Vjfraw. -w?- W." . , . u, .. ? ? *??.?????(??? ? t st*te lib fa ly Ra<-?I remium List Group County Fairs now under way for the Greater Community ?air of nS ^ to be held this Fall at Columbus. The Premium C?ufn placed in the hands of the printers and should be iaS Retribution among the people of Polk County about fie of next month. Deration of the merchants, bankers and other con ' ^is county in placing their advertisements in the Prem i booklet lias assisted materially in making the Fair this cess, according to officials in charge. All of the money iff om the space bought in these booklets will be devoted to al expenses and prizes for the Fair. Every effort is be gto make the Fair this year the best that has been held A County-. ? township will participate in the Fair. The orginal plans f'ounty this year called for a community fair to be held h township, hut due tt> circumstances, the only single com v to hold a local this year will be Green's Creek. '/have no Fair Building as yet," stated J. R. Sams, "nor any 1a grounds and therefore we prefer not to pose as a County ^though the plans call for a Fair that will be far ahead of ! of the counties of North Carolina. We expect every town to show their best, and from this we intend to select speci of Polk County's best products to send to the State Fair October. j want to make it a great united effort for county consoli of interests as well as one of the greatest social gatherings held in this county." , flowing is a list of the premiums to be given at the Greater nunity Fair. DEPARTMENT A. FARM AND FIELD CROPS. PREMIUMS 1st 2nd 3rd I Best single ear corn, white (prolific) 1.00 .50 I Best single ear corn, white, (single ear) . .1.00 .50 ? Best single ear corn yellow,. 1.00 .50 I Best 10 ears corn, (prolific,) 1 stalk with ears attached 2.00 1.00 .50 I Best 10 ears corn, (single ear) white 2.00 1.00 .50 Best 10 ears corn, yellow 2.00 1.00 .50 I Best 10 ears pop corn (white rice) 50 . .25 ? Best 10 ears pop corn, any other variety .50 ' .25 ? Best peck wheat any variety 2.00 1.00 I Best peck rye any variety ..2.00 1.00 I Best peck oats 2.00 1.00 ? Best peck soy beans mammoth yellow 2.00 1.00 I Best peck soy beans any other variety. . . .2.00 1.00 B Best peck money beans .2.00 1.00 ? Best peck velvet beans any variety 2.00 1.00 I Best single stock soy beans 50 .25 r Best Bale soy beans hay, 50 lbs. or m ...... Best bale mixed hay, grass ami legumes. . .2.00 1.00 .50 ) Best bale grass hay 2.00 1.00 ..50 Best sample alfalfa hay, 50 lb. or more. .2.00 1.00 '.50 ! Best sample red clover 50 .25 Best sample alsike clover - 50 .25 I Best sample sweet clover 50 .25 > Best sample Alfalfa 5^ .25 5 1-2 Best collection of baled hay, legumes /r grass and mixed hay 5.00 3.00 6 Best single stalk cow peas any variety 50 .25 f Best sample orchard grass 50 .25 8 Best sample timothy 50 .25 9 Best sample dallis grass 50 .25 0 Best bale oats and vetch hay, 50 lbs. or more 2.00 1.00 .50 1 Best and most prolific stalk of cotton. . . <-.3.00 2.00 1.00 2 Largest, Best arranged and most attractive Farm Exhibit...' -..10.00 5.00 3 00 he above includes, handles, baskets, home fixtures ana e c., made entirely on the farm.) 1-2 Best and most extensive collection of . field and garden seed ' 2.00 1.00 POLK COUNTY GROUP FAIR DEPARTMMENT. B. HORTICULTURE Best plate apples, Virginia Beauty t oo .50 Best plate apples, Wine Sap. ? Best plate apples Limber 1 no-r 50 36 Best plate apples Delicious ? ^ Best plate Golden Delicious. ... ... ?. ? *8 Best plate apples Grimes.. ^ ? ~ 39 Best plate apples Ben Davis ? gQ Best plate apples, Stayman. . . Best and most attractive pack, box, ^ ^ Virginia Beauty . ????'