s i Biggcr an( Better, Tryca. WOUia ue giau , Va movement to get Tryon leaa, fcp better supporters of -vin e " can Clasps B!ooi3 Pure bigger and better Tryon. There Grcrisg Chijdrea Kt:a Ptsatv cf Red Sever be- too much of th.s .. . Cells in Cfcsl w nncrAhsm. Before we . ' Ho justice to our town and When the young body is grow fAODle 'in boosting Tryon to mS children frequently expert ? nTher fellow, we must first lence weakness. Girls and' boys sometimes nlav tw hvA ta ell Tryon to the other fel- and over-tax their systems They m ""'I :".: become pale, weak, and sickly; ""Lon like all othe? towns. Theylos etteir appetites; become v I . few citizens who can see land. and arenotable tomakd' inthetown or in any ProKress m school work. -Qrow, !0Sor its betterment in any 'ngtoo fastisoftentrue. Itis S unless there is some money m?fc important to keep the blood ?L pocket or some other ad- fW boys and girls, in. a itohim personally. We healthy state, ' " rirt not think we have more of Pepto-Mangan keeps the blood this kind of animal than other pure. The red cells in the blood towns of our size, but we do . not are' increased. They carry life need any of this sort. This kind giving oxygen to all parts of the of citizen can see no good in any- body, and wholesome -youthful-thing, and is a walking encyclo- ness blooms again in clear com pedia of information as to his plexions, bright eyes and bouyant contemt and objection to public spirits. Sold both in liquid and improvements of all kinds. " '.V tablet form by druggists , every- Tryon has a live Board of where. The name ' 'Gude's Pep Xrade and every member is work- to-mnngan" is on the package, iug harmoniously, enthusiastic- Advertisement. v ; ally and unselfishly for the wel- - , v : fare and advancement' of our If yu tmnk that; Tryon; car beautiful town, and asks that Pent.ers nJ; busy, just try everyone who will to join us and hire one. The sound of the lend your aid. If you will do so hammer and saw call be heard Tryon soon will be the best town m arly all parts to town. , in Western North Carolina. ' 'Sell The Martin Tea Room at Sa yourself to Tryon. and you can luda has closed until new brick then sell Tryon to the other fel- building is completed. The gift jqW , shop open all day at' old stand. There has been a good lot of Auto road to door, Breeze Point dealine of this kind, but the mar- Hill. New goods arriving fre- ket is still inviting for a much quently. . larger volume of business. TSE POLK COUITTY ITET70 Frf7, November 18, 1921 west feet KQT1CE CF K8CTCACE SALE. the becinniiifir at the northeast edge of Tradetreet. November 1,1921; V; ; v : .VAddie Britton and Mary Livingston. By Smith & Arledge, Attorneys. - vSSt::;3mcE cf sale- : : "l Pursuant to the power of sale con tained in that certain mortgage deed, executed by Little john and Bertha Little john, hWwife. to B. L. Ballenger 6n the 13th day of September 1918 and of record in office of Register of Deeds for Polk County, in Book No. 17- at page 237. to "secure an ; indebtedness of $775.00 and interest, default having been made in the payment of said ? in debtedness the undersigned will ?sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door of Polk county, at Columbus "Nl C. on Monday the 28th slay of November 1921, at 11 o'clock a. m. the following -described tract of land situte in Tryon Township, Polk county and State of North Caro lina, and described as follows, to wit: Situate lying and being in the Town of Tryon, beginning at a stake in the eastern margin of Jones street, set at a poiat North 7 deg. 35 min. East 118 feet from the Cleveland road, said be ginning point being the northeast cor ner of lot No. 8, and running thence with the line of Jones street North 27 deg. 25 min. East 119.15 feet to a stake at the edge of Whitehall street; thence with Whitehall street South 51 deg. 15 min East .78.3 feet to the corner of lot No. 10; thence with, the line of Lot No. 10 South 27 deg. 35 min.' West 118.35 feet to a stake, corner of lots Nos. 8 and 9; thence with the line of lot No. 8 North 51 deg. 15 min. West 78.5 feet to the beginning, containing one fourth of an acre, more or less. It