1 j FU''!'Sher The 0nlrPer Pkh in Polk County A Live Clean Paper for the Home , : ,.: Price 5 Cents Jell- L ---. - Tryon, N. C, October 26, 1922 $2.00 a Year : if iff -TifWBD : 'QKFffifeS" -TT&ffl ;: " If SPORTS I: CLIMATE MEAN TEMPERATURES Average for 'Four Years 43.4 44.8 54.0 ' . 57.1 ----- 66.5 .74;0 .:..74.8 75.0 - ..71.5 - 61.2 49.5 -.44.9 January..... February March.. .. ,.- April lay.. - line.:--- July August ... Member October November.. December Beautiful Scenery Cool Nights Plenty of Sunshine Ozone WATER ANALYSIS OF WATER wSent by M. g Blake, Supt. Location, Tryon, N. C. Source, Running Fountain. . Marked, Tryon Water Works. . Color Platinum-cobalt standard v. sL standard........0 -.0 -.0 alk 1 .0 0 0 Odor. cold. Odor, hot--......."ZIZ Reaction ......-.... Chlorine J ." Nitrogen as Nitrates...... Colon bacilli in 1 c,c..... Colon bacilli in 10 o n loiai numoer oi bacteria at 20 deg. C. per c.c.. . .. 3800 Total number of bacteria at 38 deg. C. per c. c:... 30 Total nuriifeer acid-producing . bacteria ..... :.0 State Laboratory of Hygiene by J. W. Kellogg. TOPOGRAPHY Tryon's elevation is 1500 feet and is surrounded -on the north and west by these mountains. White Oak..L--. Tryon Peak ... .. Warrior l Melrose i Rocky Spur.. ...... .. Hog Back............. i 3102 ft. 1.3231 ft ... Jl 2468 ft. .... .1:2638 ft. ...:.i...2500 ft. ..;1..3226 ft. THEIR EFFECT Warm Southern' expos ure Thermal Belt. No sudden changes of tem perature. Lowest hu midity; Minimum frost and dew. ; : 1 Golf,, ; : V Horseback Riding, i "Quail Shooting, V Camping, ; Hiking, fTennis, Mountain Picnics. HOTELS ; .Oak Hall, 150 guests Pine Crest Inn, 50 guests.-, M Excellent Boarding Houses. INDUSTRIES Mountain Industries, ' Tryon Toy Makers, Tryon Hand Weavers. h. . TRAnSPORTATION - Six passenger trains daily. Midway between Asheville ter minal and Spartanburg terminal. Excellent motoring. rail mileage and hours from tryon. , Mileage Hours v Chicago 785 27 Cleveland.: : 747 Cincinnati.!.... .. 482 Detroit 1... 753 Jacksonville. ,434 Charleston...- ... 250 New York. .... . ..... 707 Philadelphia 613 Baltimore 1 il 524 Washington ........ -.... 480 -Richmond ....:.........'... 385 Atlanta ; 202 New Orleans 707 26 18 26 15 10 21 18 15 14 14 6 21 Omaha,. 1,273 ; 40 i modern resort village of 1,300 inhabitants possessing paved strests, water works; sewerage, good schools, churchss WINS AT RALEIGH. is?-5 . jibber of Blue Ribbons Won at State Eair By Polk County Exhibitors. v For some time I have been too Pasture, fencing and livestock come in the order named. Its poor business to start backwards. A Tarheel farmer failed five times with clover until the coun ty agent bet him the lime that ! he could succeed hv nsino- it. 3SV to write. It became my ! Two hundred men recentlv vis. sty to attend and judge com-! jted this clover demonstration. and other fairs m differ; j geed-corn selection in the field atmrts of the state and at the i u increasing acre yields next year, iieFair last weebatRaleigh, IC. This gave me an excel kopportunity to compare our m county with other, counties ii tie state. You know I love .1 county and have hitherto pi a high opinion of her possi bles and natural advantages; stance 1 have had the oppor- 2uty of comparing here with per counties, I feel more c6n- M of my claim when I say,' jlk County is the best Dlace -in the world to build homes for Pfort and satisfaction:- Nowhere "is -what happened at - svoic lair ai naieign last aaonstration acrent' made -ud 4 Sent to the fair 18 iars of ;n6d fruits and won first, -nri'ze county as the best ex- jlt of fir-t year club work. :e It. 1j. Walker' of Lan- nship snt me ear of corn the sweep stakes zeov' all other Single ear :ilesin tl:.. state. . ; Again hav- l taken 31 the coufsnunitv fnir at Trv- iteloriffin-:.