' . : . v - i' . - .... . ' : ' 1'- - . V v ' LOCAL Mrs. G. LeCount spent Wed nesday in Spartanburg. . , , ; Miss Julia Averill spent last week-end in Spartanburg. Mrs. J. B. Hester spent Wed nesday in Spartanburg; Mrs. J. T. Camp and "children visited relatives in Campobelld last week-end. Two young thoroughbred white Leghorn cockerels for sale. nP. 0. Box 233 Tryon, N. C. J Mrs.P. G. Morris, son and daughter, Morgan and K athleen were Spartanburg visitors yes terday. ' - At the Library, at 3 :30. Bazaar with fancy work of interest and variety, also a Washington Tea, February 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. Carter P. Brown are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son, Carter Wilkie Brown, who .arrived Saturday night Feb. 4th, weighing eight pounds. v Gilford Stafford of Glencoe and Chicago, 111. who has been visit ing Tryon for three weeks was called home on important busi ness matters Monday, - Mr. Staf ford had been a guest of Pine Crest Inn. He hopes .to visit Tryon again as he had. a most enjoyable time while here. Notice to Farmers. There will be a representative of -the Division of Markets of North Carolina in Polk County next week as follows: Columbus February 16, at 1 o'clock p. m. Hickory Grove, Friday, Feb. 17, at 10 o'clock a. m. Greens Creek . school house Feb. 17th. at 7 p. m. Mill Spring Saturday Feb. -I5tn, at z o ciocK p. m. rie re presents the division of sugar plants ana win aiscuss , growing manufacture and marketing of sorghum, and other sugar pro during plants. All farmers who desires to make sorghum a cash crop on their farm should come out to some of these meetings J. R. Sams. The Drama Fortntghtly. Rivalling in its enthusiastic re ception "The White Headed Boy," Mfss! -BUla; nBett, was read by members of the Drama Fortnightly, at the Library last Friday night. It was universally felt that every one in the cast did exceedingly! well and especially Miss Sallie Streadwick as Lulu and Miss Diana Nash as grandma Bett were very successful; "It is not too much to say that the per formance of the entire company challenged comparson with that of prof essionals, and the recep tion given to eaclpreader left no doubt in the ' minds of any how; much their work was appreciat ed. The play was read to an audi ence as large as. ever seen in the Library. The lack of Sufficient chairs caused nearly forty per son's to stand all evening. Thus again. was seen the necessity for a Little Theatre not .only for the proper presentation of the plays, but to accommodate the ever growing members who attend upon these enjoyable occasions J At the next meeting, a week from next Friday two ,one-act plays will constitute the pro gram. One of these will be Yeats' "The Land of Heart's De sire, , a beautiful and poetic setting of ah Irish legend, and the other will be The Wander weed." an orignal play written especially tor the Drama Fort- knightly by Mrs. Peattie. and bas- ed on a legendarv belief of some mountaineers hereabouts. Mu sic will also be furnished to filn out the evening's entertrinment- Notice - Under and by virtue of power oi sale contained in that certain -Mortgage Deed executed to J. n. (iibbs, by W. D. Durham to secure an indebtedness of Twenty nve hundred and twelve dollars ($2512.50) and dated 1st day of Jan. 1921 and duly recorded in book 17 at page 167 of the mort gage deed records of Polk county. .North Carolina, and said mort T 1 i '11 il ' i gage ueea ana an tne notes se- j 1 1 i i i curea inereoy naving been as signed to the undersigned the Bank of Landrum on the 6th day of Feb. 1922; default having been made in the payment of the principal and interest on the same therefore I will sell the same to the highest bidder for cash on Monday the 13th day of March, 1922 at 12 o'clock at the Court House Door in Columbus, Polk County aljthe following described property to-wit as- ' 5 : ; . 1 , : - -' . ; ' i I ' t . . 