being Lot No. 7 in B. L. Ballen ger's subdivision of the town of Tryon, map of which, made by W. E. Strong, ; C E. February 1912, is of record in of fice of Register of Deeds for Polk coun ty.' ,r7. '", L." ' sThis 24th day of October 1921. , 3. L. BALLANGER -WALTER JUNES, f Mortgagee. Attorney. K3TEL-T.1AMEQS OF TRYCIJ , v. ----- - ':' ' , - - - - ' : v . ' - ... . . . : " ' :' - - '-. . - Your gusts' ; frequently, need the services of a . Send rttiem here. t N ; We wijlrtreat; them right cordially and ; extend every courtesy. ' We think we know how. v r : " We receive; and transmit money 1 by wire. : We issue and cash A. B: ; A and American Express Travel ers Checks. ; "V." -:.'V-"' - We are members American Bankers Association. G. H. HOLMES, President J. T. WALDROP Vice President WALTER JONES Vice President W. F. LITTLE Cashier V. A. BLAND Asst. Cashier IB 11 & Worth CairoDSima mm .For Sale: 18 Hamphire and O. I. C. Pigs ready for delivery November 2nd. B. F. Gibbs, 13-3-t Tryon N. C. R, 1, Louis Rowell was in AsWille ion Mth day of Septem- w , , . . , ber 1918 James Leonard and wife xe-; Wednesday. v cuted to Addie Brittan and Mary iv- Mrs. Earle Grady was in Spar- ingstone that mortgage of record in tanburg Monday. book 13, page 80 of the records of n t r :u j i mortgages for Polk County North Car- u r. iuarnyti, auu oJ. to one note m the sum of Saturday in Spartanburg. $1,000.00, and whereas default has Mrs. G. E. Bell Spent last been made in the payment of the said Thursday in Hendersonville. note and interest now therefore, by 3 . virtue of the power contained: in said - Mrs. Theodosia J. Kennedy mortgage and for the purpose of satisr !pent Wednesday in Asheville. fying'said note, interest, cost and ex- Miss Iraine Stone was a Spatanburg visitor Saturday. , at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house Miss Mabel Capps; is a guest door in Columbus, North Carolina, offer of her sister, Mrs. R. A. Leonard, for sale to the highest bidder for cash lf , the lands conveyed by said mortgage Mrs. U Bush and Miss Maggie whichare bounded and described as- Sue Edwards spent Saturday in f0Uows: Asheville. In the town of Tryon, beginning at N the southeast corner of the Britton lot County Agent Sams is spend- d northeast side of Trade street, and ing several days this week in running thence with line of Trade street Asheville. ! sooth 59 deg. 7 min. east 108.24 feet to n- , , t, a stake: then north 33. deg. 53 min. Cheap for cash. J. Foster Searles Melrose circle. Dr. A. J. Jervey returned Sat urday from a business trip to Charleston. ' 7 Miss Sybil Capps, of Flat Rock j visited her sister, Mrs. Leonard this week. .. 1 east 237.7 feet to a stake; then north ! 56 deg. 7 min. west 107.24 feet ,to an iron pin; then south 33 deg. 53 min. west 243.6 feet to the beginning, cor ner, containing 596-1000 of an acre, more or less. There is ; expressly excepted from this conveyance the following described R ! . j two lots, which parties of the first part j a. ; x t nn.ian nave aereea w convey w uuncj and T. W. Ballew and described as fol Y. Wilkins and family lows: The first, beginning at a stake were in Spartanburg : Sunday on the northeast side of Trade stoeet vio,-f,v ' at the southeast corner of the Bnttam Visiting relatives. , lot, now owned by W. H. Newman; Lost: A Parker Lucky Curve then running north 33 deg. 53 min. east fountain pen. Finder please re- 100 feet to a stake; then south 59 deg. turn to Adell Hamlin; 7 mm east 23 feet to a stake, jnen south 33 deg. 53 mm. west 100 feet to Mrs. Clarence Morgan and a stake at - the edge of Trade street; Mary and Harry, spent Saturday then north m deg. 7 nim. west 23 feet With friends at Landrum. with Trade street to the beginning. t, n t n ii ii j The other lot, begmmng at a stake in r UK SALE Full blood Ur- n05theast edge of Trade street at PingtOn pullets, the famous win- corner of Beehidenia lots and running ter layers, ' J. F. BLACK. with Trade street north 69 deg. 7 min. west 33 feet to a stake; then north 33 Miss Ina Eubank returned Sat- deg. 53 min. east 100 feet to a stake; U k then south 59 dee. 7 xriin. east 33 feet 11U1I1 a VdUlUUll OpUlt .YVlbU r w hnma ; o to a staKe; men soutn oo ueK Miss Jennie H D. Stone of Brooklyn N. Y. is occupying one! of the Searles cottages for the winter. - 0 - NO USE TO WORRY: when you order it at Missildine's Pharmacy: you can rest assure that the articles will be delivered promptly.' If not in stock, your order will go out in the first mail and dispatched' as soon as your Uncle Sam can get it to Tryon. 