County -Wide News Again, What of the Future? ? We have tried to study to-, gcther the past and present ag ricultural statis of Pglk Coun ty, and thereby get a glimpse oi; the future. If the present is not satis-* factory, it is our duty, to m^ke L it so, or at least make condi tions better. We think the first step is to rebuild the soil; the second to so manage this rebuilt soil by a . cropping system that it will not again run down to -the low level we find it now. This can be done by per manent soil farming on^ the steep lands, and on the low creek lands too wet for grain crops. There are two courses which may be taken by the individual farmer according to the indiv idual condition. ' Where the farmer owns large areas of , lands, suitable to grazing, live stock consisting of cattle and sheep may be used, ? as more capital can be used with less labor in this way than perhaps any other, when Wisely employ ed. The farmers with sniall areas cf this kind of land may em ploy the dairy cow .apd sheep, a few pigs and poultry, or the dairy cow and poultry, exclu sively, or the truck patches Yin the back ground to take care bf the concentrated manure that would accumulate on the small ? ' place. Butter fat, or whole milk, j poultry ^nd eggs, make a frna combination to start a farmers cooperative ' selling 'oirganiza- 1 tion which is now the only sal ivation of Southern agricuicure 1 but thaf will be treated in ' an > other article. What we are striving for now, is for the farmer to get a vision of his j present condition, and then look ahead and get a vision of | what Polk County ought to be. We are living in a new time. t The day when our grand fathers tanned cow hides in a ; tan trough and hired th^ it inerant shoe maker to come in . the fall of the year and make . shoes for the family winter wear is gone and gone forever. The day when the ox cart was seen on the way to market with a few pecks of Irish potatoes, peans, and a few cabbage heads is also gone. The day when peoplelived at great distances from each other and every fel low did about as he pleased is also gone. We are living in the day of power and electricity ; ! In a day of rapid movements. We are living in the day of more mentality and spiritual development, and are still forg ing. ahead along these lines. We are moving at a tremen dious rate of speed and he who refuse to recognize this great fact is going to be left in the j race. I dont pretend to say that ? every thing modern is better 1 than some things we have left j behind ; but I do say that in the I main progressive movements earry us to higher and better I planes of living. ,f One thing I am certain about ! and that ifi that the farmer has i arrived at a period in the his tory of the world when he will be compelled no think more in i the future than in the past. I He must become a more in- 1 telligent being or loose out completely in the race, and i his intelligence must be about | his business. And his business ! is about his soil and its man agement to produce greater t and better returns and to put it on the market in the modern We read Proverbs, 29 18- Where there is no vision, I the People Perish" Respectfully J. R. SAMS, County Agent. ' ? MILL SPRING , / a ? ? The Revival Services which j Nvcie scheduled to begin ? last Sunday, have been postponed. Prof. T. C. Lingerfeldt of ] Bessemer City have charge of | our school the incoming term, i ? spent last week end in our com- ! munity. ' . x Miss Lethea Barber left Mon day for Greensboro, where she will attend summer school. Gordon Bennett and family of Lumpkin, Ga., have moved adhere. ; / Mrs. J. H. Hadden and daugh ter, Miiriam, of -Asheville, are visiting the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Arledge. : Mr. and Mrs.