To All Citizens of Polk County 7 But To Parents of Club Members Especially We have undertaken to hold an Encampment of Club Boys and Girls of Polk County at Columbus, N. C., beginning at 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, August 21, and continuing up to Fri day and including August 24. The object of this encampment is to assemble Club mem bers for training for better work and to develop leaders capable of leadership along Agricultural lines for the future. Trained men and womeri will give lectures, drills, and practical demonstrations in Agriculture, Home Economics, Club work and etc. We want fifty Club Members in this encampment; twenty five boys and twenty-five girls or as nearly so as practical A school bus will bring the Club Members from Saluda and Tryon Tcwnships to Columbus, one from Cooper Gap and White Oak Townships, and one from Green's Creek and Colum bus Townships on Tuesday August 21 ? and return them on Friday August 24. Sleeping and eating' accommodations will be arranged at the Stearns High School Domitories on the following conditions: Each memjber must bring along a lunch for Tuesday night al ready prepared. For further meals, each member must bring 6 slices of ham, 6 fresh eggs. 12 pound sugar, 1 chicken (frying size) 1 quart canned fruit (apples, peaches or berries) 4 good size Irish potatoes, 4 good size sweet potatoes, 1 quart green beans, 1 jelly glass of lard, 1 glass jelly or 1 pint sorghum syrup, 1 quart corn meal, 1 quart flour. Come with clothes suitable for work and practice on play ground; and for hikes in the mountains or trip to Chimney j Rock. Also bring towels, wash cloth, soap, hair brush, and comb, j tooth brush, drinking cup, sheet, blanket and pillow if desired, 1 and each one should bring along about $2.00 cash to meet any ; emergency that might arise. Every precaution will be used to take care of the boys and girls in the way of health and safty and to this end each one j must sign the following pledge, viz. I, hereby pledge my sacred j honor to obey orders and commands given by J. R. Sams, County j Agent or Sarah M. Padgett Heme Agent or any of the specialists ! employed by them in this encampment, and I wiW not leave the campus, nor the crowd while on a hike or trip to Chimney Rock or elsewhere without permission. Parents of the Club members are cordially invited to attend all meetings. And the public, so for as room will permit. mit; SARAH M. PADGETT . J. R. SAMS Home Agent County Agent COLUMBUS AND MILL 'newed Jife at both places is ap SPRING PLUNGE (parent; at Mill Spring an elab FORWARD orate high school building is un , ;der construction; at Columbus Six miI?3S west of Tryon, in a . two m"es ,of cement. sidewalks, "spacious valley," noted for its f. "ew a canning estab agricultural productiveness and j hshment, and garage have been overlooked by a gigantic, constructed. Electric lights crescent-shaped range of the aj?[j *^e- n?w na^lonal highway Blue Ridge,- lies Columbus, the j "e rea?y soon. county seat of Polk, while five l The coming of Bro. * S. A. miles beyond is the beautiful ,'Stroup from Maiden to Colum little village, Mill Spring. Re- i bus-Mill Spring field January ? ? # , I 10, 1923, was a great impetus to j the work. This devoted pastor j has won the effection of his peoplte. In six months there have been realized a new Senior B. Y. P. U. and W. M. S. at Mill Spring, (a B. Y. P. U. was al ready at Columbus) the adopt ing of budget system of finance in both churches and a steady increase in membership. Since the adoption of the budget financial system in these churches Mill Spring has spent three hundred dollars for build ing improvement alone; Colum bus has installed electric lights, i purchased a parsonage, and in creased pastor's salary, a total cash gain from three hundred dollars per year to eight hun dred dollars in six month's ap proximately five hundred per cent increase. Realizing that the total, for both churches, is approximately two hundred members, the progress is evi dent aftd gratifying. The writer had the delight ful privilege of being with Bro. Stroup in B. Y. P. U. institutes at both churches July 8-14. Miss Aliene Edwards and Miss Esther Gibbs are the aggressive presidents at Columbus and Mill Spring, respectively. A good number of both churches took the courses. Sweet be the deathtess memories of labor with Brother Stroup and his de voted people. ? Biblical Record. ? 