- : . VUi vvdier water ;Wn Mu t u . a-.v,h-,v:.: . - ' . . . . , ,. , u . . : received Tuesdav "7 Saturday. r ? . ' ' . . , . - . . yu.w-:- ;v,4,;? - i w mm. .wt mmm:: :. . i- " '-' 1 ' r-" rtaide Ford of Asheyille spent Av in Tryon. - : Tuesday. , i L Hill was in Charlotte - on Wednesday. , Mrs G. LeCount spent Sunday -ih friends in Saluda. i rs H. P.- Lcke of Saluda is . xryon for the winter. ingiss Emma McFarland spent .ednday in Asheyille. Tohn o'uai1 1 , M wuj- tion with the Ballenger Co. A N. Bowne 'and. wife r are in Florida for a short vacation. g L. Bal ienger , transacted business at Asuevuic muay. . jjjss Mamie Thompson, of Saluda, was in Tryon Tuesday. Fred Wotford is erecting N a ellingi11 the nortn Part of town. L, S. Presson, of Clio, S. C, spent Sunday with his - family in Tryon. , Carter P. Brown arrived.Thurs ' day from CSs.e Park Michigan for the winter. V : Mrs. R. Carpenter arrived last Week from Post Chester, N. Y., forthe winter. -Mrs. J. L. Jackson and daugh ter, Miss Nell, spent Wednesday J. N. Jackson and family, re turned home from a month's visit in New York. Miss Bertha Ballew of Landrum 'spent Sunday with her brother Mrs. -Joel Sherfey of - Saluda visited her daughter Miss Vir ginia, in Tryon this' week. W. H. Hawkins, wife : and daughter, Mrs. J. C. Curry, spent Wednesday at Greer, S. C. .Mrs. Sal lie Watson and daUgh Mrs. Henry Milliken, were Spar tanburg visitors Wednesday. tO'hft fnll '.il. i woe - .wu as it ever ;C:, Pnced to be Movuu;iy pure. ' -Greens Creek CoKnsanity Fain ?r.fns Creek's rSe&Coin: yFairWas Creek school house, on Thursday, Oct. 13 Mr. B. L. White, Pres Miss Mary Camp, Sec. and Tres Miss Flentye and Mr. Gray were the efficient judges, and Countv WtStiieIng:-.Bririt of the-whole enterprise. As us ual, the women proved them selves more public spirited than the men , and there were very creditable displays of canned goods, cookery, flowers and fan cy work, as well -as sewing Mrs. D. H. Miller won first prize with a really remarkable collec tion of canned pickles, preser ved, jellied and dried fruits and vegetables. An early frost doubt less interfered with the display of flowers but there were won derful roses, dahlias and chrys anthemums and some verv handsome potted plants. This scribe knows nothing about fancy j work, but it was there in quanti ty, and the quality was no doubt good, The men of the townsh'ip, as a whole, made a poor showing, though there were some good displays, notably those of Messrs B. L. k White, Herman Walker, W. E. McDade, etc. Greens Creek- should have made the banner agricultural display. , of the county and will when our men realize the fact that these fairs have not only great educa tional value, Tbut may be made excellent advertisement as Well. We also fell short on livestock and poultry exhibits. There is some cause for hesitancy to bring a fine milk cow a" long distance, and to transport a sow and pigs is a tough" proposition, but there is Mm Livinacton and familv of ino excuse whatever f or our fail- Heflders5nville, spent Sunday at UTe maiMf g0?? sn,?wmi m the home of J. B. Livingston. Jlrs. J. C. Curry of Morris town, Tenn., is a guest of, her parents, W. H. Hawkins and wife. 4 Doultry. Still, all in all, it was a pretty good fair for ra Hard year, and we hope to have a bet ter one next year. ' An address . of welcome was made bv Rev. R. M. Hunter, and Miss Elizabeth Grady, who is ohort talks bv seVeral others and attenmng school at assiiern we were glad to see a number of spent Sunday with ner parents visit0rs from Tryon, Mill Spring and other joints, in fryon. Miss Kathl een Morris, with some Landrum friends spent Fri day at the Furman-Clemson foot ball game. Saluda The many friends of Miss Lila Mae Guice are glad to learn that she will recover, from her illness D. D. Nanney and wile were without undergoing an operation. guests of their -daughter, Mrs. Lit Durham this week. They returned to their home at Spin dale