THE POLK COUNy NEWS I!!!!!!!L0cto POLK COUNTY NEWS C. BUSH, Publisher Published every Thursday at Tryon, North Carolina Office Phone, 99; Residence, 46-B Entered as second-class matter April 28 1915 at the post office at Tryon, North Carolina under act of March 3, 1879. r Foreign Advertising Representative THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER YEAR Helping Hand. The Helping Hand is to Try on what the Associated Charities is to the larger centers. The membership endeavors to em brace all the citizens at the modest sum of fifty cents for annual dues. The meetings are held on the second Monday of every month from October to May in the Sun day school rooms of the Con gregational church at 4 p. m. Notices of these meetings are given out in all the churches, and are intended to reach every woman in Tryon, unfortunately but few respond, and there are seldom twenty women present, more frequently but half that number. The object of this Society is to relieve all cases of need in the community and to investigate these cases intelligently. J. he bociety has tor many years cared for the sick either in their own homes, or as Hospital patients when necessary, sup plied clothes and care for mater nity cases, cared for orphans, clothed little children, and so on through a long list of human needs where hands have been held out in supplication. The chief source of income to the Society are the dues, but these are difficult to collect owing to the poorattendance at the meet ings. This year the Society;, has adopted a new plan, and will send collectors through the dif ferent sections of the town ask ing for three things first your dues, second, for second hand clothing, especially garments for young children; and last, but in no sense least, your Interest and co-operation in this YOUR 1 J! J ' il wurK, ior, cu you realize mat the existence of this Society saves YOU the annoyance of house to house soliciting which is discouraged by the Society, and acts as YOUR agent for the relief of your fellow towns-peo pie, when m trouble, sorrow, need, sickness or any other ad versity? - Anna L. R. Bacon. Helping Hand Officers for 1922 and 23. Mrs. M. 0. Kelly, President Mrs. J. F. Searles, Vice Presi dent Mrs. C. S. Wilson, Secretary Mrs. A. K. Missildine, Treasurer Miss Beatson, Visiting Nurse. Saluda A pavilion has been erected by the Civic League, above its new tennis court. This court built by subscription, through the agency of Mr. R. Harris, for the League is for community use, at the moderate price of one dollar. A playground has also been arranged on the ground of the proposed community house. Swings, a sand pile and seats for the pleasure of the many children who live in and frequent Saluda. Albert Salley has done good work here for the League, which at present is ac tively interested in the fair, which is to be held here Oct. 14. The Piedmont College Quar tette, passed the night at Fair view House, giving an exhibi tion of their skill in singing, to the guests and delighting every one by their team-work. The Stinecipher brothers, from Tenn. Leslie Brown of Ga. and Russell s Locke of Saluda, compose the Quartette, who will tour the principalities North and West until June '23. Guests at Mrs. Locke's Miss; Marvin Bryan and The Misses Jones, of Charleston. S. C., H. McGinnis andrwue ana miss ai meda McGinnis, of Cocoa, Fla., Miss Mary Blair, of Greensboro, Can LoadI JLeBniglhi IPoirftlainidl CemmeiiD'iS: 90c peir Williams Hardware Col Landrum, S. C. G2)o Yoio Kirooiv Mqvj jLoiriig Vooiid- Bakery Will Lasti? Yes, When You Buy A Pmm & mm rrn 'A. VI-' The "Cord Tire" Batterv With the Philco Slotted Retainer which is guar anteed for twenty-four months two years with a guarantee backed by a Million-Dollar Company. This is the longest and strongest battery guarentee ever written. A Philepelphia Grid Battery, To Fit Any Car. Ballenger-Morris Motor Co. -Distributors, Tryon, N. C. L. A. Odom, Jobber Spartanburg, S. C- We are specially proud that we have so many, far mer customers. Agricul ture is particularly inter est ing "to us, as indeed it should be to everyone, and we like to have the farmers drop in and talk their problems over with us. When we can give advice or render service of any kind we are always glad to do so. W e know that the growth and development of this community and Polk county, depend , to a large extent upon its farming interests, and we aim to do our part to ward helping tne farmers suc ceed. Money deposited in this bank v is loaned to Polk county folks to further agriculture; to buy better stock; better hogs, and to make f armlif e more profit able. ! Already we have loaned our $40,000.00 to farmers. V ' I.. J. R. Sams, C'hm. of Board E. W. S. Cobb, President .