. During the past several months SeriT lature has been called: to meet inspec Sdrrln remove cer- freeing themselves from cotton as the sole source of cash income than ever ; in the souths history ayiHpq inirt Lf AWTl iW The milk cow has practically ta- 91 ClUGS aBU XO VYIlb OI ken her place-in the minds qf Uoon AaarnaA nrlvi5iWA tn nwlt t.VlPir ui iiiusu ioiuicii. oa uciug basis be to have a new $25,000 brick build ing and also a teacherage f or use at the beginning of the fall term. It only means that the Alumni s of Mill Spring, in a very short: time will be proudly and lustily singing the praises of their Alma mater. Let everybody get the v spirit, khe old time spirit, the patriotic spirit and then watch Columbus and Fea. Kidcre ouietiy out sure- Bond Elestion Rsstpsried- In view of the factthat - the Legis- tain limitations govehing the financing It me M. G. BLAKE, Clerk. the organ'bf our Farm Federa- Ljtal without an operating. tion. Ki-3ES nna action before' calling- the election. production of .feed, stuff thisyear This action will not delay the work the milk cow has. been consider- . ed as the one safe marketing as it was not advisable to -begin work iX&KZllKij ao 0x1c win vuiiouuib n and forage and return payment before April Of next yeaT. omcklvm the form of a cream sr check, The splendid and prac ticable way in which this cream check may be supplemented by sales of poultry, eggs and nogs nis cream regardless of how fed upon 'the skim milk has , like- sman the amount may be. wise appealed to ths farmer as Southern Railway Develop- makmg even, more sale rnis ment Service is greatly interested means whereby he may place his n te development of sour cream operations upon a cash basis "H dairying. We believe the great- so far as current expenses are est an(j m0st urgent present need concerned. is for a practicable, workable The keeping of a few cows on plan whereby the average farm every farm, the sale of cream to er may sell sufficient production a creamery and: the feeding Of from his farm from month to skim milk to poultry and hogs month to bring in cash enough to will not only meet ' the, require- meet his current expenses. A mnfQ for a steady income from few dairy cows, a few more lay- month to month throughout, the ing hens,' and a little attention fbp vear but will in amost effec- to them, a brood sow or two -and tive way meet the condition with better pastures and other feeds reference to soil improvement for them in connection with skim mflkinff . it nossible for farmers to milk, will meet this situation. oririVh their soils so as to realize If we can be of service in help 1 .:Aa fVio afanlfr.croDS. lno vou nlan lor cows and ior larger - ,1 . . T . besides it will enable tnem w shipping cream we warn, yuu w oifiiilv nroduce many; fruit call on us.-So.. Ry Live Stock DlXVVu-rf tri ,1 and vegetable crops-that cannot Bulletin. nnw he Droduced prohtaoiy on farm because of the. jluc ayciwfiv , Notes: in Season. eroded and generally thm con-. Farmers who are planning to mnHition of .the soiU v sow wheat should do so now as Iii many - farmers' meetings ;oon as possible danger of the throughout the South the writer Hessian fly is past since the late M"0 - . . a 1 lJ ,. J-..- tnnm Vr4- has advocated the dairy cow, irost, anu v, T i-.,. 0a hatrkx as- ameans wheat sowings is delayed endan LMiw the farmer may, get gers the crop, more of winter de- awav from the practice' of going struction by ireezmg. into debVand in many instances Also, all parties who contem- onH women 'too have told Dlate sowing legumes, grasses 1 . Jl J " w -'. 1 1 ' The fair at Mil Spring not with standing thef act that we have had no officar announcement, it is an evident fact that White Oak Township won out with a big margin in the contest for the best fair in the county. We had perfect system in each depart ment, each officer handled his or her Work with great efficiency and the social feature was simply fine. 'The fair officials wish to fixpress.lheir thanks to.the' neo pie for their untiring effiorts in making it the success, it was. One f can see the leaven is work- . ing . its :way and it is hoped that the. entire township will soon be leavened. It is suggested that-Pearidge have1 a separate exhibit-next year as that is a iine farming section and those people are hustlers. Drr Bell has- - returned from Charolotte where he has -been at tending court. We are glad to say that J. M Lewis' condition is betters he having returned from the hos- J. L. Jackson and family of Tryon and James Jackson and family of Boiling Spring, S. C, were at the Birthday Cele bration Sunday, enjoying a few hours with their mother. District Manager Fred Hall pf Saluda was here Friday to attend Tryon Route 1: Well ;now the fairs, are over, we can get busy with