^ nV.-inN ?' "'<0^ , besf ,fl)f j ^fh'sf "'-f r~'" ? losing- busl- j filC .'(>v l?'?ce when r,Mls ?'??? f only >!???: 0' the 'terns. Ijfrtdlo Is P'i:'r '?> convert the world Jfjjl |ia\f to . i : the Jazz. hoW ,M rubber boots In ? I I* ire iu?."v "??'???.:ble tliHii they look. jK?eJ(l?>ni p:i>< U' step on the gaS in iiifioT >r* s <-n the ruuninjr 'ffce les.? pri-ie ' ;?n has, the fewer Mings fie riiais if necessary to lie m picture* , can. he sent by radio, but iDd jK'taf?>e> still have to use the Bd{Htca?. ft! ids Idol rf 1^5 the worM vnnvs wiser and wiser, jpjs nuTf siiui more ways to make f|NKine*< '"rend" Is a movement .iir.vti.'i) !s best learned fn spei'f. Ik modern Idea seems to he to I a ami then build a eoi- ! aroiind it. |j jnan !> ?M when his arteries be- I i to har-S-ii or his purse strings be- i i to tiplifen. I reallv such a thing as md thoueht. The first one was an Impulse. IftsslMy the belief that "the good ? young" nrosc from contemplation he old-timers. It onrht to be easy to ftnd all the ; Irfrws: every cue of them is all lit with diamonds. Itn> many them think salesman . consists In showing you that you n't know what you want. | They say the women are carrying j eney In the galoshes. Is this what ' akes that JInu'lIng sound? Oddly enough. the age that does most j prolong life is doing the most to j ke IP not worth prolonging. |Thouch airplanes stay indoors on ae ut of the C"ld, the atmosphere Is all bttered up with ski Jumpers. |inother way to ?et on your feet Is inse them on the sidewalk instead fthe clutch ami brake pedals. tlen the average man picks up the rcpa:>er> lie has scattered, he thinks a gr^at help about the house. [Sooting galleries for women may Into evidence If the feminine tocy to use ftivarms develops. pe world Isn't really growing bet It ju^t seems that way because don't hear the word "sweetie" so : the world needs is a wind ^ glass that will make the car ' pede^tririn out In front look like i I tack. j*fce ri,i.r?' wi> think of world profl 8^ tin* ?> wr respect the fine ?*lity tlrjt j^rsunded Judas to hang bself. >: ??.. some men never t<>s< |dr hat the. ring is that they t the house and thinks^ ccht the one who goes out, ' ? 8 at tin Uiermometer and know? >rt(V^W appropriate that the t* Kivsni-sv l>asso should come ^U!>siu v.here the deei^st rum ^ heen done during the laat 91 We are Constantly working for improvements in all departments of our store. Just now it is our SODA FOUNTAIN Lemon and Orangeade made from fresh fruit. | Watch the process. Fresh whole milk from Jersey cows; the most enjoyable bracer in the world. Con sider food value as well as thirst quencher. MISSILDINE'S PHARMACY The Rexall Store Tryon. N. C I ? Matrimony is the most efficiMt Ot tdttcatlonal Institution. When the frost U on the asphalt and the driver's in the ditch. Anothei* good thing to take for a caugh is the cigarette cure. 4 No man ever loses faith in humanity ; while the profits are coming in. True religion Is like wisdom ? the j more we have the less we parade it. ? When ignorance is bliss it seems foolish to undergo an Intelligence test. Nature made a great mistake when , she gave cats nine lives and turkeys only one. An absent-minded married man is ( one who puts coal on the cat and puts | out the fire. You never can tell. A man may have his ups and downs, and still be on the level. The man who wrote "Joy cometh in the morning" lived before the time of alarm clocks. ? Egotism consists in blowing your ? own horn and scolding because the i world is out of tune. I Holiday ? The day on which a "man does all the little odd Jobs his wife has saved up for him. A vindictive nature is the kind that makes the pedestrian wish at times that he were a tack. Orange face powder Is the latest fad among the girls. A rare combina tion of nuts and fruit! The bloom of y#uth Is charming, un less It blooms a little higher In one cheek than In the other. A man never realizes how many things he disapproves of until his own daughter reaches sixteen. Perhaps It is Just as well that Amer- I lea was discovered before Europe | mussed itself up this way. Freedom. *,o slavery can be abolished with out a double emancipation, aad the master wilj benefit by freedom am than the freedman. ? Huxley. W. F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon, N. C. ? r The News $1.50 a Year. Is Your Eyesight 100 , Per Cent Efficient? The eyes of very few per sons are up to the hundred per cent efficiency mark. When eye deterioration starts in the change from good eyesight to bad is slow but sure. The growth of eye ailments can be re tarded and your vision im proved if you will