14 ' , - . , -. , -v. Thursday November 23, 1922 LOCAL, mm m How Much is it Worth to be Sure? mm IL. II II IB r R Little, of Saluda, was iD ryon Monday. -'cnt "Mulvaney, of the So Ry. in a iuv.; wish 'to save money advertisers. was in i If you .w.ni7.e 0.U1 vrjss 3iargie po visiieu relatives at Flat Rock Sunday., ca(rin vour holiday shopping ic norm too soon t.n now. - start- . : Messrs T. w. ana Mark mi- lew, rt"rjr. - kandrum .upnua. Progressive KeJgion is the -icters s aauress cit uie yoii- Miss Sallie E. Streadwick QiinHjiv with Mr. and Mrs. jie Livingston in Spartanburg. U G. Speed and wife . spent scent Monday in Spartanburg. Next Thursday is Thanks jiving. The Rev. John L. Yandell $ preach at Greens ; Creek School house at 3:00 p. m. next Sunday. Lome. Mrs. Dempsey, of Feildale, Va arrived in Try on yesterday 'o be a guest oi ner siter-m- r A Wil cnn Dr. Koch, professor of Dra satie Art' at the State Univer jity will give a Stereoptical lecture at the Lanier Club his afternoon. Illustrated talk on one of )Ur Lord's parables, and a pop ir song service at the Con ventional Church at 7:30 Sun-, lay evening. Mr. Edwin Lindsey who was called to Try on by the illness and death of his farther, W. T. Lindsey, returned to his work it Chapel Hill yesterday. The Helping Hand Society let on November 13th at the . . 's worth a lot; you'll say, if it is your life that is being experimented with Practically all drugs and medicines used in treating -tttOV, prevenung nmess and m fighting epidemics go through the hands of the modern pharmacist. Yet, the margin of profit .is so small, if only a few of the drug stores had-all the business of supplying medicines for the sick, they would not be able to stay in business and continue" to furnish the many conveniences i of the modern drug store, which operates faithfully through -longer hours thart most any other business That is the reason why the modern' druggist car ries a multitude of related articles that he must sell in order to be able to serve you when an emergency occurs. "Your Druggist is More Than a Merchant" at 7:30 p. m. in the auditorium of Stearns High , School. At the business meeting certain problems concerning the school and the home will be discussed. An interesting Thanksgiving program has been, arranged. The public is cordially invited to attend this meeting. Mrs: J. W. Mcintosh; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. White,, accompanied by Mrs. Oliver Andrews, spent Monday in Greenville. Miss Maggie Sue ,Edwrds spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Thompson, at Mill Spring. guests in the Lindsey home last week. . ' ! Attending the South Carolina D. A. R. conference at Spartan burg are Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Hester, who are members of the S. C, branch of the society. Mrs. Kennedy goes as a delegate from her chapter. SUNNY VIEW MEMORIAL SERVICE. Never was a more sincere service than that held irl mem ory of Mr. Lindsey at the Epis copal Church, at noon on Thursday, The large audience was aware of that other com pany gathered in the Kentucky home of Mr. Lindsey's fathers CT fa 'nf C trSv a wa;;, ' haTwarmo tal of tt ?(.- Gr- Blake and Julina -Cal- kn have formed a partner- ship for the purpose of hand ing Real Estate and Rents, un- ier name of Blake & Calhoun. Mr. Ben Blackwell went to I n i , m m Mhertordton hospital yes-J terday to have a finger remov ed on account of blood poison. P. G. Morris accompanying urn, k new real estate company ias been formed by Eugene Brownlee and Waverly Hester J known as The Tryon Real Estate Agency. They will han dle both, sale, renting and care , p properties. We want all of our readers think of the NEWS as OUR pper-it is. If you will think. f it m this way you will give Hour support and it can do f er so much for you and our The rennrta rf RfnA P. - A. convention in Asheville Tere an interesting feature of F meeting of the local as- tion Monday afternoon, nese reports were made, by JJ Kittrell, Mrs. W. F. Smith J ;Miss Beatson who attend- rine SPSKimt in AoVirillo ;JUgh the News tn Mr. TV E. ssildine of a set of scales for use life school. The members ;jtte Welfare committe are Pleased to have this. .ULn nppriorl . jj i lm . Simmons. Miss ' Pe- 2 'and Mrs. Preston of the i iaculty will go to Ra- 44 lj ssome oi the quiet -compny came to honor Mr. Lindsey as, the good citizen, some tov bear testimony to his helpful kind ness, some thinking more of his fine and well directed ability, many of his older friends rem emberin'g the great renuncia tion which preceded his