* * 12 Best and most attractive pack, box, ^ ^ Wine Sap ? ? V * * * Best and most attractive pack, box ^ ^ ^ Delicious ? ? ? Best and most attractive pack, box ^ Golden Delicious ^ '? ? ? ? Best and most attractive pack, box, . Stayman 50 #25 Best plate pears any variety Best basket mixed fruits i ^ qq ^0 one peck or more ^'qO Best peck Irish potatoes ? ? ? ** \ kk kq Best peck sweet potatoes (Porto i qq Best peck sweet potatoes (Nancy Hal ; Best peck sweet potatoes (any other ^ qq variety) '50 *25 Best cabbage, 2 heads 25 Best peck onions, any variety * 50 .25 Best bunch 1-2 dozen turnips, ' '25 , Best 1-2 dozen table beets " " * 50 .25 Best bunch 1-2 dozen carrots cq 25 Best 1-2 peck lima beans 25 Best peck field beans dried R0 *25 Best 1-2 peck field beans green v . Best bunch 1-2 dozen parsnips 50 .25 Best bunch rhubarb (pie plant) * *25 Best 1-2 dozen sweet peppers ^ . "^5 Best quart hot peppers 25 - Best plate 5 tomatoes (ripe) Best plate 5 tomatoes (green). . . 50 .25 Best bunch celery. ..." , . . , ..50 - Best collection garden seeds. . . . . .'. .1.00 .50 Best general display garden anjl truck. . . ..3.00 2.00 Best pumkin, regardless of size.* .50 .25, POLK COUNTY GROUP FAIR DEPARTMENT C. LIVE STOCK. i 66 Best span of horses, with harness on,.... 2.00 1.00 67 Best single farm horse 1.00 .50 68 Best span mules, harness on..., 2.00 1.00 69 Best saddle horse .1.00 .50 70 Best brood mare colt at side. r.2.00 1.00 71 Best colt (under one year old) .1.00 .50 72 Best colt (mule) under one year, 1.00 .50 73 Best cow, beef type, pure bred, any breed 3.00 2.00 74 Best bull beef type pure bred, any breed ...; 3.00 2.00 75 Best bull calf beef type pure bred 2.00 1.00 76 Best heifer, calf beef type pure bred under 1 year, and breed 2.00 Best cow dairy type, pure bred, any breed 3.00 Best bull dairy type, pure bred, toy breed .3.00 Best bull calf, dairy type, pure brod, any breed. . .2.00 Best heifer calf, dairy type, pure bred .2.00 Best calf sired by Farm Fedsratfon bull $5.00 (Federation) Best family cow, any breed. ? ? 3. 2.00 Best pure bred boar any breed.** 3,00 2.00 Best pure bred sow any bread* | 3.00 2.00 Best pure bred boar pig under Vyoar old. .2.00 1.00 Best pure bred soy pig under 1 jrear old. . .2.00 1.00 Best pig for pork any breed under 1 year old . ? 2.00 1.00 POLK COUNTY GROUP FAIft-DEPARTMENT C. LIVE STOCK. POULTRY. 88 Best pen, 2 pulletsl cockerel, ^ White Leghons, .J,.... 2.00 1.00 89 Best pen, 2 pullets 1 cockerel, {thode - ? Island Reds, 2.00 1.00 90 Best pen, 2 pullets 1 cockeral, f Plymouth Rocks . 2.00 . 1.00 91 Best pen, 2 pullets 1 cockerel, Orpington. .2.00 1.00 92 Best pen, 2 pullets 1 cockerel, Wyandot s 2.00 1.00 93. Best cockerel, White Leghorn. L 1.00 .50 94 Best cockerel, Rhode Island Rfed,.. 