POLU COUNTY MEWS C. BUSH. Publisher Published every Friday at Tryon, North Carolina , Office Phone, 99; Residence, 46-B Entered as second-class matter April 28 1915 at the post office at Tryon, North Carolina under act of March 3, 1879. Foreirn Advertising Representative THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER YEAR Get Busy, Children. - ' Nearly all first-class public schools are .now furnished with motion picture .machines, the val ue of which as an aid to educa tion is generally recognized. . The need of such an adjunct in the Tryon school has been greatly felt and this need will be prompt ly supplied if the generous of fer of the Polk County News is accepted. To supply the school with the machine it will only be necessary for the pupils those most con cernedto bring in '.' subscrip tions to the News. Five hun dred yearly -subscriptions will result in the school getting the machine free of cost, If there is an easier way of getting this great boon to the school we do not know of it. '"'." ; 1 Let every girl and boy get busy on this work, 'The News is the only paper in Polk : county. It should be no trick at all for each pupil to get two or more subscribers. , It's Up to You, Mr. Voter. Everyone by this time has read the paving ordinance more ..than once and understands perfectly not only what is proposed to be done but-the necessity for doing it. The date for registration has been set as has that for the elec tion. It will be necessary to register for this election in order to vote. Let all . eligible to I vote see that they register before it is too late Jfehen vote for the bonds. ., On this election will depend whether the electors of Tryon are content with unpaved streets and the lack of proper sidewalks or whether they want their town to take its place proudly beside similar towns of its size, with modern improvements and . the common signs of a progressive community. . Nature has done wonders for Tryon. Man hasn't done so well. But the occasion has. presented itself to improve the physical as pects of our town.- To advocate any measure which adds to the hiirdon of a p.ommnnitv in tVio shape, of taxation is not popular wit.h certain classes, but the best interests of Tryon are involved when it comes to improvements like paving, ' The matter resolves itself into , the question; Do you prefer to walk or ride m the mud or to pass on dry shod? Are you content to get7 along with as they did in the Eighteen . Fities or do you wish those things which no up-to-date town lacks? An Open Letter L My dear Miss Corwith:- ! Your letter asking me where4 you can get information about Skyuka suggests to me that prob ably other scholars in Polk county are also wbndering who he was. Brief ly he was the friendly In dairl who guided Wm. Howard then Captain Howard, through Howard Gap to the place on War rior Mt. where Howard's troops f ought and won. Tradition says the defeated Tories and Indians caught Skyuka shortly after the battle and hanged him. 1 If you can. get hold of any old traditions about Skyuka please write them down and state from whom you got them. - ' ' Examine if you can'the monu ment in Howard Gap and the In dian burial ground on Warrior's Mt. where the Indians, killed in the battle were buried, and bring them into your story. i You will find the story of the battle iri a book called "Colonial and Revolutionary History of Upper.South Carolina"'by J. B. O. LandrUm ,: - , Sincerely yours; i- Fools rush In where angel fear to . . ' : - ' 1 Stuck-up people usually adhert tt their high standards. The. harvesting of wild oats always goes against the grain. ' The man with money to burn aeldon burns up competition. America's sense of duty isn't' al ways In harmony with common aenaai There are two ways to eat fried chicken- the dainty way and the right way. When inen cultivate vices, they usually have some harrowing experi ences. , It's barely possible that he's called the consumer because he wlU swallaw anything. " If tliey are making silk ot of al cohol now, how many quarts are there In a yard? - K As a "doctor grows older and learns more, he scraps most of his vocabulary of big words. If It's true that sleeping out of doora makes one beautiful, there's hope far the ugly messenger boys.. ' The country will be better off when more of our corn Is transformed Into pork and less into wild oats. There are two classes of people- those who fake jtheir tax returns and those who have nothing to tax. Wool hose promise to be as popular this winter as last but yarn stocking! will 1 continue to be old-f ashlonedV This is the tlme-.of the year when father begins to have a legitimate reason for going to the basement. A Harvard professor's assertion that the proposed Martian j telescope is all bunk confirms a general suspicion. . Don't judge a man by his clothes. It may be they are the ones he thought he could afford while he was working. With nearly 50 per cent of the Brltsh public receiving aid, no doubt one-half knows exactly how-the other half lives. New. fruits from the Amazon coun try are the acchota and the rhacache. They may be easier