other, du ties, hope none of got as cold as Lieutendant John A. Macready of the army, airservice (when he reached a heicrht of nearly 8 miles.; recently): by not. getting the Masonic meeting making his the 00 prize, hut let , each of annual visit, us try the. more to have a fair Among the real estate deals next year. recently-made is a small tract Quite a ; bunch of us attended "sold to Ruf us Collins by J. R. the surprize birthday dinner Foster and one sold to . Nelson given to Sheriff Jackson's moth- Moss by Thad Barber. If cotton er, all seemed ta enj'oy the -most remains lip the land will' begin beautiful day hugely. to move repidly. Misses Pearl Edwards, Bessie Hello Fish Top: Let us know Hamilton and Messers James Eg- what you hav done with the erton andHugh Edwards motor- new rbad project in your section, ed to Brevard Jast Sunday. , '-.: , ' Miss IrineFlentye, N; B. Jack- Mill Spring Softool risiw; son andifamily James -Page and The Mill Spring School opened family we? e pleasant: callers - at Monday with the most promising Walnut Grove Sunday afternoon, year. . Even before time for the E H. Edwards and wife,- first bell patrons began coming were. shopping in Spartanburg in with their children and' still JohnCarDenterand sisterlMiss they came, until theymorning ex r - .' 1 r '. - -.. mv. it-fn rrrnxr I Same Carpenter were surprised . cruise was iu u iu d waj. Saturday eyemng oy vemg v eu a smallblowoutr ; of how they have,, been: able to or smai grains of any kind meet demands for running ex- should get it in now as soon as penes the past Spring, withmonj possible, ey received from the sale 01 Remember the hens will be cream from three or four cows hunting roosting places on the and from poultry and eggs from f ence corners and apple trees this Now the leaves ; are ; turning gold.Suficess to the.News,. as of old.. - . Mankind AnalyzedU . ' Man lft physical iy as wen aa.meta oHyslctHy atWpg-of sbreea. and patch- S!?! Oiur'schooi Uf-J3--o- , - ing daily, Next year we hope Supt. E. W. S. Cobb, Dr. E. H. Bell, the committee and a number oNf patrons added to the opening with heipf ul talks which showed their interest. The pat ents whose children are not in school are urged to .. have them there as early as possible so that they may receive the full benefit is grow- 1 v. move back to-crive us room; Rah for Mill Spring. Salada O. B. Garren's photo; gallery has been moved to -the .corner of ' M. A. Pace's lot. The; water from Crystal Springs has been caused to run through large sew er pipes and the ground has been graded preparatory. to the ; erec tion of the new tearoom. A car load of rock and a car load of hrirlf an1 other materi ftls . . hftVA . been placed on the ground. A new board- sidewalk is to be built on the National Highway; in the city limits. . The grading preparatory to building this side walk is now being done. 1: Mrs. Perry Bishop's friends will be glad to know that she is recovering from her recent ill ness. , ' Miss Ruby izer has returned; to her home in St. George S. C. Melrose Inn is being recovered. " TTii orlv XTqy - Vi o q . iafiiin'ibff ' f . his home in Fort Motte after a visit to his parents; r en and j Mary S alley went to -Tryon Saturday. The regular, meeting of -the Civic League was held at the ;j ir tt oi resiuence ui mm. Ej. lyi. oaney on Tuesday af ternoon. The Esseola closed for the sea son last Saturday. ' 1 Miss Rosa Box and Mrs. Henry McKee went to Hendersonville Wednesday. ' Mrs." Hattie McLean hag, gone to Atlanta for the winter. Mrs. J. L. Sims returned, from Asheville Tuesday. " Jas. Heatherly has returned to Dr. Dixon's health resort after a short visit to his family. Leo Grumble has returned from Oklahoma, : The Baptist. Association will meet in the Saluda Baptist church on the fifth Sunday n October. Dinner, will be served on the ground. Everybody invited j Rev. Frederic ; Hollister will preach at the Methodists ehurch . next Sunday, You are invited to, attend. Rev. J: O. Cox is in High Point attending the annual-conference of the M. E. Church, South, of western North Carolina, ; P. .H. vBailey ha& returned from a business trip to New York. .. ... . -nmt mmmi!- VMI VwwiiMI WMW. Vila ' Rev. W. A. Black, A. M. Pas tor. - Bible School Sunday morning atiac . . . ..i Public Worship and. Sermdn.at Bible Studies in Matt. Wed nesdays at 4. p. m. , Tourists and all citizens cordi ally welcome. Cathedral Resembles Grass' Hill. Of, the world's cathedrals, probably the most cm tons Is that which crowns a bill in Uganda. In appeara&ct It tt-atlas--nothlng so much' asa-csoca tsinctrcrass, sithotis on dctf ta spectlon one Is jiblatD seethat txsA and wood hare been eztenslrely ei ploytd. The ftnictcre can eccc eats 4rfCCO pseis. .

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