1.00 .50 95 Best cockerel Wyandots y 1.00 .50 96 Best cockerel, Plymouth Rock 1.00 .50 97 Best cockerel, Orpington 1.00 .50 98 Best cockerel, Ancona X 1.00 , .50 99 Best pullet, White Leghorn^. & 1.00 .50 100 Best pulet, Rhode Island Red,"; ..1.00 .50 101 Best pullet, Wyandotte . . . 1.00 .50 102 Beet pullet, Plymouth RockL^^.. ; 1.00 .50 at ?PuUet Orpington .L00 .50 ist pullet, Ancona . . . . . . . Best pen turkeys, 2 hena and 1 gobler 2.00 1.00 Best hen 1.00 .50 Best gobler 1.00 .50 Best female poult .1.00 .50 Best male poult ........... . 1.00 .50 POLK COUNTY GROUP FAIR ? DEPARTMENT D. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB WORK. 110 Best 10 ears corn, prolific, 1 stalk with . ears attached 2.00 1.00 * 111 Best single ear 1.00 .50 112 Best pig any breed, pure bred. .? 2.00 1.00 113 Best pig, any breed, not pUre bred 1.00 .50 114 Best pen of poultry, any breed, 1 cockerel and 2 pullets 2.00 1.00 115 Best pen of White Leghorns, 1 cockerel and 2 pullets 2.00 1.00 116 Best pen of Rhode Island Reds, 1 cockerel and 2 pullets 2.00 1.00 117 Best pen of Plymouth Rocks, 1 cockerel and 2 pullets.; .v2.00 1.00 118 Best peri of turkeys, 1 male and 2 females 2.00 1.00 119 Best male turkey under 1 year old .'..1.00 .50 120 Best female turkey under 1 year old 1.00 .50 . 121 Best collection of farm, garden and truck V, - grown and exhibited by any club boy or girl , .... 3.00 2.00 1.00 POLK COUNTY GROUP FAIR? DEPARTMENT E. HOME ECONOMICS Directors, Mrs. W.* G. Voorhies, Miss Sarah M. Padgett ? CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Score card for judging canned fruits and vegetables. Entries in these classes should be shown in square quart jars. . 1 Appearance ....'. 25 points V a Colors 15 b clearness..... 10 2 Texture ' 10 points 3 Flavor . . .20 points 4 Uniformity V15 points a Ripeness 10 b Appropriate size * .... 5 5 Pack arrangement * 15 points 6 Container. . . . % i . . 15 points a Appropriate package 5 b Neatness 5 c Label 5 100 pints Explanation of Score Card. Color That of natural fnfit or vegetable. Clearness Syrup or liquid clear, frefe from seeds etc. Flavor The natural flavor preserved as much as possible. Appropriate size Graded and sorted fruits and vegetables. Uniformity of shape and size " * ? Pack Arrangement with reference to symmetry and best use of space within the jar. As a large a proportion of solids to liquids as possible. Attractiveness of pack, garnish etc. should be considered. Container Container should be uniform, and of size and shape practicable to the average home. Preference will be given to articles exhibited in clear glass containers (Square) canned rruits ana vegetables Any of the following products. Entries in these classes should be shown in quart jars. 1 Peaches U .... 75 50 2 Apples - ; .75 50 3 Cherries ...... 75 . 50 4 Berries. ' 75 * 50 5 Figs 75 50 6 String Beans . . ' .? ? .75 50 7 String Beans (fancy) 75 50 8 Soup Mixture (Mixture corn and toma toes and okra) 75..., 50 9 Tomatoes. ; 75 50 10 Sweet Potatoes ... ! 75 , . .50 11 Baby Beets 75 .50 12' Asparagus /. . 75 50 Enties in the following classes should be in pint jars. 13 Corn .' 