, ... ..4'. -. . . , " ' ' C. BUSH, Publisher The Only Paper Published in Polk County A Live Cleair Paper for the Home I, Volume XXVII No. 35 OUR COUWTY AfiEWT-S DEPARTiyiEWT 5 If T Same Timely Talks to Polk County Farmers, and others, cn Timely Sub MIS' t il jects, by County Agent, J. R. Szna. - xryon, in. u, March 24-1922 Mnn,v.. J ''. '' "' ' ' ' ' " ' ' '" ' c " ' ' ' pva ax cox ; I v 1 r .The Ruling Passion .-tJfi;;----' I ' What I Saw at Mill Spring Before I tell what I saw; I want to tell, what I did not see. Generally when one goes into a rural community, -he will see peo ple all scattered around talking about each other and riot able to get together and by cooperation help each other build up the gen eral interests of their commun ity; but (not so at Mill Spring. It was my privilege to attend their Community Club .meeting Thursday night March , the -16th, at Mill Spring, and here is what I saw. The first thing, was a crowded house, with men, bos; women, and girls and chttdrleu And they were there for - busi ness. Mrs. G. W. Voorhies is chairman of a Garden Club, to train bays and girls in growing gardens. Mr. Lynn Waldrop is chairman of a' Pig Cmb with 12 members at present and it in creasing right along. Mr Elias Edwards was appointed at last meeting to organize a sorghum syrup association, to learn to grow and manufacture; standard syrup to be sold cooperatively through the FarmersWarehbuse. Prof. Dill, in charge. of the school is chairman . of a Poultry Club, with a nnmber of members to be heard from one year from now. There are other commun ities at work along various lines. This Community Club has com pletely taken over the fair work in White Oak-Township and has -its fair committees at work and any one may fairly, predict a tfreat f air at Mill Spring next fall. Another project I did not see; but heard whispered, and that was systematic dragging of the community roads. I should not be surprised if they appoint a road 'committee at tKe next meeting of the club to or ganize for community road im provement I am writing this to hint other townships how badly they will be left by Mill Snrinfir if they don't wake up and or-1 gamza and get to work for com munity uplift. Greens Creek Js coming and will be heard from. No community can do its best without the community spirit in action. . ;T A Talk With Our Farmers. Come let us reason together and see what is the thing tb do about our farming this year. Ranting time is right with s. Suppose a farmer has 20 acres of good land to plant in something year, how should tt be divide fd? He certainly should not put 11 a11 10 one crop. If he has been towing cotton; how would it do to Plant 4 acres in cotton and ap Djy the most approved methods of mowing the crop under boll Weevil conditions, 8 acres in corn, th say soy beans or cow . peas, r acres in sorghuni syrup. 2 acres oats and vetch (too late now) 'acre sorghum (for hog) omitting ats and vetch, 1 acre .sweet po- 1 acre Irish potatoes, 1-2 Jcres tomatoes, 1-2 acre snap oeans, 1 acre strawberries, 1-4 acre watermelons, 1-4 acre canta 10Ps, 1-4 acre turnips? , , " 0f course this is only sugges-.e- The amount in , each " crop ght be changed to more Or less, 7 other crops suitutd ac cording to the' farmers -preference. , - v Something like this; with a apple and peach orchard, " cared for, and a flock of 60 standard bred poultry and ood sow, milk cow, or cows, with garden and nastures in k dition to the twenty acres in cul- tivation would make a little home where the inmates could live like sure enough -aristocrats, Now wny. not have several farmers in onecounty sit down and. figure