OUR COMIC SECTION 0 When the Dandelions Are in Blossom VVES, 1?S IRp THEN App IHfc , iloice OF 5?x 0RAN6ES mi}** vi va/amtJ When Slicker Meets Slicker A CMvueoue umjpowm -rave*, I CACCS \r \ RED MCRK AM1 Me AGR.EEO 'AT ?tU' PlRSt PEUW WHAT KETCHtO A p Fish Wux. Str \jp j ? IC6 CfcEAKA Oowe$ am* now WE WOMT DO tx\ o\o fceo CATCH *tH? RRST fvSH - ? y/AL, WOW COKA8, VOO DvOMT CATCH AKIN *1 7-^5il Avw, \ VJOX. "foo $UARX F?fc MM C\ Western Ncw^? Sore we 010. eot H6 WOOCOMX Pull XX ?M ! 5^5*3* V OSOVif HM)S VK> &M* OKI WN HOOK* \ Oh, Sweet Patootie! ?1 CANT 6EEM To ACCOMPLISH lANYTPlNCr r 6 Western N?wsp*p?r Uni?* rr-b -tie. #BlN6 VEATCIJ, JWRUNG INCREASED VALUE OF LAMBS Docking and Castration of Young Ani mals Destined for Market Im proves Quality. (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) Docking and castration of lambs des- i tined for the market materially in creases their market value because of improved quality, according to the United States Department of Agri culture. There are several reasons for this. Docking makes the hind-quarters of lambs appear more blocky and deep, and it also adds much to the cleanli ness of the animals. Thus they appear more attractive to the buyers when they reach the market. Ewes which ure to be kept in the breeding flock should also be docked as a very large portion of the undocked ewes will fail to breed. Ilani lambs over three months of age tend to grow thin -and develop coarse shoulders and neck. Thin fleshed, coarse, open-shouldered lambs are not of a desirable quality, and when they reach the market they are discriminated against by the buyers because of these features. If the lambs are castrated and docked when they are a few days old their growth will not be retarded. On the other hand they will present a better appear ance, and If they have been properly fed, will have a smooth, desirable fin ish at four months of age. Lambs of i good quality in this condition com mand a premium over bucky and un docked lambs at the markets. Often times during the period when the Jer sey City market is receiving large num bers of lambs from the eastern states, ! lamb prices at that market fluctuate j sharply because of the high percent- j age of undocked and bucky lambs which are discriminated against by j buyers seeking a high-quality product. , MAKE ALL BROOD SOWS WORK | Properly Managed Animal Should Produce Two Litters Each Year Roasters in Demand. The properly managed sow should produce two litters a year if the farm Is equipped for fall pigs. Under such a system the sow should farrow in March and again in the early part of September. A sow that was bced about November loth will farrow March Cth to IHh. Iiy weaning the pigs at eight | weeks of age. the sow may be rebred j late in May to farrow In September. In states wtiere the winters are severe, good houses are necessary for , 1 the young pigs born in March. Those coming in September will almost take care of themselves until cold weather. , They are then in need of good care, i or a large number of runts will re- i suit. A good demand exists during Thanksgiving and Christmas for small I pigs for "roasters." A farmer in ! J ! northeastern Iowa has raised pigs for i tli is special market a number of years, and finds It a profitable means of dis posing of his fall pigs. CALCIUM NEEDED FOR STOCK Cjows, Horses and Sheep Must Look to Roughage for Needed Supply ? Silage May Answer. The cow, together with the sheep and horse, mu.st look to its roughage to supply the needed calcium. Fre quently there is not sufficient calcium in the roughage or the vitamin needed to make it available to the body is not present. This vitamin Is present in' i green pasture at all times. If silage has been properly made it is possible ^tlmt there will be enough of the vit- , ! amin in it also to cause the assiml ? lation of calcium. It 13 not well to count on this, however, for much of the sileage made at the present time ! Is not properly made. I LIVE STOCK HINTS I j * f ? -j Poor feeding Is keeping brood sows ! on hundreds of farms from paying a profit. ? ? ? | Feed alfalfa hay to brood ?ows. It 1 pays a greater return in this way than any other. ? ? ? Damp beds are responsible f>r pneu monia. bowel trouble and skin dis eases among pi?s. ? ? * The responsibility of animal dis ease control rests with tlie veterinary profession, says Dr. R. A. Craig, head of the veterinary department of Pur due university. ? * ? A good ration for a sow with pigs is 6 parts corn. 3 parts middlings and 10 parts tankage, when on full feed. ? ? ? Mixed