com ing to these mountains, the brave fight and the victroy which followed, lut to all came most clearly the thought of the bright, radiant personality which made him so beloved. When an old, lame colored woman was kindly allowed to carry her floral tribute up to the chancel the circle seemed complete, the entire community, as one, offering its loving trib to the memory of a many-sided much loved citizen. The kindly burial service of the Episcopal Church' was, be gun and ended by the singing of soothing hymns and by and by noble words of living faith, comfort. No eulogy was given, none was nessary, but the spir it, the essence of this good life, the service which Mr. Lindsey gave so naturally and so gladly, was commended to each one of us as an ever living example. Neither voice nor pen may speak of the harmory of his home nor of the grand and sus tained courage with which he left it. ; The conservative, man is not necessarily an unprogressive, cautious or timid man. The conservative man usually is thoughtful t and intelli gent, refusing to follow will-o wisp ideas of foolish or scheming leaders. Summed up, the character of conservatism js caution without timidity and a sincere respect for the World's experiences. ' r This bank reflects an individuality of conservatism, It is safe, sane and serviceable institution" for you to profit through. Whether it be de posits, checking, j investment or loans, you will be glad of making this bank your bank. I . . : No loans are made by this bank to any of its officers or directors. G. H. HOLMES, President J. T. WALDROP Vice President WALTER JONES Vice President W. F. LITTLE Cashier V. A. BLAND Asst. Cqshior speht very j View Mill Rev. J. J. Ruppe filled his regular appointment at Coop er uap last Sunday. He preached an interesting sermon to a large congregation. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jackson visited at G. L. Taylor's Sun day afternoon. I Several from Beulah at tended services at Cooper's Sunday. Miss Oma Reynolds the week-end at home. Mr. G. L. tfaylor is sick with pneumonia. Several from Sunny tooka . flying trip to Spring Saturday. Miss Carrie Lea Ruppe spent Saturday night with Arkansas Jackson. I Misses, Mary, Bessie and Emma " Helton were dinner guests of Esther Wilson Sun-' day. ; Mr. .Willie B. McGuinn went to Charlotte and drove our gchool bus back. Mr. Sams and Miss Padgett visited Sunny View on last Wednesday. They organized a club for benefit of Sunny View students and patrons, s The teacherage here has been completed and is now be ing painted. Bowen Wilson and family visited his father Sunday. There will be a teachers meeting at Sunny View Sat urday. . PLEShBAHK AND MSI -C it .. EV3embe American Bankers Association dd, Noirlhi CairoDiima W. F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon, NI C. Holy Cross Episcopal Church ' : ' If-" Rev. C P. Burnett, Rector. Sunday services ; j Holy Communion 8:00 a. m. Sunday school and Bible class (10 a. m. r , I - Morning prayer and sermon 11 o'clock. . il ' - (First Sunday in mbith. Holy Communion also at'41'o'clock.) Friday afternoon, 4:30 o'clocl Litany and Intercessions for the sick. v , '. H At Congregational Church. Bible school at 10. a m. Public worship and sermon at 11 a. m. i Bible study class at 4 p. m. on Wednesdays. Welcome to the public. For Sale: 94 acres 1 . miles from Tryon. 7 room house and young orchard. Easy termsMiss A. F. Ravan, Tryon, R. II FOR SALE Wilcox -Dairy Farm7 two good cottages N arid barn, 20 acres, some good bot tom land. This place will be )tend sold at a very reasonable price and on terms to suit purchaser. JAMES LEONARD. COLUMBUS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday School at 10 o'clock -Christian Endeavor at 6:15 p. m. Worship at 7:00 p. m. The people of the town and com munity are heartily invited to at- these services. Special VaDwes Dim IHllglh) QraQ Apparel COATS Bolivias Velours. Ex ceptional values .:. $23.95 Regulars Stouts DRE ES SilkWool. New Models, Wonderful values. Price4-....-..:.:--.$1 8.50 NEW COATS V Plain Models. S 16.50 Price Special lot of silk and Wool Dresses ... ... $22.45 PLUSH COATS Plain and Fancy Models. $14.99 to $42.50 NEW HATS For winter. Moderately Priced. - A. H. MORRIS, Owner , 1 13 E. Main St. Spartanburg, S. C. -o- ?ex't week to attend the Panymg them will be little vLreraWine Sayre. of the lii:11 OTnflo ,ttI,,x o He v "t I1U Will JJU 0 ' ln the snellincr rnntpst. Rles r weeu,- vjeiiexai W?,. P1w Works South m m iaue a anorx visit ...u anrl 1VT tt t Jill Mi feb ,, ,irvn-and expects Mler for a longer 01 Columbus will rri night, Nov. 23rd. r j -U teni was mucii ea with tlio -noQ an s Crowded Out Last Week Mesdames Roy P.