Wednesday. Mrs. L. W. McCutcheon, of n. aumter, s. C. who has been a guest in the home of R. T. Mc Fee for the past two weeks, returned borne Wedmesday. Mrs. Mc- Utcheon is a former -Tryonite, and her many friends here were glad to see her again. Fourteen building permits have The Ladies Aid of the ; Metho dist church met with Miss Killian at the Esseola Wednesday. The friends of Mrs. Eliza Hull are grieved to hear of her death at her home in Savannah, Ga., on October the twenty third. Mrs. Hull is pleasantly remem bered in Saluda having lived here during the summer for several sat- Could Be Bought Off - f Alice was staying with her father onv evening while her mother was 9 way. The father, while reading, was wiggling the floor lamp ; and Alice poke upi MYon know mamma does oot want you to play with that lamp." She waited a minutethen added: MU you will give me a nickel I won't tell tier.? : toe Vpolk :o6uhty imuo Mrs, U&e Saturaay;! r ''k -i Mary.- Sallev. 1 "Rdnn Fior Kathleen t Garren ;and ; Eunice r went to.TryorwSaturday. Mrs. Reynolds and daughter Barbara are spending a few days at the Oaks, before, returning! to their hom in Georgia. ' Arthur Hill' and' wife visited their brother Calvin last week. . 3. A. Bolich, trainmaster at Winston-Saleni 1 was in j Saluda last week.' Rev. J. Q. Cox who N went to attend the annual conference of the Western North Carolina phoned Mrs, Cox that the Bisnpp had appointed him to Liecester near Asheville. Rev. J. P. Fikes will be the new preacher in the Saluda and Tryon charge. Rev. W. H. Willis is retained as Presiding elder of the Asheville District. , ' Mrs. 'World, Mrs. Van Livings ton's mother has returned from Asheyille. v i v s . ........... The Mountain House will be a Spooky Place" tonight. ) Oct. 29. ) Everybody is invited to this party which " is given for the benefit of the Community House. There will be another Hallo we'en party on Monday night. You are invited on that night to Library Hall. , Winter guests arriving earlier than ever. .;: . "f Vr nearly every house rented for the winter season earlier than ever before. . 4 Three new houses how being built with several more to be started soon.. y The Lake Lanier project to a point where it would seem a certainty : The Polk Cjbunty Farmers Federation Building soon to be erected and be gin pusihess. ':v- v-i- ''-:; .' - s . A-':-' The naw Ice Plant being assembled and to be ready to serre patrons before iummer.;w-.v ; -X ',. "Xf ." ":t " "' ;-;;v t ' v--' ; "x Proposed pavement of the principal streets of the town and a hard surfaced road to. Columbus, m the immediate future. Lastly, the' best public , schools Tryon has ever had. f . "Throw away your hammer and get a horn." f G. H. HOLMES, President J. T. WALDROP Vice President WALTER JONES Vico President VV. F. LITTLE Cashior V. A. D LAND Asst. Cashior I 15) irybin) , lloirlhi CatroDoiniap mm MM For SiJL: 18 Hamphire and 0. I. C. Pigi Teadjr for ddjvery Nortmber find. ' B.F. Gibbs, 13-3-t Tin Ni C. R, 1. Why You Should Buy Year Drugs and Drug Store Supplies From Your Local Pharmacy. 1 We do not sell or compound any drugs or chemicals. that w jrould not take ourselves or allow a mtmber- of our own family to take. N ; I Chemicals and drugs manufac tured and sold7 by the most rtliabU concerns aie tht only kind v offer , for sale. The drug laws of North Carolina are made to protect tht public health.-, and we are responsible fox the qual ity of drugs we sell. 'The Best In Drugs at MISSILDINE'S PHARMACY She left Saluda on urday and died pn Sunday night. Mrs. St. Julian Raveneii leit im- been issued so far this month, mediately for Savannah to at- This does not include any permits tend her mother's funeral. fr repairs or any contemplated Dewey Heatherly's friends are buildiners. of whirh there are i-fAo him home acain from several. At this rate Tryon will the Mission Hospital. soon have the . housing problem M Frank Dillard visited her solved, ' - fofiflweek. ' : Tuesday November 1st seesJ -m; Marion Patterson spent ine openme of ve Basket Tea at in Asheville. Moppe in the Mountain Indus- irnAi "Rptter Com- 1I1C i''vv,w Body 1 vi .j3HCIJ10. VIUWUvw all kinds are promised and a lleral patronage is solicited.. The regular monthlv meeting i the Board of Trade will be held on next Wednesday evening f tthe regular hour.