; " ' - . - . ' . : -"'.. -- ..tit ... . " I C. BUSH, Publisher The Only Paper Published in Polk Countjr A Live lean Paper for the. Home Price 5LCents Volume XXVII No. 26 Tryon, . . V ' ' -7 . : iv- ' II J I - i : Z ' h " 7 . 1 ' Year i r I V OUR COUWTV AGENT'S PEMRTMEKT Some Timely Talks to Polk County Farmers, and others, on Timely Sub jects, bv County Agent, J. R. Sams. T The Stock Holders of The Polk County Fanners Federation. On account of important work as president of the State Horti cultural Society, and pressing business of a private nature. Our esteemed president, Mr." H. H, Corwith tendered his resigna tion which was accepted with regrets at the "last meeting of directors Monday. Jan, 2nd, 1922, At which meeting the directors I suppose, without 4 'malice afore thought", proceeded" to elect your humble servant president in his place. Now this is7 by no means to be considered an inaug ural address; but the importance of the business and the times call for an expression of some kind of policy to - be pursued in order that we shall Attain suc cess in our enterprise. . ' There is no use of reiterating tjie im portance or the usefulness ur necessity of our Federation, ' all these have been discussed and I trust fully understood. When we started, we had before us three , all absorbing .questions, 1st. What? 2nd. How? 3rd. When? One. of these questions, the what, has been answered.in the organization of The Farmer Fed eration, Incorporated, to operate, as a selling and purchasing agent of farm products and fertilizers lime and other supplies necesary - to enable farmers to produce as cheaply as possible"? hilt ' the second and third questions; How, and hen are still ahead of us. So the How comes next, And all thevwa'y that I can see that it can be done is just to do it. In all my experiences in a long strenuous life about how to do a thing, is to roll up . your sleeves and learn how by doing it. Then ; you will eternally know how hwas done, and such an effort will only prepare you to understand and accomplish a greater task- Now we must look our undertaking squarely in the face and realize it is our undertaking. By that, I mean it is the farmers undertaking, and as such,, it is the duty of every farmer in Polk County to lend his aid to this movement. What can a president of any or ganization do without the co operation of officers and mem bers? What can the members do unless their' directors and offiers will function? So we see we must all pull together and what is impossipble for one or a few to do can be done easily when all willpuil just a little. Now what wevwant is for every single person, man and woman who subscribed a share of stock to The Farmers Federation to, if possible, pay j up in full such subscription. This is best for the subscriber and for the Fed eration. Where this cannot be done, the next best thing is to make just as large a payment as possible on the $50.00 share, and, give note for the ballance to the secretary, treasurer, f of the Federation where the party isja loyal friend and believer in the necessity of our Federation and desires in good faith to become a member as soon as - possible. Then give your note, for $50.00 and pay and enter credit on note as fast as possible until paid, when the certificate of stock will be issued. This will make it a success at once But let me insist that every one who is able and it is even possible to pay his or her stock in full and take cer tificate of stock. We all know we are passing through ' a tight money depression; but this is something that Must be done, and what can be done I will help do it. Let this be our slogan and stick to our purpose and we will be doing business in that warehouse next March. All J ask as president of your Federa tion is that you stand by me. Your directors are true as steel and will putthe thing over if tie members will stick, Which they will. If any one f eels inclined to be cowardly and want to quit, just go and get a little fat'pine andjrun 'some old' fashioned Tar and give your heal a good appli cation and remember that a reg ular" 'Tar Heel,,, never shows a white Feather, or becomes a "quitter". ' . , The railroad has atlas t changed track and the crossing at ware house site and everything ready for the work to go ahead So let every one who can raise a dollar send it to M. I. Flentye who will give you full credit on your, stock and the warehouse willbe completed and business going ahead by some