cftAP/X< ffrwm nrfs&i lonpPe&k Imp/res Verje In Which ibe Rocheo ?Jpeuk for Themelvej fHFRE'S A L A W [> I tfyr- rr- .1 ?> r i 'i'l wti'- rrt ?? i ?>r>^ : ?? ? I r. r ^ f?r,rrrr t'V'M ft(j up >r.A W ^ /? r r. m fj' i .?? f'f r i ;"?f .?? tr> Amf -1 'I r lr ' .rr.v'vj n'if if, fh.'*' 'I M?t I -t'-rl <q \?."t O'l" ?f? ( r ? I ',u'r. r Tb" (}fii q if) k.i. iv-rl l '>f XT , r, M>f> ir ?!?,[? 1*5 N? a ' 1 1 "? A I ? fi j? i? 1 nl| i t f> 1 1 r- r ? ? <? f? 'I I H AfrfPiJ f.*f<vVfV f f K, W rs Ry JOHN fHC.KfNSON fiMERMAN fiAirivs Kfiwrv iii;wk:<. ] rn v if n'i'l inn k'lPp I pr in 'f wh/?c.| vnllpy Mf tfiP funf uf I'Pnk I r? H't'kv M fMiut'tln NmII'MimI |uif l>, flcrvi'? nntifp ??M tfiP lifpniry wnrlfl ? ffmf fhp "lltllfl Mlfl'l*1 Wpsf," wlfh Nnf ur?? m-s n .niprp l?M'k gmtim! f?>r f f ? r 1 ?|ps? rnylnu. row Mne 9MVMi?pjit i4* ?Mi( ??f iImIp Iipiipp ?n?f fliHt h tmtrlp VVfRf," with ntnn In filq prnjipr pl?CP oml t hp Kf.rkloq cpOMklne for f hprnopl vpq, I* n?rv rPvPMlf?>| Mtrmiuli t f ??? ' "Npw l^1* pr^clfifi" vp?qp ??f ff?p rpvl?sn?l mm'! pm IrtfiJP'l P'1IH'?n "f III" "K?>nyq (if tfiP Rmk|p?" KMrq Mr. IIpwps: "A fifllf ?pnfury fiu<> fhp W'pqfprn fWHUPI WPfP M|P?|!v ?|pq,,tll?pi| fur |lf prn? r ?riivp|prq nq mining rnmpa. i*mm? li?1lci (iMMftto ?.f l|PR|iPrH<1"Pq HM?I thp ??f ?|?p f lit ifiol I tii? rit 1 1 r<*n *f pngl ??ppr I'rpt fluff p. K<ni?pnp FIpIiI. M?p TPM<"it, f^Mv?r?l "I'm y I ? t, nn?l Mtbprq. ?fp fn<rlf?pi| ni??r?> i?r Ipqq m vpry mnfi ?mm?|p C ( tin y rPL'l'"! Wlti'tn o? ft p|PH9?-? A n?1 " n I *? t?i ii I ?? v 1 1 ?? Only ? lit I !?* ??vpr n ?1pi?iIp Hip iinvhny mtil Hip 'Wild W??9t 'HIumv* liphl -nl t ???*? l?*n, Mini Hip m lti*> ^Tf*rP ?HII M tMPfP l?M?'l? 1*1 nilM'l f??i ? I IP rnni?li rMlne gpfiuq Itnnuv "'I'imIii y, InMvpvpr, M?p IIoi'Mpo nr?> lipglnnlng hi !?p n|i|trp<'lnlpil fur H?plr trup n m r1 Ii <in<l glory," ? ??nl Iiwp?j Mr |(pwnq. "In Hip 'Npw HlPV ppp?ih for t lipniqpl \ p* Wp in* lotigpr flwl thpm innn iwmIp, Init th??| iiiimIp. ,(MpHIp,| in (liplr ?ntppin?l suMlmllv ami qnnnlpnr, Hip Alps Mini \ii<Ip<? of n MPW H??il ilil qpl i' W'pqt. In I It i <a pq flintilp limn |q not forgotlpn; hp '?? pui In corrw ! nllcnt>i<>nt Insfpnd of mi lirnornnt, inllltnnt. forp*t ?1pf?tmjr1ng, In iifwpni nnlnml Killing, rfynntnllP p\pln?1 | n?j, i'ow pnmlilng ?nvngp, hp I" prp apnu^l iiq hp I nil v I" vpflnpil. ? I \ II |*p?|, ii?p?| iiml IiuiuMpiI hpfnrp <Iip snppi ?'i opt |i?n<? of Hip gvput I lr??f Ciinao ||p |s? In v II is I to ?o romlnol lih llfp ii<? to nwtoh nn?l rpapofnl to flip punp ? hfl?Hty, Hip p|pv?itlon nn<1 1lip pvofonml nltttmlpff of Ihp Soon v nlth oijinil \irtiipq nn?1 lofll npa<* of t?\nl " I hp pat ?iMUhnipnl of flip UorKy \|. nniMi" ViHiMVtl p:ivK In 11115 found i ll\i> ,M|aln^i?n of Hip "\p\x Kvpron i ?ji?\n iitKing <n touvl?t* In Tnho^a vwl i lrx .'f iIip |>'<*to<? PnrK voglon. SiUi-o , |l|OI| h\ offlp'rtl 1ls*UVP*, IhPfP 1l;1\P' hpv>n 1,'NU "U1' \|?iior? t o |hp pm Kf; with Oip io*nlt th:M il wholp |o| of ppoplp In -HI of tlip *vuutr> Know "t h uVp ' lloww In nt 1p^?sI onp of hl? ap>pv-\^ , np^pfHo* Somo pflr hv V,?n> ?>* honlfn?p nn.l Mm popt ; j (|,m>!m)i^h <oivp ?npflv \iiY \ Pv??v In^P Ii 3* tbo n v??t ivlit ion of li\? hn1* h^on <?oM ont, ' Hnmeh npv pr iv \Uiwin1 in tbo pro?? ot* . rt.,\pi-1i?p^ p\ i>pri Jm mpi-p \x onl of month niow on " Vl orp nvp n>?n> . %sf .vivec n ho ?"i^r n?>t ^1 :\H ii^n.'Prnlnsr llo^ov -.^p M>s>',ip S-nno of thoit> avp rsthpr ?nI l^nt t:>Kp? fl'l 'Kin?1? of )>p?