out something on this line of farming for this year and see how it would work ou? Some farmers are long faced aoout the appearance of the boll weevil; but when a system of diversified and rotation farming something like the " foregoing is fully put to practice in Polk coun ty for a few years;-the farmers wuiu w war rainer. tnan re turn to the old way. Polk coun ty eminently . fitted in every re spect for this kind of farming: and we now have the warehouse an organization necessary for marketing such crops as here in ndicated. Alljhat is necessary is to aaopttne system, grow the wxupa uwiuaru. - join tne J? arm- deration whichU pro- vide the necessary capital to ful- jy carry out rne marketing planl successfully. Then Polk county will be one of the richest arid best counties in the state. . Impressions of the History of Tryon. Some ancient tulip tree is still 0f; en. x i.-..-. ovauuuijs in x uiiw wuuiy wnicn La:. ii i i 1 - uas j seen me wnoie arama 01 Trvon's histnrv Tn a nr .-1 9 .AV1U Vll tho emit h olnrvo rf nni'n. tain a large number of fiirit . ai- Their arrow warfare seems m- effective, almost like tho snnrf of boys. But their 'stealthy crawl through thicket and forest with the final blow is more thril- ling. Next tionary war when the whites in- tWt111IArl-thn HaaH tnmilir ,-w W wuvcu wic ucauijr xauiiijr icuu. Tories of South Cflriilinn whose hn-r1or lino ia rvnlv f wm Tviflrfc fifnrk Trvon takintr the sirle or TRncr- " O w"" w -v . lanaanume American rainois tound an excuse tor private mur- der of each other. - V But all this state of things be- came much worse in the Civil war when the Unionists of the moun tains were ODDOsed to he Conf ed- erates of the Piedmont; - About forty years ago it was ST i V ; 7' said that Polk, county was the second lawless -in . the whole unuea states, a county m i exas beincr considered the worse. vmt... x.. , -..'j.. xueu uet$aa tuts iuu, stciuyi conflict between the lawless ele- ment and its opposite in a losing The beauty and climate of Try- on attracted people of h.gh char- v'v' -" " ' Demff among rne nrst to come. A remarkable result has been attained. ' This - Tryori in Polk county, North Carolina; which was once so bad, so very bad, ' is now a place of literary and mu sical activities of refinment and peace. Tryon means to me golden sun shine. : The slopes of , the Blue Ridere mountains opening out to the sou th offer, especially, in the winter the fin est brand of sun shine that Fever experienced. -I should like to be soaked in that flood of sunlight - this very minute of March 18, 1922. J. A. Estabrooks, Boston, Mass. ' rauant toy' ExDerlenc . Hr SHmel Johnson, tbe man bo irsi aid. "Belt Is paved with good In iiiJons," was a man wto endured "tlie ovprRt oovertT. and was always put , off, by those whom be asKeo, tot sup port, only to oe toia ier ue famoas that they bad Intended to help him. ' . - ?ePort f the condition of PEOPLES BANK & TRUST nn Qf tw r- " J Carolina, at the close of business March iu, 1922. RRsmmnra Loans and discount :$82,565.45 Demand loans. l 411. 59 uveraraits: Secured..... .;.5; 7. 55 Unsecured.. 152.20 fifiQ 7K U. S bonds and Liberty Donds 80,650.00 All Otnpr .Qtnrls hnnrta and mortgages Polk Co. 3,000.00 St?10 umtuieanuiiAiures $2900 00 ;i 9,410.00 I . . ' r uash m vault - and net amounts Hn fwm I ' - vow ., AVIU 1 " banks, bankers anH n J? companies....,, 25,821:5 . , r - i . 1 otal -$03, 544, 67 liabilities. Capital stock paid in.$IO, 000.00 ??rms. - 1,500.00 taxes paid Tllll- 1 1 .4 iiUl.OI J-28,500.00 Dins payaoie..