time in March. Don't anybody doubt for a single minute that the ware house will .fail For failure is not on our masthead. ' It's only A question of who will be asham ed of himself when the. thing is done and he has no hand in At. Then the answer; to the -What Is The.Farmers Federation. The answer to the How? Is roll up our sleeves and do the necessary things to succeed as outlined The Whenr well that willbe just when we want the thing done. We get what we want when we go after it, witn a determination to bring it back or die m the at-J tempt. Wishing every Polk countyite, a prosperous year, I am yours for service. Our Country Towns, Collective neighbofTi n e s; s marks the country town for its own. Death, poverty, grief, tragedy visit the city, and. few friends hurry in to heal the wounds. ; In some organized Way the town's good will touches, every family. The belief that if you are good to someone, someone will be good to you, r distinguishes Americans from the rest of man kind. And it is not the product of. our great cities, and not primarily a farm product. It is made in our country towns. ; The Chamber of Commerce to day in' the American small town andjn the American city1 is ? the leading exponent of altruism that the Chamber of Commerce fosters ; it is Higginsville first. But it is for Higginsville all s the time. The Chamber of Commerce modifies the innate cussedness of the average selfish, hard boiled, .picayunish, 'penny-pinching, narrow-gauged human pork er, lifts up his snout; makes, him see further than his home, his business, and his personal inter est.; and sets him rooting for his community. William Allen White, Collier's ' ' ; Theregular 'monthly meetyig of the Parent-Teachers Associa tion will be held on Monday, 16, at 3:30 p. m. You are invited to attend. Mrs. F. C. Poppe, Chm. - 'r ' ; . ,j - - . . . , . .. Our gut"" Is ihaf, vvhen thp bride promises to lo?e, houor &m1 obey she Is Just as earnest as when she' kisses tie bridegroom's folks. Dallas Newt. Report of the Condition' of the THE BANK OF TflYOU at Tryon in the State of N. C. at the close of business, Dec. 31st 1921. i h : . ? RESOURCES I Loans and Discounts $103,605.69 Overdrafts,1 secured.,.. 1,359.24 United I States and 4 Liberty ppnds. ....:.... All other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages............. Banking Houses Furni- i ture and Fxtures... ...... Cash in vault . and - -Amount j due ' from Banks, "Banks, and 7,700.00 1,829.41 5,100.00 !' Trust Companies,... f i lis; : 20,754.33 Total .l..:..U..,. ! LfAB 140,348.67 5 -r- v rj Capital Stock paid inx. Surplus Fund $10,000.00 10,000.00 Undivided jProfits, less current expenses and ' taxes paid ..... 2, 144.80 Notes and bills redis- counted ;.J......r... 3.100.00 Bills Payable 13,SP0.0Q Deposit subject to check 68,753.81 Time Certificates of be- ; posit, Due rin Less Than 30 Days ... 788.00 Cashier's Checks out - standing 'i ... 777.04 30,985.02 Saving Deposit...... ..... Total. ; 140, 348. 67, State of ;North Carolina, County of Polk. 1922. - j - ,: : . : : I J. B. Hester, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear tnat the above statement is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. f JUB. Hester, Cashier, Correct Attest : ; W. T.: Lindsey B. L. Ballenger -J. B. Hester Directors- Subscribed and sworn to be fore me,i this 9th day of Jan., 1922. ' i!r W! F. Little, x Notary Public; My commission expires March 14 1923. r -Hi: " . An Open Letter To Our Saluda Friends. Tryon; N. C. Jan. 9; 1922. Mr. H. P. Corwith Saluda, N. p. Dear Mr. Corwith . The Trydn ' Board of Trade held a meeting and banquet at Oak Hall last Wednesday night and we have just learned that you and our other good friends were not invited. of Saluda This of course , was an oversight on the part of ,he Commitee hav ing l)he matter in charge. The Chairman -of the Committee, who sent put the invitations, is a man who was! given that job because of his past experience in handling such affairs,! but unfortunately he is a comparatively new res ident of Tryon, and consequently fiiled to invite a number of peo ple whom our Board- of Trade would have l been pleased to have had with us on that , occasion. Though as a matter Of fact it was a public meeting,- as per notices in ;windows .of all the stores in Tryon. The Chairman did know officials of the Chamber of Commerce, both of Asheville and Spartanburg, but unfortun ately did not know names of any Saluda Board of Trade officials. Therefore the oversight, as ex plained above. How are things going with the Board up there ? We hold our next ; meeting on Wednesday night, eb. 1st. at; 8:00 o'clock. This should be a good meeting. Come down if you can and bring some of your friends." This will be a regular business meet ing, but jwe and Saluda might exchange some helpful ideas. With kind regards and best wishes, we are, cordially yours, f E. E. MlSSILDINE, ' Pre'si Tryon Board of Trade. rt of the Condition of the CAROLINA STATE BAHK at Saluda in the State of N. C. at the close of business Dec. 31, 1921. 