(Warns Against Poor Thermometers ? Km leigh, N. C., April 25, Inaccurate thermometers .jiv d'ten the cause of poor hatches. which means weak that have a heavy death ,lU> i. .{ev they are taken li,(r? . e incubator. Therefore i, r. Kaupp has found such, may moan an entire failure. , .. Kaupp states that an other way to test the incubator and brooder thermometers is to Usc a certified clinical ther mometer which is known to be correct. Both of these are (?laceJ in warm water and when the water reaches 103 degrees with the clinical thermometer i: should also read the same with the incubator thermome ter. ? ? V Raleigh Wants Boll Weevils Word has been received this week that Franklin Sherman at the State Department of Agri culture in Raleigh wants the first live boll weevil that/ a farmer finds this season. .Mr. Sherman is more than welcome to the fir?t and any or all of his successors found in this part of the country. Planters in Polk County are requested to send to Mr. Sher man. State Department of Ag riculture, Raleigh , the first speciman of the insect found on their farms. College Trained Farmers Investigators at the State College have found that the farmer with no schooling earns on an average of $240 per year in comparison to the man who after having completed his ele mentary grade school and short training course adds a four years course in the agricultur al school and earns about $1, 254.00 per year. Pointing out the various earning capacities from the uneducated farmer up to the .college trained man, the farm er with a common school educa tion earns 5564.50 per year; high school, $648.50; with a short training course added, $8 18.50; and with the full ' four years training in agricul tural college, $1,254.00 ? o REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Bank of Sa luda at Saluda in the State of North Car olina at the cIok" of business. April 3rd. 1923. RESOURCES i-??ans and discounts.'. .?.$ 48,179.32 Demand loans 5,250.00 Overdrafts * 195.06 I'. S. bondp and Liberty bonds... 7,000.00 Hanking house, $3800, fur niture and fixtures $2500 6,300.00 ' ash in vault and net a mounts due from banks bankers and , trust com parties 9,363.64 ' ks for clearing 561.57 Total $76,849.59 LIABILITIES ' ; ;>i taJ stock paid in $ 10,000.00 1 ndivided Profits, les* cur rent expenses and tax es paid *. 96.02 Hills payable . . 9f000.00 Deposits subject to check.. 19,213.69 f ashier's Check outstanding 21.23 ! 'Kit; certificates of deposit due on or after 30 days 31,699.17 Savings deposits 6,819.48 Total $76,849.59 State of North Carolina, County of Polk April 16, 1923 ! I'. H. Bailey, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear 'bat the above statement is true to 'ht- best of my knowledge and be lief. p. H. BAILEY, Cashier. R. B. Staton Henry P. Corwith, J. M. Hearon. Directors Subscribed and sworn to before me, 'bis icth day of April, 1923. H. B. Lane, Notary Public. My co mmissiou expires March 2, 1924. Sale of Town Property for Taxes By virture of my office as Tax Collector for the Town of Columbus, Polk County, in the State of North Carolina, I will sell for cash at the Court House door in the town of Columbus, N. C., on Monday, May 7, 1923 at twelve o'clock, M., the fol lowing property described for the taxes therefore, with all cost added as perscribed by law, towit: ^ Town of Columbus Taxes 1922 Constant Bowen' 1 lot I 19.50 Constant Clayton 1 lot 1.70 Elliotte, C. D. bal due 1 lot.. 5.65 Gibbs, J. H. *1 lot 3.20 Hill, Mrs. W. H. 1 lot 25.70 McFarland, C. L. 1 lot *11.60 Prince, C. *L. 1 lot 13.70 Hampton, T. C. 1 lot 1.70 Arledge J. P. 1920 1 lot 11.90 Arledge, J. P. 1921 1 Hot 15.70 Arledge. J. P. 1922 1 lot 28.70 CLAUDE S. MILLS, Town Tax Collector. 