to eat tttan to spell. If the former czar and his family escaped to ' Japan and are there now, as reported, they are keeping f7 quiet. ' ' ; ' I . Easier moneys Is reported,' but for most of us who might try to get tome It would more properly be called lei tight. The nolitlclan who undertakes to promise everything to everybody no longer finds a sphere of economic In fluence. Our idea of a "real philanthropist la the man who has bought rugs from the Armenians and still feels sorry for them. Maybe It -is true that human life la lengthening, but the joy rider de serves no credit for a share in the Improvement - '; If it accomplished nothing else, the war improved the average Ameri can's batting average in the matter of geography. ' Spaniards are reported puraulng the Moors In airplanes. Which, judging by earlier reports, seems. to be the safest for the Dons. . . Inquiries continue to suggest them selves as to what some of the Edison questionnaires have to do with the electricity business. 1 Teachers are starving in Russia, but they are not, perhaps, teachers of Bolshevism. The latter seem to have whatever is available.. Manufacturers who credit the stor ies of extravagance that come out of Europe are slow to credit the buyers that come, out of Europe. Very few actresses are losing their diamonds these days. Maybe this is another Indication thjat diamonds are not quite what they were. Profiteering in pruaes is said to lie somewhere between California and Chicago. Which is as near as meat profiteering investigation gets. Every once in. a while there has to be something like .a war -or a rail road strike Just to sbow usf how little we have -advanced aifter aUin civilza tlon. ' A company is to be formed: in v the Northwest tokill sharks for' tttdr leather and . oil. Eve ry bathlag heach proprietor 'should gliidjy subscribe for stock. - The way the maikejt la going these days, those who hajye been cattrplaln lng because Libert' bonds t are below par soon will notiarveithattotworry about. . ;. . That man whosfls chargedj'TJncle Sam with having smuggled bird of MLflOCASTOI Delmonte Preserves, 50c Quart size Dill Pickles ... Heinz Apple Butter. ..... 8 oz, Schimel brand Pure Lea and Perrin Worcestershire Corn Flakes. . ... .. . - Post Toasties.. ........i: Oat Meal, small 1 2c v Lar I 2 in 1 Shoe Polish, old price.! Delmonte Asparagus Tips, Stockley Bros., corn...:...: Pie Peaches. . ::L No. 3 Tomatoes ... Save money by making your purchases Id "l , 1 ippoai T. A. RIPPY, Misses Edith and Edna Mann spent Saturday in Spartanburg. Mrs. Stone and daughter Miss Claudie spent Sa'.urday in Spar tanburg, j Mrs. Clara Watson and little daughter Gleo, were Spartanburg visitors Saturday. R. M. McCown and wife, Mes dames C. Bush and Kitrell and son John, Pearl Turner, .'drove, down to Spartanburg Saturday to hear Billy Sunday Dreach. "- : : . ' . , ' - I. '''r: : ' " ':i KIM Old Price $625 to Mo farmer should be without a Tractor at this new price; This is a ;FoNsoira year Mm TRYON TOY ) By trading with us you do not help pay !the other fellow's bad debts, but you do get - all your - 'money can buy anywhere and- a great deal more than , you can get at. many stores. ' size, ..... 37c 47c Jel 17c, 27c and 45c ies:.....:... .............14c Saucei:. ...:Z...r.34c -10c 10c 10c small. 28c, large. 40c 1 4c i ... ... .... 1 3c -i .L .... ..... 1 5 Tryon, N. C. J Annual Stockholders Meeting. The annual meeting ' of the stockholders of the Polk County Banki& Trust Co., Columbus, was held in the Court House, January 14th, with three fourths of the share holders present. The following were relected on the Board of Directors. J. R Samsj E. W. S. Cobb, J. H. Gibbsj P. D. Williams, J. I. Branscom, W. T. Hammett. J? W. Newman, Geo. A. Painter mm BIG IE0)(UIBOM Effective January 27, 22 NEW F. O. B. Ford and Fordson I A- t m Prftttv new Pumps, Strap and Buckle effects, in Patent, with LowK Baby Louis or Spanish heels; Grey ' Buck, Brown Buck Black Suede, Black ; or Brown Satin, ; with 1 1 Baby Louis or Spanish heels. - ' To appreciate their see them. , ; N : May we mail you a proval? HosexTo Match I Shoes and Hose j Spartanburg, ; South Carolina J. P. Arledge, Fred WBlanton. The followi ng officers were elected for 1922: J. R. Sams, Chin, of the Board; E. W. S. Cobb, President; Frank Jackson, Vice President; Fred W. Blanton Vice Pres. and Cashier, M. L. Arledge, Ass't Cashier. W. F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC TTrypn,, W, C. 4 i PRICE Detroit Sales and Sorvico Shoe Store New Spring in for Women in a variecf assortment of Beauty, - you win nave to : :" pair, in your size, on ap WE UNDERSTAND EYES Our specialty is relieving eye ! and eyeglass troubles. ; Profit by our years of exper- ence. - . Our reputation assures you the best service. , r r CHARLES H. HONESS Optometrist Eye Strain Specialist ' Established 1900 54 Patton Ave. Opposite Post Office Asheviile, North Carolina. The News $2.00 a year, TermiS if desired. i 1 i 1 - , 3 I NORTH CAROLINA V - r country HiDGAR W. UPTONi would seem to; tu c a Eltuatlon rather lckllsh paracics : feathers! into the