- Show your, "Merest in your home town by -aumg. if vou are not a J?ember you should be, so be :ufre cast your lot with us to eip ttake a better Tryon. lhere has been some snectlla- 011 the Dart nf enma oc fn ne r,ect the tapping of another , eam to ourwater supply would Qave uPon its , purity; . For the of those we will Clogged Blood Withers the Workers Sick and Weak from Ex ertion Take Glide's Pepto-Mangan. ' Men and women who toil, eith er physically or mentally, use up energy, When they overwork they use up more energy, and sometimes the blood gets in a run-down condition. Without rest the blood cannot get back to normal, so that it becomes clog- ored with waste matter from C7 over-exertion. , The clogged blood ' virtually withers the body. The strained looks on pale faces, ther thin,. bloodless arms, the sunken cheeks and necks, the dead tired feeling are results of stale blood depriv ing the system of life giving oxy- gen. , Workers go to the, drug, store and get Gude's Pepto-Mangan when they feel weak and, run down. They take it in either the liquid or the tablet form. That makes the" blood rich and . cninr class in high school red and drives the poisons Lif e- r Ai rpmbers this ! giving oxygen, .earned by the iUn Virae-and Lawrence j littlered eels, renews the strength W - i Zd torHendersonvilled builds up the entire system. Traxler moved to Jienaers, name 4Gude,s Pep. For Sale: House, 5 rooms ana" b,ath,- electric lights and eity water; f 1-2 acres; 1-2 mile from depot, r young fruit trees. In quire Box 363, Tryon, ; Gilding, Tryon. The Tea it Club" will give an oyster noppe win be managed this . giq Friflav even- Vlrs. Grace Clemons. of . ' a R tn Q o'clOCK. rti . 7" ' ' lirtrv wnv. 4. 11U1U V wv v - ---- nicaco. anrl Miq TCliV.aheth . , rl C.'hnnl T.ib- Weebof Asheller Goodies Benent 1UaCeU . Luther Aiken and family of Brevard, Mr. Hughton and wife of Canton were Miss Lankford s guests Sunday. . ; Mflls Nabers who is attending the Federal Board School m Way- nesville was home bunaay. : say the fVipir narents Mrs.- E. L; Patterson and daughter Linwood spent Sunday in Tryon. - . ', . . Mrs, Lecount of Tryon ..visited to-Mangan" on the package. Advertisement. ' - - .Ganges' Changing Channel. -j -ue Ganges is constanUy changliij channel, j ' . v' - . . - l m seniles m fite If it goes into a bank or into an investment, for your maintenance in the later years of life ( yoU are wise also fortunate. y" ;. . If it is fritted away from, day to "day; you -are unfortunate now, and you .'will be .moire' vaa$dr. tunate when old age ovcrtdkes you. ' r ' : J' " ' A savings account starts you ' right and , keeps you going. It also gets you there. ' ' : Polk County Bank & Trust Company L W. S. 60BB, President FRANK JACKSON, Vice President FRED W. ELANTON, Vice P & dsn. II. L ARLEDCE, Asst. Cashier ColumbuOp N. C. HONEY! Elton Warner's Deli cious Honey. 5-lb. pail by parcel post: liquid $1.5o; bulk comb $2.oo Write for prices on larger quantities. Elton Warner Ap iaries, "Beaverdam" Ashetille. Object Achieved. . ' One object aimed at la ckaorlms styles la to make the old pkteg-ras took ridiculous. Toledo Blafle. Wolfskin Banjo Parchment ' Wolfskin yuikef the best p&rcfatseat far ImuJos. Wsi.F, UYTLE NOTARY PUDLIC . Tryon, M. C.r i is a rrr o laste , - : S : . ; , ' . . - , tobacco of qua! my V . We state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chester field are of finer quality (and hence of better tsUste) than in any other cigarette at the price. Liggett & Myara Tobacco Co. . . . CIGARETTES of Turkish and Domestfo to&crcoIcrd 4

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