improved uniform international Sunday School ' Lesson T iby UEV. P. B .KITZWATEK, D. D., Teacher of English Bible In the Moodj r.ible Institute of Chicago.) vopyrlght. 1922, Western Newspaper Union. LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 18 JESUS AND ZACCHAEUS LESSON TEXT? L*lke 19:1-10. GOLDEN TEXT? For the Son of Man 18 come to seek and to save that which nus lost? Luke 19:10. REFERENCE MATERIAL? Prov. 3:13 Matt. 9:9-13; Luke 16:1-13. I'lllMARY TOPIC? Having Jesuo for a v lsltur. Jl'NIOR TOPIC? Jesus in the Home of Zacchaeus. i INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC How Jesus Saved an Extortioner. young people and adult topic ^'Inistian Standards in Business. J. Jesus Passing Through Jericho (V. 1). J.ericho is noted as the stronghold i>f the Canaanites, which was iniracu i oil sly delivered into the hands of -Israel in response to their faith (Josh. \jj, and also for the faith of Iialiab, which saved her from destruction w ih the city (Het). 11:30, 31). II. Zacchaeus Seeking Jesus (vv. 1-4). 1. His Object (v. 3). He sought to see who Jesus was. Though perhaps prompted by curiosity he ' eagerly sought Jesus. He doubtless had heard of Jesus' kind treatment of publicans, so was prompted to see what kind of u man He was. 2. liis Difficulties (vv. 2, 3). (1) His infamous business (v. 2). He was a tux collector of the ltoman govern ment. The very fact that a Jew held such an office under the hated Romans would make him extremely unpopular. Then since he was rich it was evident that he had practiced extortion in col lecting the taxes. (2) His shortness of stature (v. 3). He was too small to crowd his way through to Jesus, and being hated by? the people they thrust him aside, no doubt with taunts and jeers. (3.) His persistence (v. 4). lie ran before the multitude and climbed up into a tree. What he lacked in stature he was determined should be made up by the height of the tree. Ob stacles placed before him he brushed aside and those he could not brush a*ide he climbed over, because he had set his heart upon the goal. Though Zacchaeus' legs were too short to eri 1 1 1 e him to see Jesus they were long enough to run past the crowd and en- I aMe him to climb the tree. It was somewhat undignified for this rich j man t i JL His/ vj Locals cou Pie \NE?*"> ?ARLl?R THAW USUAL/ tH Society Mrs. Cranberry entertained a few friends on the ice yesterday. Harvesting of the winter crop has started. WRRN OPPP4" 0Q VOOLW PC. L.ATE To SCHOOL j The Farmers' Institute is in session at Pleasant Valley. p. | (Copyright, W. N. U.) -J He'd Probably Enjoy It More Anyway This Ltstens All Right MLB MOO PftovA U?VJ^> to Mop.* V tf-WA KUO\M A fAAU 1MERE UAMEO COLOMEU STOARrt <2 & "4 AW.OOVW HA VtMOVJ COLOMEV, StOARX, UOH* / I Bom, theple are SEVERAL- MltVIOM feoPlf IM MEVM VOR.K MOO $URELM POMY EK.P6CY Me TO KJ40W, THEM Jtio( Bur AA/V POOR . PUMB BElL OUQHY Vo KHOW ONE 1 iSL