- Frank Dims dale and Miss Ura Whiteside of JKmmu City, stopped here tor awhile Sunday enroute for jBgprs Gap where they^ will SALUDA , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Double jday, the Misses Doubleday and Mrs. Holland pf Tryon motor&y to Saluda last Friday, spending the evening a Fairview House. Mrs. T. E. Edgerton, Assis tant Editor of the Agricultural Department, Washington, D. C. I is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. P. | Locke. Saluda is nearing the heighth | of her season and parties' for etc., are all popular at present. Mrs. Steele .gave a bridge party for the benefit of the j Library last Wednesday. o COLUMBUS A Mass Meeting of the citiz ens of Columbus was called by the Board of Trade Saturday night July 21, to consider the I building of a baseball park and swimming pool. The" motion was carried unanihiously that j the community of Columbus j build a park and swimming i pocl. A committee composed of Messers H. H. Carson, E. W. Dedmond, J. W. Mctosh, John T. Smith, and Miss Sarth Maud Padgett was appointed to work out the details. The people of this community will be glad to know that plans are under way to remodel the old Hotel. This is the greatest need of the town at present. The location of the town, lying at the foot of the mountains, and with a full view of the dif ferent ranges makes it very at tractive for 'tourists. Post cards have been received | here from Alaska from Robert 1 Landis, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. j I. Landis, who is on the trans- j post, Henderson, on which j President Harding and party i are making a trip to Alaska. The Blue Ridge Packing Com- 1 pany is now ready for business, j At the regular Home Demon stration Meeting a very in- j Jelly Making was given by , Miss Sarah Padgett. After the j demonstration a round table \ discussion of plans for fair ex- 1 dibits; also other important : immunity matters was held.! All the girls of the commun- j ity are invited to the next dem- 1 lustration by the Home Dem- j onstrator which will be the ! Ptccond Monday in August. The ] fancy pack of beans will be I made and Miss Padgett hopes that a large number of the girls will take part not only in the j Demonstration but in prepar- j ing canning for the Fair. Revival Meeting is being ; onducted at the Baptist! Church by Reverend Lunsford j of Saluda and Florida. Dr. and Mrs. Whitesides of Maiden N. C., and Mrs. Ad die Taylor of Rutherfordton, j i^ave been visiting Mr. and I Mrs. Elliot. Miss Christine Grey of Bris- 1 tol, Tenrr., has returned to her home after spending some time here with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McChesney. Miss Jeanette Feagan has j been visiting in Landrum. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mcintosh ; made a business trip to Ashe ville Friday. Mr. Marion Mills of Spartan burg is visiting ^n Columbus. ? Misses Gertrude ? West and Eunice Cloud have gone to Asheville. Proffe?sor and Mrs. E. W. S. Cobb and family are visiting in Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mcintosh of Denver, N. C., parents of Proffe&sor J. W. Mclntt>sh of the Stearns High School vis ited here last week. Twenty -it wo members of the Christian Endeavor and the Presbyterain Church picnicked at the Battleship last week. Reverend Murry of Shelby will conduct a Revival service' at the Presbyterain Church be ginning the first Sunday in August. , Jackson Carson was operated on this week. Mrs. J. R. Smith is very ill. Mrs. Furrof Clinton, S. C., Mr. and Mrs. George Dedmond, and Mary. Lee Murry, Mr. Ware of Falston, N. C., visited Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Dedmond Sun day. / TRYON ROUTE ONE Roasting-ear ' time is here again. Canning blackberries was the occupation last week. Aunt Linda Owens (aged 78) picked thirty and one half gallons for i her neighbors. Misses Pearl and Essie Ed wards left this morning for Greensboro to attend summer school at the State College. Mrs. John D. Sitton of Ander-* son, S. C., was the guest of her sister, Miss Sallie Carpenter, Saturday night. Miss 'Sallie spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Voorhies. sr Mrrand Mrs. W. C. Hague iand family were Sunday guests ! at the home of W. B. Edwards. | w Born to Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Moss