1 - r -T resources ; . Loans" and Discounts. ...$50, 230. 04 Demand 'Loans'....... -1,300,00 Overdrafts, ..:......;. 174.41 United States Bonds . '.- ahd Liberty Bonds.J. 2,851.40 All 'other Stocks Bonds ; aidd Mortgages.. . 17,480.00 Bahking Houses 1,250 : Furniture and Fix- '.. tures, 1,000;...........;-. Alljjother Real Estate owned.. Cash in vault and net .amount due from i Banks, Bankers and " Trust Companies.. Checks for clearing......." Customers' Liability on ; Acceptances, Expen ses. 2,250:00 .301157 8,2i4.08 38520 22.39 Totals 83,480.05 LIABILITIES I- Capital Stock paid in ... $5,000,00 Surplus Fund.. 5,000.00 Undivided Profits, less ; ' current expenses and 7v taxes paid 1,478. 19 Payabe.. .... 2, 000. 00 its subject to v ' i check.. :. .. 35,134.79 Cashier's Checks out- staning..!.. 250 .72 Time Certificates of l?e- N : posit, Due on or after : 30 Days, ...f. ..: 34, 6li 35 . Total..... .:. 83, 480. 05 State of North Carolina County of Polk. . . - 9ra922 I, j H. B. Lane, Cashier, of the aboye named bank, do solmnly swear that the above- statement is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. ' j H. B. Lane, Cashier. Correct Attest: Q. C. Sonner . ma. race . W. C. Robertson . v L Directors. Subscribed and sworn to be fore me this 9th, day of Jan. 1922!; Fi H. Baiiey, Notary Public. My commission expires Feb. 23, 1923 Mill Spring Route 1 (crowdedout last week.) Everyone seemed to enjoy the Christmas . holidays as there was no bad weather. Railph Edwards killed a large mad dog Christmas eve. W4 E Ellktt;and family? took Christm'as dinner at the home of A; A. Edwards; i Misses Mildred and Lela Wo- maclf,' havegl returned to their school at HiU Crest Institute af ter spending : holidays at home. Miss Maggie Sue Edwards, of the News force, enjoyed Christ-. mas at home. Miss Ellen Edwards from Bre vard; Institute is -at home for the holidays.. ' Q. M. Powell and wife spent Sunday with the latters parents,! J. Alirams and wife. ' A number of youngsters wentj horseback ridingon the Chimney. Rock! road Tuesday last. '. ' X , 7 ill. : ' - " ' Misses Vinetta and Vernie; Hdejr entertained at their home a number of their friends on! last-Wednesday evening. C. ! Elliott and family, from Lynn; were visitors here last! week; - -K ? . il ; : -." I iHc"' Narure Scattw. Seeds. Nature seeks other means than that f the wind to carry seed from placet to place. Whoever tramps through: the autumn woods must needs extrl cate j hlmstll from patches In which' ticks; jand bum hare made life mlser4 abl for him. - All over his clothes will be rticllng the hairy, two jointed podi 4 vead vessel of thjp tick. : FROM OUR FRIEfJDS IW THE COUMTRY Items of Interest Gathered From Vaffous Sections of Polk County by Ou ' Corps of Faithful Correspondents! " J Columbns , Sunday morning, surprised us with. a beautiful sleet; the 1 old proverb. "A green Christmas a white Easter' may come true. In spite of , the inclement-weather a goodly number attended Sun day School both churches. U . Rev. Reid filled his regular appointment at the i Baptist Church at eleven o'clock Sunday morriiner. , .'. : Mrs. L. H. . Cloud, who has been quite sick for sometime is improving. F. W; Blanton, wife and little daughter, n spent Sunday with friends at Inman. L : Mrs. Hughes of Valhalla spent Monday last in Columbus. Among the recent visitors" to Columbus were John Louis Smith wife and little daughter of Gaff ney, Lindsey Swafford of Spar tanburg, Frank Elliott of Wash ington, D. C. , Claude and Ma rion Mills, of Spartanburg, John and James Carnegie of " Ruther ford ton, Ray Arledge of "Greens boro and Pat Hampton and sister Miss Myrtle, of Atlanta. Prof. Loy spent the Week-eiid in Shelby. . Miss Nannie Sue Arledge of Silver .Creek entered Stearns High school last week. h Kitty- Loy, a student in " the ?thighhiofolBTeh from a, visit .with