shipments sho\f a greater number of killed and crippled hogs and a greater shrinkage than straight shipments. \ ? ? * The man who consistently follows a well established live stock system on his farm is more prosperous than the man who tries to be in when condi tions look good and out when they ,ook bad. PROVED EFFECTIVE BY A FIFTY YEARS TRIAL - The mo?t widely med remedy in the world to overcome the ttegnatinf n# catarrh. Catarrh It worm w ? - t effect! of catarrh. C^Un* ftipnt and inaidlotn in iti ravages. nearly . every household end Covers like e peitl* lence every where. m '0r ^ fhooaaad* of other*, learn what it mean* tofcj J:k? SOLD EVERYWHERE TABLETS OR LIQu,0 ALLEN'S the antiseptic, healing powder FOR THE FEET . Takes the friction from the shoe, re lieves the pain of corns, bunions, V:.; louses and sore spots, freshens the feet and gives new vigor. HAKES TIGHT OR NEW SHOES FEEL E\SY? At night, when your feet are tired, I sore and swollen from excessive danc'l ingor walking, sprinkle Aiien's Foot-Ease in the foot-bath and enjoy the the bli?, of feet without an ache. Over One Million live hundred thoimund r0ur(), of powder for the feet were u?ed by our Arm* and Navy during the war. Trial p*ck?ie t?j ? Foot? E*?? Walkina Doll SentFree. Addreu ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, Lm Roy. N. Y. in m Pinch. Uie ALLEN'S FOOT-fa?.e Wanted WJ?1. to learn the barber trade _ and enroll for the spring and summer coarse. Good jobs await our graduates. Charlotte Barber College, Charlotte, N. C. AtiKNTS WANTED IN LVKKY TOWN To sell our wonderful auto tube patch. Ap plied without the use of cement. Men mak ing 1100 weekly. OLD HICKORY TUBE PATCH^ CO., 419 Realty Bidg., Charlotte, N. C. Carolina Radio Company Largest radio sfores in the Carolina*. Radio supplies purchased from us are sold under a positive guarantee of satisfaction. Mall or ders receive immediate attention. Send 25c in stamps for Complete Radio Atlas and large Radio Map. shewing all U. S. and Canadian broadcasting stations and their call letters. Our catalog included upon re quest. Good territory open to active dealers. Write for proposition. CAROLINA RADIO CO.. 300 N. Tryon, St.. CHARLOTTE. N. C. / FUN ?PLENTY OF IT Send 10c and you will get 20 of the funniest comic cards you ever laid eyes on, together with illustrated catalog showing many tricks, jokes, puzzles and other novelties. Address JOE'S NOVELTY SHOP 601 Main Street, Norfolk, Va. The Price of 25 Cents' Worth. Maggie was fat, old and colored, ami suffered from rheumatism. A friend who suffered from the same ailr ment had obtained some relief from a salve. Nothing would do. but for Mag gie to have some, so she went to the nearest store. "I have had rheumatism for 13 years ?and want 2o cents' worth of something to cure it," she said. The clerk smiled and got her the remedy. When he returned Maggie laid a quarter on the counter and asked : j "How much?" Not Funny to Be Caddie. Beginner (after repeated failure) ? "Funny game, golf." Caddie ? " 'Tain't meant to be." ? Punch (London). The Difficulty. "Does the doctor hold out any of your Uncle Dob's getting well* asked an acquaintance. "Oh, yes!" replied Zeke Sawney (Jf Straddle Ridge. "He says that in a month or so Uncle Dob will 1>?? read? to whip his weight in wildcats? The dickens of it is, when he z?-ts well whxir are we going to get the uiij. cats?" ? Kansas City Star. This Little One Had Colic for Three Months "My baby suffered' from colic fur three months and I was afraid I was going to lose her," writes Mrs. A. J. Tolbert, of Holley, Fla.. " ut she soon got over it when I gave her Teethina, and now I will never be without/it, for I give it to both my little ones and it keeps them well." Colic is a very common complaint with babies and If not corrected in time often leads to more serious dis turbances. Teethina corrects baby's indigestion, relieves distress due to an overloaded stomach, cleans out the bowels and regulates the system. Teethina can be had at any druz store or send 30c to the Moffett Lab oratories, Columbus, Oa., and receive a large package and a free copy of Moflfett's Illustrated Baby Book? (Ad vertisement.) Mechanical Bread Slicer. A mechanically operated bread slic er, described in Popular Mechanics Magazine, Is driven by a motor or other suitable power, and lias Mn designed for use in places where lanre quantities of bread are required. The loaves are placed in rows on a con veyor which carries them lengthwise to the knife where the slicing is done. The slices fall into pans