Read Your Home Paper ? First ; i From 8 to 12 pages of good, clean readimr each week. Al ? * i so we have a fine cut and ad service for free use of our pat rons. See sample below. We also do all kinds of job printing at /Franklin Printing price List Prices.? The only way to be sure you are buying .printing; at a price fair to you us. Watch your dollars S-T-R-E-T-C-H at Efirtl* Dollj Daysl Friday and Saturday, August 24 and 25, Tempt ing bargains, hundreds of them unadvertised. You dollar will do more than double duty here Friday an Saturday. Let nothing keep you from this sale. BRING THE FAMILY Voiles in Light and Dark Shades Buy a new dress now. 7 yards for $1.00 BRING YOYR NEIGHBORS Children's Dr esses for Oollar Days Sizes 8 to 14 years. The biggest bargain vet Made of best quality imported jfe ~ gingham. Many styles and lots of pretty patterns in checks and plaids. Choice Dollar Days for 1.01 Dollar Day Ladies' Articles PALM OLIVE PRODUCTS SOAP A pure delicately scented Soap, made by the Palmolive people. Comes in generous size cakes. ?4 AA Dollar Days 25 cakes for 9 I iUU IMPORTED PEARS SOAP Ti e unscented kind. Purest and best Soap made. Dollar ?4 AA Days 7 cakes for .... 91 ?UU N A DINE TALCUM POWDER No better Talcum made, swefetly scented, absolutely pure. Regular 25c cans, Dollar Days ^4 A A G cans for :9 I "UU YOU CANCUY a good substantial .Suit Case' here Dollar ^4 AA Days worth $1.50 for 9 I ?UU These Dainty Little Undergarments that sold for $2.00 Suit included in this great Dollar Day Sale. You'll have to be here on time Friday and Saturday for these Suits d* 4 AA They'll go quickly at, suit 9 I iUU LADIES' SATIN CAMISOLES In flesh and white. All sizes. Made of very heavy grade wash satin. Lace and ribbon d*4 ft ft trimmed. Sale price.. 9 I ?UU LADIES' KNIT TEDDIES Sumirier weight knit Teddies in flesh pr cream. Buy half a dozen suits at this price - $1.00 LADIES' MUSLIN DRAWERS Lace trimmed, made of good quality, full bleached Muslin ?4 AA 3 pairs for v . . 91 "UU ft ft OFF on all' Ladies Shoes, 9 I ?UU Slippers and . Oxfords priced $4.85 and up. DRESS GINGHAM Good fast color Dress Gingham. New patterns, 8 ?4 AA yards for . 91 "UU IMPORTED GINGHAM The finest Imported Gingham made, 75c value. 2 1-2 ?4 aa yards for 91 ?UU . WHITE GOODS 40-inch * White Voile lawns and Organdies. Dollar Days 8 yards for SHANTUNG SILK /-V. 36-inch Imported Shantung Silk in new Paisley patterns. ? 4 A A Dollar Days 1 yard for 9 I ?UU $1.00 fine lin $1.00 $1 .00 BUTY CHENE 36-inch Buty Chene for gerie^ in light and dark colors. 2 yards for ' SILK EPONGETTE Regular $1.65 value, all colors. Regular $1.65 value, all colors. Sale price, yard. 9 I Ladies Shirt waist A b*g table of Shirt Waist in Voiles, Drgandies and Stripe Dimity. Every style, every size. Come, get one of these " bargains, sure.i Values up to $3.00 for. . A Clearnece .of all4 Mid-Summer Dresses that sold up to $8.45. Swiss Dresses, Voile, we ?re going to sell them regardless of cost. You've never seen such bargains. Come early. The biggest bar gains of the year for. ... 9 I "UU LADIES' BUNGOLOW DRESSES Large, Medium and* Small ^ Sizes Light, dark and fancy colors, just the thing for house and garden wear. Made of fast co)or All percale. ?" Sale price 91 FINE SILK HOSE FOR LADIES' Here's Another Big Dollar Day Hosiery Bargain. Ladies' SiPk Hose, Worth $1.00 pair, Friday and Saturday Dollar Days 2 Pairs for $1.00 $1.00 . " LADIES SILK HOSE Pure Thread Silk Hose in Black and Colors. High Spliced Heels, Double Soles and Toes, Double Soles and Toes, Mercerized Garter Top. Only a limited number to sell of these. Be here Early. SI. 50 value for, pair CHILDRENS SOCKS In White. Solid colors' and# Fancy Tops. Our Regular 35c quality, Friday and Saturday 5^4 t\f\ Pairs for 9 I iUU Dollar Day Household Articles BATH TOWWELS Large size, 24-48-inch Bath Towels, plain and colored borders ? 4 All Sale price 3 for 91 ?UU WOOL TAPESTRY RUGS FROM THE SMALLEST TO THE LARGEST. ALL IN THE BIG DOLLAR DAYS SALE. 21x54 Tap Rugs. Many patterns. In all colors. $2.00 val- ?4 Alt for Dollar Days, each. . . 91 "UU LARGE SIZE TRIPLE GRASS RUGS 27-54 inches. Extra heavy. Wfl give double the wear of the ordinarj kind of grass rug. Sale j 'rice Dollar Days $ I iUU OFF on all 9x12 Ruf ?%J priced at 18.50 to $24.51 OFF on air 9x12 fee w??UUrugs priced 825.00 am up.* WINDOW SHADES Good rollers. Best cloth. Sale price 2 for $1.00 Off on every Pattern of Si selling for $1.50 and up. where 3 1-1 yards or more is purchased $1.01 Dollar Day Bargains forii UU priced $25 tip. *4 | 7 collars for w ? ' BOYS' WORK sunns Regular 75c Solid co^i. blue cl^ bray 'Work Shirts ^ colors. Dollar I>;