a girl. | Miss Bessie Hamilton and j brother Paul made a flying bus iness trip to Rutherfordton and Spindale, N. C. last Friday, i The old s wimming ' hole is the ! ideal sport and recreation for these hot summer days. MELVIN HILL f .. | A large crowd attended the meeting of the cotton associa tion held at the school house Wc:!:he3day night. Besides -the interest aroused in the associa tion all enjoyed the witty re marks of Mr. Breece and the song by Mr. and Mrs. Breece. Mrfc. Clara F. Watson and her nephew, Elbert Westbrook at tended the Ford .parade at Spar,tanburg Friday. The revival meeting began at Greens Creek Sunday, with Rev. Hunnicutt of Landrum conducting the meeting. Let's give the meeting our interest and prayeri. Mr. Creston Hines has secured a position at Spindale. ? Mr. Jack Burnett was a vis itor here Sunday. Miss Evelyn Cole has return ed home after a visit of several weeks with Miss Chressie Bur nett. ? Miss Padgett organized a home demonstration club here last Thursday. Let's boost our club and have the best in the county. Mrs. M. L# Feagan is on the sick list this week. FISHTOP (Fish top news has been scarce this summer due to the pro longed illness of E. J. Bradley for many years correspondent from that section of Polk County.) s ? We have had a very wet spring and and early summer, but dry foi; a quite a time and crops are now looking fine es pecially corn and cottofi. Apples are sorry, falling off j before they are ripe. f No peaches. Plums in abundance. Tomatoes are rotting some and bothered with worms. Ratlers as usual in abund ance. One family reports hav ing killed five and all large j ones and the season not half over. While the government re- ? ports a short crop of honey, we ' are having an abundance of fine honey, mostly honey dew, the best variety. Timber actu ally dripped with it in many places for weeks. Fishers " and hunters from \ South Carolina seem to be plen- i tifuL They report poor corn j crops but good cotton if the weevil will let it alone. Ernest Laughter ? returned home on a visit last week from Charlotte. The News seems to have made quite a change. Sub scribe for your County paper. o i ; .? ; i >r.' C5 I; ; ill- i : ilit- i.t.uMy odd Inventions u, .1 i ;i? ? i e less practical nature li'ei" .i " ^pe? i;;des for horses. The purp< se is &:iid to be not to im prove the sight, hut by causing the ground in front to appear nearer than it really is, to induce the horse to take high steps. 0 Stdrboard and Lat board. The starl.oard sin the same duy >f the weel. as the month of January; February. Mivn h and November begin in the same d*?% of the week. Ma> lune and Auyust begin on different lays. Tlese rules do not apply t<* Jeap ve'-r-i. The ordinary year always finishes ?>:> t e 'nine day of the week is i* Im *i Crowded China. ChJna is larger in area than the United States, Mexico and Central America. It has four times the popu lation of the United States, eight times the population of all South America, almost equal the population of alf Eu rope and one-quarter of the popula j tfcu of the world. The Yangtze delta. | with an area about equal to Illinois, ? I has a population of 40,000,000, or 1 800 to the sqnare mile. */ W. F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC T ryon, N. C. FOR SALE ? Wilcox Dairy Farm, two good cottages and barn, 20 acres, some good bot tom land. This place will be sold at a very reasonable price and on terms to suit purchaser. JAMES LEONARD. For Sale:? In the beautiful Pac ioet Valley, fine residence of seven rooms, two fine fire places, large porch, cement pillars and floor. Desirable locality. * James Leonard. Fresh cow for sale. Inquire C. M. Howes, Valhalla. Tele phone or call . ' 0 . FOR SALE ' Strickly fancy selected Rose bloom Brand Peaches* Crate ? six baskets ? $3.50 F. 0. ~ B. Shipment day order received to any address. Send remittance with order. Add express if de sire prepaid. "Rosebloom Orchard Co., Aberdeen, N. C. For Sale : ? Cow, bed and other household articles. Call after one