0 ? Farmers Market WE WANT Eggs 22 Chickens 20 Hens 17 Hams .20 Corn per bu 1.10 Peas 2.00 Cane Seed, per bu. 1.00 u NOTICE All persons who own real, personal or mixed property on the 1st day of May 1923 must list it with the township super visors during the month of ? May. There seems to be a great deal of property not listed and some unjustly assessed. It is our duty and whole desire to get all the property listed and ! equalized as near by as possi ble, and if the good citizens of Polk County will assist us by giving information in regard to non-listed property it will be greatly appreciated. The followin gentlemen have been duly appointed Township Supervisors : James Jackson, Try on Township, Try on ,N. C. ; Fred Robertson, Sal uda Township, Saluda, N. C. ; M. L. Hutcherson, Columbus Township, Columbus, N. C. ; Taylor Whiteside, White Oak Township, Tryon, N. C.; R 1. W. D. Westbrook, Greens Creek j Township, Inman, S. C.;. R 5. Ed McDade, Coopers Gap Township, Mill Spring, R 2. Every citizen should willing ly list his property at actual cash value to the support of his county and help equalize the burden of taxation who enjoys the protection of law for him self and property. Columbus, N. C. JNO T. SMITH, County Tax Supervisor. o Administratrix Notice Having qualtified as admin istratrix of the estate of J. D. Jackson, deceased, of Polk County, North Carolina. This is to notify all persons having claims against said es tate to file same with me for payment within twelve month's from date or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment. This April 7th, 1923 ELIZABETH C. JACKSON, Administratrix. NOTICE. The Board of Education of Polk County will elect a Super intendent on the First Monday in May, 1923. All candidates will present their applications to the chairman of the Board on or before this date. E. M. SALLEY, M. D., Chairman. o ? f 5om6 AAEa* like KNIV&f - ; I NOV 6ET 'em HOT AMD ?TWEY LO?E Chemical Warfare of Ceylon Ants. The standing army maintained by the white ants of Ceylon practices ? sort of chemical warfare against in sect enemies. They squirt drops of a secretion in the faces of other ants, which is said to drive them almost crmxy. Few men can saytkatfteyliave ; never had an opportunity But many will admit that they were not financially ? able to take advantage of the opportunities, when they came. ? A banking connection with a strong bank will always help you at the opportune time. Start an account Today THE BANK OF TRYON i Polk County's Oldest and Strongest Bank. Eugene Brownlee Waverly M. Hester Tryon Real Estate Agency We have opened this business with office at the Bank j of Tryon, and are prepared to take charge of your prop- ! erty while away; also to make rentals and sales. We Will Be Glad to Have Your Property With Us I J J. A most unusual display of beautiful Dress , I ? Apparel, from which a careful dresser | may choose her festival Wardrobe j Handsome Evening Gowns We've made unusual CoJorS plans for this year's Fes- - ? Materials tival shoppers and are White now showing our most Geoi?ette and Corn wonderful collection of Lace Orchid dazzling Evening Gowns PtiiH by sending in any item of news you f may have. We will ap-J preciate it and it will go all - , 'If long way towards making] if the paper interesting. j| TRY O'HENRY Self-Rising Flour $1.35 a Bag / ' I M. C. Butler & Co. ? * TRYON, N. C. ! M. G. BLAKE JULIAN CALHOUN Real Estate and Rents Office Over Drug Store Bake & Calhoun Holmes-Calhoun Seed Co. Spartanburg, S. C. / Dealers in highest quality GARDEN SEED, Poul try Accessories, Buckeye Incubators and Brooders. Mail us your orders. A post card will bring a catalog to your door free of charge. Better Seeds ? Better Crops TOURING C fP. O. B . DKTROfT qA Greater Touring Car V due The present price of the Ford . Touring Car is the lowest ever made. - j And yet the car itself is a greater value. It is better looking with slanting windshield, a one-man . top ana improved seats. And there are many refinements in chassis construction. The demand is so great that de liveries will soon be impossible. To protect yourself, order now. Make a-small down payment, the balance on easy terms. Ford prices have never been so low Ford quality has never been to high BaHenger-Morris Motor Co. ' Tryon, N. C.