-;.. . j Z8,OUU.UU DeDOsitsRiihiftnhprk fiO 9Q?v 9 Cashier's checks cut- 2 Standing... -1,469.87 .4.iti J posit, due on or after 30 days - t 10 298 97 Savings deposits..r. 21,628.71 Certificates of deposit xur, u. o. uunus.: 69,650.00 Total ...$202,544.67 State of North Carolina. Polk County. Mar. 16, '22 J' W- F' Little Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear. that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl- euge.anu oeiiei. i ,W, F. Little, : Cashier. Correct Attest; G H Holmes Walter Jones ' H. H; Edwards. Subscribed and sworn tobefore Ueoy P. iwjf cuiumissiun expires -iway ao, iyza. $20 a Pound for y ; i Nft, -4 Iff wfflT Vl Jifi' : J :. .?- .Miss "Marie" Arfstto'' aaw-ike,n- ''wlitte leghorn rooster, at the she must have him for her poultry rooirai ennw in rrniuma. Ldiuia got him, top price for nirie pouaos . V.. - - M i ' - ; .Report of the condition of THe Bank of Tryori at Tryori, N. 0., at the close of uusmess lYiarcn w, , 'v RESOURCES Loans and discounts..:..$93,638.92 Overdrafts, secured 660.42 XJ. S. bonds arid Liber- , ty bonds.;. 7,944.63 All other stocks, bonds : and mortgages. 1,829.41 Banking house, furni- ture and fixtures 5,100.00 Cash in vault land net amount due from - banks, bankers and " trust companies. 22, 176. 10 : ; : i LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in...$10,000.00 Surplus Jund.i...; 10,000.00 U ndivided profits, less current exDenses and taxes paid . ..j ........:.. 2,230.07 JNotes and bills redis- counted .::$ 2,500.00 Bills payable....!.. . ' 4,000.00 Deposits subject check 69,564.S0 Time certificates of de- posit due in less than . ' v . 30 days. ; g66.92 Cashier's checks out- - ; standing !.... ... .; 100.65 Savings deposes 32,287.54 Total.l $131,349:48 State of North! Carolina, County of Polk. ! March 16, 1922. I, 0. B. Hester, cashier of the above named ank, do solemnly swear that the ,above statement is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. ;-m -A- iVt J.B. HESTERi' Cashier: : Correct Attest: W..T. Lindsev; B L. Ballenger, ; ; J.I B. Hester. . r ; j ; fDirectors. r Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 16th day of March, 1922 W. F. Little, Notary -Public, My commission ; expires Marcr 14, 1923.- . - ' Tot- Late -4 After a TouraQi has been, . mirrJeOi twd years she vv0ndershow. she.-cogki; have believed the things her, husband) said during their J courtship. Hamilton. Herald. ' f ' ' ' California Robstes ' If lif"rpna ranch. So she hid iiu iic ucciueu'uici aiiu liicic up to $1820 and of fowl meat - 1 . : Report of the condition of :" Po& County ank & Trust Co. at Columbus, N. C. in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, March 10, 1922. . RESOURCES " : Loans and discounts...$42,258.06 Demand loans,.. 1,722.61 277.28 2,200.00 .800,00 9,001.17 3,696.61 Overdrafts:. United - States bonds ; and liberty bonds.: .... All other stocks, bonds and mortgages ............ -. Bankinghouse $5637.65 furniture arid fixtures 3.363:52 All other real estate owned ... ; .A;.V Cash in;vault and net amounts due from banks, bankers and . trust c6mpanies. 6,545.88 necks lor clearm.... 13.80 - Total bbl5.4l LIABILITIES f&&'S-3V Undivided profits, less current expences and taxes paid. . ' Notes and bills redis countea:.;. Bills payable...... Deposites due banks, ; bankers and trust 791 96 3,000.00 io,uuu.uu companies 651 65 Deposits; subject to check L ' . , 20. 923. 91 r 4-:Ci . -J? ' " j i-.u' f " :r UtJUUSlL... A - Xl-tX MVI standing 230.90 Tiriie certificates of de posit, due On or After v 30 davs b .id:; 7.883.00 Certificates 'U.S. bonds -800.00 Tdtal $66, 515. 41 State of North Carolina. ; Polk Conn tv. Marnh 14 99 I. Fred W. Blanton;1 cashier -of lf : J 1. 