75... > 50 14 Lima Beans .75 50 15 Peas 75 50 16 Okra ; 75 50 17 Pimento Pepp^* , :75 50 SPECIAL GROUP DISPLAY An extra 5 points will be given for the largest and most praci ticable exhibit. - ? ' " : 18 Exhibit Canned Fruits and Vegetables ; four quarts to be selected from the following: string beans, soup mixture, tomatoes, peaches, apples, pears, or berries. ... $5.. .2.. .$1 19 Exhibit Preserves ; in quart or once jars ; four selected from the following: fig pear, strawberry, watermelon rind or peach. $5.. .$2.. .$1. 20 . Exhibit Pickles; in pint 6r 12 ounce jars; four cucumber, watermelon rind, (sweet) sliced tomato pepper hash or chow chow* . . $5.. ,$2..\$1. 21 Exhibit Grape Products; may be any product from any variety of grapes. . $3.. .$2.. . $1. 22 Exhibit Jelly ; shown in glasses uniform in shape and size, pracitical u^e for the average home $3.. .$2.. .$1. PRESERVES Entries in these classes should be shown in quart or 12 ounce 23 Pear $1 50 24 Fig .' $1...... 50 25 Strawberry . . 4 $1 1 Tfc ' 1 fto-4 50 25 Watermelon Rrnd ?1 .50 ' JAMS AND JELLIES Peach Jam 50. . ..25 Strawberry Jam 50 25 Grape Jam ~. .50 25 Apple Jelly 50 25 Crabapple Jelly 50 25 Plum 50 .25 Berry Jelly 50 . . . L .25 Huckleberry Jelly 50 1 . . .25 Gfape Jelly * 50 .25 VEGETABLE AND FRUIT PICKLES Container appropriate for pickles Cucumber , $1 50 Baby Beets 1 50 Sliced tomatoes 1 50 Dixie Relish or Pepper Hash 1 50 Spiced Grapes v 1 50 Chow chow 1 50 Onion.., 1 ^ 50 Peach or Pear (sweet) 1 50 Watermelon Rind (sweet) 1 50 Department F. PANTRY SUPPLIES Director Mrs. J. W. Mcintosh 45 Loaf Light Bread $1.- 50 43 rtate biscuits (woman) three each of butter milk and * baking powder. ..... . . r l 50 47 Same a6 46 (club girl) 75 50 48- One half dozen rolls 75 50 43 Jelly roll 50 49 Loaf cake 75 50 50 Cdrn Meal Muffins 75 50 51 Layer Cake 75 50 52 Most artistically trimmed. . cake 75 50 53 Cookies of any kind (six) .75 50 54 Most attractive custard ' .75 *... .50 55 Most attractive pie 75 50 53 School Lunch $1 75 57 Cider" Vinegar (quart) ! ' .50 25 5S .Molasses (quart) 50 25 60 Pound Butter (commercial pack) 1 50 61 Cottage Cheese ...... 75 50 62 Best home made soap (hard) 50 63 Best home made soap, (soft) . . . .50 64 Best collection of salads... . *. ... .75 50 65 Best single salad ; . .50 25 66 Best home made candy (any kind) 50 25 67 "Col." home made candy .75 50 68 Best quart home made lard (in glass jar) 50 25 69 Best Collection of Fruit and Vege tables dried by exhibitor ..1.50 1.00 70 Best collection canned meats 1.50 100 71 Most attractive SURPRISE package .75 50 ' Exhibitor may show her skill and ingeninity along any line of cocking she may choose.) 72. Same as number 71 (Club girls) Department 6. SEWING Directors, Mesdames^J. R. Foster, Clarence Elliott, J. M. Sally. 73 Best home made hat .1.00. . . * 50 Best and most attractive house dress 1.00 50 Best and most attractivewash dress (Club girl) 1.00 ? 50 76 Best and most attractive child's school dress ...... ............... ... 1.00 ........... .50 Best and most attractive silk dress 1.00 50 Little boy's suit 1 .00 50 Man's shirt (fancy) . .- | 1 .00 : . .50 Man's shirt (plain) 1.00 50 81 ? Kitchen apron and cap r.1.00 50 82 Best^and most attractive apron (any kind) . . .( 50 Hand made collar and cuff set . ..75 50 Machine made collar and cuff set.',, 75 50 4 Continued on page 2. Sec. 2. 74 75 77 78 79 80 83 84