consult , us. R. E. Biber OPTOMETRIST 103 W. Main St. Spartanburg, - S. C. WE'RE READY FOR YOUR CAR whenever you are. If it's a rush or emergency job, just say the word and we'll get busy right away. Our men and tools are at your disposal. If stuck out on the road or in your garage, phone us and say "Trouble." BISHOP S GARAGE Landrum, S. C. For the Carpenter or Home Mechanic Good, Sharp Tools not only make the task, easier to do, but they, aid you in taming out a better piece of work. The Blue Grass Tools we ofier for your approval are the highest quality we can get, yet the prices are very moderate. \ Farmers Supply Co. LaSdcm I % Massage and Scalp Treatment I ? If you want your scalp treated, shampoo, dry cleaning, the hair curl (bobbed or long hair), henna rinse, facial massage or manicuring, call or 'phone 105-4 rings. t ' - ? JOSEPHINE HAVOEN CAMP. (Col.) He Has a Bank Account t I Have you taken the step necessary to insure you and your I family the happy home life that is the birthright of every American? It is the man who has the forethought and the will power to start a sav ings account when he is earning money? and saves a certain amount each payday? who lives a normal life in a happy home. Let us help you get started with an account 'today. You will thank us many times over in the years to come. No loans are made by this bank to any of its officers or directors. G. H. HOLMES, President J . T. WALDROP Vice President WALTER JONES Vice President W. Fi LITTLE Cashier V. A. BLAND Asst. Cashier FOSTER THOMSON Asst. Cashier PEOPLES BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Member American Bankers Association Tryon, North Carolina ; Mo|t of us don't object to a pow dered face, but to the one powdered in spots to give a two-tone effect. It Isn't impossible to forgive a son *ho thinks he knows more than his old dad unless he is right about it. The man who grieves because the horse is becoming extinct has never picked up a horseshoe with a new cas ing. * Everybody has habits, but you hare noticed, haven't you, that It is the other fellow's habit that is always atrocious. Since one American cigarette costs 1,000,000 rubles in Moscow, the ques tion naturally arises: Why not smoke rubles Instead? - The human infant Is the most help j less of all animals. Otherwise he j probably wouldn't be saddled with a portion of the war debt. A scientific writer, who appears to i be about ten years behind the times, I predicts that in ten years there will I be no servant girls in American homes. Canada complains that we Amerl I cans know nothing about Canadians. Well, for the matter of that, we Amer I icans do not know very much about ourselves. ^ Although it is believed that certain Interests have/designs on all the ether | dose to the earth for a radio monup- [ nly, interplanetary space has not yet heen staked out. Woman's determination is evidenced 1 ! by the fact that when she shoots a! husband or a stranger she does not put up Jlie plea that she did not know the gun was loaded. ? ? They say the people of the United States spend $100 000,000 more annu , ally for candy than they do for edu cation. And they don't get their dis positions very sweet at that. At that there are so many pessi mists continually saying everything is getting worse it will be a welcome change to have # lot of us proclaiming they are getting better and better. Stanlslaw Wojciechowskl was elect ed president of Poland. If freedom shrieked when Kosciusko fell, whal kind of a yell Is she going to let out If anything happens to Wojciechowskl 1 50 I GOOD CIGARETTES 1A< GENUINE "BULL" DURHAM TOBACCO Like Finding $ $ DOLLAR M OurOnt-of-Town pat rons are especially invited to attend our Dollar Day Sale Friday and Saturday, 24th and 25th inst. We pur pose to make it worth your time and expense to do so. Your dollar will have more purchasing power at our stopb during this sale than it has had in many a day. Come and make our store your headquar ters. 1 OCTAGONAL STRIP SHINGLES Distinctive Roofs ? Artistic 2 -color designs in the finished roof! That\* the big feature of the new Barrett Ever Octagonal Strip Shingles. These shingles are octagonal in form and surfaced with mineral in rich fadeless shades of red, green or blue-black. Merely by interchanging strips of the colored shingles, many distinctive patterns are obtained. You must see these shingles to appreciate their beauty. Come in and let us show them to you. They're inexpensive too ? and the Barrett label J. T. Green Lumber Co. Tn""Vc. v r - v * - * , . ?: * i ' ? * | t . off''''- ? ... - / * ' : " y t ? *'j' ? i- -k'; Is ?? c insures highest quality.