1. i . ,! tne auove namea oanK. no soi- emnly swear the above statement isfrue to the best of my : knowl- edge' arid belief. rKKD. W ;CITON,.Uasnieir"t mat uay ui rrectAttestf " - --V winter iust now.' finess Mfso Correct Attest : ' ; E. W, S. Cobb, j f J R. Sams. : : ! Subscribed and sworn to before v,AVl,o 1KV An-r, f 1fh.AU 1fiOO : s vOrmonoS.mn; With" us stay with much renown: Myl.comhiission expires' May :10, Tir . . T7, , - -iqVm - ; - Miss Essie Edwards,- of Bre- :Ht !: - ' A;:iiv'Pnt a ew days at UM ' - J; cooper uap. ? . J We. are havinsr rilentv of rain ynd the farmers i are gettingry aM most. everyjmrWiw k M5 .yMA 1 11. She is 92 "years hold ;Y. ;B Bjantori"iisv. suffering ;a very bad cut ontthe wrist - which heacidently didwith his 'knife last week T. N. Wilson and son are verv 1 l 1 . uusv set Lin u out .oeacn rrees on ius iiiuuniaiii piace. " J7 B: Wilson's familv attended 4"Vl A. 11 1.41 r .T InnAM DaamJ M I uii.uk.xy viixxiim ju jl ciulUgc I in nonor 01 Andrew livers last bunday. Mr. W. J. Bradlev attended preachine: at Cooner GaD Sun day. - - Columbus Numerous improvements are being made on the Stearns High school campus. The walk before the building is being cemented, beautiful shrubs are being plac ed on the camDus according to plans of a landscape gardener.. - We are glad to know - that our excellent high school teacher, Miss Bessye Brown, is: back - at school again. Miss ; Emmaline Gilman, of Shelby, visited her sister, Mrs. W. D. Loy, last week. Miss Mamie Cantrell spent the week-end' with Miss Ruth Green. Miss Kitty Loy - returned to her home in Burlington;' N. C., Tuesday. - Misses Bertha Kelz, "Emmaline Gilman, Prof. W. D. Loy and JohifW. McFarland enjoyed a horseback ride to Ben Craigan, last Friday. Miss Mamie Morgan spent the week-end with Miss Elma New-; man at Eishtop. . ' The girls glee club of S. H. S. held an unusually good meeting last Tuesday morning. The boys glee club is doing fine work also." Mrs. E. B. Cloud and Mae ;, Mills spent Saturday in Tryon shopping. ") - The dormitory girls enjoyed a hike to the Weaver; place Satur- hlay; They returded -with manr beautifuMowersv c x' . " TKeBtearnsfcS;bal6ballieam ; crossed bats with the Saluda boys last Wednesday ';on the 'Saluda (rrnnTud " Tha wrtrflmoo Qiio hope, to make a better showing when Sa- U(a Pays the return game ,'ori i me uummuus diamond. -T Mr DiH smr wif vMrc anA Geprge V. Briscoe of Mill Spring, were dinner guests of Miss Odes- 821 Mills Sunday. f Mrs. C. D. Elliott left Satur- A u, v ol,Cuu OCVdC. WCCISO ill 1 u vuvi i vi u vun iui uicuicoi ucal ment . I . Roon Arledge made his weekly visit to his father J. P. Arledge. The, teachers' reading' circle met at the Stearns H. S. Satur-' day.; r A large crowd of teachers werepresent. .. . . Octa and . Lillian Pack spent the week-end with homefolks. I ' v '.- - -v: - - : ;Tiyon Route 1. f I1 j J ' first day of spnng Ground Hog will 4 'doll" up an& come; out again but will have to; then all' will; oe well; then she can donv her Home recently; Mr Tt Pi "KTonin Tiffin ma.ia and baby, Bob Brown, were vis- . .- Misses, Esther, Gibbs and . Bes- fiie .Hamilton snent-r.he waaVjoWjI- School. Mrs. E. B. Henderson left this ' world, of pain ? aridsorfow to await the coming v of f husbands- arid children On the morrow; Hert reroaii&:wred;M cemetery -feturday last We ex- tend sympathy to the bereaved Avnv- " . xauiiijr . A Sunflower Definition. . - Really, a pepsinalst Is only a nmnn who expects to get the V worst. of it Uttte sooner than the rest of , -- Teska Capital f ; .i' - 1' Hi

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