POLK COUNTY NEWS C.BUSH, Publisher Published ?very Thursday at Tryon, North Carolina Phone, 99 / Entered as second-class matter April 28 1915 at the post office at Tryon, North Carolina under act of March 3, 1879. . .IU ! . _ 1 . ! "ULJilJ !?- - - ' ! Forei *n \dwr i !iu I the AVfiR ica\ r?r.i5A >s*' cia nov SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER YEAR /Marriage makes two one, but th? trouble is to find out which is the one. America's mistake was in putting all those dollars but no sense into Eu rope. Europeans who frown because the Reds hate the rich are those who hats America. Russia's money is now figured Id quadrillions of rubles, but it does not buy much. , Telling her that he^ hands are beau tiful only encourages her to let mother do the work. t The average man can feel poetical so long as the leaves are on the other fellow's walk. J Divorce lawyers would starve to death if all husbands helped with the supper dishes. ' , An experienced traveler is one who knows how to be disagreeable enough to get served. 1 Mother says the vacuum cleaner wu suggested by the head of the old-fash ioBfcd hired girl. * Paris may dictate fashions, but It U no longer necessary to go to France for naughty novels. The only consoles feature about the coal situation is that it can't be blamed on the flappers. "Murder will out." ? Old version. The modern version is: "The mur derer will get out." About the only place where author ity and tyranny are widely separated fs In the dictionary. The best love charm with which to 0 hold a man is a diploma from a first class cooking school. ah unusually bright child usually manages to put the dimmers on when company is present. v Rumania is to pay her debt to the United States. May her example be a shining light to others. If only good people would learn that it Is possible to travel the narrow way without being narrow-minded. ?We know that stenographers do not chew all the gum, because we find so much of it ob the movie chairs. * The keeper of an automobile will be glad to include a new license plate In his list of useful Christmas gifts. , The pies mother made were no bet ter than the wife's ? the difference was fn the appetite that awaited them. ? Dogs are luckier than people In a city where taggers run riot. One li cense tag lasts a dog an entire year. A revolt In Albania Is not exactly , sews. Revolts are as common there ai cabinet crises tn Rome and Paris. i \ What we would like to see is a real cure for baldness that can't get pushed over on one ear when you .take your hat off. Making the world over seems a relatively unimportant task to the woman who must make last winter's frocks over. Some day the flapper may shock the world by being bad enough to do the - things the old gossips are bad enough to say she does. i The announcement of another music memory contest brings to mind what t* blessing it is that most jazz music If soon forgotten. ? Another aimless suggestion for de flating the ruble is that the last six or nine ciphers be crossed out on all paper money in Russia. One of the lasting verities is that a girl who writes eight-line poems about ber tender imprisor*d soul is rarely of r guy use about a kitchen. What Is the matter with the children of the present day? For one thing, perhaps the grown-ups are giving them too many bad examples. We are strictly tgainst automobile theft, but nevertheless there are a lot of people who ought to have their cars \ taken away from them somehow. Xhe world has seen the bronze age, ' the atone age, and the iron age. From tfe shootings that are going on the present seems to be the age of lead. V', A national census of plga la to be undertaken by the government. How ever, assurance is given in advance that Quadrupeds only are to bt SEEN THROUGH ENGLISH EYES Traveler Declares American Wom'en Splendidly Domesticated and Versatile to a High Degree. i ? ? * An entertaining way for the Ameri can woman to see herself as she is seen is to follow the comments made by the Manchester Guardian's corre spondent in America, Muriel Harris : In her home the American woman Is domestic almost in the German sense. Tliere is no handing over the kitchen entirely t ? ^ I M. G. BLAKE JULIAN CALHOUN Real Estate and Rents t ; i ? ? ' * ' ? # Office Over Drug Store Blake & Calhoun E Always Easy : ?To apologize To begin over ?To admit error To take advice ? To be unselfish ' To be charitable ?To be considerate To keep oil trying To Hake New Year Resolutions and Keep Them But it Always Pays Resolve to begin the new year right and be thrifty. Show your determination to save by opening a Saving account at this strong bank. Deposits made before the fifteenth of the month draw interest for the entire quar ter, which ends March 31st. " S THE BANK OF TRYON "Polk County's Oldest Banking Institution" TWO CIAL LOTS Lot One Lot Two 5 Formerly Sold up Formerly Sold up to $19.95 to $32.50 BOTH PLAIN AND FJR TRIMMED SEE OUR WINFOW DISPLAY ? # ?* Our Great Sale of Dresses Still in Progress 113 E. flairs, St. Cloak Co. Spartanburg, S. C. Dr. J. J? Gaines writes "POEM BY. UNCLE JOHN' Terry Gittdson N CARTOQNSj AND HOHB^WEBT HOME \ Richard Lloyd )one? INTERPRETER OP AMERICA | Stars, Every One of Them and They Contribute to This Paper ,? This paper believes there is no cleverer news talent in the coun try than that here pictured. We count ourselves fortunate to be able to offer our readers the work of men like Richard Lloyd Jones, nationally known editor; Dr. Matthews, one of the nation's outstanding ?* preachers, and Gilkinson, of cartoon and comic fame. The others are equally recognized as masters in their fields. . \ > By special arrangement with' jthe Publishers Autocaster Service,' these newspaper stars contribute exclusively to this paper, ?ft 4* Robert Fuller SPECIAL FEATURE WRITER i ftev. H, A? Matthews* D.D., LL.D. AUTHOR Qf "PUMCHBTTES" i Lefl3 gujness Booth HOME AND . FASHION WRITER ? *?** Edward Percy Howard NATIONAL EDITORIALS