Tree Experiment Being Tried in Washington j A sequoia gigantea, the California big tree, was transplanted from Cali fornia to the St. Elisabeth's hospital ground^ at Washington, D. C., some 17 or 18 years ago. The tree was trans* planted as an experiment to see if it is possible for the sequoia gigantea to attain its enormous height in the east ern climates of the United States. Rod Catches 10,400 Fiqfi. Rapid City, S. D.? Lucius Alexander who is rated among the champion trout fishermen of the Black Hills, has a fish ing rod of "10,000 battles." "That rod," said Lucius, of his weather browned, split bamboo, "is three years old and has landed more than 10,400 fish. All of them came from Rapid creek." Wild Animals for Germany. Hamburg. ? One of the heaviest ship loads of wild animals ever to pass through the Suez canal arrived here recently from India. It Included nine young elephants, having a combined weight of more than five and a half tons, seven tigers and a number of In dian leopards, besides black panthere, Tibet bears, monkeys and birds. Ca*. Turrjd <~n Cr..i. * A <*:i I nl (*olr!t(?? 01 F*>rb?| ? J Administrate r * Wachova i^nk * Company havim, Administrator nexed of the - ot,,, ^1 McKee, decoct* | County, Xon; 'cS is to notify all p?r Jf" Claims against the b 1 ?said decease,! ? \M to the und.M ' ,exI?ibil the 20 day this notice v;|l u \ ^ b" "V ??* persons inciting tft?% Estate will ?i,a,e ?* mediate p&\ , ?n[ 1923.'S **< Sn?;,'' " ? Henry H AkWd J 1 trust n OCTAGONAL STRIP SHINGLES Distinctive Roofs ? Artistic 2 -color designs in the finished : i!TV the big feature of the new Barrou Ever* Octagonal Strip Shingles. These shingles are octagonal in form a id surfaced with mineral in rich fadeless shades of red, green or blue-black. Merely by interchanging sirips of the . colored shingles, many distinctive patterns are obtained. You must see these shingles to appreciate their beauty. Come in and let us show them to you. They're inexpensive too ? and the Barrett label insures highest quality. vy J. T. Green Lumber Co. \ Tryon, N.C, Fordson Often Does More In a Day Than Six Horses The Fordson substitutes motors for muscles. The Fordson substitutes tractor wheels for the legs of man and horse. v The Fordson takes the burden off fleeh ^ blood and puts it on steel. , It allows the farmer's energy to be devoted W v management, and not merely to operation, gives him time. It cuts his producing costs. There's a big story of savings made poss* by the Fordson. Let us tell you. Wnto phone or call Ki Motor IB S2ZLBS11 Company Try on, North Carolina ! & sLi . ?. $?_'?? _ ' \> ? ,w ? 4 .