> j>tp ii' ^ v p <> w?\vl?\. ^n.', n^.^t of Hvm f*ir>sp1\ e-o "How ?^ooi ho L"0| ;h?| n-->\ ' ? 11 co th^i Vi iwpon-v io nv. in\vilr> n 'o;i? iVp ???p sr<l i\n Hip .wvvin ir v Hip \. \x on ru-ul ijv or ^ip.^ior Mr Hf n os fnv i mo n ith <jnito s oomivohPr * > p vov.NM^r'.lnm Jtnil with i"*Pnn.ssi,v. --to >iv, ?t *'PvV?stim. ro *jnorp it or .Nhp* ^??o" I "mV.rtnnflto'U thojv i^ not vp?w* hoiv Vor ii vorhfttim. \pvortho whsi follow* mriv 1>p oonsiiloivsl ir?fo;*mfti?oT?. How oea Horses Converse Vn oh?.vrvPT r>f?m<s1 Kont. wituhint ro m* k'P *OTTfp 0? ?\>T0?1 vl.PtoT'P* i,f h.?ws two ,-?f th*?m In n fp^ fi-pft-rt . Sh<v*t > hp Knrpiiso^ to hPi?r ? "harp little wnftpplnic or ohlrfviftK roivp oomint ^t hrtof. rp^rniftr intervftln f-v?Tn ot>p of the flfwh**. Almost fmme fllf?re4y thp??p wtffOftl* >ftn#m^?rpA ^v?m rh^ oth^r Oft K>ix formA thi^t the WW* horww J.-O/YVX J'U&K - It iipponrs from t ho moiiioriiiidiiin t h h t Mr. IIpvpb Im ??f WHsh ? 1 t . tempered wllli HnitHsli the ICkpiIiuis rt|iil I *ii 1 111**1' 'i. who ?i i*?? *?l 1 1 1 numbered iiniotitr thp peerage. Ill* Amerli'iiti ?n iPQlnft) hindod Id hofti Now Ktigliind mid Vlrelohi early Ifi I'olotilal day*. Hp wa? bum 1" I N70 In limine, Iowa. |?n worked ii * ii rnllwuy e*presNinan until 11*17. when with hlw mother ami luntlior ho oHthnl OH it lioilioul 1'iul III i'tiliMiaii valley .ill thi1* foot of l><?tm* i*p?h 111* nehoollnij on d oil with ii hrlof period In ii high nclionl. "An in (pusp Inherent piisnhm for hook* and reading, howovor, put Itlin fur beyond tho average adult reader liy llio 1 1 mo |,?? xxit? nix toon." "At the age of twenty-one 111 Moil file/* say* tho tuotnnriindum. i "Howe* oniue fnop to fnoe with it ro m?rknble pnyoblo mynlory, itml from thitt time forwiinl lio became In every cpn?o of tho word a Mystle. Tho page* of hi* autobiography front thin tlnto on exhibit n vNlonarv ?m<l pent alio i qottl, struggling In tho gritsp of tho woihl *utllo|entlv to rouse II to *iuves* | fnl etTort* for ? livelihood and to maintain a reasonably normal mental | bulling. ?Tolled, apparently, almost despair- , lug of hi? efforts to ponotrnto beyond a pertain point In tho oont oinplat Ion of h|q my*twy." eonllnuo* tho memoran dum, "How on turned to tho visible < things of nature that ho found about iilm In hi* mountain r^treal and poured on I his heart find emotions upon them K? km . pi-.t \ or. worship, adoration ami many threads of mystic correspond-' ou?o are ?till In evidence In this latest \ plume .One thine I* *nre: \o matter how (lonoh tho ciltlc* may \U*angle o\or tho merit* of hl?? vorso, Mr Hoxxes is to ho congratulated on iho timeliness of hi<* "Now Kvprossloii " Vrohahly xorse of all Kinds was novor so pop nh i sis now. And Plainly many of tho p?vts of today haxe cut loose ftvm all 11 1 ovary tradtt >-ns of form Of course. bolus a Mystic, tho poet's choice of subjects is a? chaste as tho vr.oxx topped poaV*. though thoro are poems on almost a a many t homes Hiv xx hen it <"*omos to form xxoil, hoiv's xx v. ;x \ Mr Hoxxcs' memorandum V XX V that : "Urw os' xj^si and ?Nvmprvh on si xo ivaitinps a"n?1 ro-i-oadings of tho xx ?vld's 'itovfltusv havo ivsviliotl, as I1t ov?ry .-.Mtip.^ition is ^ou.viriod no} in tho aoadomle gymtiastios 01 a wor?V ^onirov or x o;*vo maker hut in f\ ]>e onliar manipnlat1?>n -moire, rhyme .! ni'oavnre. to?-hniqne rn.i form, fill s*oem iv> melt down into pure spirit na Ht les Snhst ;1 >ite in lity^nnre h r the ?'