1 " " ISSILDINE'S PIlAnr.lACY . Phono No. 4 rt "The regular monthly meeting of the Parent-Teacher Associa tion will be held at the school building on Monday, November 21, at 3:15 P. M. The publi c is invited to attend. Mrs. F. t C. fPoppe, Chm: . ,Ed K. Smith Interior Decorator is still in Tryon decorating two rooms for Dr. Missildine in harid- painted tif any monotones. Mr. . , j ' i Smiith-hjw a full linp wall nanprs corner or ueeniaenia iou ana ruxumi r-r - r ----- - rr and wall furnishings. Patrons wishing tosee this line and se sure prices, Phone 41, after 6 P M. two fllffaf 1 ; , K it goes into a bank or into an investment for your maintenance in the later years of life you are wisealso fortunate, - If it is .fritted awa.,;&i6m'day to day. you are unfortunate now, and you will be more miorr tunae;when old age ovpfr A. savings account starts you right and keeps you going. It also gets you there. Polk County Banli & ost Company L W. S. COBB, President FRANK JACKSON, Vice Preside jm XI. CUWTCN, Vice P & Cash. VL U ASLEDGE, Asst. Cashier Columbus, N. C. 53 min. Miss O'Brien, one of our school teachers, was laid up with ton silitis Tuesday. Her place was fiHed by Mrs. W. H, White. : v 'Mrs J. A. Davidson is visiting ner daughter Mrs. Miller at Asheville, who has been very ill for several days. ; r Messrs T. T. and C. W. Ballen er left Monday for Hickory- to Iook after business matters and Jfeit their son and brother, R. E. Ballenger and wife: 2 ; Jacob Mauney and ; wife and K. Mauney and wife motored 0Ver from Kings Mountain and ?ere the guests of Mrs. Theodo- Call to see us when in need of Sheet Metal for Roofing and Siding. We have a large stock of assorted lengths of 2 and one half corrugated. Fair stock of v crimp with sticks. VThere is nothing in the roofing line t that is as adaptable as galvanized sheet metel for H 4 general building purposes, L. LEE COrJPAWY LANDRUH, SOUTH CAROLINA.' For Sale On Meltose Ave!, Large house of 11 rooms,, two baths, heated by steam,, house in first class conditioa and will riot require repairs for a lon time, four tenant houses all rented and brineine in a eood revenue, lot J is about 200x418 feet. Have another house and very desireable vacant lots on same street that can be purchas ed reasonable. ; -A real estate man cannot ad vertise all the property he has on his list, if vou are interested inj the purchase 'of improved or. un improved property in TRYON' I will gladly give you information and take you over any property I have for sale without charge. James Leonard. - i Notice Of Application Fcr Comrr.ata- , tich Of Sentence. 5 j Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will apply to Gov ernor Cameron . Morrison, , &t Raleigh f or cortouatioH ptseil tence imposed upoii N. E -Wil liams for violation of the Prohibi tion Laws of the State at the Spring Term, 1921, of the Super ior Court for Polk County. This 31st day of October, 1921. , . N. E. Williams, ."- Applicant. 17-3w. t . "Z STRAIGHT SALARY: ' $35.00 per week and expenses f p map or woman with risr to J introduce Eureka Fgg Producer. Eureka The man who wants to practice real economy in Footwear should get shoes that mean spending money slowly. Of course you pay for your shoes :11 at once; but the thing to consider is, how soon that money is actually gone, how long the shoes r'wear. vv ' .w - Our Jino of Hen's: Shoco at $10.00 vspclls economy throu(antf throuch. They are shoes on which we are perfectly willing to stake xne reputation oi tnib btore. ah oty ai siz.es, ; all leathers,' black, tan and brown. Mail orders solicited.' n n M. j. H - , n . a t - mtsm : ' : - .... t . 4 . erag!S SHOES AND HOSIERY : Spartshburxir - y x h . - ; Soutli Carolina. i Kennedy one day lasf week. I7fg. Co., East St. LouisrIll. ;