- rr nr. x r n n XT a Vi 1 f a r i h". T. ! inVl coir Mr. If P. Pnrwith won ltprize or. a nlate of Alber- N - wanu two rea riD- J0 got red '' 'W. . Dedmond, red on i UI beans Mra firnvine "Pson. i,nft . ' 'i-n icu dim ujuc caches- Mvo w" n ,: , beauts uicxts.iu& in ...bIue ribbons. and six red i i i i i -jrririiiiii 3sr proven by nine years of ex periments in North Carolina. Send the boll weevil to bed hungry. He stands less chance f of waking up next spring. Plow up the cotton stalks. The profit from selling corn as pork over selling it as grain is computed as.x$87 when worked out on the basis of a brood sow and seven acres. . A condensed handbook on feed ing farm work animals may be had by asking for the September 1922 bulletin of the department of Agriculture. A card to the editor," Experiment Station, Ra leigh, will bring the booklet to you. v One of the children might like a real, live Christmas present in the form of a purebred calf, or trio of chickens, "The 'Dollar Social" The "Dollar Social" given by IT v.. , -tun exhibition, which ' 'In ft- ue COlinW lf1 m to :;-,,- .,4- r t t l-k - 4- ijj. v ",uuw w.xiat iii,cix Respectfully, J- R. Sams, Co. Agt. the women of the Baptist church at Mrs. Kennedy's Thursday evening was a unique affair and a success both financially and socially. Each member of the church society had earned dol lar to be brought into the treasury at this meeting and accompany- msr eacn uuuar was a uuexn explaining the way in which the monev bad been made. ' Miss 'Lucy Monday was asked to read all the rhymes and the judges who-were the Rev. Mr. Yandal, Mr. Hester and Miss. LeCompte, awarded the prize for the best to the reader herself. 1 Requests were made for. several of the poems which appear herewith. Various and unusual were the methods adopted by the different ladies, one of them having won a bet on the recent big ball game, one athlefic young woman's jingle told of doing a gymnastic stunt on a wager and others earning their dollar in ways more common to womankind. "J TEACHING SCHOOL "How did I make this money ?" Listen, Til tell you honey. Rising early,, working late; Writing words on board and slate; " ' ' Teaching Latin, History too, Which may seem like play to you, Giving tests, grading papers, Seeing students ' 'Cut n o Capers" All this and very much more To tell which could, prove a bore I trust you'll think 'tis 1 well earned v If not, it may be returned. TYPING A dollar and a vers'e before Thursday night! The very thought of them gave me a fright. But I sat me down with a groan and a frown "I And on my type writer began to pound The keys came tapping at my urgent call And I found it not so difficult after all, For soon V whole dollar I had ' made, hich I gladly give to the Ladies Aid. EMPLOYMENT IS ENJOYMENT I nurse my baby dear myself, A maid I won't employ, I make a dollar clear myself ; For something I enjoy. WORKING OVERTIME We set the pace, in any race, When it comes to making money And tailor them for Sonny. FOR THE LADIES' AID. If you think I am witty and wiser I'll let you in on a little surprise, But hold your breath -before I do For.it won't take long until I am through. I must have a dollar for the "Ladies Aid"; And it has to be one I have hon estly made. I've worked and toiled but all m vain,' .; ::';;" ' So at last says I, "never again." But wait, upon a little plan I've hit Whereby I can surely do my bit, I'll sell my skirt at the bid pawn shop,'-; ' j . . . And bring that dollar before? I stop. k I ,'. ' -SKINNING THE CAT: , Don't you think it's downright pathetic .x !. ?The way I love things athletic ?. My gym. suit fits fine !, -(Tia itlsrit feairmme)-- " And when I was offered a dollar bill ; To see me do this, and see me do that, I I answered up "You bet I will," And I just naturally "Skinned the Cat. " YOU BETTER BET . I had no ip From pen or lip, About the great Ball Game; But I won my bet, And so you'll get This doliar just the same. .'. To The Voters of Po!k County Ladies and'Gentlemen:- I can't see each and every one of you before the election and ask you to support me for the office of Clerk of Superior Court, but I want to say to you that I understand there k a report be- Presbyterian Church Organized. The Presbyterian Church of Tryon was organized last Sunday morning attthe Methodist church after a sermon preached by Rev Ros well Long of - Gastbnia, - by the commission of Kings Moun tain Presbytery :- consisting- of Revs. Long, . Caldwell,' Grier and Elder Flack. "The officers elected and installedarelW :AV ;Cannon and S. E. Sloan, elders and !Fred Swann and W. H. White deacons. The name of church organization is "The Presbyterian Church of Tryon. " As the chairman of the commission stated t h i s church js not planted here to compete with the other churches of the city, but to be a spiritual force to help the others in saving the lost and in building up the Kingdom of God. - There will be services at the Methodist church on next Sun day morning at 11:00 o'clock. Subject of discourse will be "Victorious Living." This is a phase of the gospel that is large ly overlooked unfortunately. We will show that His Grace is sufficent for every need, to be and do like Him. The public is cordially invited to enjoy this hour of worship with us. .: , There are 28 charter members! 