*ell -ot >x-ere sipnalint or tslkinc to ea^h <Mher in this manner The n<*>!?e ^'as f^nml ro he ma^e hy the mnsonlar cl.isfnn and sudden evpansi^n ?vt tho lower law. Those sevmds ate prod neon hv hoth voves and they are hoth more freqnent and lender than ufmal in the vpawninj: season. ? Kvohanfcr Lytfia THHvwl In Early Oay?. LyvTla thrived moat from 716 B. C. to B. C. (whe? <>oeaua **a$ nver throsvu hy the Persians The ly<1ln? were the rrnmt *^*anoed of J I -wr- zjjlj I th*? bee, the r.on?t?ntly Iprodii't of animate life. the P'"' " **1 rom position of r?.o?#- of the 'Songs whirl, ?r, Emitted to be rlifirnrtw ietir of tti?* 'New Kxprwlon and .V will readily OHert and sense ?n un mistakable. distinctly perrephble, Hpnn tfi neons arid mn-dant Mow of M??' sp?r Lf things. I" ??'*??? '"'ripoKili'M.H >??"' will find n?? iiio?|?tii \VhltiMiineKi|IH or K 1 riir?*H#| u?* Imitations; no form* o ode, hvmn sonnet or other anr e modes. While nil these T?rm* nre ?"K jested and appear. more or less Inror poratrd in the text. yet the ImpulK, (m(| I'ney Is nil toward flow. \V lint ever ? omblnatlonH of forms nr? /visible, simple or rompllrnted. It Ih a worondnry fralure. n mere vehlr e whirl) rarrles the piissrntfer of nplrU. ??ho mountains, streams, ciinynr%| rork ? sprak and ronvrrse with life |minlll) H?u| |? some kindred mynte,, of spirit 7 As H..U.1H. Bt.nshlne ami shadow, Htorm and the wheeling plm? rtn animate thrlnn.ilm.He give expres ftlon to the vast muteness of mil? and ,,lnn?rl?? *<? liHimin thought Irmln ?n million to thr Mill nn.I silent things through iitrrnry exprrsslon as dictated t,v thr grnlus whirl. senses the m>stle 1,'opnlslons of thr otherwise voiceless B?|rH of things." "So faithfully Ims llrwrn attended to hln Kifl with hi* perrrptioiiB helglit ,iml perfected hy his Immense tending. applied. unlearned nn.I spoilt n nrlM)M HRthrhre selects Itn lioney from J,,,,. flowers H? the (IrTfrntr ami ex nuNllr mihtletieB of pure Instinct. that If the Uoeky Mountain* wrre to hr Mwrnt frf'in the earth tomorrow or sunk in il?l' .Irpthn ?>r thr s*it. they woul.l Uvo, mihllme. Inspiring tjnd vividly vis ion.'.! nn.I portrnyed in jthr 'Songs/ So says II"' nirmoriitiduni. 1,011KB Peak a I bo rants Its afternoon Hha'.low .Ml the rahln of l?ean Hal, rork. illustrator of "Songs." He was horn In ranton. 111., thirty the years ago ami homes! ended In Tah. sa valley ahont the same time as the poet. He Is hap .,11 v mnrrled. lias rhlhlren ami has heen surveyor ati.l park ranger. lie is now I winning an enviable reputation as an I nrt int In o". Mark an?l white .lesion 1 ami plain ami colored block prints, he ha?* at trarte.l murh attention. His | painting of Mount Orton In Hooky I Mountain National park, whlrli the fed eral government has recently named tn honor of Ool. Kdward Orton. Jr., received hiuh praise at the exhibition this sprlnir at the i'olutnhus (?nllery of l ine Arts; it will exentually hang In !the Orton Memorial library at Ohio State university. O f his friend and himself the p??et writes: ?\\t tlrst st ranch's and mere ac quaintances. they later became inti mate neljrlibor* ami long periods of winter and snowbound experiences de veloped a strong friendship. While Habc.wk 'ias gone the somewhat ivn ventional rounds of school, college, Vmcvican Art academy and Kun>pean aielier. >et, Ukc Hcwes. lie is pos sesved fundament ally of an inherited ton us strixing for its particular ob 1rct Hcrbaps no volume e>er bef?