home folks near Burlington. Ajchie Feagan and Ernest IVIcMurry haVe returned to the University after a visit with home olks. V Clarence Prince and family are occupying the Phillips resi dence here. . Fishtop. The News tame out in uch it I con- fine shape last week that sider that issue alone worth the price in; fact our County Agent's department is worth the price. Let every good citizen of Polk County rally to the support of one of the best papers in Western North Carolina, the News, and thereby assist in making it great er.1 - as " Yoiir correspondent, attended the meeting of the County Com missioners of Henderson county lkst weelr where it was ordered that they meet with railway men the ' Summit business men the Saluda men and all interested in a road from Saluda to Summit and on to Tuxedo at the dam on -the So; Ry. across Green River on Monday the 16th to inspect, advise and agree what right ahd practical for all. interestedf Well Brother Lynn.,my hope seems to be unfoundedf for G. G. Jones says one of the largest king snakes was moviilg around. lively on the th, where he wajs at work but of course, he never killed it as. f hey are the rattler's greatest enemy. It was reported that a big still in full' blast was captured on the "Short "Mountain' ' Sun day the 1 first day of the year. NowVhat ought to' be done with the dogs?- Several children have been bitten by mad dogs and one child is worth more than all the dogs that has ever been or ever will be, and on the sixth of this month Burton Constant lost 25 or 30 sheep by sheep. kilU ing dogs. Polk county can never be worth much while such, bus- iness is n tolerated. I saw a small child at' a house and asked the woman (I can't call her a ' lady), if that was her child and she replied: "Why no. , I rather have a dog- than a child. " I guess she spoke the truth once. . What about a man that raise dogs for a living just because the priceis good: is he any better than the blocader who stills be cause the price of his stuff is high? ' f r , Lynn ; ' - On account of the weather last Sunday there was no preaching. ; J The school resumed 'work last Monday after a two weeks vaca-v tion. ; : It is to be hoped that the school' will get in some real good work. So far the winter .Weather has been real good, all kinds of work can be done on the outside. 1 x We are sorry that we have no thirig of great inerest to talk about this week., :, . 1 Ruppe Capps who. works with the telephone people 'is nursing a bad cut foot We hope to J see him oh foot again soon. Calvin fMoore and wife were taken to the county home last week,, he having lost , shis eye sight.; ' . ''' ' We would like to see a com munity day all over the county and that every , school would get together for the purpose of beau- ' I tif ying their.chooL grounds. T. C. 4 Westall and v sons have -the contract repairing the cottage; for Miss Flyhtye. y Dr.' Pratt's congregation pre sented him a purse of $20.00 as a token of their appreciation' of his faithful services, r The annual community , work day will be Feb. 19, but as that falls on Sunday it'wiil be on Sat urday, the i8th. Don't forget the date. : Tryon Route 1 Talk about Christmas presents, the best yet were about a half dopen yearly subscriptions from a dear friend .of the following perodicals: Scientific American, Boy's Life, Progressive Farmer, Hom Circle, McCalls etc. added to these the Christian Herald, Christian Advocate and our own county paper . and most of the time the Asheville Citizen and Youth's Companion, provide vus ample reading for the long wih- f ter evenings, by the big hickory log fire, which Mr. Sams had tucked ' under j his 1 old felt hat and delivered to us ih las jrweek's News. . i -V-'-i-' : ,-.-v.'y; ' Was it the Fox Mountain bell that xhimed. last Saturday' after noon? Methinks it was the tole of the last wedding on the route which was Frank. Edwards arid Miss. I. V. Cathey. We extend to them 'heartiest congratula-' tions. . - . ". " . - John and Miss Sallie Carpen ter's home was made lovely ; last ' Saturday evening by a" surprise party which was enjoyed byi all present. r ; ' - ' ' r Ahl the mail man is hurrying me so I will quit : and -continue next week. . : ' Church of the Holy Cross. ; Holy" Communion...ll A. M. the first Sundays : ; t Morning Prayer.. . 11 A. M all other Sundays ' ; Sunday School ... . . lO AlM. Friday V;';.4.v :..4 :3Q P. M. : Litany. Interseisions for the sick ' r . :- ;. , , , ..4:50 P,M. 4f