11 1922 and the contract award ed if any bid is satisfactory!. The right is. reserved to reject any ancT-all bids. ;; ; . 1 . Board of Tryon Graded School' Trusteesr By A. L. Hill. Hccciption to Teachers.. , " ' The teachers of " the Tryon school will be ,the guests . of . honor at ajreception at thein nier Library on next Friday evening, the Parent-Teacher Association being host. The hour is 8 o'clock. Invitations to this reception have been extend ed informally through the school children to their parents, and the P. T. A. wishes to invite the peo ple of the town generally to be present. ed I will not conform with the law, "and that I went oyer the county previous to the ) conven tion and asked" the law breakers of July nomina- ing circulated that if I am elect-'Notice Of Proposal For The Con struction Of A, Graded And High . School Building At Tryon, North Carolina. Sealed proposaje will be receiv ed by the Board of Graded School Trustees of Tryon Graded School at the- office of said Board in Tryon, North . Carolina, . until three o'clock p, m. of the 11 day of November 1922, for the con struction of a Graded School building at Tryon, North GaroT lin. Plans and specifications are on file with and may be obtained from the Architect, Ronald, Greens Esq., 407 Oates Building, Asheville. Afdeposit of ten dol lars will be required for each set of plans taken out. Each proposal must be accom panied by cash or certified check payable to the Treasurer Tryon Graded School - District for an amount equal to two per cent of the contractors bid. All bls should be addressed to Secretary Board of Tryon Graded School Trustees, Tryon,N. C. , Alljbids will be publicly opened at the office of the Board o f Trustees at Tryon, N. C, a t three o'clock p. m., November to be here on the 29th and support me for the tion. . . ., jnow tnis is wnat l want you to know; there is not ohe word of truth in the whole statement. It is a falsehood black as night, I have made no promise to any one; except that I would (if elect ed) make a good clerk iof court, and I say further that I asked only two voters to support me in the convention and neither of them were present. If I am elected I will give a sufficient bond and take an oath which I have done for 16 years in this county, and I am not ashanled of my official record and court any investigations of my official past record. . Yours very truly, ' ". F. M. Burgess. Action Called For. Not for Indolent srtudy and con templation of thyself, nor for broodr ing over emotions of piety no, for ac tion was existence given thee. Fichte Dumb Dan is so stupid he thinks That a mushroom is the parlor. That the Canadian border pays rent. That a shoe-horn is a musical instrument. That the Alphabet is some sort of a wager. That Virginia Plug is a horse. That a drawing roym is where an artist works (if they ever Work). That a Diplomat is some sort of a rug. , That the Antediluvian Period is a punctuation mark. That Gibraltar is a part of a church. ' That Birmingham is a part of a pig. Holy Cross Episcopal Church " . - r Rev. d. P. Burnett, Rector. Sunday services Holy Communion 8 :00 a. m; Sunday school and Bible class 10 a.- m. Morning prayer and sermon 11 o'clock. (First Sunday in month, Holy Communion also at 11 o'clock.) Friday afternoon, o'clock, Lit any and Intercessions for the ; sick. At Congregationar Churclu Bible school at 10. am. ' Public worship and sermon at 11 a. m. Bible study class at 4 p. m. on Wednesdays. Welcome to the public. Dutch Navigators First. Dutchmen- were the first foreigner! to venture to the distant shores of 1 Japan, and Dutch navigators founded rich colonies in Java and Sumatra. i - 8. N

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