0 The side to take in a European row is the outside. A revolving door is no place to change your mind. When Germany isn't passing the buck, It's passing strange. Never lend a gun to a man who leads an aimless &istence. Europe can fihoulder her burdens better by shouldering her arms less. Don't knock. The tightwad may be tight because he hasn't got the wad. Russia is trying to entice the Douk hobors back. The Doukhobors like to work. Unfortunately for our times, nobody has yet discovered a way to rest in ? hurry. Some of the Idiots are behind tall iron fences, and some are behind steer ing wheels. It Is now possible to do one*! court* ing by radio ? If you are courting only one at a time. I > And while we're talking about die- 1 armament, why not begin at home on the gun toters? ; s. Suspenders are back In Style and so far back that some men are call ing them galluses. I i Tchitcherln says Russia Is standing i on her dignity, which may be why she doesn't measure up. I When the husband asks If he needs I a shave, he isn't after information. He's after an alibi. The sun has begun to rise earlier each' day. Old timers say that la a j sure sign of spring. The cars have distinctive names, but j pedestrians are listed under the gen eral head of "traffic." The hardest cynic Is Just a varia tion of the type formerly known as the village smart-Aleck. The war wasn't entirely useless. It taught a lot of persons of noble line age to earn their living. Lost : JLiOst strayed or stolen, 1 large white pointer with a few light liver spots from Landrum Monday afternoon, August 6. Last seen following a wagon in North Landrum. v Liberal reward for informa tion leading to recovery of dog Address J. A. Hunnicutt, Lan drum, S. C. o NOTICE OF SALE. Pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain mortgage deed executed by George A. Gash and Nannie Gash, his wife/ to M. W. Page on the 28th day of January 1913 and of record in the office of Register of Deeds for Polk County, in Book 9 at page 199, to secure payment of the in debtedness and interest therein set forth, default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness and interest, the undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash at the Court House door of Polk County, in Colum bus, North Carolina, on Friday the 17th day of August 1923, at 12 o'clock noon the following described land and premises, [conveyed by said mortgage, to 1 wit: That tract of land lying and being in the Town of Tryon, County of Polk and State of North Carolina and known and designated as follows; Begin ning at the Northeast corner of Mrs. Alice Missildine's lot and extending thence Northerly along the Lynn Road one hun dred and sixty-six (166 feet; thence 86. 39 min. West one hundred and twenty-nine and feet: thence South 10. 5 min. East one hundred and sixty-six (166) feet to the Northerly line of the said Mrs. Missildine; thence along said line Easterly one hundred and twenty-three (123) feet to the place of the beginning. Being all of lot One and sixty five and five tenths (65.5) feet of lot Two of Hadley Subdivi sion of the Town of Tryon. This 16th day of July 1923. Walter Jones M. W. Page, Attorney. Mortgage. The Bank of Tryon, Assignee and owner of mortgage. ? o ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as adminr istrator of the estate of D. C. Westbrook, deceased, with the will annexed, notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the said estate are required to present their claims to the undersigned within twelve months from date and failure to do so will be plead in recov ery of any such claim. Notice lis further given to any person or persons owing said estate to make immediate payment of the same. This the 6th day of July, 1923. ANNA GREEN, Administrator. C. 0. RIDINGS, Attorney. o NOTICE. North Carolina Polk County Having qualified as admin istrator with the will annexed of the estate of J. G. Hughes, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the decedent to exhibit the same to the undersigned admin istrator on or before the 31st day of May 1924, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to the decedent are requested to make settlements to the under signed administrator at once. This 31st day of May* 1923/ ' _ J.B.HESTER Administrator with the will an nexed. Administrator's r Wachova BaiiL- ' ^ Company havC^C Administrator 5itvqi% nexed of the kS ' McKee, deceased ]a(0' J County, North c,^< IS to notify all , ' ?V Claims again?" t^S??? W' said deceased ,?%i to the undersized ^ ' the 20 day this notice v.-,'! (,? e', ^ bar of li,..;, ? rt?H persons indebted t? Estate wilt rw,to the mediate payment ??kt This the i) 'i.., 1923. Jay of Wachovia Bank and u, Administrator r ?"*l I Henry H. .V. k Ass t Trustpl i notice of sale i Pursuant to po confined in thai ce^ | gage deed eve-, utedt" ! Edgerton and Susie L I his wife, to The Psni ? on the 17th dkv 0f ,1917 and of record in tl ; of Register of Deeds 1 1 | County, in Book 12 at pi ito secure payment 0fT idebtedness and interest H set forth default hS ?tdteJn th" Wmw