-' Frank Jackson, Vice President Fred W. Blanton, V. President & Cash. M. L Arledge, Asst. Cashier Polk County Bank & Trust Company Columbus, N. C. Who Said Long Skirts Would Put Smart Footwear Off the Map? You wouldn't think so if you watched the feet of fashionahi. men as they clatter up and down the streets this Fal,asmonable wo And whenever you see a style that you particularly admi u Strikingly smart are the Fail styles we're showing with new ones arriving daily! The above cut represents a beautiful Black Kid 1-strap Pumn frn n a $4.50 t0 $10.00 HOSIERY TO MATCH welt sole, Cuban heel, at....... Other styles in black and brown kid and brown combination.... I Siitei M I Will Sell Round-Trip Tickets to - . Account of The North Carolina State Fair stilbr Tickets will be sold from All Stations October 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20. Final limit returning to reach original starting point by midnight, Octo ber 23rd, 1922. ; ' Round Trip Fares from the following points, and equally low rates vfrom all other stations: Asheville $14.70, Andrews $20.55, Brevard $17.06, Bushnell $18.89, Bry son City $18.24, 'Henderson ville $15.89, Hot Springs $16.77, Lake i Toxaway $18.15, Murphy $21.36, Marshall $15.92, Saluda $16.56, Sylva $17.27. j Tuesday, October 17th General John J. Pershing Day Special Announcements I The Sixty-first North Carolina State Fair will be open to the public at 9:00 a. m., Tuesday, Oc tober 17th, and each succeeding day from 6:00 a m. to 11:00 p. m., up to and including Friday, October 20th. Forty Thousand Dollars in pre miums to insure the greatest exhibition ever held in North Carolina. LXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate or uarroll Jf. Marriott. deraaaaA late of Polk County. North Carolina' this is to notify all persons- having claims against the Estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed at its office in Asheville, North Carolina, on or before the 12th day of September 1923, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said Estate will please make immediate payment. This the ,7th day of September 1922. Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. Executor of Carroll P. M By W. B. Williamson, Ass't Trust Officer. if you are looking for real .estate, see me. I have acres and acres and town lots for sale- JOHN Tryo P. L0CKHART N. C. n Il 1 Prompt Mail Order Service 1 EacMawHHMMaii m hih t u wmi ,i i i ? ,vnir ummmrrrxiBmmimmumg HUMHES For sale. For prices and terms see Wm . 'Tm L ID S E V For Sale: In the beautiful Pac olet Valley, fine . residence of seven rooms, two fine fire places, large porch, cement pillars and floor. Desirable locality. James Leonard. Andrews' Superior Blend Cof fee, 3 pounds for $1.00. : Andrews Bros. Farmers (Warket WE WANT The News, $2 a year Eggs ... Chickens 15 Frying Chickens ;. .20 Hams......... ,22 corn per bu.. ............ 1.00 Peas ...... ..; 1.60 Peas 1.6O Patronize News Advertisers. 1 Automobile Show Loan Art Show State Fisheries Show Cotton Looms in Opera tion Ballad Singing Running Races Professional Bands Horse Show. Fireworks State Florists' Flower Free Attractions Every Show Night Government Terrapin Dog Show anow New Features Plentv of amusements. tYpp shows and rides, $5,000 for new speed events over the new $20,000 racecourse. Aeroplane and won derful new open-air free acts. i Jr8' Foot Ba Game. University of North Carolina vs N. C. State College. A For detailed information, ask your Local Tick et Agent, or communicate with ! Division Passenger Agent, Asheville, N. C. ran JL lb t . . ' ' - They pies are beautiful and we want to send you sam- Just send us a card stnin (T 7fxn TI7Qnf f A (rat samples of the new goods for fall. You'll get them by return mail. And Compare Our Prices and Quality with any you have seen A complete line of Jewelry Novelties, Toilet Arti cles, Hosiery, Sweaters, Blouses, Hsndkerchiefs at popular prices. - m mm x IS)epairftinnieinit3: Sftore Rest Room for Ladies SPARTANBURG, S. C. A Maid in Attendance lid PI Co -N. C, ana ivirs. uuim of Cuba. -y ' "