o'clock at old Leish PlaceN Floyd Clapper. -0 Ct)LUMBUS BAPTIST CHURCH Preaching Every 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays at 11 o'clock. Every Sunday night. S. A. STROUP, Pastor. ICE t Purity in the ice you use in j your home is a most impor tant consideration.. Purity Ice is made by a pro cess that frees the block of all suspended matter. Visit our Ice Plant and let us show you why you are safe in placing food in direct contact with Purity Ice or in using it in iced drinks. . \ HOME ICE PLANT Tryort N. C. s, - ? Does Defective Vision Make You Irritable? , ? . V V * . No human ailment causes as much irritabil ity as failing eyesight. The only way to flood your soul with sunshine is through your eye windows. Let us Uft the shades of your vis ion and give you ? n^w out look on life and its wonderful possibilities. R. E. Biber T , ' \ OPTOMETRIST 103 W. Mais St ^ Spartanburg, - S. C. ? ~f Significance in Number Three. Why should not three cigarettes !>? lighted from one match? This super stition is an oriental one. In parts of the Near K?i st three wax tapers are placed by a deathbed, and three light! 'ire held ro be a slcm 01 death. j '. VVigG Made of Chinsse Hair; T r enter wigs are generally made from Chinese iiair, split by machinery, since it is course. in texture, bleached nod dyed. - * Tr '*'*vz t'? him n*f iJ:ev burn ?;n t4-.? ! earib. has fcol !i?r: ?? bi'-ii ulcers i *er dream of. ? !V ?TN??n. 0 ? ' C :.r I. .! ;*.i r . Krc- ? ? ? !y \v* !:? :r ebon! Ml'nv\ fnnes." 't ' ???'(? 1:" ir'irc ?)" suvl. person. '"* ? ? !' ? ?,d vo.? ? }?< .?!; of i "DufTv rrd.-'n I.u yon have the | origi;?;j| riirase. Duffy Is the West Indira negro term !>?:? r!ie spi rit of Ton :h. " . 0 Ths Gentle Arc. All an.Iers are j/eniUMiien, reg;-ro less of ilieir business railing, aT>^"ir ance. personality of isanpaniom!! p When a man ? lislierman or no timber- | man ? develops into an an :!er lie ni:nt 1 first become gentle in order to be o* the gentle art. ? From "The Deter mined A8 gler and the r.rook Trout" i by Charles Brad/ord. notice ^ North Carolina, Polk County*. In the Superior Courts M. na Lanford vs. A. M iw111* The defendant ah .\ . r/Jr^ will take notice thai an entitled as above has- k-.,n Cfl0fi menced in the superior i0nrt ^ Polk County to obtain a divL from the bonds of e in favor of the plaintiff ^ the grounds of adultery JS five years separation f ^ l wife by said defendant; anj the said defendant wj'1 furth take notice that he i.-, requirS to appear at the n ex* u>Ym !? the superior court cf cou ly'to be held on,the first Mon" day in September, a{ t^ court house of said county iB Polk County, North Carolina and answer or demur ;0 thj complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief in said complaint. This 26th day of Vjv. 1923 H. H. CARSON Clerk of the Superior Court. Notice of Admins- ration. Notice is hereby gi\cn that I have this day qualified as ad ministrator on the esiak- of W. A. Mill Sr., deceased late of Polk County, this is to notify all persons to present their claims to me against said '-estate within one year from date of this notice, or the same will be pleaded at bar recover}'. Any person or persons in. debted to said estate will make prompt payment to mo. This 16th, July 1923. . . JOHN R. BURGESS .Adminstrator of W. A. Milla Sr. deceased. PUT IT Up ft, w ' nish th* ? u"P to us t0 fur* nght kind of a?S^f rfeXf,enence * fhX u Lumber that is of TOur I f? ins?? 2'J"nS , '""lb? thai ^ - be exactly what - m, : ?u" 1 T; lw ?? ^ you want done. '? J. Green Lumber Co. Tryon, North C arolina muNk Fare tZH !? SPar*anburg Tiyon L^ve n ^Sparta"burg $1.00 Swrtaniurg sl,, J; J- - Jwrtliilmre 3.;S ' e ??> ? ?ffl JT? - ?? P. . to?b?rg &m uppei^ en^af'squar?6 througfthf m"om!tainsb fewour or ?l-;:I . Carolina is an . y~'?s ?f Western Noiiii these vacation days. y spending , F*ur and Eight* x?w ? ? servi^anrfp, ^.3 maximum . ? [, minimum upkee ? Th ^ a demo?8tration Phone or write ? V; " ? -y n ?* n> little Distributor ^ poll, saloda. N. Vou",y V -V