>re in tbe history of art nnd literature, twiv.bining xerses antl sketch, was pr\> dn?vd so spoilt a ne*>usl!Jr. N>th author and ailist w.M-king independently ?>f each other, yet each expressing in their particular field the same thing Vor example, his cover design in gold Toyvrcven'.s 'The l^awn of a New Rx prr-ssion' 1bc fgnre of the Mnse seat ?\1. pla>ing her violin in the shadow while on the mountains in the higl. 1 background is brer. kmg a gol.Vn dawr. "Thus." concVn.Vs the p?vt. Mysti" and inn kee^>er. ' in the tin> valley tbe foot of l.onjrs IVak, and in wh*: rx-as not long ace the imbreken wible- j TiOss. dwell the creators of a New K\ prossion ' all pe.*?p)cs in those days, as they xxere 'also the richest. \X hile rhey were ef feminare. they were also the most cnl rnred of lnxmrv* -loving Traders. The l.vdians loved the gooo things of j life, ex-qnisire garments, beautiful : gems, costly carpers and mgs, scented ; oils and mnsie,. it is recorded. They discovered rhe art o? dyeing wool, d coining money and were the firs: re use gold, whif^ thej procured in com parative abundance from the Sara hat and Paotolns rix*ers an4 rhe mines, st a medium of exchange. ?U SOON TEST BBJWGRMT | the war department an * NOUNCES PILOTS FOR BARL ING BOMBER . HULL WEIfiH 40.000 POUNDS Has Duplicate Pilot Control, Carries 2,C GO Gallon# of Gasoline, Meas ures 120 Feet. | Washington. ? The army's new ! "two and a half planer" air giant, known as the Barling bomber, the ! biggest thing yet in flying machines, ! will soon be tested at Wilbur Wright J field, Ohio. The war department an nounced the tentative selection cf Lieutenants Leigh Wade and Harold fi. Harris as pilots for the test flight. The ."hip measures 120 feet from tip fo tip, is powered with six Liberty motors, weighs 40,000 pounds and will 1 have a flying speed of not less than 00 mites an hour. "If the performance in flight is sat isfactory," thp department's an nouncement said, "the air Service engineering division at Dayton will have achieved the credit of putting in the air the largest successful air j plan* in the world." The plane was designed for the air service by Walter H. Barling. It was constructed by flic Witteinann air craft corporation of Hasbrouck ? Heights. N. J. While It is generally rated aH a trl plane, the "mid-plane" s so narrow as to prompt' the expres ;ion "two and a half plans." The gas oline rapacity is 2.000 gallons and oil 1K1 gallons an(j a minimum operat ing crew of four will be required. ".Specifications require that not more than 5,000 pounds pf bombs shall b(. carried at one time,'* the an nouncement acded, "but were any thing so large as a 10.000 pound bomb developed, thjfty ^ling could lift and W.vwlth S[^,r^^ggig^,.000 pound steel" \^ere /istructlon as compar ed t' ,Jl)0 pound nickel steel iiHO'Mni^wing the navy's trans- j Atlanl^ ,.ibr, NC-4. Of the fuselage construction, the statement said: "Six-Inch shells could * probably pans through the tall portion without bringing tho plane down. Therf are i no vita) longerons or wires which would *nd the flight." The ship is scheduled to have a 12 hour full speed fliKht capacity and will catry seven guns, sweeping the j whole ffield of approach of enemy machines. Controls of (he six motors are cenralizcd for operation through j I a singly j control stick, added features being nitans of shutting down the | engines pn one side without reducing i ? the drlvcf of the others to aid in j negotiating "power turns." Many Wantto Emigrate. Homo. ? Tho commissariat of emi gration is besieged by workmen, | artisans, and peasants from all the I province* who wish to be included in j t!u> new quota beginning July 7 for ^iteration to America. Oommenda t.