1 ' 1 1 '' . I 1 IH"MMHMHBMHH Tract No. 1 Containing 50 acres more or; less adjoining the lands of MissvMary Moore, the Jones heirs and others. M i rraot jn o. z (jontaming bU acres more or less adjoining lands of J. T.' Waldrop, Willianf Green and others. For more full and complete, description reference is, hereby made to the above mortgage. ; This 8th day of Feb. 1922. The Bank of Landrum - Assignee. The Thrilling Tale of the Philippines illustrated by 82 col ored slides will be given at the Congregational Churcn on Sun day evening at 5:30, Seats free. Basket offering to pay expenses. Two Most Helpful Donations Tryon, N. C.Feb. 7. 1922; Dr. Chandler B. Beach. Ed. The New Student's Refer ence Work. Riverside, 111. . My dear Sir, ; A few days aero Miss Anna Beach sent to our school two sets of books, "The New Students Reference W6rk, ' ' and Pictured Knowledge, ' ' the former being your, publication. At once,' I took time to look them over. I had already expressed a desire to have Pictured Knowledge, but I had not had an opportunity to re view "The New Students Refer ence Work.- Y , It is with sincere appreciation and gratitude that I express to you the thanks of our entire school and community. No greater or more valuable donation of excellent books has been made. We trust that this splen did spirit on your part wilL af ford you as much happiness as it will us. Iso much like Lo wells' view on that; "Who gives himself with his alms feeds three; Himself his hungermg neighbor and Me. (God) Again thanking you for your loving kindness to us and ask ing heaven's richest blessings upon you for your benefactors I am with best wishes, Sincerly yours, Dennis W. Simmons, Principal Tryon School. A MESSAGE TO TIRED SICIi FOLKS Don't Dragv Through Life Half . Sick and Half Well. Take .this Advice Goto your druggist and ask him for Gude's Popto-Mangan and take it with your meals for a lew weeks and see how your health improves. If you are pale, tired, lack am bition and vigor, you know your self that if you had plenty - of red blood that you would not feel' tired and half siek all the time. The only sure foundation of permanent health is good blood. Gude's Pepto-Mangan builds up your, blood with a form of iron that gets into your system quickly. It is wonderful. You will like it and it will make you feel so well and strong. Life will b e worth living again. Try it and you will thank ;us for tell ing you about it. Druggist - sell Gude's Pepto-Mangan in both liquid and tablet form. Advert isem ent. Let us fill it. . THE FOLK COUNTY 2TEWQ Got your Feed at AV J. Burns Teed Store Cash and Carry Prices Cotton Seed Meal $2.25 Cotton Seed Hulls 90 1 bu. Corn 1.00 5 bu: Oats ! 3.25 75 lb. Blue Cow Shorts 1.50 1001b. Bran I 1.65 100 lb., Pig Feed! - 2.50 100 lb, H & M Feed ." 2.50 100 lb. Chicken Feed 2.25 100 lb. Dairy Feed 2.50 l.bu. Corn Meal 1.00 ' Miss Sallie Streadwick left Sunday for a month's vacation in Florida. ' : ' jj . The topic of the morning ad dress f at the' ' Congregational Church on Sunday will be Our Prejudices. Sunday school at 10. Public worship' at 11 Bring your friends and come. W. A. Black, Pastor, p J TJiere will be a supper with music at the Library, on Valen tine's Day Tuesday the !J-4thI The supper will be served at six thirty by the ladies of Tryon. This supper is given in order to make another payment on the school . piano. . The ladies in charge would like to serve all promptly." Tickets one dollar. For Sale : - f . ; i One donkey, well riding or driving, lamb. ' P. O. Box N. C. - J - broken for Gentle as ai r233, Tryon Candy is always an ap propriate means of ex pressing love oil friend- - 'ship. 'j4j.y': ':. ESPECIALLY MORRIS' and WHITMAN'S Candy on St. Valentine's Day. : !'';- .. '. . Missildine's Pharmacy Tryon, N- C. All Your Trv us at the West Phone 105 1 . ' --. . i .- - This bank issues certificates !of deposits in sums of $50.00 and upwards. Liberal interest. Com pounded quarterly. opened for j. T. WALDROP - Vice President WALTER JONES Vice President PEOPtE ' m rjna wv i Tryon is glad to welcome back j Mrs. A. S. White tit Kalamazoo Mich, ;and her daughters i Miss Maud White and .Miss Edna White. ! Also little Barbara. This will be their third winter and spring visit to Tryon. - .They arrived Wednesday at Pine Crest Inn and' exbect to remain until May first. I Notice to Delinquent Tax Payers. . - , ' ' Notice isfherebv given to the parties named below, and all per sons that may be concerned as hiortagees that the undersigned purchased ( at a delinquent tax sale, in Columbus; ; Polk county on the 2nd! day of May, 1921, land -listed land described asT fol lows, v) I 100 acres less one on the back in Columbus township, listed in the name of Linoell Brisco Taxes for the ear 1920, Notice is , further given tha applicaton (will be made to: the sheriff of folk county by the un dersis:nedL for deeds tor said broDertv. aftelkthe 2nd. day of May 1922. w -v. J. Austin Newman. 1 Purchaser. WANT COLUMN For Sate; Building lots on Morton Drive Valhalla fruit farm 2 miles west of Tryon on Auto Highway, f These lots 50 to 100 ft. . front by 100 ft. ; deep, the most desirbe t building lots in Money j Is Worthl want all your money ; is worth when you buy gror ceries. This you can not eret unless the mer chant gives you both quality and quan tity for your dollar . tor the .. best, m evervi prices to I be fodnd any where in this community. .A cteirige for the better is always! wise . : i See Us For Feed Stuff Give your orders to our-truck driver arid have your goods delivered promptly V ; Savings Department where accounts $1.00 and upwards. G. H. HOLMES, President tew s reus Yirydin) !-N6ili'i.aiHplina- this country, within 2 to 300 yds.1 q Saluda, Pacolet river and Valhalla Tea House. G. E. M orton. FgrSale On Melrose Ave. Kenworthy place with v105 ft. frontage by 300 depth. $7500 terms. 8-t For Sale : -Used boiler, in good condition suitable for heat ing small house. If interested; compiuccate with P. O. Box 343 Tryon, N. C. 3-t For Sale: House, 5 rooms and bath, electric lights and , city 1H -' As long as your money remains in this bank earning in terest for you the other fellow will not get it. v That dollar that got away from you is the one you for got to put in the bank. ; v E. W. S. CObb, Pres. Frank Jackson, V. P. Fred. W. Blanton, V. P. & Cash. M. L Arledge, Ass't Cash, v ; ; , . ' DIRECTORS: . '" . " v ' ' : " J. A. Sams L W. S. Cobb J. H. Gibbs P. D. Williams J. I. Branscom W. T. Hammett J. W. Newman I Geo. A. Painter ,J'P. Arledge ' -Fred. W. Blanton - -.j fin III UV AJU For sale. For :W. T. a L E. E. MISSILDINE - President ' Peoples Building & Loan Assn. Chartered and Suprvised by tha Stat of North Carolina $100 share 25c A week. Second Series now open- For full infor mation call on v W- F- LITTLE, Socrotary-Trcasurcr. THE BANK OF, TRYON "Polk County'' dest Banking Institution" Thi s Bank offers you every Bahking Ac commodation and Service consistent with good, sound conservative Banking. W. T. LINDSEY, President DIRECTORS D. E. Conner . C. M. Howse W. T. Lindsey J. L. Washburn ' J. B. Hester Friday, February 10. 192. may be W, F. LITTLE Cashier V. A. BLAND Asst. Cashier water; 3 1-2 acres; 1-2 mile from N depot, young fruit trees. In quire Box 363, Tryon. ' Wanted: Single buggy and harness in good condition. See. r W. B. Stone at Tryon Electric !l Service Co. Office. : ' . Home-made chairs and stools; J stained or decorated any color. See Arthur Scruggs. For Sale by owner Small farms and rural home sites, fine fruit land 2 1-2 miles f rojm Tryon, wood and water 6n each tract;' choice building sites. T. C. Mills, Tryon, N. C. ; - , (ml prices and terms see 0 M D S E Y J. A. STEELMAN Vice Pres. J. D. HESTER, Cashier D. L. Ballenger T. T. Ballenger D. C. Barrow mu mm V