- Whitlock, and M. ,L. Nash of Landrura, were Tryon visitor s Saturday v Little Miss Edith Missildine, will entertain at a bithday party this afternoon it beingjier eight birthday. - Prof. Cobb and others from Columbus attended the State P. T. A. association in Asheville Thursday. Mice ATarv Lindsev spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Uran nernng in Spartanburg. Mrs. Crawley had as her crnests Sunday Mesdames E. M. Flack, Robert Hampton and Lela' Danes of Ruthlordton. Mrs. Henry Bray, went to Chapel Hill, Tuesday to visit her daughter,-Mrs, Edwin Lind- sey. y : Mrs. Oran. Herring and little daughter, of Spartanburg, and sister Mrs. Henry Rankin, and children of v Gastonia ' were Hemstitching and picoting at tachment; fits, any machine. See B. J. Arledge, Singer Agent, Lan drum, sc. 3 mo. pd .'. - o " j English City on the Move. I Greenwich, London, is said to have "drifted" half a mile towards the equator in eighteen years. Wyigits of Precious Stones. The ruby is the Rea-v jest of precious stones. Next comes the. garnet, topaz and diamond, in the. order named, i rrue inaepenaence. k .. It is not the greatness of a man's means that makes him independent, to much as the smaliness - of his wants. Cobbett. j Death After Few Days' Sleeplessness. The longest-period of complete and continuous insomnia authentically re corded terminated on the ninth day with the death of the victim after hor rible suffering. ! 'Ov.'c.rf of Language." : .In 'the old Norse the echo is called the dwarf language, probably because it was thought to be produced -by dwarf s . within the mountain's Imitating thesounds from without which they heard. C Another VTcious Circle. An Altoona man snores so hard he awakens the dog. The dog sits up, howls and awakens the man. The man swears at the dog and awakens the. mother.?. The mother growls at the man, who forthwith proceeds to go to sleep and start the run all -over Again. Galveston Tribune. ,1 : 1 Honolulu's Big Industry. . ,' j ... Honolulu has the. largest pineapple canneries in the world. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF TRYON ' John L. Yandell, . Minister The public is cordially invited to worship with us at the Methodist church at 11 o'clock next Sunday. The theme of the message ' of the hour will be "The First and Greatest Privilege and Service of the Christian." There will be special meeting following this hour of , wor. ship. There wilLe a congregational meeting foiling this hour of worshp. v : o v- TYPEWRITERS, all jj prices from 25 dollars up. Underwoods, Roy als, Remingtons, L. C. Smiths and Olivers. Wales and Burroughs Ad ding Machines. CALHOUN . OP IFCE SUPPLY CO, . Spartanburg, S. C. .v . - ! CHECK PROTECTORS. We have every make at prices less than jrou can buy elsewhere. Will takeold one as part payment.- CALHOUN OFFICE SUPPLY CO, Spartan- burg, S. C. Jj 'IRON SAFES in stock, also Check Protectors, Typewriters, Adding Machines. Largest stock , in State, and the prices are right CAL HOUN OFFICE SUPPLY CO., Spartanburg, S. C. Things in Which We are Offering Special Values at This Time. Boys' .Suits One lot Men's Suits, new and snappy on which we ranging in price from $7.50 are offering for a few days to $12,50 " 20 per cent, off just to stim- $4.98 to $10 ' ulate business. . " " x Dry Goods prices are es- Our Shoe line is big and pecially attractive in all strong for every member of grades of serges, prices the family and the prices range irom 25c up. Ging- are below competition; A hams. 7c P- Bleached do " , . , . , . mestics 15c up. Brown do- few lots at special prices. mestic, yard wide, 10c up. TThe BaDDeinijger Go Andrews' Superior! Bfend Cof fee, 3 pounds for $1.00. Andrews Bros. - . - Pay up your subscription. f Eugene Drownlee Waverly M. Hester Tryon Real Estate Agency We have opened this business with office at the Bank of Tryon, and are prepared to take charge of your prop erty while away; also to make rentals. and sales. We Will Be Glad to Have Your Property With Us L Venture Turned Out Well.- - Logwood, the timber which is. ex- ported from Haiti all, over the world, was introduced into that island in 1730 , for the purpose of furnishing blossoms TLr (TO iiii ' which would yield a superior nectar The News, $Z a year ; Description That Ws. Apt. Whistler once described himself as "an-' artist whose work is without the palQ of gross popularity and whose purse is consequently not heavy with ill-gotten gold." i i C :