>re do Michaelis, the general com tui(fcion??r, is personally supervising the sele^tiorf of the emigrants and 'requenfly conferring with Premier Mussolini, who takes personal inter J ? st. in order to insure that the best tvpes of Italians will go to America. It is (desired by the authorities to I liemonsirate to the American govern '? :nent ajul people that if Italian emi- | j c rat ion! instead of being limited to i 42.000 jearlv. lis now, were regulated to the | select ion of workmen accord- j tig. to the needs of American employ, i rs. lioth countries* would benefit without injury to the American work men. ns the Italian emigrants would i r.ot t:flie their places, but simply fill \ a canities. ? j I Buffalo Flames Stifle Nineteen. Buffalo. X. Y. ? Xineteen firemen* were overcome in a fire that started n the basement of the Hans Kelly Dry Goods Company. The blaze of unknown origin was discovered in the waste paper store room and the fames rising from the tichtly packed bales for a while com pletely baffled the efforts of the fire men. Gas masks were of no abail as man after man was carried out into ihe air * Some were shouting and ? fighting like maniacs, others were limp and unconscious, while many staggered up to the sidewalk to col lapse in a heap and be bundled into the waiting ambulances. Chief Murphey himself superin tended the wcrk and fresh men were* sent down in two minute shifts.. It vas some time before the fire was brought under coni?oL To Ground Cotton Gins. Washington. ? To reduce losses from fire in cotton gins caused by ignition from static electricity the department of agri culture is urging the wiring of cotton gin? so as to ground the electricity generated by friction. Fires in cotton gins hare reached as high as a million dollars a {. season, a great many of them having been caused "by static electricity. The effectireajeSf of i proper grounding system, the department points out. is now recognised by insurance com TML-niAft CONDENSED HEWS FRlt j THE OiH NORTH STA SHORT NOTES OF INTEREST CAROLINIANS. y Elizabeth City. ? Continued weather throughout this sectior resulted in serious damage to :*y Irish potatoes, cotton, and tir crops, produce men here declare early potato yield is expected t ! far below normal. Greensboro ? City council h'-rf e<j[ to issue one million three hu d -*1 thousand dollars in bonds ,oae i jl j lion to be used for street imj ?< ?e* i ments, three hundred thous^nr: pr water system extensions. Oxford. ? The attention of C :1 rd and Granville county people h*<. r gun to centre around the ceiebit of St. John's Day at the Ox'or phanage. The orator of the da ge Dr. W. C. Wicker. The d;; el June 23 as St. Johen's Day this yttr fi!ls ob Sunday. Henderson. ? Work has be^n t irt ed on the compilation of th-i f fi i?r which is to be issued by the H* i< fion Chamber wl Commerce for ue in the city schools beginning wit ;he fall term. This primer is to cc.tin a brief history of Vance count} i rd of the city of Henderson New Bern. ? Funeral services yK>.T the remains of Arthur Church, nAa a ger of the Western Union here fell five stories to his death froir. Elks Club rooms, were cond from Christ Eaiscopal church by Daniel G. MacKinnon, the rector Sanford. ? Rev. Walter M. Gi! np:e tendered his resignation as pas,rfof the First Baptist church of this: <i:y to become effective August 1, vh'i he will take up his new work a> ?c ret^fry of stewardship of the B-plit , State Convention of North Carol j . Asheville. ? Estalishment of a-s j bly grounds for the Methodist Pro tant church in Western North C Una, large enough to accommn between 600 and 800 is practically sured, according to officials of Methodist Protestant conference |e -n r 11 is I young people. | Charlotte ?Charges that C. D W; it. kins, ef Concord, who la held in $r,)0 ball for trial at the October term )f "Federal court, had an ingenious ma chine for making labels that mai e possible the gale of moonshine liquor as "bottled and bond" prices, w**fe made here by Henry E. Thomas, sec ret service agent. * Shelby. ? E mrett McSwain. 18 year* old, of# Shelby, was drowned in thj> Double Shoals mill pond on Broad river, about seven miles from her# The young man, who was not agidd nwlmmer, got in water over Ms j height and drowned before assistance could be obtained. Boone.? The opening of the Appa lachian Training School was the be^t in its history. The number enrolled at present is 366, with several appll- 1 cations yet to be consider^. The j teachers, with few exceptions, are on j the ground and the work is starting off well. Henderson ? A meeing of the board of directors of the Golden Belt Fair Association will be held next week to elect a successor to C. A. Hight as I secretary-treasurer of the fair, accord j ing to Col. Henry Perry, president. No names have been agreed upon as likely to receive the place aecordind to Col. Perry. , Fayetteville. ? George Morris. ne-;i gro preacher, was instantly killed and W. B. Coates, wealthy landowner, was wounded in a four handed battle be tween Coates and Morris and Gus and Menn Pates, brothers, at the Pate"? j home in Gray's Creek township. Pi?. toTs and shotguns were used by sroth sides it is said. Wilmington.? A 21 year old brcher and a 16 year old sister who had never met were united here when Miss Mildred Moore of Ray c tv Michigan, arrived and joined her brother. M. V. Moore, a proof reaier on a local newspaper. Young Moore left home before the birth of his sis ter and has never returned. It w,s not until after his military service, following the war, that he learned ^f Ms sister's existence and establish ed communication with her. Stanley? The Lela Gingham Mill?, a new plant here has begun turning out high grade ginghams, it was ar. nouaced. Putting into operation o' this mill enables the Rankin interests here to handle the raw cotton through the spinning wearing and dyeing processes and make it intc cloth, ready for sale. Reidsville, The board of countv commissioners granted the request of the county school ward and a reso ^ction passed by the mass meetlne at VOted ' ,0 this amount to ho erectmp new school bnildines. scat tered throughout Rockingham coonty. Andre Ts? This town will . contract dorinr the sammer for a 011 1116 Hl? ~ L Z, T\ The will ; ^e Intended to deTflop'l SW primarr Hlowsn, and it was said anr snrpln'a ! of power will be offered to anv ind-aS try locating here. Ahoskje-Willie Coilton. U rear old son of 1. E Col?L a fanner lov- WS thnmb | tW? jBfere the left hasi Uli ?t hue : blows offoae day by the explosion of a smafl ?yMn.tte cap which h? n prtckiii* with a pia. ' SAVED FROM Now Recommend " Recommends Lvdi, t Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ?Perati;h s wysict ,,J'S r.av? .. a very baa "aie tr^. ear - ir? = . 1 iittl# 1 ' ;j0rri- Tg , ? ? - "CicinA ,? c<;r to Jie o*>c and after taking six bo table Compound I fil: man. I now do all ir.y i *0rk washing and ironing,"; r. ; ;y, ' ,iJr ' the ve?e a new *r :.y, ** i 1 *s n 1 started O 1 what real trouble is. and I weizh 140 pounr taking it I weighed 51 ro:;r is. j Z7J' recommend Lydia E. t\r..-.r,am's Vtp? table Compound to zr.y r-ne who ia 5" fering from female tr? u. or jg ? down. You may u?o r tostiir.orT for I am only too glad if. sufer' women know what th< V stable Cc* pound did forme."? .V Ida Hfv i529 Penna. Ave. S. E. , \V;i iur.gtljn Br Such letters from v. r-.y-n in even Bection of this country prove btvrH question the merit of I.y;ia fl4 ham's Vegetable Compcurid, Like Most Ws --<sr. I shall never for# ? ? I was looking at ril.i. ?? fiient store. Lik?* in. . 1 1; habit of putting m;. ; ? iunter in front of . | i:,g merchandise. Not : : . I wanted, I picked up I was ray leather haii<IV;_ . :.?< A | ii few steps away v I } H i 8 ware that ray own ii:^ ? - sv. :: ! on my arm. Fearfully I !... ? \r S? what it was that I had j>i? k.-i up. an! to my horror, discover*-! I U ] up another woman's purse.? Kxchar^. BACK ACHY? I I..ame and achy in the morning: Tcr tured with backache all day lone' wonder you feel worn out an i Ifccj aged! But have you given any though: to your kidneys? Weak kidney? aw just such troubles; and you are lie, ? to have headaches, too. with dizz.nej: stabbing pains and bladder irrezur ties. Don't risk neglect' ( ?e bm\ Kidney Pills. Doan's have he!;*: thousands. They should help you. li(| 1 /our neighbor! A North Carolina Case W. H. Adams.^H^i^b. .. R. F. D. No. 1. a". 1 Smlthfleld, N. C., says: "Knife-, ' like pains cut into my back ho I couldn't straighten up. My kidneys didn't act ripht and the secre-. tions were high ly colored and1 contained sediment. Iran's Pills were so highly r< < '> I decided to try them Poan's c:rw me and I haven't had any return o? the trouble." Got Doan't at Any Stor?, 60c i Bw DOAN'S V.V"1 FOSTER. M1LBURN CO. BUFFALO, ft T. j SLOW DEATH Aches, pains, nervousness, difr culty in urinating, often me ? serious disorders. The world! standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubier* bring quick relief and often wars deadlydiseases. Kno\niasthena-?* remedy of Holland for more than * years. All druggists, in three Look far the name Gold Medal on *"4 1 bo* *nd accept no imitation j Shake Info Your Shttti tad sp-inkle in the foot.-bath All?n'7 oot-Ease, the antiseptic, he Ppwder for Painful, Swollen, Sfft jfeeL I: prevents blisters and sores? pac U. es the sting out ot com1 bunions. Always use Ailen'* ^ 13 break in new shoes and *3*1 ft? b; is.; of feet without an ache. ft.1 use Allen's Foot-Kase say that tav? s.K'ed their foot troubles. ^eTwrtre. Trial package ^ Waking Doll ser. : Free. A& Foot-Ease, Le Roy>''^ Shtve, Bathe an Sjpmpoo with oBe Sotp. ? Cuticutf ^ desman Wanted mWm * * or 11 time. Eas> Bi* ooxuaalons ' Repreeenfl* and na: ^ ? Ajnr tit monunifr.. orltarfc] One of our rr.e? flit ?? R month. Tea tk?M klproflt?. Our money -after a - ?*,aeo^ .fi' ? "\? Virf"1* ?! V [g. UU: , ? - f.J<? No exper'-j" <K,u: c#r f? full partly." ' -I row AH MOM MK IMO.OOO.OO) - ^ Young MenjfS, CkMM(?rk?r Collet*'

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